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Thank you Jessica, excellent detailed work. I see you are struggling,as indeed am I, to find an explanation that is both reasonable (based on common sense) and conclusive. It appears that the data is being deliberately manipulated. On another thread I gave the benefit of the doubt but was swiftly corrected by Dr. Mike Yeadon:


Writes Austrian’s Newsletter 12 hr ago

Many thanks Sasha - I feel more confident about these data now. I have a feeling that this is all pointing to SNAFU enabled by greed, carelessness and complete disregard for the basic rights of humanity. It appears that BigPharma are treating the global population no better than cattle in a lab but with perhaps a hidden agenda.

I am working with colleagues to try an determine whether this whole medical disaster is purely deliberate or with the military involved, merely the normal FUBAR. Having worked for HMG War Office in the 1960s I can confirm that any plan fails on first contact with the enemy. Maybe this is the answer?


Dr Mike Yeadon

4 hr ago

I wish it was that. But it’s definitely not. There’s enormous amounts of evidence of preparation going back decades, essentially rehearsal of what happened in 2020. At least ten, sophisticated “pandemic simulations” were run at the highest levels of the US military & government since 1997.

While some might say, “isn’t it reasonable that the authorities would rehearse for such events?”, it’s not true. Global pandemics of severe respiratory illnesses are not, in my view, plausible. I’ve good, immunological reasons for this opinion.

Furthermore, all the simulations focused on controlling the population, “flooding the zone” with their preferred messages & there were always very concerned about “misinformation” & crushing dissent.

The best source is a documentary by Paul Schreyer, Pandemic Simulations (YouTube).

That’s just the background. There’s the matter that 100% of the policy responses made everything worse. No exceptions, yet stupid policies were simultaneously imposed all around the world.

No, I am sorry, but there’s ample evidence of prolonged anticipation.



Writes Austrian’s Newsletter 1 min ago

Thank you so much Mike for taking the time to explain the background, I guess I was rather whistling in the dark because fundamentally I cannot believe governments and their military could be so evil. I will watch that video documentary.

You have confirmed what many of my contacts already believe and I guess you might know some of them: Dr Gerry Brady is a very good friend and working colleague. I am grateful that the truth is gradually leaking out thanks to the exceptional efforts of giants like yourself who have paid the price of honesty and integrity.

I am distressed to know that HMG used extreme military grade PsyOp on us Brits which has caused me to lose all confidence in our government, Health Authorities, and BigPharma. I wrote about it some time ago:


I will continue with 'Mike's' hug if you get to UK :-)

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In this interview the claim is made that the Plandemic was intended for 2016 under H Clinton but Trumps election upended that and moved the timeline. Things run by oligarchs in NGO's and top institutions all captured. Stuff many of us know but a take from an insider is interesting.

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Ah, well found AC - this explains a lot. I will view the vid and send it on. Many thanks and happy New Year - maybe we will see the next stage? My team at TBP have some interesting observations: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/12/19/bill-gates-plans-for-new-catastrophic-contagion/

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