There are naturopathic medicine journals or holistic / functional /integrative medicine journals out there that may be more welcoming.. we need to move away from the reign of big pharma altogether.
It appears pharma has a stranglehold on journals and medical information after decades of influence in the health and political realms. There are some alternate sources like GreenMedinfo, but they are suppressed and attacked. A lot of doctors are indoctrinated by the system, and aren't taught enough about nutrition, the immune system, and alternate therapies that are outside the pharma paradigm. The whole system has been monopolized by very lucrative patented drug sales, and anything that might interfere with that is fought.
My comment contrubution for today is to quote El Gato Malo (Bad Cattitude):
"the vast “grants for cronies and DEI devotees” program has been curtailed. the next step is to pull the NIH and CDC most or all of the way out of science. they should not be funding any of this. it crowds out real work and generates a dependent class of useless researchers grifting from grant to grant and making whole careers out of low or negative value work/science flavored propaganda to prop up prevailing regime predilection.
this is not the proper role of the state or of science.
We need to get Musk to fund a new, honest journal. Yesterday the Russian defense mister accused Gates of bio-terrorism. Maybe the Russians will kidnap Bill, put him on trial in a glass booth like Adolph Eichmann, and then hang him. Then, to top it off, Trump could award Putin the American Medal of Freedom.
If the journals were banned from accepting funding from the industry they purport to publish on, that may help?
But frankly, I'm sceptical of the whole process, as 'reviewers' bring their biases and viewpoints that cloud their judgement. Their criticisms are often so puerile and childish, they should be shamed!
The Daily Beagle did an article write up based on the findings of Jikkyleaks a while back, and the fraudulent nature of peer review (including the tendency to not even review raw data) is quite surprising. I don't know if you ever got a chance to read it, but give it a skim, might offer some insights and new thoughts on the Cureus debacle:
Perhaps the existing paper sources should be dissolved/replaced
and have this function taken over by several other groups.
IMA (formerly FLCCC), AIMPA, NAHAC, IPA, AAPS, etc.
I'm thinking that the majority of content of the publications should come from practicing clinical treatment doctors/associations,
independent of healthcare companies' ownership.
Advocacy groups for specific illnesses/conditions could jointly
operates such a publication.
A government operated paper may be useful to balance out - or be balanced by - such publications. Due diligence requires watching the good guys too!
It could also set or recommend minimum health and business performance standards and set or recommend recourse for patients who have been neglected, wronged, or harmed.
It could work with - but be independent of -government agencies/programs. [Good luck with that!]
The larger context of this subject is the assault on the academic freedom and the conventions of peer review in institutions of higher learning. Through interventions in universities by billionaire donors as well as politicians like Congresswoman, now USA Ambassador to the UN, Elise Stefanik, a censorious takeover of higher learning has taken place. The takeover involves faculty hiring and firing together with curriculum development, including the production peer-reviewed publications. Higher learning in the USA must by policy, law, and funding procedures advance mandatory Zionist ideals. Alternative higher education must treat as heresy any positive reference to Palestinian human rights including the rights of self-determination as well as security of the person.
The peer review system in many disciplines is a corrupt, mutual back-scratching operation for academic cronies.
Abandon peer review and publish only in preprints.
There are naturopathic medicine journals or holistic / functional /integrative medicine journals out there that may be more welcoming.. we need to move away from the reign of big pharma altogether.
It appears pharma has a stranglehold on journals and medical information after decades of influence in the health and political realms. There are some alternate sources like GreenMedinfo, but they are suppressed and attacked. A lot of doctors are indoctrinated by the system, and aren't taught enough about nutrition, the immune system, and alternate therapies that are outside the pharma paradigm. The whole system has been monopolized by very lucrative patented drug sales, and anything that might interfere with that is fought.
I refuse to pay the exorbitant prices for digital copies of papers they got for free and wait and hope Sci-Hub eventually mines it.
Journals are parasites!
100 % correct !!
Oh, but Jessica, the peer-review process *is* fixed! 😉
Here are some stellar books on the topic:
• Ben Goldacre's "Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients"
• Marcia Angell's "The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It"
• Gerald Posner's "Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America"
• Sharyl Attkisson's "Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails"
Captured, all of it .
"It is because of mechanisms like these that the future of licensed medicine seems dismal to an increasing proportion of physicians in the West."
My comment contrubution for today is to quote El Gato Malo (Bad Cattitude):
"the vast “grants for cronies and DEI devotees” program has been curtailed. the next step is to pull the NIH and CDC most or all of the way out of science. they should not be funding any of this. it crowds out real work and generates a dependent class of useless researchers grifting from grant to grant and making whole careers out of low or negative value work/science flavored propaganda to prop up prevailing regime predilection.
this is not the proper role of the state or of science.
never was."
We need to get Musk to fund a new, honest journal. Yesterday the Russian defense mister accused Gates of bio-terrorism. Maybe the Russians will kidnap Bill, put him on trial in a glass booth like Adolph Eichmann, and then hang him. Then, to top it off, Trump could award Putin the American Medal of Freedom.
If the journals were banned from accepting funding from the industry they purport to publish on, that may help?
But frankly, I'm sceptical of the whole process, as 'reviewers' bring their biases and viewpoints that cloud their judgement. Their criticisms are often so puerile and childish, they should be shamed!
To quote a famous Canadian singer... "Well isn't it ironic?!"
The corrupt peer review system needs to be abandoned.
The corrupt patent system needs to be abandoned.
If science is ever going to flourish again, I think experiments and inventions are going to have to become open source. No more gate-keepers.
Peer review is fraudulent?
Colour me shocked, shocked I say!
The Daily Beagle did an article write up based on the findings of Jikkyleaks a while back, and the fraudulent nature of peer review (including the tendency to not even review raw data) is quite surprising. I don't know if you ever got a chance to read it, but give it a skim, might offer some insights and new thoughts on the Cureus debacle:
This is the comment I left in (Dr. Rose's crossposted)
Medical Journals as Gatekeepers
A broken system, Anandamide Jan 24, 2025
Perhaps the existing paper sources should be dissolved/replaced
and have this function taken over by several other groups.
IMA (formerly FLCCC), AIMPA, NAHAC, IPA, AAPS, etc.
I'm thinking that the majority of content of the publications should come from practicing clinical treatment doctors/associations,
independent of healthcare companies' ownership.
Advocacy groups for specific illnesses/conditions could jointly
operates such a publication.
A government operated paper may be useful to balance out - or be balanced by - such publications. Due diligence requires watching the good guys too!
It could also set or recommend minimum health and business performance standards and set or recommend recourse for patients who have been neglected, wronged, or harmed.
It could work with - but be independent of -government agencies/programs. [Good luck with that!]
The larger context of this subject is the assault on the academic freedom and the conventions of peer review in institutions of higher learning. Through interventions in universities by billionaire donors as well as politicians like Congresswoman, now USA Ambassador to the UN, Elise Stefanik, a censorious takeover of higher learning has taken place. The takeover involves faculty hiring and firing together with curriculum development, including the production peer-reviewed publications. Higher learning in the USA must by policy, law, and funding procedures advance mandatory Zionist ideals. Alternative higher education must treat as heresy any positive reference to Palestinian human rights including the rights of self-determination as well as security of the person.
Is it time to consider 'community notes' as a means of peer review?
A valuable tool at the right time.
IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work. Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.
Accountability Now, Now, Now
To influence/control the scientific community you capture the industry journals. To influence/control society you capture the community journals
IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work. Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.
Accountability Now, Now, Now