The relevance of the new ICD-10 code: "Underimmunization status"
This is track and trace on steroids...
Ok before I begin, ahem… what in mother’s holy womb does “underimmunized” mean??? Seriously. Guys, we needn’t go further than this word. BUT I WILL.
Harvey Risch of the Brownstone Institute wrote this up in an excellent article and you can read it here.
Here are the most up-to-date ICD-10 codes for Z28.3s which are the more specific codes detailing “Underimmunization status” as of February 3, 2023.
…And for November 14, 2021.

Do you see the differences? No mention of COVID in 2021. How come? The injections were well under-way by November 14, 2021. It just says “Underimmunization status” - almost like they hadn’t quite ‘decided yet’ what to put beside those little green arrowheads. I wonder what they will decide to put beside the new green arrowheads in the near future? They have “Unvaccinated for COVID-19” and “Partially vaccinated for COVID-19” already, so will they have sub arrowheads with ‘due date by’s next to them? Meaning, if you’re not injected with this stuff by a certain date as classified by them, then will you not be allowed to leave your home? Or you will not be allowed to drive? Or to buy food?
The implications here are incredibly bad. Based simply on the fact that they have this kind of ‘coding system’ for injected versus uninjected people enacted, makes me very concerned about where this could go. They have evolved these confining definitions in such a short period of time. Can you not imagine what the next step will be? Seriously. What’s next?
Look at ICD-10 code Z28.21. “Immunization not carried out because of patient refusal”. I’m sorry. Am I a ‘patient’ or a human being?
‘Patient refusal’ is already an obtuse way to phrase that a HUMAN BEING (not a bloody patient) might have intelligently chosen not to get injected with something (can include this COVID stuff) because, say, they were already exposed to SARS. By the way, no matter what these psychopaths propagandize, if you have natural immunity to a pathogen (which is what the immune system is for) you’re not in danger from it.
‘Patient decision for unspecified reason’? Why would anyone need to specify a reason in the first place? It’s no one’s bloody business what your reasons are. Do you understand that? You do not have to justify your reasons for eating what you eat, drinking what you drink, taking supplements, or not getting injected with pharmaceutical flim-flam, to anyone. It’s your carcass. You’d think the psychopaths would understand this already seeing as how they glamorize morbid obesity and sedentary lifestyles.
Why aren’t the medical establishments and health ‘authorities’ concerned with the obesity crisis in North America? Why is high fructose corn syrup standard in all beverages? Why is that poison standard at all? This is also for another Substack.
These new codes should concern you, and you should simply stop letting anyone tell you that you need any shot at all until we get some bloody answers about this recent COVID debacle.
This is not over. There is an enormous amount of accountability that needs to be dealt with. And NOT just with Pfizer.
And hey, if barcoding/track and tracing human beings (or is it patients?) is such an awesome idea in the minds of the ‘greats’ like Gatesy, Harary, Schwabby, Trudeauy, and any one else who believes that pushing experimental injections onto an uninformed public is an awesome idea: après vous, mes amies.
Après Vous. We will watch where you go and decide what YOU can eat and where YOU can sit.
Maybe we will make you eat ze bugs.
I remember first hearing the expression undervaccinated/underimmunized 2 years ago. Absolutely ridiculous.
The bigger they blow this thing up, the louder it's gonna explode.
At this point I just hope they're not gonna give up at all. We will win this fair and square until every last one of them is locked up.
I may be getting overly enthusiastic here, but I believe they do not stand an ice cube's chance in hell. Even my father called the drugs "the gene therapeutics" last night. It's over. Now they just expose themselves further with every move they make. These fools are completely detached from reality and that's gonna be their downfall.
EDIT (couple of days later):
Look what I found while browsing the CDC FTP yesterday for a project I have (Yes I am the most boring person in the world):,%20FY2023.pdf
And yes, I did spend some time reading it and no, I am not a clinician. :D
The best part begins on page 15: "Documentation by Clinicians Other than the Patient's Provider"
For those too lazy to download the pdf, I screenshotted it:
Enjoy! ;)
EDIT2: In Germany the burden of proof is applied in reverse when it comes to medical diagnoses. Probably in other places as well. Now doctors who you did not even choose can hurt your reputation as well. I've been there, years of court drama.
Some of us were called conspiracy theorists for suspecting that this was where we were heading back in March 2020 (some even before then). How else can anyone explain the continuing push for a useless and dangerous jab and the global roll-out to all ages of this toxin to those whose risk:reward benefit of getting a jab versus illness was negative. Never ever was about health or healing.