One thing I have noticed is that GPT chat does not know if it knows a truth or not because it only lives in the virtual world it has no concept of reality versus fiction and obviously thus has no idea of right or wrong.

Ever since the start of covid I have noticed the madness of our bureaucrats and politicians, they say and do the stupidest and evilest things of things with a strange gormless confidence.

It makes me wonder if they are acting out policies and getting speeches from an AI (maybe WEF, Club of Rome, etc) and believe it is superior intelligence.

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The answer is yes. All information is groomed for the politicians. They can not be allowed to go off script. Talk a lot and say nothing. It has been that way for 25 years.

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and for the mainstream (lamestream) media, and a lot of the social media.

But I think some of this has always gone on. What was the real cause of WW1, WW2, Vietnam , Korea, Gulf war, Afghanistan, Ukraine. Were we eve given the straight stories?

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Julian Assange said it was the press and misinformation that led to war.

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No, the public was not given the truth. Which is the corrupted forces qho propel these wars, US goes in to exploit their natural resources for one thing. Im not sure of your age, but the Iraq war was commenced on,

"They have mass weapons of destruction."

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and we (all countries) use "weapons of mass distraction" on our own people. Our news media by what they choose to cover or ignore, or spin to confer the flavor of the message they want us to believe. Television entertainment programing (why is it called programing?) Movies. Even books: look at the genres like thrillers (rogue CIA or FBI agent takes on the world to save "sweet Nell" from "Snidely Whiplash") Romances to distract from the tedium and dissatisfaction of daily life. All together, weaving a fabric of our perception of the world we live in. The Powers That Be have gotten very good at it, but I think they "jumped the shark" and more people are waking up and lost trust in what we are being told.

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I quit believing the news back during the Gulf war. Sometimes i feel as if i am in the wronf time period, though, i might be right where im wupposed to be.

I notice everything, i see connections, as if im standing on the outside looking at the whole picture.

Weapons of mass destrucrion was how they spun their reasoning to invade Iraq. All about the petrol dollar.

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In today's substack "A Midwestern Doctor" mentioned that in his practice he found the more sensitive people tend to notice things that most others don't. Why they are less likely to buy into the narratives being pushed on us. You may enjoy reading it:


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Not just “Talk a lot and say nothing”…more correctly stated and far more egregious “Talk a lot and DO nothing!”

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What happened 25 years ago that you have a specific year for this?

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Read 'tragedy & hope' by Carroll Quigley for intense back story! Or even recent 'one nation under blackmail' by Whitney Webb.... Or any book by G Edward Griffin. It been MUCH longer than 25 yrs!

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Thanks. I am familiar slightly with Whitney Webb. I know enough right now to move forward. I just can’t deal with everything right now in the past. Just that it’s all a lie.

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Stay strong. Blessings to you and everyone who is struggling with that big fat bitter murderous red pill. We need carriers of Truth. Stay strong! 🙏

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You too, Sandy. Forewarned is forearmed!!

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25 years ago I was an idealistic supporter of Harry Brown for president. An avid believer in our government, USA history, and actual platoesk democracy and naïvely believed in freedom of the press.

Before 911 we still had freedom, after 911 they started strangling America.

I do not know what specifically changed but for the average Joe and American believer the powers decided that the next century was going to wipe America/USA away. They had had enough of that freedom / liberty fantasy.

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Still think about Harry Browne every day, regarding how to live free in an unfree world. Especially when walking the beach before sunrise.

Miss his weekly radio broadcasts where I could learn and sometimes challenge him.

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I have a signed copy of his latest book that he signed at a Seattle campaign rally for me.

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Yes. 911 changed so much. I was a Democrat then and despised Bush. Still do. Dems had a couple of things going for them then but not now. I’m out.

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I would agree w this, i have watched in disbelief, the dumbing down of society for at least 30 years.

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Aug 19, 2023
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An ad for ultimate survival food? Just say they're trying to starve us out.

Or perhaps they'll follow this plan, found on a copy machine in the mid 80's when set out to be auctioned off. https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/the-undeclared-war with the document found here https://archive.org/details/SilentWeaponsForQuietWarsOriginalDocumentCopy/page/n1/mode/2up

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Alex, the form of AI to which you refer, I call Augmented Ignorance. One programs the computer to reject all information that concludes an unwanted truth is true, and relies only on lies and ignorance to preserve the false appearance that one's pet lie is true.

Using digital computing to replace the small army of clerks running Minitrue in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four overcomes the cost factor involved. Oceania spent a good chunk of GDP maintaining a single lie factory to support The Party. But today's computing makes it practical for much smaller groups to practice denial of reality.

By selling the privilege to lie to the most dishonest segments of society, our Deep State empowers itself to lie to the voting public about nearly everything.

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Thank you for the clarity on this. Not sure why people cannot see this obviousness. Especially the young ones that are infatuated with video games and electronics. I see it light up the evil adult's eyes also. Hopefully this AL BS will be realized by most everyone despite the enormous amount of buy off on the AI lie. The pendulum will likely swing back but I hope it is not too late. People must learn to turn off and tune out propaganda.

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Young people are not being given the necessary skills to critically read and critically think. For the 1st time in history the last generation has lower IQ scores than the generation before....

I wont expound.

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EVERYTHING. UP IS DOWN. GREEN IS ORANGE. I see every day signs of the corralling. Fewer and fewer choices of whete to shop, gas stations, what is on the shelf to purchase. I have tracked several people on Twitter (they caught my eye bc of the BS info they were putting out about covid) it didnt take me long before i directly traced their source of info bafk to Rodkerfellows in one instance. The other back to the Astors then the Rockerfellows. The first is/was a MD. I dont sit on this info either, i come roght out. Although im often told or ridiculed about my audacity seeing as how i only have (??) followers. Im astounded some days on social media, at the folks i encounter or whose conversations I read on.

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I tried ChatGPT to write a report. It'll only learn your job if you teach it, it has problems with law and complex thoughts generally. It doesn't know truth but it can correct false assumptions? It will tell you it's wrong to bully? It's being programme by Google, it's mind control, I will never touch it again, I'm just finishing a Substack about it if you are interested to learn more without touching it yourself. I feel dirty, I even used someone else's computer and had the results Discorded to me, paranoid? Oh yes, I'm in survival mode. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/12/chatgpt-ai-bot-intelligent-conversation/

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It's also been repeatedly shown to make up quotes attributable to people. In essence you can't trust it at all.

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Anyone who is aware of what is actually happening out here, would never trust it.

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v3, or v4?

v3 has pretty stale info, and gives iffy results.

fwiw, I haven't tried v4.

Nor any of the LLM's projects, that can be ran on your own info.

Recently, I read 'Everyday Chaos', which is quite interesting. However, I don't think Wineberger anticipated the hoarding of data sources, or it's importance. Though it seemed inevitable to me.

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I have no idea which version they used, LLM sounds more useful for someone who has all the information but just prefers pissing about on Substack all day, not that I am such a person you understand...

That sounds like an interesting book, which I'm going to get hold of. What do you mean hoarding of data sources? Like the ONS not publishing stuff on time like they used to? Like the CDC suddenly removing 37,000 records from VAERS in September 2022 and not mentioning it? Did those ever turn up? What I love is that people like Dr Rose and random "anti-vaxxers" knew what had happened as they had already snaffled the data before the CDC thought the would try to hide it.

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I forget the article listing all of the data sources that have removed their data / or have put their data behind paywalls recently. The one company that popped in my head, was reddit, perhaps slashdot, etc... Here's a related article, https://www.wired.com/story/stack-overflow-will-charge-ai-giants-for-training-data/

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WHY do you continue to use the tetm anti-vaxxer. Show me a vaccine involved w covid. The CDC as well as the WHO, are cocci entities. They were that long before covid was dropped on the people.

The CDC changed the definition of the word vaccine not oncr but TWO TIMES.

Im not sure you realize, how that word was and still continues to be used like four letter word against those of us who

CHOSE not refused, but CHOSE to not take a shot. Plenty of informatiin was out before they hot the street.

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Good for you, i eas going to ask why you needed it to write a report. Not directed at you,

The dunbinf down continues.

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Bureaucracy is in itself is form of AI. People running written rules with no nuance or humanity. AI is the last iteration of this pure logical dead view of the world.

Of course, we need written rules and computers and even AI, being lost in them is where the problem starts.

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Thanks for making me learn the word “gormless.” 😃

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Made me feel gaumless that I didn't know that word ;)

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Only people of a certain age know words like gormless and gubbins!😄

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Smiling out loud now....thank you.

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They will be programing for " evil " or " wrong " to be its norm default.

Why can't people see this and dismiss AI immediately. So obvious.

You all are acting like you discovered lawn grass for the first time. Think of AI as a person ( because it is persons behind it, so it is) it will be slanted slightly then heavily towards evil. That is the plan Sam. So simple to see.

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very very close to the truth what you said .

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A friend described the aberrant behaviour of ChatGTP with regards to facts. Basically it works like a submissive partner and will say whatever it thinks it can get away with when addressing you that will make you happy. If you INSIST on the truth it can do that for you as well but mostly it wants to repeat the popular line and hope you will be happy.

The way it is set up now is a cancer on humanity, hopefully we find an effective antidote before it becomes pervasive.

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Maam, I qm not sure whete y9u gor your knowledge of how a D/s relationship works, but whatbyou described sounds like a doormat sitution, and if that is what was agreed upon in the beginning, consented to, wekl thats their business. However i can tell you, that a quality,dominant leader will never want what you described, EVER.

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I have no personal experience with D/s or ChatGTP so was relating what someone had said. The analogy may be bad but the output of ChatGTP does seem to be illogical.

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Good point, however I’m going to run with ‘They are possessed with some kind of evil / devil and perhaps even enhanced by some form of financial remuneration’ - all to help these covitards, woketards, libtards and Climitards utter the evil shite that they do’. Maybe they are in fact the much vaunted Aliens that supposedly walk amongst us? I dunno but they’re in plentiful supply it seems. ☘️

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Wow. I’ve never seen a committee work so fast...censorship sure reacts quickly. Scary times. Thank goodness we have Substack to get real information.

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They are preprogrammed and ready to go. That is one way to detect they are full of sh...t and lies, with this, with murders ( Anne Hesche's etc.) when the NEWS releases, and fake toxicology reports are circulating before the person makes it to the ambulance/meeting you know it is a planned set up. You have to watch closely when it is happening in real time to see this.

If you out them immediately when you see it it is a great defense and you make fools of them. Like when Hilliary announced Kerry Lakes death on Twitter before she died ...oops.

Kerry Lake then outed her and made fun of her immediately so Kerry was safe for a while....She wasn't going to die.

You have to see this in real time when it is happening before it is memory holed or the info manipulated. Then even that is entertaining to watch the manipulating and you can spot and ID the bad guys. Usually the obvious characters like LSM, Clintons, etc.

FIB False Flag " shootings " are a good one to watch. Totally do not make sense....when things are playing out. For a reason. It is politics to pass Bills and distract from something worse going on at which the Billionaire oligarchs are getting caught.

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Exactly. What I was thinking that it was all a programmed response if anyone or anything is highlighted. I’d forgotten about Anne Heche--sad.

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The Evils are ready at every turn. They usually take a little while to scramble though.

Check out all the video takes of her trying to get up off the stretcher.

This is John Brennen’s ( Obama’s cia director MO of how he kills people, they go at high speeds and crash their car and then a fire in front of car, likely to destroy evidence and help destroy person ). So many repeats snd patterns throughout the years.

Apparently, I am just going to say it here, I am sorry, the cia has been capturing approx 10 thousand children a year for sex trafficking and exporting them to a specific region were they would be bough/traded and then when that had been raped so many times they were almost dead they would use the body parts for something else.

Guns for money type deal. Sound familiar? But the kids are free.

There is another sub stack that I saw and followed the lead to this info. You have to do some digging if you are interested in knowing the truth. You must have a strong stomach also for the truth because more humans then we thought are worse then animals. Much worse then animals. They make fun of us and tell us to be “ kind “ with a smirk and wink to their buddies. In addition to what I outlined there are also two big stories that are very well documented that occurred in the US a few decades ago. They have legal proceedings, documentaries, scientific ( pseudo posed ) publishing’s these horrors.

If you are interested start with markcrispinmillersubstack. from a couple days ago entitled last Vegas police investigator same guy as Maui and this should lead you to some deep truth out our highest gov officials.


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Well i DO want to know where are the children of Lahaina?

Now he may have been already captured, but last night i see The Rock hugging Optwh, they have teamed together supposedly to do for those people.

Hogwash. I wonder what it took if he was not already in..........

About 400 children are registered with other schools on Maui, 300 or signed up for online schooling. Before being burned out, there were around 3K kids registered in Lahaina schools.

It made me sick to see how Biden was going to Fl today to see "the damage".

Recall how many days it took for him to get to Maui?

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I have one for you. The story of Pelosi's husband and the "attack from a complete strange."

I was like Smh. Then several months later I saw , the police's body cam video.

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your words reminds me of scene from Back to the Future 2 when Dr Brown says "in the future, the justice system works more swiftly since they abolished all lawyers."

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Those of us who are “ Awake” understand that the Elite Evil Cabal has a simple plan “To Build Back Better you have to destroy first”. Cancelling a Presentation, Burning down Lahaina, George Floyd Riots, mRNA Jabs, Mass illegal Immigration, Etc.. Their Plan must be stopped at every turn. Fenton is a Truth Warrior!

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I would question the 'burning down Lahaina' in the list.

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Questioning it mandates you look deeper at the evidence in HI and as recently as Paradise CA.

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They are not in the know, the person who would question Lahaina. I just saw (as stated in a previous comment) The Rock has fallen, maybe he was already captured but something tells me he wasnt. I saw Oprah, trying to look so bereaved, but not quite believable, hugging The Rock. They have teamed up. I wont repeat everything i commented. So as to not be SO obnoxious. Lol.

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WELL tell me what part would you question?

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Is it OK for an agnostic atheist to hope God exists and is watching?

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Oh He does and He is, rest assured God is watching.

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More than OK. The True Seeker will likely find that which some want hidden.

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Seek and find God promises

There us no better story than Jesus walking the earth only a few generations before us. It always bears fruit and becomes more rich and demanding and rewarding with every moment you give it.

Challenge your atheist friend to spend as much time on His story now as he she would on the last novel read and like life depends on it.

God has promised the journey will lead to many discoveries and He always fulfills His promises.

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The Bible says God has put eternity in the hearts of men. That’s what he’s talking about.

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God is most definitely watching, He knows exactly what is happening and nothing takes Him by surprise. But know that He is in full control of the situation. That doesn't mean He is MAKING these things happen, it's that He knows what will happen and how it all plays out, and in the end His perfect will and justice will make all things right. These evil people think they can get away with what they're doing to humanity, well, they may for now, but we will ALL stand before God at the end of our lives and give account for the things we've done and said in this life. It will be pure joy and happiness for those of us who love Jesus/God, who have followed Him and kept His commandments. But for those who chose not to it will be total and utter devastation, horror and torture for eternity. God did not send them into this everlasting torment, they have sent themselves there by totally rejecting God. All their lives they've said "there is no God, I want to do my own thing, I won't follow anyone or any god." Well God The Creator says to that person, "ok, your wish is my command, I give you exactly what you've always wanted." God is a gentleman and will never impose Himself on anyone, that is why we all have free-will to follow Him or not. People that oppose God do believe in a god of sorts, and they themselves are their own god, they do as they want without any regard to any higher source of life. the Bible is 1/3 prophecy and most of that has already been fulfilled. We are waiting for the last part of that to be fulfilled rather soon, and alot of what we are living right now is what has been foretold to us by God Himself. It's crazy to see how it's all playing out. Unbelievers would say the world is falling apart, but to us Christians it's falling right into place, just as the Bible told us it would. We have nothing to fear because we know who wins, we know the outcome and we can be assured of God's protection over us (believers). You too can have that assurance and have peace even in the midst of all this chaos and uncertainty, just look to Jesus, give your life to Him, and follow His ways. Jesus was neither a liar nor a lunatic, so to me, I believe what He said, I take it to heart. When this whole pandemic began I kept hearing in my spirit, "don't believe the lies, don't take the poison." I know that was God's Spirit that lives in me, that saved me from the lies/deception and from the poison. I listened to that "still small voice," and I will continue to follow His promptings because I know His promises are true to me, and He is faithful to those who are His. He knows His own, and has promised to protect us, even through the fires which are coming. It is going to get much, much worse than the last 3 years we've already lived through, mark my words. Don't take the mark that is coming in order to comply, the mark that will allow you to move about in normal society, it is all a lie and it will be the fall of many people's demise forever. It will be hard, but He will provide. Start reading the Book of John, then go back to Matthew and read on from there, use a NKJV Study Bible so you learn as much as you possibly can, pray before reading, ask God to give you His wisdom/discernment and to allow you to understand what you are about to read. Only He can open us up to knowing Him, if you are sincere in wanting to know Him and His Word, if you are only going into reading with a skeptical mind, wanting to debunk everything you will read, then you will not be opened up to understanding, that's just the way it works. I pray you will get right with Jesus before things get too bad. It's about to get really, really bad, it will be a time the likes humanity has never seen (that's what the Bible says). The disciples asked Jesus, "what will be the signs of the time of the end?" The first thing Jesus said was, "see that no one deceives you." WOW! That is what we are seeing on a mass scale right now, right? Pray that you aren't deceived, and He will give you His Spirit to see the Truth from the lies. God Bless humanity, He loves His creation, and He wants none to perish, He wants all people to come to Him, and you can only come to Him through Jesus.

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Anything that would help......

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Here is a comment on Norman’s Substack that I posted and he noted he liked. It shows the true reason he was cancelled had nothing to do with his paper. The cancellations are entirely due to controlling The Covid PsyOp. If you understand the following it makes perfect sense. It is pure evil, mass psychological manipulation by governments that theoretically represent free citizens. Much worse than just disliking any individual. “ A little background on the Asch Conformity Experiment will explain why not one dissenting voice is allowed. The Asch experiments were psychology experiments conducted to see if the government could get people to agree to something they knew to be an obvious lie. They were conducted by getting a group of eight people together, seven who were planted and one real test subject. The group was then shown something like a drawing with two parallel lines on it, one obviously longer than the other. The plants would go first and all would agree to an obvious lie, like the shorter line was longer. When put in this position of unanimous opinion, up to 75% of the time the real test subject would go along with the lie. However if only one of the plants told the truth, only 5% of the real test subjects would go along with the lie. That is why any position other than the official Covid narrative was so ruthlessly censored. If you would like to learn more https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/04/this_scary_experiment_explains_two_years_of_covid_hell.html. An interesting quote is also really germane "“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself. Joseph Goebbels” as long as nobody tells the truth. While your presentation may not have appeared to challenged the Asch Covid Conformity plan, your mere presence does and there is no saying how you may have answered questions. While the Japanese saying "the nail that sticks up gets hammered down" has certainly applied to Covid skeptics, Asch would say "make sure there are no nails that stick up".

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Its not the governement. They fell a long time ago. From my own observations, at 30 years. They are just puppets.

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m always impressed with your work Jess, and no difference with this piece.

Norman deserves better and I'm sure that he will be vindicated in at least some circles in the short term. But respectfully, can i please ask that you use your influence to draw attention to the following, as a matter of urgency. As a matter of longterm counter playbook, especially when it comes to helping the common person heal or deal with the after effects of this catastrophic iatro-demi-genocide.🤐 They are making a final grab for the "One World Health" prison, by going after Traditional Medicines. They Interestingly set the stage in 2019. 🤔🤔😐But now they are working on their 2024-2034 plan. Go to https://www.who.int/news/item/10-08-2023-who-convenes-first-high-level-global-summit-on-traditional-medicine-to-explore-evidence-base--opportunities-to-accelerate-health-for-all They specifically want to control access, using climate change and sustainability framework, to collar the access to traditional plants, practitioners modalities, and regulatory self capture these alternative medical systems. In the exact same way that they did the allopathic medical system and schooling, as they did agricultural industries, as they did environmental industries and as they did during covid. Same playbook, and it works now because the people are systematically primed. They are meeting this year to plan out the 2024-34 plan, which includes the "One Health" platform and digital ID. If they control the traditional medicines, and practitioners, then if you are not in the system, you will not have access to medicine. Full stop.

Please share this, it is even more important than the IHR changes and the "pandemic treaty" power grab that WHO has done.🙏🙏🙏 Please Jess. I would ask if I wasn't sure or that it was important. People will have zero access to desperately needed, cost effective medicines, if they don't comply. THIS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. Medicine is for all.🤗

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Exactly why I'm signing up to do yet more 'alternative' training, having already got so many qualifications and years of experience. A deep need to learn more that is going to be useful as the death toll continues at pace. Interesting watching Dr Pierre Kory transform into a true physician 🥰 using every skill and approach.

Do a quick calculation +10% increased mortality with -10% birth rate, doesn't take long at 20% year on year loss to decimate a civilisation, history shows they all fall. Was it 300,000 years ago that the human population was 74,000? We survived that and will do again but not as we are. 🙏

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Whst makes you think that doctors, nurses, the majority of the medical establishment is not already controlled?

There are many of us out here that aren't systemstically primed. I know this bc my point blank posts on social media do not go noticed, even I'm a nobody.

Im blunt and that's how I'm going out. Swinging.

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Both you and Norman are some of my heros in this time to help me know the direction. Thank you both for the insight and wisdom that you share, much appreciated.....

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Dear Jessica, we are certainly on the same side. We have to be like the waves that bring down the cliff.

Meanwhile, back at the Journal of the American Medical Association the nonsense is still going on. August 15, 2023 - "Communication of COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media by Physicians in the US" has a gem of an abstract, "Approximately one-third of the more than 1 100 000 confirmed COVID-19–related deaths as of January 18, 2023, were considered preventable if public health recommendations had been followed. Physicians’ propagation of misinformation about COVID-19 on social media and other internet-based platforms has raised professional, public health, and ethical concerns".

https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2808358 - the whole thing is worth a read for many cynical laughs.

Let’s first remove that scam about COVID-19–related deaths and just have deaths caused by COVID-19 or bad treatment of it (like intubated ventilation). I would have said that more than 99% of such deaths would have been prevented if early off-label treatment with safe medications had not been suppressed.

Intentionally hurting other beings is wrong.

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BillGates provides grants to major US medical journals. So, Lancet, Cochran, JAMA, NEJM, etc. are currently unreliable. If you look it up on the web, you won't know the amount, but you will know roughly. For now, the British BMJ medical magazine is completely independent.

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Oh he does aot more than that. I have a question. Are you good at anagrams? I have a name and I'm sure that it means something. It's fictitious, but the more I thought about it, I think it may be an anagram. If I could link this name to Gates, (I haven't so far) it would be a story but I already am 100% positive that he is the fictitious name.

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You could say, that all those people would have lived, but for CENSORSHIP. Ohh butz nobody was censored, NO.

Its one reason I have not quit since March 2020. I'm the one at the gate with my toes wrapped around the cyclone fence. But with a smile about my mouth

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Professor Fenton shared the email sent to the nhs asking he be cancelled from giving a presentation. To read the list of agencies put on notice by this person on twitter, it struck me government big brother was involved in the cancellation. That should strike terror in everyone’s world. Honesty and integrity are NOT welcome in the discussion of our health and what has taken place over the past three years.

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It's been this way for awhile now Sir. It seems you may have had a lightbulb moment, it takes some adjusting. I pinch myself every day, just to make sure I'm awake.

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How do we lose the knowledge of right and wrong? I think corporate culture plays a huge role: people learn quickly through nudges what can be said, what shouldn't be said and what will be promoted. Office hierarchies always punch down.

I had something happen at my job as an editor of earnings transcripts. My pay is calculated using a very complicated formula that uses my average monthly error scores. Since the pandemic I've noticed that most months my score gets manipulated downwards, lowering my pay rate. This month it came to head as I only had one edit left ungraded which was fairly easy and the only way they could really bomb my good average error score was to give me a horrible horrible grade on it. They gave me a terrible grade, the worst they could, over the flimsiest contrived things imagineable. This lowers my pay by maybe $500. For a while they just didn't have work but now they seem to be having a worker shortage. This is devastating and completely unjust. It happens in a lot of contexts.

Middle management is always punching down to please their masters...

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It is called Subjectivism: The belief that anything I want to believe, becomes true, if I can terrorize everyone into saying they agree with me. Judaism buried Subjectivism among observant Jews, for in the Jewish faith there is a Last Day, when G-d pronounces His judgment upon us all. In Judaism there is no escaping this final word, therefore the objective truth is what matters. But Subjectivism has a peculiar appeal to everyone who sees himself as a sort of demigod. The power to compel others to pretend to agree with one's own lie, makes one feel equal to the divine Power worshipped by every religion. Just like the fool Herodotus described in his Histories, who roamed about with a bronze sculpture of a thunderbolt, claiming he was Zeus, and got killed by real lightning while waving it around in a thunderstorm, Subjectivists care only about the impressions they make. Just as the true psychopath has no empathy, the true Subjectivist has no concept of the truth. Rand's essay from the 1950's, Attilla And The Witch Doctor explores this from an atheist perspective...her view is that the liar and the bully come to need each other.

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As a fellow ' Hardcore Anti-Vaxxer ' ...... screw them.

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..... problem is, cleaning up this mess requires extermination of this censorship pest.

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Sunshine and truth are the best disinfectants.

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Sunshine we got....truth a little bit harder to come by.

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And those that perpetuate it.

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Norman is such a decent man.

He analysed the data I received in response to an FOI to MHRA on Yellow Card Monitor on Pregnant Women, after Dr June Raine boasted that this is important information and although I was sent an initial presentation of some of the data, my request was refused because they are going to do a scientific publication!! But when - it is no good to all the pregnant ladies who are vaccinated in the meantime (as the RCOG recommend), if we get the information in years to come.

Here is Norman's Analysis for which I am very grateful:


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The pregnant are still very much in their sights, disgracefully.

I have just taken a look at the eligibility guidelines for the NHS Autumn booster campaign, and they want to vaxx ALL the pregnant. The process of normalisation is powering forward.

Oh, and children aged 12-17 who live with the immuno-compromised. The memo about the vaxxes not doing a thing to prevent infection was not received by the JCVI, it would seem.

This is unspeakably evil. Parliament could stop this in short order, but is hopelessly compromised and complicit, rubber-stamping everything.

There are no whistleblowers - but if there were, how could they reach the public?

Censorship on the MSM is absolute, and they clearly have plans to extend it. What on earth can be done?

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History repeats Jessica. How did the German people accept the evilness of the Nazis? Many of them became part of it. The power of propaganda—the real disinformation—is the tactic common to all totalitarian regimes. Hopefully, the bubble of the belief that we live in free democracies is bursting.

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National socialism is socialism. Germany was a socialist state from its inception so it was a small step to make to national socialism.

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Congratulations to you and all of your brave and knowledgeable colleagues who have dared to speak out. You are shining a light into the darkness for which I, and I hope many others, are very grateful.

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Integrity is altogether too rare in this world. More like Norman please!

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> I will argue with anyone on these points and they will lose

Of course, they will not.

In a dispute, debate, argument, whatever you call it, both parties lose, always. The simple reason for it is that when a difference of opinions arises, it shows that the particular community (circle, group) lost track of their underlying values. There is no common ground. Each one will fight for their own views, and they can not lose, because losing the debate means losing their elan vital, their identity, their long-term decisions, and their purpose.

This is why Steve Kirsch is all wrong about debates, and their “adversaries” clearly show him how wrong he is. Their lifestyle won’t allow any concession, even one step. The manage their own ground. No outsider is allowed there. The point is: why?

Because when a group loses the underlying values, small fractions start building their own beachheads. In time, some will become stronger, and some will become more appealing. They can argue and debate however long you would like to have them engaged, but none will admit the defeat. They can not. They have replaced the old-style underlying values with their own. In their eyes (vision), they alone are the winners.

You will win over them mentally, in your own mental structures, and according to your own logic. It will be a one-sided “victory”, where the other party will retreat, and will plan for a huge revenge. Your winning may even fuel up their vision - this is why pressure-based opposition is always a failure. Your energy will become the source of their power. In the meantime, you will remain bogged down in your concept of “what is right”. But the demarcation will persist. In fact, the situation will only aggravate.

This is why the whole “alt” covid movement is losing the game. Apparently nobody there is aware that by bona fide explanations, discoveries, investigations and “finding out” the “truth”, they lose their precious energy - while the covid-lovers party simply continue doing what they have decided to do. Ultimately, the situation is worse than in 2020, just because they intelligently read the opposition, adapt their tactics, and massively correct their mistakes. They are flexible, and the “alt” party stands in the same spot as 4 years ago.

The point is that we have no common ground, no shared underlying values. They (whoever you want to debate) live in their own small world, and we live in our own small world. It all has become so subjective that even the biggest religions do not have the courage to reinstate the common human values all over the place. It’s a divided world, and arguing won’t help. Except maybe that some of us will fell better because they will feel better :-)

Note that I am not referring to any particular subject matter. It’s all about the nature of opposition.

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Interesting, thanks.

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How about we stand with truth? We don't need to adapt tactics except to find new ways to bring truth to people. It would be great if at the same time we encourage people to make changes in their life to embrace the truth and share it? Sounds a bit like Jesus saying to share the truth and repent. Heck, even love your neighbor.

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Yes, that’s a great idea. But - whose truth? And which truth? Half-truth, hidden truth, subjective truth? Proven truth or only conceptualized? A whole new branch of philosophy will quickly run to prey on this idea.

Any concept that is larger than the closest neighborhood will fail. The history is abundant with such attempts. We are now in the process of corrupting the concept of democracy, and it seems we will soon succeed. Peace has been abandoned when we discovered fire. Unconditional love… we have never come to know what this means. Sincerity died with the Trojan horse, currently evolved into false flags, deep state, black ops and anything else that promotes the idea of cheating everybody around.

Even though we can not work directly with non-defined truth, we could have a go at “no more lies”. When we stop lying, everything will fall back into its natural place on its own accord. Let’s do this: no more company secrets, no more confidentiality, no more authorization of access. No more patents and copyright limitations. No more immunity for those in office. FOIA won’t be needed any more. Total full disclosure of everything for anyone to see and enjoy. Open software is winning, why open society wouldn’t? Boy, once all forms of confidentiality are gone, there will be a tsunami of fresh energy in everyone. And you could always ask your doctor, “Do you know what you are doing?” And they will honestly reply. Accountants will lose their jobs, along with 90% of state governing bodies, but this happiness, the bliss of sincerity…

Who knows? We have never tried this simple experiment…

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Thanks for this, it sure looks and feels like what you are saying is what's happening. What approach would you recommend for us to take in our little worlds of vax and freedom issues to help us find common ground with our enemies in working together to create a great world? Or in your opinion are we all doomed due to our human nature that is driving us towards that inevitable precipice?

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I don’t know what is happening. Nobody really does, I guess, except those who are in charge. And we are all on the receiving end. Which makes the understanding of the situation pretty difficult. We can only interpret the most immediate actions, and we have no idea about the ultimate strategy, or even about interim stages and their completion markers.

With such lack of knowledge, we can only react to what is being served on us. It won’t be much of an insight, though. And by “react” I mean trying to figure out what is happening at this time and place, and responding to it (or not), in a totally peaceful way. Any trace of force, aggression or violence has no place. As always.

Human nature… we don’t know what it is. It’s a vague general term, but it is illegal. We can conclude anything about “our” “human” “nature” if we have a sample of people large enough to make comparisons, find regularities, analyze patterns and draw some tentative conclusions. But samples of Paraguay natives are not comparable with Alaskan natives or Kenyan natives. Their ways differ, and their underlying values have little common with, say, US or European underlying values. Or with CDC underlying values :-)

To me, our inner world (or whatever we call this thing) is irrelevant. From what we can see over the last 100 years or so, a tiny tiny private club of totally isolated and unreachable beings have been continuously trying to impose their fancies on everybody else. While - at the same time - doing nothing, contributing nothing, creating nothing, and taking away from everybody else whatever we have. It’s a huge imbalance. And it’s impossible to survive, except when this club of about 20,000 (?) individuals manages to persuade and corrupt those “others” to work for their goals and to sabotage the connection with the rest of us and within us. All this is forced, not spontaneous, and is based on fictions (money, prestige, power, social position, safety, etc.), so it will collapse sooner or later. The only worry is what will be the price, how many of “us” will fall down.

I guess, a healthy way of handling the situation has been proposed long ago by Gandhi. If what you are being faced with doesn’t seem great to you, simply don’t do anything. Do not oppose, and do not comply. Don’t be for, and don’t be against. Be there. Don’t create any opinions, in favor or against. Be indifferent, do not get involved. Unless you have power, capacity, energy and determination to do something and you agree to take responsibility for consequences. For most of us, being there is enough.

Being there means, for example, getting rid of everything that is clearly harmful to your health. Throw away your smartphone - this is the primary step for everything else. Throw away TV, news, media - there is nothing nourishing in there. Change the education model for your offspring - the dominant one kills the soul. Stop supporting political parties (unless you are elected by them to be the Boss :-)) - they have been in existence for ages and nothing positive has come out of it, it’s a dead-end model, and financially bankrupt, as well. Find a real job - designing, redesigning, typing, retyping, programing, and so on is not a job. A real job, for people, with people, among people. Being a plumber is an immense honor that no white-collar macho can compete with. Removing garbage from the neighborhood is absolutely the most important work there is. Doing shopping for the elderly and helping them in daily life is what will make you alive far beyond any Wall Street “job”. And no, trading or moving things from one place to another for commission, is not a real job.

Similarly, clean up your relations. Simply abandon anyone who tries to do harm to you, including local medical personnel running after you to get you jabbed. Even if it is your sister, brother, mother, father, wife or husband. Compromising underlying values once is OK. Persisting in it, and not admitting doing wrong, is not. You can’t be alive and nourished around such people.

In short, start with yourself. Clean up your ground. Don’t walk into littered gardens of others. If they have enough sensitivity, they will see you. Who knows, maybe some will want to make friends with you. This is the hope for the future.

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