J.R, you are a true champion, a champion of humanity unequivocally so, I applaud your efforts, love receiving, reading your papers authored, it is an education received par excellence, you have been vilified, denigrated, maligned, marginalised, cancelled, for what….. the truth… I despise the weak minded, the guilt ridden who resort to such vile attacks as an blithe attempt to mitigate and ausage their own guilt, guilt resulting from being wrong… it’s that simple, for wrong they are now proven to be and given their continued excesses, the definition of being both vile and evil.
I wrote recently regarding the magnificent paper Steve Kirsch wrote in debating for the USD$2million purse the deleterious effects of the U.S. DoD, Intelligence Agencies orchestrated scamdemic a paper he won in my view though still to be adjudged, finally with a fact based argument… as you would fully expect from someone like Steve, much cut in the same cloth as yourself J.R, an individual with a patent love for decency, humanity, righteousness…. It really is as simple as that for how else can people as committed like yourselves be defined?
When the dust finally settles, humanity will owe you and those akin you big time… I am personally proud to know and live vicariously through your endeavours… proud, so proud… the very best to you..
Kia Kaha from New Zealand
P.s Read the papers and $2million debate ex following the link… best always.
Wow. What a misuse of justice declaring such rubbish as a declared truth. Jessica, you so eloquently called them out as the fools they are. The truth has been exposed and this university spokesperson has turned a blind eye and published a ridiculous article.
It's ALL par for their course. I Just paused viewing a remarkable vid about half-way through, because it's very nausiating to have therin reiterated these very DARK truths, concerning the top secret societies. Yet there is much to be gleaned in thoroughly reviewing the facts and letters exposed within this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVz9rXPZ2og called "The History of the Jesuits." It exposes more than what I've learned about some things.
Once digested, over a series of sit-downs (because it's nausiating and lengthy) the gaps and irrational societal behavior become "illuminated." (I do NOT like to use that word, but it's descriptive.)
Yours in the ONE True God, Jesus Christ, and The Father God, and the Holy Spirit.
Jessica... McGill was a key player in the CIA's MK Ultra project starting in the 1950s. The odious Dr. Sidney Gottlieb oversaw the work at the time commuting there from his "lab" in NY. You can rest assured that the ethos of that time has not changed and remains ebedded in the fabric of McGill. as in places like Yale, Stanford, UW, etc
It is no surprise to see such purposeful mal-information exude from the hallowed halls of McGill.
Sidney's ghost is beaming with pride somewhere in the ether... Canada will be a perfect fit as our "51st State"!
"It uses the inflammatory and meaningless word 'Anti-vaxxer.'”
Anti-vaxxer isn't meaningless. It's an instance of name calling. It has been loaded with negative emotion. Moreover, it isn't just a garden variety bad name, like "jerk." It is used as a label to identify the person as not-belonging-to-the-safe-group. Anti-vaxxers are then perceived as being traitors or otherwise enemies -- a threat to the group and the safety of the members of the group. One recalls "the Hun" (WWI) and "Trotskyite Counter-Revolutionary" as similar phrases.
I believe McGill University participated in MKULTRA, experimentation on humans to find out how to 100% control their minds as against human conscience. A precursor to nanoscale self-assembling "receivers" in the human body, for receiving "external" control signals. Unconsented to control by others.
Part of the "Total Awareness" project of DARPA -- meaning awareness or information gathering without consent of all information about each individual, from thoughts, to medical status (in violation of HIPAA), to "social" contacts.
Enables the unknown few to control "others" or "the many". The ultimate totalitarian tool.
The origins are pathological, based on a fear and hatred of human beings. Marry "pathology" and "power" = might makes right. The state of unrestrained lawlessness.
I am deeply disappointed by the overall response of the western natural science community to the Covid "event. Last year I retired from a fine career in marine science <https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=en&pli=1&user=Qvoud4IAAAAJ>, and I was glad to be able to leave. The first papers on virus gene sequences indicated something fishy already, and the gap between official narrative and reality became wider and wider with every day. Any and every natural scientist had the ability and opportunity to evaluate this, but very few did, almost none in my institute & university. I experience distinct pressure from above for my attempt to share scientific publications with the people I was responsible for through our internal channels. Now I understand much better what happened to the German academic environment in 1933. I have lost my trust in our scientific system. Its just people like Jessica who hold out hope for better times.
Trust! Lost by the public in media, the medical system, the governments. Once lost how can it be regained? I guess we should add the education system to the list.
Perhaps this has been true for centuries. Same type of people, different generations. same family names be it royal families like Windsors or family dynasties like Rothschilds. Economic power houses like Rockefeller, Goldman Sacs. on and on.
The fellow is a cowardly (he is being paid to lie and is afraid of losing his social status and/or employment) fool. He richly deserves the contempt with which he will be rewarded before long. It's a shame he can't muster up a little of the courage and integrity you have been demonstrating for years now.
Having just read your restack of Jon Fleetwood's DARPA article, what's become alarming about our US (and by extension NATO) armed forces, is the absence of basic strategic thinking.
The purpose of a defense is to resist or repel an attack, or else retaliate" with such force that an enemy loses more than he might gainn. French President François Mitterand explained the French nuclear weapons cache as "sufficient to inflict more damage on an invading nation, than France is worth".
Infectious biological warfare agents pose a symmetric threat. If I attack with them, I also become infected. I do myself as much or more harm than I do the enemy.
That in turn makes the retaliatory use of infectious biological weapons even dumber.
The enemy attacks my people by starring a pandemic. We get sick and so does he.
Then we retaliate with another biological weapon and create a second pandemic. The enemy get sick again and we get sick again.
The combination of two parallel infections very likely does more harm than would either by itself.
Nobody who passed a basic, forst-year military science course at one of the service academies or in the Reserves, would miss that point. You do not strengthen your defense if touu use a weapon that makes you weaker.
JFK made the first nuclear weapons treaty with the Soviets. Among the provisions was a promise not to add cobalt to any nuclear weapon. At that time, the science established that putting cobalt in a fusion bomb would release long-lasting Cobalt-60 fallout. By one calculation published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 400 cobalt bomb explosions would make Earth uninhabitable by humans, as Cobalt-60 would absorb into what was left of the food chain
How did our thinking go so backward over six decades, that a principle of strategy understood by everyone in 1963 was completely forgotten in 2013?. The decline of teaching logical thinking, particularly at the university level, is the only sensible explanation.
We started governing stupidly aftee we stopped thinking intelligently.
It is apparent that McGill university, and the Office of Science and Society-"separating sense from nonsense", is instead of either conducting a scientific evaluation of VAERS data, or consulting an expert who has done so, is doubling down on mRNA jab propaganda. This can only result in harming students and harming the reputation of McGill University. It is a sad day when such a formerly esteemed institution of higher learning is willfully spewing anti science and propaganda, schilling for Big Pharma, Health Canada and the Canadian Gov't.
. . . an auto-didact called Gaston Naessens back in the late 1980's invented a unique microscope capable of live microbe viewing at 10x the power of existing scopes and, woe be to Gaston(!), invented a camphor based cancer treatment to "illegally" treat and "cure" a number of cancer patients.
He was investigated by the state corporate medical association and they used testimony and contrivance by McGill University employees to discredit him at his trial. Over 100 "patients" and supporters protested outside the courthouse. [The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens; Christopher Bird]
It’s obvious that the author of this hit piece hasn’t read the under reporting study of VARES that was studied years ago at Harvard and you can argue the percentage of under reporting
or their platitude of the under reporting , but it has been studied , now the so called experts that do these hit pieces based nothing on science Facts, but just name-calling and smearing have to be certain clan of people of narcissist I can’t explain any other way shrink it down on a personal level. I was childishly
accused of not wishing someone a happy birthday. I know this is trivial, but it goes to the point of understanding communications between people . She stated I didn’t even wish her a happy birthday went back looked and sure enough I put a nice big post on her page colors on there balloons and cakes wishing her a happy birthday. I asked her why she made such a statement. Her reply was I guess it’s I guess it could be my fault. I had so many birthday wishes, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I do not like to continue conversations with such people like that. They will never admit their wrong posture of what they accused you of they just want to either control or put guilt on you for something they did I mean all you have to do to see that I wished her happy birthday look back at the posts of that day. It’s easily demonstrable.
I can’t understand why people attack without looking into something first , don’t want to trivialize this post by writing such nonsense of a personal level but thats the state of affairs of where we’re living in todays society.
I would say more than half of people You can’t have a normal meaningful conversation .
I kind of given up hope on Facebook spreading what I have learned on these podcasts I rather have dialogue discourse here with like-minded curiosity and insight, wanting dialogue not monologue.
You make a good point. I think it boils down, somewhat, that many folks lack emotional maturity. My sister in law sent off an email to the wife implying she failed to thank her/ mention them. . . for some stupid little note pads (Christmas gift) while, in the mail the previous day my wife had sent HER a present and in the enclosed note HAD mentioned the note pads. . . still in transit.
a crazy world, petty. Of course, guys. . . "just don't get it." either.
The cost of the education has nothing to do with the attitude of the graduates regarding actual science. Profs at and doctors graduated from all the prohibitively expensive universities in America mostly joined the Covid hysteria and promoted the jab.
I certainly hope Canada doesnt join America. It would be better for the world if America broke up into its constituent states and stopped interfering in other countries and making millions of people poor and miserable.
The emporor really has no clothes and they the politicians , the bureacrats , the unprofessional medical fraternity that supported this crime and were so incompetant , they couldn't see the overwhelming number of harms and fatalaties , are now simply in denial and or trying to cover their tracks....the public are waking up and those that were " gung ho " vaccine junkies are also starting to smell the " stinking rat ".....people are no longer listening to authority Jess , but they are listening to and paying attention to honest and reliable experts like yourself.....their desperation to carry on with the bullshit , only reinf orces the publics distrust....let publish any rubbish they like ....they really are looking very naked indeed.....🤷♂️🙏
hmmm. confused why this guy's name appears in the middle of the paragraph in which it appeared YOU were speaking. . .
"I am not an “anti-vaxxer”. I am an expert. I probably know more about the VAERS database than anyone in the world right now having analyzed it for more than 3 years straight now, and I also have 5 post secondary degrees in computational and biomedical sciences, Jonathan Jerry, MSc. I have used . . ."
J.R, you are a true champion, a champion of humanity unequivocally so, I applaud your efforts, love receiving, reading your papers authored, it is an education received par excellence, you have been vilified, denigrated, maligned, marginalised, cancelled, for what….. the truth… I despise the weak minded, the guilt ridden who resort to such vile attacks as an blithe attempt to mitigate and ausage their own guilt, guilt resulting from being wrong… it’s that simple, for wrong they are now proven to be and given their continued excesses, the definition of being both vile and evil.
I wrote recently regarding the magnificent paper Steve Kirsch wrote in debating for the USD$2million purse the deleterious effects of the U.S. DoD, Intelligence Agencies orchestrated scamdemic a paper he won in my view though still to be adjudged, finally with a fact based argument… as you would fully expect from someone like Steve, much cut in the same cloth as yourself J.R, an individual with a patent love for decency, humanity, righteousness…. It really is as simple as that for how else can people as committed like yourselves be defined?
When the dust finally settles, humanity will owe you and those akin you big time… I am personally proud to know and live vicariously through your endeavours… proud, so proud… the very best to you..
Kia Kaha from New Zealand
P.s Read the papers and $2million debate ex following the link… best always.
Could not have said it better myself.
But everyone loves her.
In fact, all the women here are fabulous real women. Intelligent, poised, focused, etc
I completely share your sentiments 🙌
Wow. What a misuse of justice declaring such rubbish as a declared truth. Jessica, you so eloquently called them out as the fools they are. The truth has been exposed and this university spokesperson has turned a blind eye and published a ridiculous article.
It's ALL par for their course. I Just paused viewing a remarkable vid about half-way through, because it's very nausiating to have therin reiterated these very DARK truths, concerning the top secret societies. Yet there is much to be gleaned in thoroughly reviewing the facts and letters exposed within this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVz9rXPZ2og called "The History of the Jesuits." It exposes more than what I've learned about some things.
Once digested, over a series of sit-downs (because it's nausiating and lengthy) the gaps and irrational societal behavior become "illuminated." (I do NOT like to use that word, but it's descriptive.)
Yours in the ONE True God, Jesus Christ, and The Father God, and the Holy Spirit.
Jessica... McGill was a key player in the CIA's MK Ultra project starting in the 1950s. The odious Dr. Sidney Gottlieb oversaw the work at the time commuting there from his "lab" in NY. You can rest assured that the ethos of that time has not changed and remains ebedded in the fabric of McGill. as in places like Yale, Stanford, UW, etc
It is no surprise to see such purposeful mal-information exude from the hallowed halls of McGill.
Sidney's ghost is beaming with pride somewhere in the ether... Canada will be a perfect fit as our "51st State"!
Terribly sad.
I was about to bring up this point about McGill! It’s a seriously corrupt institution!
Did you mean
Hell Owed halls ?
Dr Rose’s point # 1 was -
It’s an Order!
Next time the noted professor could try to use facts if he wants to convince
"It uses the inflammatory and meaningless word 'Anti-vaxxer.'”
Anti-vaxxer isn't meaningless. It's an instance of name calling. It has been loaded with negative emotion. Moreover, it isn't just a garden variety bad name, like "jerk." It is used as a label to identify the person as not-belonging-to-the-safe-group. Anti-vaxxers are then perceived as being traitors or otherwise enemies -- a threat to the group and the safety of the members of the group. One recalls "the Hun" (WWI) and "Trotskyite Counter-Revolutionary" as similar phrases.
Psychological warfare all over again.
I believe McGill University participated in MKULTRA, experimentation on humans to find out how to 100% control their minds as against human conscience. A precursor to nanoscale self-assembling "receivers" in the human body, for receiving "external" control signals. Unconsented to control by others.
Part of the "Total Awareness" project of DARPA -- meaning awareness or information gathering without consent of all information about each individual, from thoughts, to medical status (in violation of HIPAA), to "social" contacts.
Enables the unknown few to control "others" or "the many". The ultimate totalitarian tool.
The origins are pathological, based on a fear and hatred of human beings. Marry "pathology" and "power" = might makes right. The state of unrestrained lawlessness.
I am deeply disappointed by the overall response of the western natural science community to the Covid "event. Last year I retired from a fine career in marine science <https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=en&pli=1&user=Qvoud4IAAAAJ>, and I was glad to be able to leave. The first papers on virus gene sequences indicated something fishy already, and the gap between official narrative and reality became wider and wider with every day. Any and every natural scientist had the ability and opportunity to evaluate this, but very few did, almost none in my institute & university. I experience distinct pressure from above for my attempt to share scientific publications with the people I was responsible for through our internal channels. Now I understand much better what happened to the German academic environment in 1933. I have lost my trust in our scientific system. Its just people like Jessica who hold out hope for better times.
Trust! Lost by the public in media, the medical system, the governments. Once lost how can it be regained? I guess we should add the education system to the list.
I don't get people who do not understand how inequality works.
Globalism is behind this and YES, they own everything now.
They own politics and industry. Science and common sense agree on this.
Perhaps this has been true for centuries. Same type of people, different generations. same family names be it royal families like Windsors or family dynasties like Rothschilds. Economic power houses like Rockefeller, Goldman Sacs. on and on.
The fellow is a cowardly (he is being paid to lie and is afraid of losing his social status and/or employment) fool. He richly deserves the contempt with which he will be rewarded before long. It's a shame he can't muster up a little of the courage and integrity you have been demonstrating for years now.
Dr. Rose - thank you thank you thank you. May God keep and bless you in this work you do.
Having just read your restack of Jon Fleetwood's DARPA article, what's become alarming about our US (and by extension NATO) armed forces, is the absence of basic strategic thinking.
The purpose of a defense is to resist or repel an attack, or else retaliate" with such force that an enemy loses more than he might gainn. French President François Mitterand explained the French nuclear weapons cache as "sufficient to inflict more damage on an invading nation, than France is worth".
Infectious biological warfare agents pose a symmetric threat. If I attack with them, I also become infected. I do myself as much or more harm than I do the enemy.
That in turn makes the retaliatory use of infectious biological weapons even dumber.
The enemy attacks my people by starring a pandemic. We get sick and so does he.
Then we retaliate with another biological weapon and create a second pandemic. The enemy get sick again and we get sick again.
The combination of two parallel infections very likely does more harm than would either by itself.
Nobody who passed a basic, forst-year military science course at one of the service academies or in the Reserves, would miss that point. You do not strengthen your defense if touu use a weapon that makes you weaker.
JFK made the first nuclear weapons treaty with the Soviets. Among the provisions was a promise not to add cobalt to any nuclear weapon. At that time, the science established that putting cobalt in a fusion bomb would release long-lasting Cobalt-60 fallout. By one calculation published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 400 cobalt bomb explosions would make Earth uninhabitable by humans, as Cobalt-60 would absorb into what was left of the food chain
How did our thinking go so backward over six decades, that a principle of strategy understood by everyone in 1963 was completely forgotten in 2013?. The decline of teaching logical thinking, particularly at the university level, is the only sensible explanation.
We started governing stupidly aftee we stopped thinking intelligently.
All good points. However, except for radiation
or pestilence entrenched in animals,
symmetry can be destroyed by antidote, remedy, immunity, shield etc.
Often ignored are the value of the goods and services
provided by the target population and access rights via infrastructure through their territory. Costs of all of these will be higher
if occupation is necessary.
Still true - The purpose of war is not to kill your enemy,
but to impose your will upon him.
It is apparent that McGill university, and the Office of Science and Society-"separating sense from nonsense", is instead of either conducting a scientific evaluation of VAERS data, or consulting an expert who has done so, is doubling down on mRNA jab propaganda. This can only result in harming students and harming the reputation of McGill University. It is a sad day when such a formerly esteemed institution of higher learning is willfully spewing anti science and propaganda, schilling for Big Pharma, Health Canada and the Canadian Gov't.
McGill is mkultra research center , coincidence?
another little anecdote about McGill:
. . . an auto-didact called Gaston Naessens back in the late 1980's invented a unique microscope capable of live microbe viewing at 10x the power of existing scopes and, woe be to Gaston(!), invented a camphor based cancer treatment to "illegally" treat and "cure" a number of cancer patients.
He was investigated by the state corporate medical association and they used testimony and contrivance by McGill University employees to discredit him at his trial. Over 100 "patients" and supporters protested outside the courthouse. [The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens; Christopher Bird]
He was acquitted in 1989.
I’ve heard from Candice I recall it was , that the illustrious VP and cover girl was a student at McGill
ha ha! Love your alter ego there!
certainly, "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest!"
It’s obvious that the author of this hit piece hasn’t read the under reporting study of VARES that was studied years ago at Harvard and you can argue the percentage of under reporting
or their platitude of the under reporting , but it has been studied , now the so called experts that do these hit pieces based nothing on science Facts, but just name-calling and smearing have to be certain clan of people of narcissist I can’t explain any other way shrink it down on a personal level. I was childishly
accused of not wishing someone a happy birthday. I know this is trivial, but it goes to the point of understanding communications between people . She stated I didn’t even wish her a happy birthday went back looked and sure enough I put a nice big post on her page colors on there balloons and cakes wishing her a happy birthday. I asked her why she made such a statement. Her reply was I guess it’s I guess it could be my fault. I had so many birthday wishes, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I do not like to continue conversations with such people like that. They will never admit their wrong posture of what they accused you of they just want to either control or put guilt on you for something they did I mean all you have to do to see that I wished her happy birthday look back at the posts of that day. It’s easily demonstrable.
I can’t understand why people attack without looking into something first , don’t want to trivialize this post by writing such nonsense of a personal level but thats the state of affairs of where we’re living in todays society.
I would say more than half of people You can’t have a normal meaningful conversation .
I kind of given up hope on Facebook spreading what I have learned on these podcasts I rather have dialogue discourse here with like-minded curiosity and insight, wanting dialogue not monologue.
You make a good point. I think it boils down, somewhat, that many folks lack emotional maturity. My sister in law sent off an email to the wife implying she failed to thank her/ mention them. . . for some stupid little note pads (Christmas gift) while, in the mail the previous day my wife had sent HER a present and in the enclosed note HAD mentioned the note pads. . . still in transit.
a crazy world, petty. Of course, guys. . . "just don't get it." either.
Welcome to Canadian universities. That’s what all that “free education” socialism gets ya ;)
Country is lost. Will be part of America in 10 years. It should want to be anyways.
It’s coming…
The cost of the education has nothing to do with the attitude of the graduates regarding actual science. Profs at and doctors graduated from all the prohibitively expensive universities in America mostly joined the Covid hysteria and promoted the jab.
I certainly hope Canada doesnt join America. It would be better for the world if America broke up into its constituent states and stopped interfering in other countries and making millions of people poor and miserable.
The emporor really has no clothes and they the politicians , the bureacrats , the unprofessional medical fraternity that supported this crime and were so incompetant , they couldn't see the overwhelming number of harms and fatalaties , are now simply in denial and or trying to cover their tracks....the public are waking up and those that were " gung ho " vaccine junkies are also starting to smell the " stinking rat ".....people are no longer listening to authority Jess , but they are listening to and paying attention to honest and reliable experts like yourself.....their desperation to carry on with the bullshit , only reinf orces the publics distrust....let publish any rubbish they like ....they really are looking very naked indeed.....🤷♂️🙏
hmmm. confused why this guy's name appears in the middle of the paragraph in which it appeared YOU were speaking. . .
"I am not an “anti-vaxxer”. I am an expert. I probably know more about the VAERS database than anyone in the world right now having analyzed it for more than 3 years straight now, and I also have 5 post secondary degrees in computational and biomedical sciences, Jonathan Jerry, MSc. I have used . . ."
i am speaking for myself in a tone becoming of a professional to the author. hence the comma :)
OK, well, I will attribute my inability to grasp the subtlety here at the mitigated level of intonation conducted by substack electrons. . .!