Yeah, there's some funny business going on with substack. I've actually had stuff censored and deleted, and I'd like to know what's going on. I hope you get to the bottom of things. (not the ratings, but ... well, you know)

As a side note (and personal disclaimer - my tin foil hat may be on too tight), I've wondered if substack was set up as a "place of refuge" from all the other censored platforms so that all the content can be easily herded/tracked in one place, rather than scattered about in different areas. It would be so easy for everyone to establish a presence there, and then nuke it all in one fell swoop by blocking DNS requests to the domain. (ie, "substack was never there")

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A lot of funny business going on at the X platform, which I avoided like the plague, until recently.

I tried to post a reply to a post, and was served with a "pop up" saying did I really want to post this?

Yes. I did.

Did I wish to make any revisions?

No I certainly did not.

I didn't get a screenshot, dammit, but sent Elon a tweet, relating his platform's attempt to hinder my free speech, and asking him wtf??

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We are being split up and hidden from each other, it's a full on war that 80% have no idea is going on.

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As IF Elon Give AF...

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I know.

Did it on principle.

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Well Elon can GF.

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Always remember do not trust any of these platforms or the questionables in charge of them .

If they become unbearable, we just move on .

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Elon is fraud

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Not a fraud, an employee of the state run marketing apparatus. He's playing the role of Tony Stark (aka Ironman). He's completely fictional.

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Yes 👏

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You aren’t the only one who is wondering this about substack. I have seen numerous comments on this and it sure makes sense doesn’t it? All of us conspiracy theorists can be tracked if the PTB wants to do nefarious things to us down the line. Might be a way to get people to self censor their opinions.

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well then we definitely SHOULD NOT 'self censor'. F that. I say get louder.

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Save all your documents!!!!!!

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That's the other thing about substack, they don't make it easy to scrape contents. Sometimes I want to save a substack page, and I can't. And pictures/figures have to be opened in a separate tab and then saved from there (or manually screenshot).

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I set my printer settings to "save as PDF". It will convert the substack to PDF format and download. I then set up folders for PDFs I archive.

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Save all your documents, links, videos OFFLINE also -- not in the cloud. Those can be "poofed out", too. ExteRNAL usb DRIVES ETC.

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I am making it a point to purchase real hardcopy books!

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I also suspect that libraries are getting rid of conservative books, and cleaning them out of donations made to them.

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I confess to having similar impure thoughts about Substack. My foil hat is inclined toward a herding intent also, but for the purpose of accumulating evidence. And getting feedback on psy op progress. They aren't full-time thoughts, just amusing whimsy.

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My view is even if that is the plan, it's a great tool for the resistance anyway :)

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Absolutely. It's heartening to know there are so many like minds.

And a blessing to have such great thinkers and writers to delve into. We are many, they are few.

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wolverines! ;-)

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I have wondered this, since much of the wonderful reporting here is preaching to the choir. I put nothing past the Powers That Be.

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Most people don't seek out opposing views, they look for confirmation of what they think they already know. Not specific to the left or 'woke' ideologues, we're all guilty of it to a degree.

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Absolutely. Confirmation bias is an ineradicable trait in all of us. And if you don’t agree with me, you’re wrong 😁

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As the great Eagles song goes, "I could be wrong, but I'm not."

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I try not to but unfortunately I do

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Oh oh Oh... "all the content can be easily herded/tracked in one place, rather than scattered about in different areas. " ... a man after my own way of thinking !.

Remember when "substack" suddenly appeared ?; same scenario but slightly later than some of the "alt video sites" - the only one (vid sites) that had any real stuff and ripped the narrative and agenda apart was suddenly "hacked" and came back as a shadow of itself.

Ido believe that the globalist parasitical scum tell us everything (long and boring reasons why); but yes they also monitor us WHILST mocking us.

Last point in waffle mode- have you seen what Youtube actually allows on it's site now, whilst banning pretty routine and normal dissent - to me; that fits my view of the narrative.

Like elections; if our vote counted, there would be no elections - same here ... if our numbers increase ... they will just delete the sites.

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Well, I certainly share contents from substack with non-substack people, to spread the info on. And those folks will hopefully spread it on to their network of people.

I've noticed my email provider has been sending some to spam for awhile (Steve Hirsch, Paul Alexander - I think they're blocked completely now), and is not forwarding some of it between accounts like I have it set up to do.

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Strangely enough, I had similar problems with the "Steve Hirsch" site in particular.

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Good thought. Like a Honey pot. But even if that is the case the truth still gets out.

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holy crap. I literally wrote my post and started reading others. Yours is exactly what I said....... seems our consciousness are thinking alike.

as an observation, Bitchute is the only platform NOT allowed on ROKU to watch on my TV..... does this really mean Bitchute is not controlled? IDK.

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Possible? I don't know. Could also be a payment issue to be put on Roku's directly listing. Another channel I watched pulled it because of costs on Roku. Might have been some other issue as well. IDK

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Bitchute is not what it used to be. It succumbed to the Zionist pressure some time ago, so you will get warning messages and/or denial of service due to territory, etc. It is still useable, but with caveats.

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A perfect target for 'surgical totalitarianism' as per Bret Weinstein discussion of the same on the latest Dark Horse podcast.

Let the best of the opposition cluster, then take them out: it's coming, undoubtedly - when 'Disease X' hits in 2025/6?

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That's a great point. I've sometimes held back from commenting on articles because of that.

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I understand your point, but if I may... if we keep independently silencing ourselves, there's no popular outpouring against some of the madness being proposed.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller


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I'll add a story which also addresses this point.

As a white boy in the 70's, living in a poor neighborhood of predominantly mexican, black and korean ethnicities, I was often beat up. At a boys club, I heard rumors about the mexican kids jumping a korean kid, and I watched as they swarmed into a fenced area upstairs above the gym to surround him.

Now, the Bruce Lee mythos was strong back then, as was the ability for kung fu to lay out anybody. For us, it was simply "All slant eyed people will kick your ass with kung fu."

So I watched a group of about 15 kids attempt to surround this kid. He backed himself into a corner to minimize the number of people who could approach him at once.

The mexican kids stayed out of arm/leg reach, dancing around with fists up, and curiously, each of the kids up front were encouraging the OTHER kids next to them to go first in taking down this korean kid.

NOBODY took the first blow. And after awhile, the korean kid walked out without throwing a single punch or kick.

Why? The mexican kids had individually internalized the potential damage to themselves, based on fear and the mythos. Together they could have easily overwhelmed the kid. (see the recent tragic news about the 15 kids killing the one kid who stood up for another kid).

When you look at budgets, for instance, you'll see that there are typically about 1 officer per 1000 residents. Don't apply mythical powers to a vastly outnumbered government. As long as they can operate in the darkness, they'll be able to instill fear as they target individuals. But they can't stop us all from demanding freedom, and pushing for representatives that will also stand up for similar principles.

As has been said, "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.", Benjamin Franklin

I'm reminded of the seeming efforts to stoke conflicts among the populace. It's to foment division, chaos and strife. And it helps keep people in power by playing on that fear. They all know if we unify and push for change, they have no chance. What will it take to unify us?

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I was 12 when a newly-met German kid friend and I went for a walk in the neighborhood (which had always been safe) and encountered about 15 kids, some armed with sticks. They threatened us and harassed the "foreign" white kid.

Both of us went into fight mode. I suppose it was no more than a few seconds (unlike the movies) but some of the kids were down with bruises, some were running away and some just stood at a distance.

Little did I know that my friend had taken boxing lessons. I was just flailing around. We stood up to the bullies. Interesting and surprising twist: the leader of the gang later came up to me and apologized. Nobody bothered us after that. This was before the days of drive-by shootings. We have to figure out what hill we are willing to die on.

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Thank you for sharing that. Some interesting dynamics! Nothing like today. I think that people aren't willing to apologize much anymore, only because I see so much posturing/browbeating/talking past one another, and what I get from that is that their "identity" is based on outward perceptions and inward weaknesses, when we all have weaknesses and strengths, and can get along, compromise and rise together using the collective strengths of each other. Now it's about "respect" and the people demanding it don't even understand what it means, because you can't demand it.

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Well done Justin .

As for J R, she is giving all of us a “ heads up “

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Your tin-foil hat is too tight because it was custom made to fit my tiny head. Give it back.

By the way, where does one buy tin-foil nowadays?

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The grocery store still has it. Dollar store has it as well, though probably just in the smaller head size. ;-)

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I think you are right about herding us all together into a cyber corral and then? what?

Poof vanish us all? Reminds me of the classic honeypot of yore used to catch hackers.

Also there seems disheartening division amongst the so-called medical freedom movement. There are no unified voices anymore. Perhaps it is the result of "chaos agents" or just chaotic egos but either way it is heartbreaking. People I held in high regard for their courage and tenacity seem to be distancing themselves from one another.

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They track everything, everywhere.. it’s not hard for them 🙏

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Every hard drive manufactured since 2000 has had a unique identifier. Add to that the MAC address and IP address and voila they got it all. Yes the MAC and IP can be spoofed or "changed" via something like TOR. But even that I don't count on.

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Makes perfect sense. This is where the alt science congregates, and all of the anti-vax discussion. It's likely not just tracked by intelligence, but perhaps even set up by it. Keeping info contained and monitored is CIA 101!

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Police frequently herd more problematic criminal/homeless elements into poorer areas so it doesn't affect the influential folks as much, and also helps with staffing levels. You don't have to double up backup units elsewhere across a city, when you only need a few backups in bad areas.

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I think what you have just posted is the most inaccurate statement about police work that I've heard in my 32 years as a 911 dispatcher. The police nowadays DON'T HAVE TIME OR NUMBERS to do this.

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I agree and thank you for pointing that out. 'poor' areas usually form from a number of factors, some organic, some political. the police certainly don't 'form' them. my son is a cop in a fairly large town, with pretty diverse socioeconomic neighborhoods. he says the calls are no more/no less to the different neighborhoods; types of calls/crimes may be a little different. sometimes. and 'back up'? what 'back up'?

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Great analogy.

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Wondered the same since the start. Rumble certainly looks like that kind of herding location.

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Makes sense. I've heard rumblings about bitchute and rumble too. Forgive the pun.

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Fortunately you don't need a leader board for the world to know you shine. Like a rock star, folks know you by your first name. You are handling all the celebrity beautifully and modestly.

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thank you!

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Nevertheless, the more places Dr. Rose’s thoughtful, informed, and humane writings appear, the better it is for the world.

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That is so odd... However, you are my #1 Substack person I read because I feel like I learn so much from you. Thanks for always putting your high level research and findings into lay terms for us! Your articles keep me sane. Angry, yes. But knowing I’m not alone in this “crazy abuse of power world” has been a definite life-saver. I bow down to you in humble gratitude.

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Like the "Sudden deaths" and "Sudden Illnesses" .... "Sudden Substack Deboosting" is real... and unexplainable by any scientific means.

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I think they got uncomfortable with so many of the leaders being filthy "anti-vaxxers".

They created a new category "health-politics".

Don'cha know? Vax isn't "Science" anymore, it's "Politics"



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Already having too much to read, I've never paid attention to those categories before. I just checked the Health Politics leaderboard: Meryl is at #11 and Jessica #14.

I wonder if the categories are self-selected by authors, or assigned by Substack.

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sticking health and politics together IS part of the problem. let them serve up all the silly 'categories' they want. we will find each other. :)

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I no longer get your emails as of 5 days ago. Neither Malone nor McCullough and others. We’re trying everthing to get them back. We’re in Canada.

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Yes, and we can't get any mail from substack at all at this time. We're looking at Shaw right now, but it's odd that it's only Substack.

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I thought I saw something about legislation being pushed to outlaw podcasts unless they were registered with Canada. There was the hubub about the Joe Rogan show.


Look at it as the beginning of afirewall (ala China that Trudeau is so very envious of).

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LOL... the good old 'Canadian content' rule rears its ugly head again. I mean, who would ever have heard of these guys if not for that rule?


Suggestion: get a VPN and start using Yandex for your web searches.

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Dr.Rose might count as Canadian content.

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Nov 14, 2023
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yup. protonmail rocks! of course Brave still uses Google search engines but still... vote with whom you patronize.

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Big Brother slowly tightening the noose? Bet it is...

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I still get them.

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Fortunately in South Africa I still get them all

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I too am in Canada and not having problems yet. Maybe the problem is with your provider. After all how would we know?

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The same folks who found so much utility in manipulating FB and Twitter could not possibly be expected to keep their hands off other platforms, once those platforms started being used to disseminate information they didn't like. Take note. Adjust expectations accordingly. Any communication mediated by an electronic entity that you don't control, will be subject to this problem. No power broker would voluntarily leave such a tool sitting in the toolbox.

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That's my thought too. Why would they go to so much trouble to censor all these other platforms and leave Substack alone? They might leave it alone until it becomes too much of a threat. They left Tucker Carlson alone for years and James O'Keefe's organization. They even left Wikileaks alone for several years. And then they didn't.

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You’ll always be at the top of my list, Sunshine!

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We are all using a military based military made online platform, (the whole internet) so.....'je n'est pas suprise'......that they don't want certain voices to be heard. I think we might be suckers for thinking it will improve.

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Thank you, sir!

May I have another!?!?!!!

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You are being "Sparred." IMO.

Canceled. Muzzled. Controlled. Shadow banned. Downgraded.

But those of us smart enough are going to find you, however it is neccessary to do so!!

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I suppose you're just unacceptable...

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If Substack is not being bought out, perhaps they are naively giving into pressure, assuming it will let up.

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There was an outside investment some time ago. From then on, it was obvious money would talk. Expect more to come.

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from whom?

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There are offers you cannot refuse. The reach of dark powers is long and gruesome. I have watched it for the past 60 years. I worked inside of the beast until I saw it for what it is.

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Even if well meaning , I will never open this type of link , without the appropriate context or elaboration .

This has been addressed previously in various Substack comments.

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crunchbase is a known website for investors. beware of websites that aren't so well known.

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Operation Mockingbird

When was that canceled?

Or MKUltra?

Or Operation Bluebird?

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Subscribe, get your info. for $...Desperate desire to remain relevant...

Still it seems not so subtle control of information imho. 😔

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you’ll always be #1 on my leaderboard Jessica.

Keep fighting the good fight!

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Count your lucky stars Jessica. I tagged my Substack for Music and Culture (why only two choices? Byte shortage or something?) and don't appear anywhere on their leader or loser boards. Apparently, the only way to find me is when I post something and people click on my byline. I don't mind actually, since I set out to be obscure based on a personal philosophy I won't discuss for the same reason. Still, I'd be interested to know if it's just flaky software (very likely) or because I present Russian and Islamic culture in a favourable light.

Not long ago I got a 7 day punt from one of Substack's promotional articles on how to build an audience. Questioned the author's impartiality on vaccine issues based on her former employment at the CDC. Never got a reply when I objected, so was it Substack's policy, or just a rogue monitor recently laid off from Twitter? Guess I'll never know. Didn't undermine my confidence though because I never had any to begin with. These guys have been up to their neck in alligators from day one, even if they didn't set out to drain the swamp.

My advice is don't get too attached to this medium. I think the founders had good intentions, but free speech wasn't at the top of their list. That came up later as a result of the content, and quite frankly, if they didn't see that coming then they're not very astute. Have they stuck to their guns? More or less I suppose, but pressure can be brought to bear from all sorts of different directions, and that's inevitably going to increase as they grow in size and reach.

Consider that as a constant and don't get too settled in. It's that centre that Yeats told us 'cannot hold.' On a positive note, that applies to 'them' as well as us. Their centre cannot hold either, so the question is, who is better adapted to change? Those with large sunk costs to defend, or the more flexible among us who can adapt to the new media dynamic?

Remember, change occurs at the margin, so don't be too discourage by being marginalized. That's a sign that you're making progress.

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I hope Substack isn’t doing what others have done and throttled pages that go against Government narratives down.

That said, I wouldn’t put it past certain 3 letter government agencies, and their NGO accomplices, to create new science newsletters or add new/fake subscribers to other newsletters that go WITH the official government narrative just to banish yours from a top 100 list.

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Hmmm. I may be reading this incorrectly, but looking at the leaderboard for paid subs it seems that a CDC/FDA parrot called 'Your Local Epidemiologist' is in the top ten. Can such a tedious site really be so popular? Yes, it can be, because basically people who can't think for themselves need to be assured that their visceral adherence to the narrative is fully justified by 'the science'.

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LOL! That's was subject of the promotional article I got punted from a while back when I politely made the same observation. That's her!

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