Dear Jessica, hi from Germany. Retired biologist. As I am very spiritual too ..I value truth and ethics. Thank you for all your work .
🔺check on Igor about iG4 antibodies after 3rd shot: scary ...
Perhaps Giving Unproved Vaccines to Billions was a Bad Idea, After All
DEC 26
had Delta badly 12/21 with hospital - but never ever I would take that mRNA 💉. I have some drug regulatory knowledge from my job and I knew instinctively Feb 2020 that the virus is a man made one and as they came out with „project lightspeed“ and Hardly any safety data ..on the 💉📍zu knew: Never ever ..I warned my friends ..but hardly anybody listened
Unjabbed also.... agreed on man made. A small few listened, most complied with the illegal "mandates". It was a fast way to become somewhat socially unacceptable. 🤫
Yes. In Germany they forced the people by mass media, our minister for health pushed constantly , we were blocked to go by train for over 1 year , 2G, 3G , but I resisted. Daily in my now EX PHARMACEUTICAL company : GET VAXXED the elevator door. Free shots at the work place ..most of my Colleagues followed
I don’t care what dimension one is from. Giving unproved ANYTHING to ANYONE is a bad idea and always will be. Igor Chudov’s substack was definitely scary. I don’t think it’s the only problem with the shots and in the system but it sure makes a lot of insane sense.
It’s just one finger to the possible truth. Not the full hand - metaphorically speaking. The spike topic and the LNP are toxic to the body cells as well .
Dear Jessica, hi from Germany. Retired biologist. As I am very spiritual too ..I value truth and ethics. Thank you for all your work .
🔺check on Igor about iG4 antibodies after 3rd shot: scary ...
Perhaps Giving Unproved Vaccines to Billions was a Bad Idea, After All
DEC 26
It was a Bad Idea for the People jabbed with products deliberately mislabelled as vaccines, agreed.
I am unvaxxed ..
had Delta badly 12/21 with hospital - but never ever I would take that mRNA 💉. I have some drug regulatory knowledge from my job and I knew instinctively Feb 2020 that the virus is a man made one and as they came out with „project lightspeed“ and Hardly any safety data ..on the 💉📍zu knew: Never ever ..I warned my friends ..but hardly anybody listened
Unjabbed also.... agreed on man made. A small few listened, most complied with the illegal "mandates". It was a fast way to become somewhat socially unacceptable. 🤫
Yes. In Germany they forced the people by mass media, our minister for health pushed constantly , we were blocked to go by train for over 1 year , 2G, 3G , but I resisted. Daily in my now EX PHARMACEUTICAL company : GET VAXXED the elevator door. Free shots at the work place ..most of my Colleagues followed
A terrible time for humanity, it will be a "interesting" time to see what unfolds over the next few years. Stay safe out there.
You too and all the rest of humanity . May the truth be revealed and the responsible persons jailed
and the responsible persons jailed . . .
nah, violently eliminated. Fortunes distributed to the injured.
I don’t care what dimension one is from. Giving unproved ANYTHING to ANYONE is a bad idea and always will be. Igor Chudov’s substack was definitely scary. I don’t think it’s the only problem with the shots and in the system but it sure makes a lot of insane sense.
It’s just one finger to the possible truth. Not the full hand - metaphorically speaking. The spike topic and the LNP are toxic to the body cells as well .
Yes, that was my point. There are several known mechanisms of harm with these things. And now, another one.