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I can’t because I got permabanned for telling a male he will never ever ever be a woman

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Nice TexBat!

GETTR. Please everyone, get off Twitter. GAB, Truth Social.

Please get off Facebook too.

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Thank you TexBat!

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I would make it go viral if my big Twitter account wasn’t suspended and my back up wasn’t clearly being throttled. I did share to my Facebook account but I’m in trouble on Facebook too. My account is “restricted” - pushed lower in the feed. Censorshit is right

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I’m also on a permanent ban on Twitter and FB. Just get on GETTR and call it a day, we can all have a party with Ed Dowd.

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Censorshit!! How is it I never thought of that?! 👏

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If you don't like shit stop playing in an outhouse.

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There’s a certain truth to that. I have vacillated often between digging in my heels and staying on the platform to fight against the censorship or to just get off of there and stop playing along. 

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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!😎

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Fellow readers and commenters, stop complaining. I hate it when you are negative. I'm getting triggered like a Karen reading the 18th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Here is some unwanted advice.

short term:

1st buy a fake phone number and get an email address to open a new twitter account

2nd learn to export/import contacts for future accounts

3rd learn to use a vpn and related software to hide your ip to twitter

4th throw all the accusatory truth on twitter, broadcast as far and wide as you can before getting banned

5th rinse and repeat

Teach this to other people, if they are the activist type and open to learning.

long term:

1 Add to your budget a section titled "money for subversion and agitation of the bourgeoisie"

2 Start a budget today!

3 Get bitcoincash (BCH) and use it to help la résistance

4 Use Odysee, you can upload text, images and audio there

5 Jeremy Kauffman for the US SENATE

6 Follow Jeremy KauFFman on Odysee

7 Learn how to use an offline video editing tool, don't depend on online tools, gain autonomy


9 Learn to Poison-The-Well for the spies

A Take care of yourselves

B Do not read WIKIPEDIA. focus on the data and the references, not on the texts. There is some good info on QUORA and on stackexchange and other sites. Leave officialdom behind.

C Learn to make a vault with documents (pictures, slides, text, pdfs) and encrypt the thing to send it appended to another "innocent" looking file. You can claim someone else planted that there. https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html

D Forget copyright

E We are at war and they want to kill you!

F There are a few tips on how to organize an underground operation against evil on some of the books of the New Testament. You have to read between the lines. Don't take most of what Paul wrote literally. Use Strong's concordance.

G Daniel Defoe was a spy and his books are useful for our little situation in general, and also some examples on how to survive mentally while practicing this style of warfare.

H Charles Dodgson has a very cool book on logic, which you need. The logic, not the book.

I Read everything by Jonathan Swift if you haven't already. Start here: www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1080

J Other Teachers of Subversion and Autonomy: Franz Oppenheimer, Mises, Wittgenstein, Henri Bergson, Ivan Illich

K Constantia et Patientia





P BENTONITE!!! It also works on the undead zombies!

Q Don't fall for the next Q!

R Follow the updates from Jessica Rose and spread the word everywhere

S Grab email addresses whenever you can, of real people, and send them info, the enemy has been doing that for decades

T you don't have to do everything, but you have to do something

U you can meditate with eyes closed, imagine stuff with eyes open, or imitate the fakirs of India

V have a get-out bag ready, and a few routes

W 3D printer

X there is no salvation in politics, but support your friends

Y have no faith in any man and you will never be betrayed again

Z have good one-liners ready, they de-escalate situations




GY Remember that you all are free and they hate the truth. Anger is a choice, Justice is our Destiny.




ACAB "You look great, have you lost weight?" That one always works




NZWK Eat yogurt or no-gurt! The Reuteri bug will reverse the balding for the boys and will smooth out the skin for the girls




ZZZZ Yes, war is hell, but enjoy your travel and remember the best parts when you go back all the way up to the surface, where you can see the sun and the moon and the tropical fjords.

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Too much work. Just use images of your text and official government data and peer-reviewed sources for the links. perhaps even with a bullshit link such as CDC recommendations, which can be derisively referenced in the text image.

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Where's the link for the tweet?

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I was permanently suspended from Twitter yesterday. The offensive tweet that was the nail in my Twitter coffin was 100% truth. It was about Biden testing positive for Covid the second time and how that proves that the vaccine, Paxlovid, and big Pharma are all a scam. You’re not allowed to speak truth and I am quite angry about the censorship. Like - I am furious 🤬. I did absolutely nothing wrong and nothing I said was false. It feels like I have big giant hands over my mouth trying to suffocate me. I’m sure you feel the same. Ironically I was trying to share your sub stack from yesterday and when it wouldn’t post to Twitter I rebooted my phone thinking it was a phone issue. Nope. I was permanently suspended I’ll never forget the hot feeling I got all over my body from the shock of it. I had built my account up to almost 12,000 followers even though we know that numbers a joke. How are we supposed to get the truth out there when the social media platforms act like we are in China and MSM and big Pharma and the government are all in lockstep with one another???

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But I wrote 'Don't forget me. :)' And they are stupid enough to use THAT as a violation? A violation of what? Asking a question? Using a smiley face?

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Disturbing that they’re watching you that closely.

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They are terrified

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You hit the nail on the head! They are terrified!

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Me Thinks that Guilt is a BIG factor. People are starting to push back. The MAGA movement is a Red Wave that will not be denied. These people are doing everything from censoring to doubling down on vaxxines, trying to create a food shortage, got a border crisis, Inflation, now they attempt to sell monkey pox, which seems to be a cause from the vaxx.......The Mid Terms are coming up. These people who have Hunter biden who btw is in very hot water, biden who can not speak a sentence...kamala who is one of the worst speakers i have ever seen, not to mention global climate crisis....and basically I am fed up with the lies...and others like me are too You have a silent majority just sizzling mad....now I still think people are waking up and now the Medical community realizes they are short staffed and people are flooding their system that have no answers.....THEY R Absolutely terrified. And theu should be after declaring war on the human race and dividing us families into vax no vaxx....I am God Guy.....whoa to those who have spilled innocent blood. They are guilty and by their own acts of censorship just Shine a light on their own Guilt. Good I hope they are sweating bullets......bc the last 2.5 years people have been thrown under the bus. Suicides, Deaths, closed lost business work etc......

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Yep, yep and yep again… “You have a silent majority just sizzling mad…” Excellent explanation of how we ALL feel! 🔥🔥🔥

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They are terrified of any independent


Desperate at this point. They’ll censor their own shadows soon

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Keep smiling ☺️

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Keep being a disruptive force

While smiling they hate people

Being inquisitive and happy.

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I'm not on Twitter, but was able to input the url under "Don't forget me. :)". What came up was your tweet and an attached (?) earlier tweet about the little girl who died because of the shot ~ "Death is a side effect of the shots." Isn't the latter the reason why someone reported you resulting in the suspension? Not that it's right, but more controversial than "Don't forget me. :)"

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"Death is a side effect of the shots." has ALWAYS been true of "vaccines".

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I agree, but the censors don't!

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Jessica, get ahold of Alex Berenson who just successfully sued Twitter and got reinstated after a permanent ban. He may be of some help (although he can be a bit jerky at times). This is BS.

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Just keep drilling holes in their boat

Pretty soon twitter will be a ghost

Ship with only bots. They deserve a good spanking.

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Exactly.. They are doomed to fail eventually the way they have acted over the years.. Their censorship of the truth has been atrocious and completely and totally one sided. Truth Social will be the platform that survives IMHO.

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Truth Social Gab, and Telegram, I Like Telegram my phone just got overloaded....so will return to Telegram when IF I figure out how...For Now Substack is my Foundation to be a disruptive force

behind the scenes Raging...

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I hear you about Telegram... It keeps adding bot accounts that I don't want to follow and I have to keep deleting them over and over and over... It also sucks up a TON of space. I think TS will eventually buy and consolidate both Gab and Parler and once TWTR goes down, they will suck up all those users as well (ex the 50% bot infestation).

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Twitter has a printed policy of banning those engaged in ban evasion. Super Circular Censorshit.

But be patient, Elon Musk at the last possible moment under seal and over the transom filed a large countersuit against Twitter. He will either get discovery which is the last thing Twitter wants as it will show shareholders they've been lied to as well, or the board will relent and sell him Twitter at a bargain price. Then it will be less likely to continue as a tool of the executive branch, the DOD, and more and more it is becoming clear the DNC to my horror.

I will post a link to this Substack on my Twitter, with a call to bring back Dr. Jessica Rose which will likely put me in a doghouse for awhile, but I don't mind that.

Will keep you posted.

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Here you go, Jessica. My little gift to you today for all you have done.


Please do me a favor back: find on PubMed and read my colleague Dr. David Scheim's work on ivermectin, spike protein mechanisms and the like. I spent my time in the early days of pandemic finding some folks to support and he was one of them with emails, Zoom calls and many rounds of commenting on drafts of papers. There are many good souls out there toiling more in obscurity trying to solve these problems and hoping to make the world better for it. Everyone has to keep up the faith that there are so many out there under the radar.

Here are some of David's papers. Maybe you could reflect on them in a future Substack post.

Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19

Santin, Scheim, McCullough, Yagisawa, Borody


David did the sensational Peru paper that went around in early form that finally found a place in a proper journal and is in press, I will find the final citation for you.

In Silico Analysis of the Multi-Targeted Mode of Action of Ivermectin and Related Compounds


These two important papers cited below elate to the red blood cells, the spike protein and their pathological engagement. The Deadly Embrace paper discusses how in vitro IVM is a tool that will undo or return to healthy state the rouleaux formations in blood cells if at at their early stage. An exciting find.

From Cold to Killer


A Deadly Embrace


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They will sell at a bargain I bet. OR let Discovery since we are in the phase of Revelations Let all things be revealed and let the cookies crumble where they will. We will again have open forums someday.

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None of the censorship makes sense. None of it. It’s clearly bot-driven with algorithms designed to suppress certain narratives and I’m really sad that it looks like Elon Musk was not really serious about buying Twitter or he is lost the desire to buy it and therefore do some thing about the censorship.

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He is not who you think he is. He is part if the Internet Of Things! It's all a big game and the joke is on us!

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All of the censorship makes sense. You don't seem to get that the "bot-driven" censorship conveniently targets the same truth tellers, on all fronts.

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Let’s face it, it’s not what you wrote but who you are! They don’t like you - which should be a badge of honour really -because you speak the truth. How can any algorithm be triggered by this tweet of yours - it doesn’t make sense. Unfortunately many people who are following the narrative are simply I aware of the censorship and if they are, it doesn’t bother them because it’s a point of view that they don’t agree with that’s being censored. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry anymore - although I spend plenty of time doing the latter.

I thought we had a way out of this when Musk was going to buy Twitter but that all seemed to be a complete false flag. I’m not sure how we proceed when the truth is being throttled at every turn.

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I actually Think Musk just wanted to show everyone the the Truth of Twitter and he made them play their cards....and Hold on there are other platforms GAB, Truth Social, I love Telegram,...my phone got overloaded with data from Telegram but Telegram kept me sane through the worst part this Winter. And be thankful for Substack which has become a breath of fresh air and cool waters of insight and pesky independent writers.

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Musk has been beefing up his legal team and filed a large countersuit to Twitter at the last moment, in high drama. This story isn't over.

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It is Great to see open field battle.....Gooooo Musk Give em Hell. Game ain't over yet Fat Lady has not sang.

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Sports analogy on the Opera

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They are watching your work in Germany and think you're a threat to the narrative.

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Nah, they've just figured put that you're an awful person.

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Blame Google Translate

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See: “Grasping at straws”.

Your very existence is triggering to the twits at Twit.

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Tweet counts; that must have been the 666th one :P.

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Aug 3, 2022
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They are acting like a cornered animal

Gas lighting anyone that dares a question smiley face or even

Don’t forget about me threat

To their own insecurity.

Power to censor has become absurd


I guess they could call everyone racist

But now resort to taking their ball

And going home like hurt victimized

Kids who actually are hurting their

Own business model and open


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Aug 3, 2022
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Well I ain’t eating bugs 1. 2. I will own

My own property and imagination

And they be damned to think I’d be


Dear Klaus you can my portion of bugs

And furthermore you can own nothing and I’ll be happy

Why in the world and btw who gave

You the Right of being God declaring

What would be good for me?

Ps go to Hell and enjoy your hot

Tubbing in the lake of fire

Signed one happy Christian

Who knows that nothing you say

Has any sway over my own fate.

You will own nothing but the clothes

On your back eating bugs and liking it

And be happy.

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A little bit of irony… My offensive tweet had #CanWeTalkAboutIt at the end

Well, I guess we can’t. At least not on the twatter 

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I was also permanently banned last week, for writing about autism. I am hearing a lot of people were banned last week, so it sounds like there was a big sweep.

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Likely at White House request.

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Agreed. Several accounts wiped out before mine was nuked.

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Trying to lay low on social media now and focus on the website circleofmamas.com

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Sadly, I think it is too late. China has taken the internet along with the tech giants. They are writing whatever narrative they want now, and people are too dumb to believe it. I feel like giving up

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Don’t give up AJ… there are a whole bunch of us out here. Jesus is right here with us as well and HE knows our pain. We had a sermon at church this morning that went into Psalms 73… I needed to read this chapter because it does seem like the wicked get away with SO MUCH!!

And as for the wicked…

“Surely you place them on slippery ground; you cast them down to ruin. How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors! They are like a dream when one awakes; when you arise, Lord, you will despise them as fantasies.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭73:18-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you. But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭73:27-28‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Bottom line… GOD has already won… hang on and hold on, with your teeth if necessary… The devil and his minions here on earth can eat my dirty socks! 💩💩💩

Prayers and blessings 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Ditto! 🔥🔥🔥 gave up fakebook and was never on Twitter… it’s infuriating 🔥🔥🔥

Bunch of Godless commies… 😡

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Steve Kirsch is also considering suing. I would talk to him & Alex Berenson

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Aug 3, 2022
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Thank you! Berenson is one of the most annoying humans on the planet. It nearly overshadows all the good he has ever done.

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SO AGREE! I lost all respect for Berenson when he attacked Malone on Tucker... way back when!!

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Plus talks with Pierre Kory at Kirsch channel.

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Exactly. He sues to get his account back on Twitter because “free speech” but wants Alex Jones to be obliterated.

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This is nuts.

Do you have a backup on GETTR, Jessica? That's where Ed Dowd went, along with Naomi Wolf, Malone, and others.

We NEED to hear from all of you who are examining the data as it comes in!!!!

THANK YOU for ALL that you do!!!!

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I miss my regular Ed Dowd on Twitter.

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I did too. I check in on what he has to say on GETTR now.

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Censorship on social media is literally killing people. Thomas Jefferson and our founders offered many great quotes, but this one stands out:

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google, and other companies are suppressing or outright banning information from organizations and individuals such as FLCCC, World Council for Health, Dr. Stephane Seneff, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Jessica Rose, Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Epoch Times (blockaded, then released after public outcry), and so many more.

Another example: FLCCC has been banned from Twitter: https://flccc.substack.com/p/banned-camp?r=14nzxn&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

You cannot be safe or free if you are uninformed!

Your life may depend upon getting accurate information -- and a variety of information -- from multiple sources. When Twitter, Facebook (and yes, the U.S. Government in violation of first amendment) prevent you from knowing stuff, YOU lose. You may even LOSE BIG. You, like many others, may even lose your life.

So please consider avoiding any platform that bans information so that you can be informed and make your own decisions.

Instead, support true free-speech platforms including Gettr, Telegram, Odysee, Rumble, and Substack. For browsers and search engines, consider Brave and DuckDuckGo. For email, consider protonmail and startmail (forgive me if I've forgotten a few),

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Sympathies but most of us who are writing anything approaching truth have already long ago either been banned or voluntarily dropped out of such platforms as Twitter and Facebook. This is Big Tech censorship in league with governments, corporations, institutions. They have never and never will played "nice'.

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You were most probably being monitored by Twitter Nazi’s for a while. They have to keep the narrative going to keep the sheep 🐑 on Twitter placated. It’s best to continue on your site, Gettr and Substack. Why use an enemies platform?

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Why post on that toxic platform, when we have Substack now 😏

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Isn’t it a bit like an echo chamber though? I mean don’t get me wrong I love stub stack and I am subscribed to far too many of them to keep up actually but how are we supposed to get the word out to people outside of the chamber

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We share the substack to other platforms, but Twitter has no merit despite it's larger member base 🙏

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I don't believe it has as large a base as they would have us think. I believe more are bots than real.

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I have no traction on Facebook and on my back up Twitter account. They are clearly throttling my posts. 

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Facebook is just as bad, I use Rumble, Gab and a few others to share information, but I guess I use telegram the most since 2020.

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I forward articles on substack to family and friends. It's not a broad approach, so it doesn't get the word out to myriads of people. However, it might be helping to reach those in my circle with more information or more ammunition--to either challenge them or solidify their critical thinking skills. I have received positive responses from a few people, anyhow.

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Until Substack gets its arm twisted... 😧

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Twitter mob is fighting a losing battle with this modern day equivalent to book burning. For every person that gets banned, countless more take their place. Twitter will never see the day when the only tweets being posted are brain dead postings of the fading minds of the CoVidiots. They have nothing to say anyway other than to puke their drivel out in words.

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Jessica, love all your work.

I really do not get younger folks need for "tweeting; do not get how you can be offended when an obsolete, bot-infested service prevents you using it when other services are out there: GETTR, GAB.

. . . I actually DO get it, but see the alternatives of reducing their profits by moving communication to other platforms more rewarding both for yourself and the nation. This is not new. Lots of folks have suggested this before me.

Why not send a note to all your subscribers on this newsletter and other lists you may have announcing your new (non-Twitter) platform of choice?

I have never used Twitter or Facebook; never will. If you were on GETTR or GAB, I am there. Woohoo!

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Twitter has been a 'government' operation from the beginning...so is Facebook, etc.

Cannot 'capture' what was theirs to begin with.

I don't understand why people cannot understand how invasive, and deceitful spying programs are.

The only way to change idea's, lower morals and get people to believe and/or question things like 'sex', 'gender, politics, fake food, divorce, prescriptions, cloths, hairstyles, etc. was to use the 'Social' (socialist) Media platforms they created to influence us, while spying and stealing our private information, many times making it public. Hence, why if you don't follow the script, you get banned to keep your opinions out of sight...they are the only influencers allowed to be a constant viewpoint.

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How many times does one have to say: These are Communist techniques of information control? Control also of our food production, energy production, transportation ability & the elites have totalitarian controls without firing a single shot, though the latter they will be free to use once the noose is tight enough. I’m 75 years old; I’ve seen it coming. My question to my children and grandchildren’s generations: “Do you realize the evil ? My WW2 parents certainly did and told me all about it, thank God.

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I lasted 4 months on Twitter. They seem to be doubling down on their Marxist anti-freedom illegal censorship and employing more hateful bots. I’m glad I can still find you and other truth tellers on Substack. I also cancelled my TV. I’ve had enough of liars and censorship.

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Yeah, CIA/MI-6/US State Department use Twitter for disinfo campaigns:


Facebook hired CIA officers for content moderation:


TikTok hired NATO intelligence to run content moderation:


All under the guise of Covid crisis, which was planned in advance by the Rockefeller foundation and Bill Gates:


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I've been permanently suspended for months now for talking about virus existence, I've given up with it.

We are living in the greatest con of all time

'the tax payer hands over money to Pharma to research and pay for a ‘Covid’ vaccine making the lethal ‘spike’ protein, liability free

The tax payer gets myocarditis or cancer, young and fit people die; Pharma increases the price!

The injured tax payer hands over more money to Pharma for drugs that make them even sicker

Murderers break profit records, Pfizer’s doubling year on year with a net income of $9 billion this quarter.

What an economic model!


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I admit I am not a smart person, so I am having extreme difficulty trying to decipher 'Don't forget me.:)' as disinformation or a threat. It ranks up there with 'honk, honk' means 'heil Hitler'. As with the Liberals in Canada, Twitter appears to now be censoring people on Who they are & What twitter THINKS they are thinking.

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