Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

What a delight to see so many of our heroes together in one place! 💟

Glad you FINALLY made it there safe and sound ~ and thank you immeasurably for sharing your wisdom, insight and expertise with the world! 🙏

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Jessica, have you thought about making friends with somebody that owns a private jet? Somebody like Billy Gates or Johnny Kerry? Sorry, just checking to make sure your sense of humor was intact.

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trust me. trying. people with private jets tend to like to keep those jets: private. if you know what i mean

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How about chartering small jets for the long leg? One large is too risky. Capiche?

Possibly through FLCCC, Epoch Times, Children's Defense Fund, Go Fund Me [Us] etc.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

ugh! @#%@!#!%$ is my response to the f.......... airlines. thank goodness for friends.

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Yes the romance of air travel is long gone... as you have verified here...

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nailed it

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By design 😒

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Oh my goodness. I had flight dramas on my way home from the US too last week but nothing like this!! I think there’s a serious opportunity for an airtravel business that offers old school customer service where you can talk to real people at any hour (because air travel is not confined to business hours) and they actually help you.

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you nailed it

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

I used to work for a major airline and my job had me traveling for 3/4's of the year, away from home. So, I am quite familiar with how screwed-up the airlines are. But, reading this story took it to a whole different level! Btw, I was forced to take the jabz in order to keep my job, but I told them to stuff-it and retired.

Now, I am happy to never see the inside of an airport or an airplane, ever again!

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Dr Jessica Rose 🌹 Can’t await to see your presentation I feel so bad for your struggle to get there to deal with a massive struggle of getting the information out there . I don’t fly at all but I don’t need to but there are places I would like to see and visit if I did , the only places I go are either one or two day drives away 😊that’s it .

I’m amazed at your fortitude to get to Japan again yes thank you so much for your unstoppable courage and hard work .😊👍💕🌹

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

P.S. Combine delayed & cancelled flights w/ the cattle call process & rudeness of TSA & customs & I’m convinced the airlines all over the world want to make it as unpleasant as possible for we plebs to fly & only our globalist overlords can swan about in their private jets to lecture us on “climate change” & meet up in Davos to congratulate themselves for being masters of the universe. And / or it is all due to severe decimation in the airline ranks at all levels from mechanics to traffic controllers, flight attendants to pilots because of the idiocy of their mandated jabs. Either way, I’m slightly ashamed to be weak & admit they have their wish w/ me since I’ll avoid flying like the plague unless it’s an emergency!

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Just like babies having stokes has been normalized... air travel being unreliable and a disaster will be too. "It's just the way it is! It's always been this way!"

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Kat Bro, I know. Add children & teens dropping dead in sports or in their sleep & young adults developing turbo cancers & an entire generation of tatted & purple haired psychiatric snowflakes grooving to single cat lady & midwit Swift (in their 30s & beyond)…. We’re doomed

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

My daughter had the same experience at Christmas with BA. Flight home cancelled but she was not informed and only found out when she went to check in. Then it was a mad scramble trying to find a way to get her home 3 days before Christmas and the day b4 her international flight. The first customer service rep said it was going to cost $1000 to rebook even though they were the ones who cancelled. Then, when my hubby told her to do it and we'd figure it out later (against my better judgement) she was told to switch to a conversation via WhatsApp to finish the transaction, his spidey sense started tingling as well. We contacted BA directly and talked with someone there and when we told them about this extra charge he said that no, that's not right. There is no charge for this change. We then had to cancel my daughter's CC to make sure she wasn't charged for anything else this guy wanted.

The BA guy we talked to said that there should not have been any charges and to send us the details of the person who claimed there was. I have a feeling there are a few bad apples who have found that when people are desperate they will pay whatever they need to make the flights they want. We almost did that. I'm finding it hard to forgive the guy who tried to bilk my daughter out of $1000 right before Christmas and put us all thru a bunch of unnecessary stress.

Even w/o buying the flex ticket option, at least here in Europe, if the airline cancels your flight you have lots of options to rebook that shouldn't cost you more money than originally and shouldn't cost you days and downgrades in order to have it happen...

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

Phew! Well done. And many, many thanks.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

Ah yes Dr. J...I see your beaming face oozing intelligence as usual.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

My blood was boiling just reading this. I’m so glad it worked out for you in the end.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

Imagine how it will be when it is all digital! Looking forward to seeing what you presented there.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

... what a nightmare ... but you made it :)

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

I don't know how often you fly, Jessica, but the simple process of booking an international airline flight has become exponentially more difficult over the past 12 months. A certain SE Asian airline was my "go to" airline for decades. Last October I actually hung up the phone on their agent expressing my suspicion she might have been part of an elaborate scam. As of earlier this month, it's impossible to book a one-way ticket with that once-World#1 airline.

Perhaps there's been another as yet unreported adverse event from the jabs..."excess incompetence". Something has gone seriously off kilter.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

I can no longer face travelling a relatively short distance by train here in the UK. As they say, these operators couldn't run a bath let alone a reliable railway. A cousin recently reported to Edinburgh airport early one morning for her flight to Toronto, only to be told the Air Canada flight was cancelled - just like that. A lot of people had to twiddle their thumbs while cursing Air Canada for 36 hours or so. But Jessica's experience would have made me paranoid as well as angry.

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