Maybe this can be explained as a result of climate change and defunding the police? Nah.

it's the itsy bitsy teenie weenie self-assembling nano-meanies.

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Yes it because of the wind.

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"Dust in the wind; all we are is dust in the wind," as Melanie sang.

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"the wind" coming out of Anthony Fauci's lungs, presumably :-)

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Unacceptably acceptable as always; now where did I read yesterday that the CDC said they don't really do 'data' from VAERS, as that's in someone elses job description, like the FDA. The FDA (Federal Death Association) then retorted, "Nah, I am not the droid you seek!"... and that was that! So it's the independend thinkers who are doing the data analysis, and not who would be expected to do it. I suppose it makes sense, like ye won't find a problem unless you look for it, or something... but what do we know anyway!

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wait, I just saw Dr. Been's video on how the CDC is not monitoring for safety, but the FDA also???

Also this


it seems the PRR calculation is tailored not to see anything even if they were monitoring it

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Some years back I interviewed an ER RN who styled himself the Guerilla RN. His and other nurses' testimonies can be found at the site linked below. After a decade of routinely seeing kids brought to the ER only hours or days after a round of vaccines, and seeing the response of the other medical personnel, his estimate was that only 1/1,000 adverse (pre-Covid, childhood vaccine) reactions were reported.

In the specific incident he related in great detail, the attending pediatrician, after being told that a young boy who'd been brought in in status epilepticus (continual seizure) had been vaccinated only hours before, immediately discounted any cause/effect relationship. Indeed, the first question asked of her by the anxious mother was whether her son's condition could have been a reaction to the shots, to which she summarily replied: No. Moreover, not only did the pediatrician not report the event to VAERS, she didn't even include the fact of the vaccinations in her medical report - which would then get passed to, in this case, likely a neurologist. The nurse was careful to include that rarely if ever did he see VAERS reports in such cases filed, despite the legal mandate to file.

Most disturbing was his tale of ER doctors telling parents of unvaccinated kids that because their child wasn't vaccinated he'd need a spinal tap, and/or other painful tests/intrusions, and not out of concern for the kid, but as a means of retribution against the parents.


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Jun 26, 2022
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Considering the adjuvants in vaccines are listed as ingredients, that was absurd, and the DPH certainly knew it. You could have filed your own VAERS report, but we know all too well that it would've had no impact anyway. The system's never been used for its stated purpose.

1998: Michael Belkin took his 5-week old infant daughter for a 2d Hep B shot. The little girl died in her parents arms 15 hours later. Post-autopsy the Belkins were told there'd been brain damage in their child, but: her death was listed as SIDS; and in her medical records there was no mention of either the brain damage or the vaccination.


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Jun 23, 2022
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There are many more flu shot injury awards than any of the other vaccines. 'Course, that's to be expected, for two reasons, the first mundane: it's administered to many more people; the second, horrific: infants and toddlers can't describe the injuries they've suffered at the hands of the childhood shots. For instance, how is a 12-month old supposed to describe a migraine headache?

This is the injury compensation award page of one of the many vaccine injury law firms. They handled the largest award ever given: $101 million for brain damage caused by the MMR vaccine.


A crack in the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) dam appeared in 2017, when an award was issued for a reported case of SIDS - sudden infant death - that the "vaccine court" ruled had most likely been caused by vaccines, but they quickly covered it up, reversing the decision a year later. Can't have the American people thinking some, perhaps most of the 3,500 cases of SIDS reported annually are actually vaccine deaths, can we?

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Jun 24, 2022
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Goes back to the basest insult of the vaccine industry: the representation of infectious illness as the enemy, instead of a remarkable, essential, cleansing response to infection. They never mention that the reason it's dis-easing, discomforting, is because it's a detox process (that takes place in a manner science can never hope to understand, let alone duplicate).

One of the more exhilarating comments I've seen was from a woman who said she used to get the flu every year, like clockwork. She'd get sick, go to the doctor, get an Rx or three, recover, and repeat the process the next year - until one year, when she decided to forego the trip to the doc and the meds. Nursing herself, she let the illness play out. That was years ago, and she hadn't been sick since.

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About 35 years ago Francisco Varela had a unique take on the immune system. His insight was that the immune system was a cognitive system. To read the presentation he made at the Gaia 2 conference you need get the book, "Gaia 2 ― Emergence: The New Science of Becoming..."

A blurb about the book,

"This exciting volume brings together an international gathering of scientists and philosophers concerned with the fate of our planet. Based on a conference held in Perugia, Italy, this collection of papers and symposia confirms Heisenberg's saying that "real science" is made in the conversations of scientists. In it, we see what is perhaps the most important scientific idea of the twentieth century taking shape before our eyes."

And a list of presenters:

James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis

Francisco Varela

Evan Thompson

Arthur Zajonc

Wes Jackson

John Todd and Nancy Jack Todd

Susan Oyama

Gianluca Bocchi

Mauro Ceruti.

Had we gone down that road, there would be no covid today. We would be on a much different planet. A lot of work has been done to bury the work of these people. Today few people know about the Gaia Theory.

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Jun 25, 2022
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Surprisingly, the immediate infant-to-5-year-old Covid shot uptake is reportedly extremely low.

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B.C. North Vancouverite here. My friends reply, "but more have died of covid and it's for the good of society to stop the spread". Three friends now have grandbabies that had to be transferred to NICU. They don't make any connection.Those of us who can see the truth are in emotional pain while those around us are blissfully unaware.

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and the same people are like deer in the headlights when you point out that it DOESN'T STOP THE SPREAD. completely and totally admitted in the narrative, yet never sank in to the brainwashed folks. yikes.

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Thank you.

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It's not a coincidence that the CDC suspended its publication of US all-cause mortality data on June 3. It had been low up until then, but I suspect it was starting to spike so they stopped publishing it.


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Some find day - if we get there - this will be known as the greatest evil perpetrated on mankind. Get there everyone. The day will come. Never again.

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Since November 6, 2021, I have copy/pasted onto my iPad the latest weekly updates from OpenVAERS Red Box Report at https://openvaers.com/covid-data.

Each file has the title "Misery Index Rises." The deaths on 11/6/2021 were 18,078. As of 6/10/22, the deaths are 28,859. Multiply that by the URF and you get -- wait for it -- A BIG NUMBER! I've also captured the other SAEs in the Red Box report.

I see a signal. A giant "SOS"

... --- ...

in Morse Code!

This misery and madness must


... - --- .--.

in Morse Code

Morse Code translator at: https://clickcalculators.com/mis/morse-code-translator/SOS-in-morse-code_SOS

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Those are doses, but individual people get 1 to 4 doses. Wouldn't that increase the rate of adverse events?

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i would think so... there's no way to know the proportion of events to reports made though, per dose

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At this point they know. They know we know. Death = Murder

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Thanks for continuing your great work.

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Are you sure that Steve Kirsch didn't write this article :-)? This is so very much his style :-)!

Thank you!

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Hubris, was that an attempt at humor? You completely missed if it was..

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Nope, it was Greek tragedy... next time I will run my ideas by you - please stand by!


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Keep it up girl..we are going to get there…love your light hearted approach to this brain busting intel!!

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In NB, the suddenly and unexpectedly is off the charts with no let up, I keep expecting this to break, but nope, on we go

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Does ANYONE THINK THAT THESE AGENCIES SHOULD BE DEFUNDED? And, maybe our POLICE and FIREMEN/women should be given raises?

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