Well there goes their plans to keep us quiet eh?

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Yes, quite true that those of us who have been censored are in good company. Without being dropped from an Big Tech forum - can't even qualify, lol.

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Saint Augustine, the doctor of the Roman Catholic Church, famously said “The truth is like a Lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.” Thank YOU for your Courage & dedication to speaking TRUTH to tyranny. GOD has got you in the Palm of His/Her Hand ...

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As one who has been cleaning up contaminated sites for over 30 years, with the limited data we are allowed to have I know the risk these experimental gene therapies pose far exceed the USEPA allowable cleanup goals of a 1X10-6 lifetime cancer risk for carcinogens and a Hazard Quotient of < 1.0 for non-carcinogens. I have to assume the various world governments have decided it is time to cull the herd.

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Regarding your last article, if someone has a vaccinated family member and you think they have cardiac amodylosis or the may formed protein in them.... What can they do once they are formed to mitigate or reverse the effect? Can the proteins be broken down or removed via fasting or diet or medication?

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eat a lot of pineapple for bromelain... and daily turmeric would be what i would do.

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Any indicators that the same issues might play out in lungs? Especially if the transfected person already had idiopathic lung fibrosis disease? Would Serraptase and Nattokinase be helpful too?

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Taking that & digestive enzymes here for shedding symptoms. Very sore arm, unjabbed, it’s helping. Got range of motion back.

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Most of the bromelain in pineapple is located a the base (top) of the pinepple stem. The woody inside part.

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Thanks, didn't know this :-D

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yum - take the supplement

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Galectin-3 seems to increase amyloid plaque formation. Perhaps taking Modified Citrus Pectin, shown to bind to and thereby inhibit Galectin-3 activity, could be of benefit



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There are protocols that will mitigate the damage done to some extent, but the individual must have the tenacity to adhere to a demanding regimen and change of lifestyle! Fasting: no. Diet: partially. Medication: rarely, if at all. This process is entirely out-of-the-box.

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Banned Camp.

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Haha, right?

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My mouth is wider than the Sydney Harbour Bridge

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Wow. So many wonderful souls!

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Looks like a recommended reading list. 😀

All my favorites and some new ones I look forward to reading.

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Your willingness to fight for what is right is commendable. Thank you

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I wonder if my parents were given this information on CNN or MSNBC?

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My mom’s hopelessly brainwashed , a loyal consumer of both..

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