At this moment, the media is damning him with faint acknolwedgement.

We live in disgusting times.

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yeah they're not good people. i saw a video of nurse Nagle confronting some CBC people about what CBC has done to her life today. it was shocking how only 1 out 3 of them would even look at her when she was trying to talk to them. https://youtu.be/rYMDi3HrrDg

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Heart wrenching video, that. Just makes you want to cry. Here's a video that will make you cry tears of joy. It is a live-stream of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa made by a program director of a radio station in Calgary. She took a week off and came to Ottawa to see for herself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmohLQPL2sA

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Yes. The NYT hit piece made me want to throw something.

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This is a nice tribute to Montagnier. I first became aware of him in 2020 when he appeared on French media to opine on the likely lab origins of Covid. He was quickly ostracized by polite society and characterized as a bit of a quack, his Nobel notwithstanding. Along with Raoult, Perrone and only a few others he was one of the few medical figures in France who behaved with integrity.

I am still in the process of reading "The Real Anthony Fauci" (currently chapter 9) and Kennedy does a great job of describing the HIV saga and Montagnier's role in it. Specifically he acknowledges that Montagnier was one of the few scientists who acted with honesty and humility over the last forty years that we have been living with this disease.

For those that have not read TRAF yet, I suggest that you do so at your earliest convenience. You may think you know how the Western health care system works but - trust me - you don't.

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I "second" ChesterView's recommendation that everyone read TRAF! I'm working through the second half of the book myself. Extraordinary.

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I am near the end of the book but frequently come back to previous chapters as the actuality reveals some of the facts forgotten. For example I just discovered that HCQ was classified a highly toxic substances in France in January 2020 under the recommendations of the French Agence de sécurité du Médicament emitted in November and December 2019, way before the first coronavirus landed in France. Robert Kennedy Jr. has a chapter about the “removal of all inventories of HCQ” before the start of the “scamdemic” and stored in a strategic unknown location

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Yes. Great observation. I too am a close observer of French news and one of the first indications to me that there was profound corruption afoot in the Covid affair was the removal of HCQ as an OTC drug in early 2020 by Buzyn. That, and the 'acharnement' against Raoult, who is one of the crown jewels of French science, for having advocated for HCQ told me that something was very rotten in the state of Denmark.

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I am a fan of Luc Montagnier, first because I am French and secondly as a trained pharmacist, I have been an avid reader reader of his publications. As mentioned he was the first to mention “artificial” structure of the génome with a sequence looking extremely similar to the HIV genome. For him, right from the start, it had to be the result of a lab manipulation.

He was also the first to alert the population, the media and the scientific community against the vaccination as soon as he learned the production of several vaccines. I remember seeing on TV saying: “Ne jamais vacciner en temps d’épidémie ou de pandémie, vous ne ferez que provoquer des mutations et créer des variants”.

He knew what he was talking about.

I also would like to add to the list of French scientists who have been “dismissed” and “defamed” Prof. Louis Fouché, Prof. Jean-Francois Toussaint et Prof. Laurent Toubiana, an immunologist and epidemiologist.

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Oh no!! I am so sorry to hear we have lost a brave foot soldier in the battle for scientific truth, and a Nobel Laureate no less. I’m glad I learned this news from your loving words, Jessica 😢💔🥀

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Ditto from me, Jessica. I imagine he's continuing to advocate for truth from the Other Side. We WILL prevail! 🥰

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I believe you hit the nail on the head. Fauci is filled with immense hubris. If he can create a vaccine for AIDS then he believes it will definitively prove that HIV causes AIDS. Peter Duesberg and all of the other “HIV deniers” have been a thorn in his side for decades. Fauci believes the HIV vaccine will be his coup de grace that will win him the Nobel Prize.

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It seems that Dr. Montagnier wasn't sure that HIV did in fact cause AIDS. RFK Jr. does a fantastic job of dissecting this in his book, "The Real Anthony Fauci." "There is no scientific proof that HIV causes AIDS." (Kennedy, 2021, p. 198). "HIV might be benign." (p. 220) Kennedy here twice quotes Montagnier's own words in 1990 and 1996.

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David, many thanks for posting this comment. I was literally about to post the same thing. RFKJr's book is an eye opener to say the least. I hope Dr. Rose responds -- do you know if she has read The Real Anthony Fauci?

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Dr. Montagnier in a petition to Isreal's Supreme Court on March 29, 2021 seeking to halt the COVID-19 vaccination campaign stated: (c) "Long-term effects: Contrary to the claims of the manufacturers of m-RNA vaccines, there is a risk of integration of the viral RNA into the human genome...one cannot exclude its passage through the DNA of germ cells and its transmission to future generations." (nakim.org) Dr. Montagnia warned of other dangers in this petition that have subsequently been proven correct. Be sure to read the entire petition. Dr. Montagnier was onto the BS early. He will be placed on the same level as Salk, Curie, and Pasteur when the history is written. HATS OFF EVERYONE

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I don't think that the way that viruses are transmitted from one person to another has been actually and factually demonstrated to be through the air, or at least happening only that way. Gerald Pollack in his book "The Forth Phase of Water" describes an experiment Montangnier did with DNA and its apparent "transmission" via electromagnetic radiation and water. Here is a quote from Pollack's book regarding the experiment.

"Montagnier claims to have successfully transmitted DNA-structural signals to water. He first created an aqueous suspension of sample DNA. Then he placed the suspension in a sealed flask next to a second, similarly sealed flask of water. The flasks stood next to one another for an extended period, while he exposed both to a source of ordinary electromagnetic energy. The newly “informed” water in the second flask was then combined with the raw materials required for DNA synthesis. This procedure created new DNA. The sequence of that DNA was not random: it was the same as the sample DNA in the first flask. Even though the two flasks had been well sealed and never came into physical contact, the information evidently passed from one flask to the other. Initial responses to Montagnier’s report have been skeptical. However, some scientists, persuaded by reports of electromagnetic transmission phenomena dating back to Gurwitsch almost a century ago and by the more recent work of Benveniste, are in hot pursuit. At this writing two labs claim that they could confirm Montagnier’s finding. It will be interesting to

see what develops from these studies."

Speculating wildly, transmission of DNA from one person to another might be via a mechanism similar to the one Montagnier discovered. People after all are mostly bags of water. Maybe sitting next to each other for an necessary amount of time and in the right electromagnetic environment is a path to "viral infection".

Also, Montagnier was quoted to have said that it has not been shown that HIV causes AIDS. Ah, the issue of causation. Going back to Gallo's data a significant number of AIDS patients didn't even test positive for HIV. So correlation isn't that great either.

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Great Tribute Jessica. During May 9, 2020 a video was posted by "Masters of Illusion" with Professor Montagnier explaining that COVID-19 virus was artificially created. You can still view it on Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/video/g7Mf6Dj8RlpN/. Unfortunately this version is in French. The 2020 YouTube version was quickly taken down. YouTube at least had English subtitle capability. Viewing this video helped me avoid Mass Formation. Thank you Professor Montagnier for all you have done for our world.

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Passing on a question from https://stoichastic.substack.com/p/rant-i-what-he-said

Is "and the injections have been associated with strange gene profiles in essential immune mediators (CD8+ T cells)" supposed to read CD4+, to match your later prediction (as well as making more sense with "mediators")?

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Oh I gotta translate that one into French ! ASAP!!!

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nice. i should have written a french version. i know french. :) not perfect but understandable for sure.

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Ah well that's the thing with fan-clubs. You don't need to bother. I translated that one too https://www.empereurnu.com/post/le-vaccin-arnm-bnt162b2-reprogramme-autant-la-réponse-immunitaire-adaptive-que-l-innée

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Jessica, there is a beautiful review of Montagnier in the Film Resonance: Beings of Frequency. The film Water Memory is also mentioned. Enjoy! https://vimeo.com/54189727

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I'm afraid that given the many leading scientists and clinicians who put their heads above the COVID parapet and then died in 'mysterious circumstances', one is bound to ask just what was the diagnosis when Prof Mantagnier's was admitted to the American Hospital in in Neuilly-sur-Seine, and what was the treatment he received during his 3 days there. He had come directly from Milan where he had addressed a rally and was reported to have been in apparent good health.

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Some others may be wondering, how long before AIDS or HIV shows up in a triple jabbed individual?

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A great warrior for scientific truth who will be missed.

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