One thing I have noticed is that GPT chat does not know if it knows a truth or not because it only lives in the virtual world it has no concept of reality versus fiction and obviously thus has no idea of right or wrong.

Ever since the start of covid I have noticed the madness of our bureaucrats and politicians, they say and do the stupidest and evilest things of things with a strange gormless confidence.

It makes me wonder if they are acting out policies and getting speeches from an AI (maybe WEF, Club of Rome, etc) and believe it is superior intelligence.

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Wow. I’ve never seen a committee work so fast...censorship sure reacts quickly. Scary times. Thank goodness we have Substack to get real information.

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Those of us who are “ Awake” understand that the Elite Evil Cabal has a simple plan “To Build Back Better you have to destroy first”. Cancelling a Presentation, Burning down Lahaina, George Floyd Riots, mRNA Jabs, Mass illegal Immigration, Etc.. Their Plan must be stopped at every turn. Fenton is a Truth Warrior!

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Is it OK for an agnostic atheist to hope God exists and is watching?

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Here is a comment on Norman’s Substack that I posted and he noted he liked. It shows the true reason he was cancelled had nothing to do with his paper. The cancellations are entirely due to controlling The Covid PsyOp. If you understand the following it makes perfect sense. It is pure evil, mass psychological manipulation by governments that theoretically represent free citizens. Much worse than just disliking any individual. “ A little background on the Asch Conformity Experiment will explain why not one dissenting voice is allowed. The Asch experiments were psychology experiments conducted to see if the government could get people to agree to something they knew to be an obvious lie. They were conducted by getting a group of eight people together, seven who were planted and one real test subject. The group was then shown something like a drawing with two parallel lines on it, one obviously longer than the other. The plants would go first and all would agree to an obvious lie, like the shorter line was longer. When put in this position of unanimous opinion, up to 75% of the time the real test subject would go along with the lie. However if only one of the plants told the truth, only 5% of the real test subjects would go along with the lie. That is why any position other than the official Covid narrative was so ruthlessly censored. If you would like to learn more https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/04/this_scary_experiment_explains_two_years_of_covid_hell.html. An interesting quote is also really germane "“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself. Joseph Goebbels” as long as nobody tells the truth. While your presentation may not have appeared to challenged the Asch Covid Conformity plan, your mere presence does and there is no saying how you may have answered questions. While the Japanese saying "the nail that sticks up gets hammered down" has certainly applied to Covid skeptics, Asch would say "make sure there are no nails that stick up".

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m always impressed with your work Jess, and no difference with this piece.

Norman deserves better and I'm sure that he will be vindicated in at least some circles in the short term. But respectfully, can i please ask that you use your influence to draw attention to the following, as a matter of urgency. As a matter of longterm counter playbook, especially when it comes to helping the common person heal or deal with the after effects of this catastrophic iatro-demi-genocide.🤐 They are making a final grab for the "One World Health" prison, by going after Traditional Medicines. They Interestingly set the stage in 2019. 🤔🤔😐But now they are working on their 2024-2034 plan. Go to https://www.who.int/news/item/10-08-2023-who-convenes-first-high-level-global-summit-on-traditional-medicine-to-explore-evidence-base--opportunities-to-accelerate-health-for-all They specifically want to control access, using climate change and sustainability framework, to collar the access to traditional plants, practitioners modalities, and regulatory self capture these alternative medical systems. In the exact same way that they did the allopathic medical system and schooling, as they did agricultural industries, as they did environmental industries and as they did during covid. Same playbook, and it works now because the people are systematically primed. They are meeting this year to plan out the 2024-34 plan, which includes the "One Health" platform and digital ID. If they control the traditional medicines, and practitioners, then if you are not in the system, you will not have access to medicine. Full stop.

Please share this, it is even more important than the IHR changes and the "pandemic treaty" power grab that WHO has done.🙏🙏🙏 Please Jess. I would ask if I wasn't sure or that it was important. People will have zero access to desperately needed, cost effective medicines, if they don't comply. THIS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. Medicine is for all.🤗

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Both you and Norman are some of my heros in this time to help me know the direction. Thank you both for the insight and wisdom that you share, much appreciated.....

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Dear Jessica, we are certainly on the same side. We have to be like the waves that bring down the cliff.

Meanwhile, back at the Journal of the American Medical Association the nonsense is still going on. August 15, 2023 - "Communication of COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media by Physicians in the US" has a gem of an abstract, "Approximately one-third of the more than 1 100 000 confirmed COVID-19–related deaths as of January 18, 2023, were considered preventable if public health recommendations had been followed. Physicians’ propagation of misinformation about COVID-19 on social media and other internet-based platforms has raised professional, public health, and ethical concerns".

https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2808358 - the whole thing is worth a read for many cynical laughs.

Let’s first remove that scam about COVID-19–related deaths and just have deaths caused by COVID-19 or bad treatment of it (like intubated ventilation). I would have said that more than 99% of such deaths would have been prevented if early off-label treatment with safe medications had not been suppressed.

Intentionally hurting other beings is wrong.

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Professor Fenton shared the email sent to the nhs asking he be cancelled from giving a presentation. To read the list of agencies put on notice by this person on twitter, it struck me government big brother was involved in the cancellation. That should strike terror in everyone’s world. Honesty and integrity are NOT welcome in the discussion of our health and what has taken place over the past three years.

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How do we lose the knowledge of right and wrong? I think corporate culture plays a huge role: people learn quickly through nudges what can be said, what shouldn't be said and what will be promoted. Office hierarchies always punch down.

I had something happen at my job as an editor of earnings transcripts. My pay is calculated using a very complicated formula that uses my average monthly error scores. Since the pandemic I've noticed that most months my score gets manipulated downwards, lowering my pay rate. This month it came to head as I only had one edit left ungraded which was fairly easy and the only way they could really bomb my good average error score was to give me a horrible horrible grade on it. They gave me a terrible grade, the worst they could, over the flimsiest contrived things imagineable. This lowers my pay by maybe $500. For a while they just didn't have work but now they seem to be having a worker shortage. This is devastating and completely unjust. It happens in a lot of contexts.

Middle management is always punching down to please their masters...

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As a fellow ' Hardcore Anti-Vaxxer ' ...... screw them.

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Norman is such a decent man.

He analysed the data I received in response to an FOI to MHRA on Yellow Card Monitor on Pregnant Women, after Dr June Raine boasted that this is important information and although I was sent an initial presentation of some of the data, my request was refused because they are going to do a scientific publication!! But when - it is no good to all the pregnant ladies who are vaccinated in the meantime (as the RCOG recommend), if we get the information in years to come.

Here is Norman's Analysis for which I am very grateful:


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History repeats Jessica. How did the German people accept the evilness of the Nazis? Many of them became part of it. The power of propaganda—the real disinformation—is the tactic common to all totalitarian regimes. Hopefully, the bubble of the belief that we live in free democracies is bursting.

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Congratulations to you and all of your brave and knowledgeable colleagues who have dared to speak out. You are shining a light into the darkness for which I, and I hope many others, are very grateful.

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Integrity is altogether too rare in this world. More like Norman please!

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> I will argue with anyone on these points and they will lose

Of course, they will not.

In a dispute, debate, argument, whatever you call it, both parties lose, always. The simple reason for it is that when a difference of opinions arises, it shows that the particular community (circle, group) lost track of their underlying values. There is no common ground. Each one will fight for their own views, and they can not lose, because losing the debate means losing their elan vital, their identity, their long-term decisions, and their purpose.

This is why Steve Kirsch is all wrong about debates, and their “adversaries” clearly show him how wrong he is. Their lifestyle won’t allow any concession, even one step. The manage their own ground. No outsider is allowed there. The point is: why?

Because when a group loses the underlying values, small fractions start building their own beachheads. In time, some will become stronger, and some will become more appealing. They can argue and debate however long you would like to have them engaged, but none will admit the defeat. They can not. They have replaced the old-style underlying values with their own. In their eyes (vision), they alone are the winners.

You will win over them mentally, in your own mental structures, and according to your own logic. It will be a one-sided “victory”, where the other party will retreat, and will plan for a huge revenge. Your winning may even fuel up their vision - this is why pressure-based opposition is always a failure. Your energy will become the source of their power. In the meantime, you will remain bogged down in your concept of “what is right”. But the demarcation will persist. In fact, the situation will only aggravate.

This is why the whole “alt” covid movement is losing the game. Apparently nobody there is aware that by bona fide explanations, discoveries, investigations and “finding out” the “truth”, they lose their precious energy - while the covid-lovers party simply continue doing what they have decided to do. Ultimately, the situation is worse than in 2020, just because they intelligently read the opposition, adapt their tactics, and massively correct their mistakes. They are flexible, and the “alt” party stands in the same spot as 4 years ago.

The point is that we have no common ground, no shared underlying values. They (whoever you want to debate) live in their own small world, and we live in our own small world. It all has become so subjective that even the biggest religions do not have the courage to reinstate the common human values all over the place. It’s a divided world, and arguing won’t help. Except maybe that some of us will fell better because they will feel better :-)

Note that I am not referring to any particular subject matter. It’s all about the nature of opposition.

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