When I read about these codes it makes me feel exceedingly uneasy that they might have some nefarious plan to force us all to get vaccinated. I am in the UK and the NHS recently advertised for a Vaccine Supply Operations Lead for 'for a range of stakeholders during what is expected to be the UK's largest vaccination programme which will be delivered at pace'

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I am more than uneasy. No reaso.nable person wouldnt see this as a yellow star

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Yes I agree.

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Sure they have a plan. It's gonna fail like their first.

Many of us (me included) were sound asleep when SARS-CoV-2 hit. I once started an argument (to put it very mildly) after an acquaintance insulted Bill Gates lol. Not my most glorious moment admittedly. We didn't speak for a year. Peeling off all these layers of delusion that agitation and propaganda covered me in was probably the most stressful phase of my life.

Anyway, many of us were sound asleep, but they still failed. I wish them good luck with their second try, like a real sportsman. We will be giving them a run for the money. The only wise thing for them is to retreat or bring on the nukes. They are not convincing anyone to take these drugs again. No way.

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All they have to do is bring in the CBDCs and social credit and we eventually won't eat if we don't get vaxxed. I was like you - didn't find out what was going on until June 21 when I was already double vaxxed. I'm not taking any more even if they starve me.

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Well to my defense I gotta say that I am not vaxxed. ;D

It started smelling fishy around May 20. In January I was the greatest advocate of lockdowns, weeks before the government even used the word. Decades of indoctrination preceded this. New York Times, Guardian, Nature, Correctiv who I even donated to for years (German magazine, the worst) etc.

I was gonna take the vaccine out of "solidarity" even before this word had been used by our government. That's how well propaganda works on me. However when I heard it's nucleotide-based all I could think was "what the fuck". That was the thing that I had to hear. I started searching the internet and realized that the US army had just finished their phase 1 MERS vaccine trials in May 2019 and that the scientist in charge of it (Kayvon Modjarrad) is a total psychopath who compared the army to "Apple in the 80s". Suddenly MERS had practically disappeared and nothing made sense anymore. The illusion started to crumble.

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I was never for lockdowns. I told my daughter they'd only be able to do it for the first 2 weeks as otherwise the economy would collapse. I didn't realise at that point that collapsing the economy was the point. Even after I'd had my first vaxx I wrote to my MP in March 21 to protest against the first mention of vaxx passports, which I thought were outrageous even before we knew for certain that the jabs didn't stop transmission or infection. I was unlucky because of my age (pushing 70 at the time). They were able to scare us oldies as being the ones who'd die of the dreaded lurgi, especially is we had a risk factor or two. Also my husband is a medic, so I was convinced he'd bring it home - had it not been for that I'd have held out. Water under the bridge now ...

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I was 64 at the time and surrounded by The Frightened. I got the jab because I bought the lie that it would stop the spread. I was tired of being isolated. Most people I knew did not want to be around the unvaccinated. I wish I’d been a bigger liar about my jab status!

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So you never caught COVID? Me neither. High five! :D

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You probably did but never realized it. It simply wasn't a serious illness for the 60-80% majority.

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I admire you for admitting you were taken in at first and CV relieved you can now see the traps..maybe you can lead orhers out?

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I'd rather die than live as jab shackled slave.

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I plan to defend my person with all my power. As the currency gets weaker, the paid evil doers are less incentivized to do their evil. I expect the corporate system including corporate governance to collapse because of this lack of incentives in the marketplace. I could be wrong. There are many slaves that will do exactly what they are instructed to do. It's the 500 year dismal tide of corporatism that is finally reaching the breaking point. Either we all lose our autonomy to this Satanic system of usury which underpins the corporate system, or that system collapses, taking many who are unaware with it (when you buy stock you are lending money with the expectation of making money. Our ancestors knew that this was evil and unsustainable...usury).

Death is not the worst imaginable outcome. Slavery is. We don't get to keep our lives anyway, but we do get to spend our lives as we see fit. The book of Revelation describes many martyrs dressed in white with gold crowns. I'll take that in exchange for my old age any day. The idea of dying as a slave in the country where I was born free pisses me right off.

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Your last sentence sums up my feels exactly.

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That's the spirit Sheila B! Like you I will rather starve. Now is not the time to come over all wishy-washy.

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I've just had a bit of a WhatsApp row with one of my daughters. She's really very bright, but she's just listened to an hour of Mike Yeadon and said 'what load of unadulterated rubbish, with no evidence'. My children's brainwashing terrifies me. I cannot penetrate it.

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Ditto my formerly intelligent friends. It IS terrifying. All one can do is keep calm, rational and compassionate.

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I have a friend who only eats organic, yet gladly received multiple covid death shots.

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Send them this 5part documentary series. It should get them thinking a bit more.


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Thanks - I watched that last week. I don't think it would help, though (I have 2 daughters - one has enough problems in her life that I don't even go there with this stuff) - I think the other one would think it was manipulative and the parallels fabricated by conspiracy theorists. I haven't even looked to see her last WhatsApp comments! She gets angry when I talk about this stuff at all. A lot of people seem to be having the exact same problem with their adult children.

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My kids are young enough to listen and they know not to trust the government. My in laws on the other hand won’t listen

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That's clearly the plan. All circumstantial evidence points in that direction, and none is against it. CBDC is being deployed in multiple different countries using slightly different iterations while the WHO is working methodically to end all national sovereignty. KS and JH have pronounced that by 2030, "you will own nothing and be happy", which is the very definition of slavery. Think of this as cull and enslave, using forced injection as a "means."

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Chilling. Before 2020 it would have been dismissed as dystopian fiction.

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If someone would have told me in 2018 all these dystopian actions would be taken by governments, I would have suggested they seek some sort of mental health counseling.

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A GMO human sneering at GMO food. There’s no hypocrisy like the dystopian kind!

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Haha yeah that's what I always said to my parents in mid 2021.

"A few years ago you were protesting against GMO's, but now you are okay with turning all children into GMO's?"

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SheilaB: THIS. There will be no way around it unless we give up food and ability to purchase goods. I always thought the Mark of the Beast was for crazies. Really questioning that now.

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Me too. Well, maybe not for crazies, but I ignored Revelation most of the time, because it was pretty scary! Then I went AWOL from the whole thing for 20 years, but came off my agnostic fence with a bump when I realised the absolute evil of what was going on. Mark Crispin Miller has described having a similar epiphany and - from a secular background - joined the Christian church. But now even non-religious people have coined the term 'beast system' for what is coming. If it were just for me, I'd say I'm reconciled and not afraid of these people. I know what choice I'm going to make when the time comes. But unfortunately I know that my children will make the opposite choice, and it's the hardest thing I've ever had to live with. Not that I've mentioned THAT aspect of it, because they'd think I'd lost the plot, but they just don't want me talking about any of it. One says I'm damaging her mental health. I keep thinking one thing will make the penny drop, but it just doesn't. For me, everything about Mike Yeadon screams 'trustworthy'. But for my daughter he comes over as a loon.

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There are an awful lot of other scientists besides him you could point her to - McCullough, Malone, Bhakdi, etc. With their credentials, can she say they're all mad?

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Again you have nailed it. I worry mostly for my adult kids. Not one of them got the jab, but if their jobs had mandated it, they might have caved for economic reasons. We are at the age where we can say no more easily. For them, it’s not so easy. We’ve offered to house them if necessary, but they don’t want that, of course. I am happy to say that they did listen to us about the jab, but I’m not sure they will believe the rest. So we pray and try to be there for them. Will there even we a world for our future grandchildren?

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Great question. Only God knows how long He will allow this world to continue. He destroyed S&G for much less. His Son told us a time would come when tribulation would be so intense that were it to continue no flesh would survive but because of the elect it would be shortened. He also said that era would be worse than any that ever existed or would exist again (revisit Matt. 24, esp. verses 21 &22, Mark 13, Luke 21, John 5:43, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, 1 John 2:18, Revelation 6:1-8 and 13)... Those who have immersed themselves in sacred scripture can easily discern the times in which we live and draw the proper conclusions. It was for our benefit that Jesus Christ outlined in detail what should be looked for.

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We are privileged to be eyewitnesses of the fulfillment of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass..." Revelation 1:1 KJV. The accuracy of the Revelation should build our confidence in the accuracy of the entire Bible.

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Same here.

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I told myself back in 2021 that I do not care what anyone tries to do to me, I will not take the shots.

I am becoming more convinced that they're the mark of the beast. My soul and eternal salvation are at stake.

I'd rather be publicly burned alive than bend a knee to these Luciferian demons. They can vaccinate my ashes when I'm gone.

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The WHO is changing its wording for the next plandemic. Bribing countries to go along. No sovereignty.

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Bravo! I, too was tricked. I’m not happy that I bought it hook, line and sinker however, I’m grateful that I’m aware of their evil ways now. I’m n Northern Commifornia where it is truly a zombie apocalypse. Just last night I spoke with an X-ray tech who randomly comments “did you here that California isn’t going to force covid shots for school children?” I said “Praise GOD! Children don’t need an experimental drug forced on them”! She look at me like I as nuts. I love throwing my “crazy” seeds to the wind.

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I have better luck with random strangers than my family. Keep being outspoken!

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I don't think they'll bring on the nukes, even suitcase nukes, much as they want to terrorize younger generations with that as they want, as Vera's documentary discussed, "living room," or lebensraum, and they don't want it radiated. We all lived under idiotic nuclear fear mongering for decades. My neighbor had a bomb shelter, we learned to "duck and cover," and the mail from Northern California was to be sent to Bolinas, a hippie town on the coast. But figuring out what their next fear inducing catastrophe will be pushes us toward what Bret Weinstein aptly called The Tyranny of Infinite Scenarios (a fine name for a post-apocalyptic novel). It does seem like the only way they could force these products on us is through digital ID, social credit, and CBDC, but it might start with that catastrophic contagion scenario Gatesy is on about. Or maybe the Pacific Cascadia rips, or Yellowstone, or war???? They seem to be wanting to stop access to nutraceuticals and repurposed drugs (see Tessa Fights Robots) so we will have no alternative but to take their products as Igor Chudov elucidates in his Fauci paper exegesis.

New tech, no doubt Moderna, since Pfizer is taking the fall (not that they shouldn't, but it will just change its name). It is hard to track and predict, I find.

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I was referring to total war when I said "nukes", sorry about that.

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Not to worry, they’re working on the nukes as we speak!

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Better hope they don't put you on the CBDCs and social credit scoring, then.

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Researchers, scientists, manufacturer workers, doctors, nurses, pharmacy aids or volunteers at vax clinics, truck drivers, government/academic officials, peddlers, advertisers, mainstream media/bigtech employees, administrators, business owners/employers, and people targeted need to step away from this nonsense by saying they refuse to let it continue by enabling this. If we don't, we will all be digging our own grave.

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The best way to view the last few years is a coup by biotech-pharma as a class.

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Global coup according to Dr. Meryl Nass.

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Actually the US Dept of defense is doing this to the US citizens and the world...

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Her point is that it's being run from off-shore by globalists and the USDOD is only a means to their end of cull and enslave.

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Yes. I stepped away but that doesn't seem to be helping 😂😂. Half- ass joking

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I refuse to ever see another medical practitioner of any kind until the day I meet my maker again (I had an NDE 30 years ago!) & I was aware of this murderous lie immediately, as I do not watch TV, listen to the radio, or read newspapers (i.e., have been avoiding any & all manner of 'programming' since 1968).

BUT friends and most family decided to listen to the propaganda instead and now we have a 23-year-old woman who damn near died after succumbing to employer pressure to allow themselves to be injected with a nano-weapon. Her alphanumeric injection number had 99% 'adverse events' recorded in VAERS....99% of that number had 'adverse events', including ~20 deaths!

I am saddened that millions have died or have been permanently disabled or injured because they couldn't or wouldn't listen to common sense and reason.

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So, an ICD code marks all unvaccinated individuals as members of the control group. Do they want a control group to exist?

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It allows them to identify who needs to be further forced to comply. That's all its for.

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They will start with no access to medical services. When the next scare happens, we won't be allowed in a medical building without a mask or without being up to date with 'vaccines', even though I'm sure my dog must know by now that they don't stop infection or transmission - in fact the opposite. Then, after medical care, it will be other things, eventually grocery stores.

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I am working to be as healthy as possible and independent of conventional medicine. I will not take their vaccines. We have to be concerned that they may inject our food supplly (cattle) with these vaccines.

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Or who can’t participate in society.

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Close enough.

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That's the benign assumption.

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This may sound Crazy but do they want to keep track for blood supply and organ donation??????

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Yup. You nailed it my friend

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Don't give them ideas.

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That's cute.

You clearly have had no experience with the mind-numbing bureaucracy of HHS.

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No, they most certainly would not want a control group. Except the one they are in.

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Also the pertussis and all the kids shots, suddenly of interest,.......they are supposed to be changing all the kids vaccines to mRNA technology. Guess they are going to keep track.

Gaits plan is for the kids 2025.

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Good to know

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The coders at large hospital institutions, look in the computer and see jabbed status and are told to use the new codes to upcharge and pad the bill to insurance companies . Likewise if you you are an employed physician, the coders and billers know to use these codes to upcharge . Follow the money 💰

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Makes one wonder if they could put pressure on insurance companies to coerce the unjabbed by charging higher rates or making a person uninsurable?

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Absolutely, they could do that .

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Do you know if they're using:

U07.7: COVID-19 vaccines causing adverse effects in therapeutic use?


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Ivo , I don’t know . Medicare may keep track of these codes . I have an example I find interesting… let’s say , for example , that a pregnant woman abrupted and delivered at 32 weeks . She was jabbed at 20 weeks for example. I only bill and use a billable code for vaginal preterm delivery with abruption but never put and ICD 10 code for the patient being jabbed because it’s not a causal relationship that is obvious . The consequences of the jab were well thought out . They do not want consequences of the jab to be used as an adverse event … they will tell you “ prove it “.

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Thanks for the reply. I’ve got no idea how the actual codes get entered. I’ve only ever seen the aggregated reports, your reply helps me get my head around how and why it gets entered in the first place.

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Coders and billers in the hospital Corp does this , they work from home. They get their marching orders from corporate and the bean counters . Some have been patients of mine and some have emailed me to clarify what I have done or a resident has done to see if correct code or procedural code . I have not been asked to address Covid codes or complications of the jab at all .

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Look at these other crooks Ivo .

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Do you have a link?

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Scary scary times. Thank you Jessica for digging deep. I keep having the same irrational thought that I am actually glad I'm 68 now and on the farther end of life. I feel so sorry for young people but far too many of them don't seem to be alarmed at all. Including my own children who threatened to cancel me if I say anything against the vaccines or the government . They're accepting all of this craziness which does not bode well for the future.

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Our adult kids have been slow boiling frogs all their lives while we assumed their school/college experience was much like ours. Their children are getting it full force from daycare forward. Opting out of government supported models into parallel structures is the only way. And deep involvement with strong values at home.

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I home schooled and my kids call me a catapult parent because I was so willing to let them grow up. I may not have been a hoverer, but I loved them and they knew it. Mostly.

Either way, they’re unvaxed and I’m glad.

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So very lucky. I’m looking back at my time as a single working parent with zero family to help raise my kid and it makes me sad that I wasn’t capable of thinking outside the box. I was so busy with survival that I walk right into the death trap taking my kid with me. I accepted vaccines without question or concern and it kills me that I let my poor kid get all of them too. I’m thinking back about all the illnesses we’ve each had and I’m betting they were always related to those toxic shots. As far as homeschooling, I wish I had at least looked into it. I bought into children need socialization. But my kid never took to schooling. He absolutely hated ot from Kindergarten on. He’s 23 living in SF on his own. Thankfully isn’t vaxxed with the bioweapon because thankfully he’s terrified of needles and says he’s not at risk. Meanwhile, his roommate is vaccinated with the monkey pox shot which my son says “he’s at risk”😳

He adds, if my job mandates it I won’t be running for the hills. I will get it. And he thinks I’m fine (2+ years after my 2 shots. I had a violent reaction to #2. But I’m gaslight by the normies and it’s maddening. Even when I used to take vaccines I would never judge someone for not taking it. Nurses aren’t supposed to do that. I believe everyone has a right to their own choices….turns out mine were really really wrong….and I regret not researching anything and just lazily believing my doctors and friends.

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Do a detox. Www.microbeformulas.com is the best sight for reading about different detox protocols and what order to do them in. Dr. Mercolas and Dr. Nuzum. Too. Actually Dr. Nuzum has many videos and he is really easy to understand. Dr. Berg on you tube.

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Yes, teachers are as unprincipled and compliant as doctors, sadly. Opting out - you're right - we underestimate the changes effected in curricula.

You may be interested in "What's Wrong With 'The Greater Good'"


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And this generation grew up with helicopter parents (I was) with scheduled and heavily monitored play dates. It seemed like the best way to parent at the time but I was sad that my son and his friends didn’t get to be free like we were. But, stranger danger seemed real and there were tattle teller parents who would report you if your child was playing un-chaperoned...

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Me too. Told to basically shut up. I’m 74. I don’t see anything changing soon so I will be gone when the end comes.

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Me too.

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You won’t be gone unless you’re very ill. My mom is 90 and I keep telling her that she’s going to manage to make it until Jesus comes for her. That’s how close I think it is.

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I pray for the ending that brings Jesus back. The Bible says if not for God saving us, all of humanity will destroy itself and the planet—seems to me we are getting close. The vax seems the way Satan will initiate final plans with a depleted, sick, frightened and numb population. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I feel the same.

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Same here, nothing irrational about it. ☹️

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I sympathise. One of my sons remains unvaccinated; I thought the other one was going to be ok, but I couldn't compete with his wife in Australia!

I wonder if you would be interested in my article


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With 9 credits of Russian history, I find myself to be wrong many times these days. I'm surrounded by brilliant MSM parrots.I like the Asian symbol thing (picnic table). Thanks.

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I put quite a bit of effort into that post, so I'm delighted somebody has looked at it!

Thank YOU!

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Nicely written. Keep it up.

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I’ve skimmed your article and will return to it. I’ve had 2 rather large moments in the past of finding out I was wrong. Very wrong. The last big one (of course I’m wrong many times) did inform my decisions now in relation to the jab and Covid plus the rest of my carefully curated world paradigm. Thanks.

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Despite seeming surrounded by those worshiping the secular god of corporate governance, every neighborhood has its share of people who want to know the facts, whatever they are. When families betray their own, the answer is to gather together a "family of choice." I say this as one who was an orphan and yet belongs to more than one wonderful family.

You know how foolish the young can be. We can do nothing other than warn them that they are setting the precedent for one day being betrayed by their own children. When we are dead and gone, these foolish children will be betrayed in their turn, but they will then remember our warning, and it will help them endure their final years of cold loneliness.

Sometimes, a warning that will take decades to be fully understood, is the best that can be done.

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Yup, don't worry, the government robots will comfort them.

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Having been, in my youth, a ward of the state, I assure you that it will be cold comfort indeed.

Those who embrace the state as friend and savior, wrap their arms around the corpse of their need to be loved.

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Same for me, my 23 year old son thinks I’m kookoo and forbids me to mention any of my conspiracy subjects. I’m 54.

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I really appreciate all the responses but sad to know we are all in the same boat. I always thought the young people should be the rebellious ones, suspicious of authority and skeptics extraordinaire. But what I'm seeing is it's the older people who have been around the block several times who can clearly smell a rat. The younger generation are all just lining up like little robots. It's terrifying. I did not raise them that way. I will say that my oldest child in his 40s does not necessarily think I'm ready for the Nut House. But he avoids any conversation about early treatment or vaccines or corruption. When he got sick he did do early treatment protocol that I got to him. It is the youngest one in his mid 30s who totally believes everything he hears on mainstream news. I'm afraid we've lost most of that generation. And I was on top of my kids raising them to be critical thinkers and kind yet respectful to Authority. I think that's where i made my mistake. The Authority part

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I can’t even talk with my husband about it. He’s fully vaxed even added the shingles and pneumonia vaccines this year. I had one J&J, then realized my mistake. His entire side of the family are vaxed. The naive belief that their country would never do anything to harm them intentionally. I can’t get over how people are so blind. Paying only the least bit of attention, you realize we’ve been lied to and things don’t add up.

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I am so sorry Dawn. It is really tearing families apart. All my life when I heard about the Civil War I thought the phrase "brother against brother" was so very tragic. Now we are right there in the same place but for a different reason.

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That country doesn't exist anymore.

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Yup, they all humor the old timer. And stick their heads into the phone. Let's enjoy while we can

Sadly, the USA we grew up with is gone.

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Isn’t it sad that the country we grew up with, the pride of being American, my granchildren won’t know.

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Everything is inverted

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Tell him they're conspiracy facts and the longer he and others deny them, the more likely it is he will have no future. Either take the bitter medicine now or prepare to succumb sooner rather than later. Harsh for sure, but better to face the truth than live a lie.

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He doesn’t care and he thinks he knows everything. Sad thing is I get the exact same response from all of my “ex” friends.

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This is a very strange inverse reaction isn’t it - those in more danger care less - or have they less experience of propaganda / less discernment due fewer life/years / are more easily distracted…?!

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You nailed it. I guess the reason I'm so upset is not for my grown children who are making their own decisions now, good or bad. It is for my seven grandchildren that I fear from the bottom of my heart will be injected with these dangerous concoctions. And the world they will grow up in terrifies me. It's the grandbabies that keep me awake at night and I have no power to influence the parents. I've tried buying them books, sending them the most digestible easy podcasts and articles but nothing seems to open their eyes

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So sorry to hear this common story. I have one unvaxxed (self-employed) and one vaxxed (2): I couldn't compete with his wife in Australia!

You might try


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Well take care of yourself. In 10 years time you could help an awful lot of people.

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I find the younger generations eager to roll up their sleeves. I wonder what is going to happen.

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"died suddenly"

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I’m sure there are like minded people you can befriend and do your own thing without the kids. Especially if they will “cancel” you, threatening you ?!? They will come around on their own .......I would cancel myself from them if I were you. 🥰

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That's because they got participation trophies for history class.

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From Rep Thomas Massie's Twitter: No free country (other than the United States) requires international visitors to prove they've taken the COVID-19 vaccine. On Wednesday, Congress will vote on HR 185 to end this unscientific mandate. Does your Representative support it?

Contact your representative today!


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I’m seriously considering opting out of health insurance/health industry. Can one be coded if they don’t use health insurance? Should we only pay cash if we choose to enter in the health care industry system? I’m not wealthy. It seems the post modern world system has us bound to be controlled. What is one willing to sacrifice? When did health insurance come into play? I’m not sure what the solutions are, just contemplating.

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Hi, I just changed to a new GP and have no health insurance. I paid my uninsured copay of $50 in cash after my appointment. I received the full bill and inquired where I could pay the outstanding bill in cash. GP office wouldn't take remaining payment in cash. No one at billing office knew how to pay in cash. PS I choose not to have health insurance as I would rather not be under "their" thumb.

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I pay privately even though we have individual insurance that was only available on a state “exchange” in the event we have a major hospitalization/surgery event. I have given no one that insurance information. My private dermatologist e-prescribed an expensive cream that I planned to pay cash for using a GoodRx. The e-prescribing system automatically used a database that searches and found our insurance ID--an ID that I’ve never given any doctor or pharmacy. We pay cash using discount programs for all of our prescriptions, yet the system intruded and notified my insurance company about a particular Rx and asked the doctor’s office to do a prior authorization without my knowledge or permission. I had already paid privately for the Rx before I received a letter from my insurance company telling me that had approved the Rx. That is why they have forced doctors to participate in e-prescribing. They capture absolutely everything. Also, forcing doctors to switch to electronic medical records requires doctors to enter a code for every single condition they write a prescription for. If you pay cash to the doctor, that information “stays in the office” but would certainly be accessible to anyone searching.

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ALL medical records are electronic and interlaced, from your GP office, pharmacist, hospital and testing facilities

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I replied to this but it became disconnected from the thread. My reply is way below—about truly independent doctors with paper charts.

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I know of such doctors, used to have one, but I responded to someone who had used a commercial facility. If they create an electronic record it never stays in office only

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Except when you EXPECT the info to be available electronically. “We’re sorry. Our system doesn’t communicate with your system.”

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Find a physician who has also opted out! They exist.

Pay cash and be free.

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Good advice, thanks

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