The Epoch Times articles on 'the menstrual thing' and data in VAERS
From their pages to our brains...
Thank you to Dr. James Thorp for your hard work and inviting my participation in the publication of these results. Thank you to Enrico Trigoso and Petr Svab for writing these stories up, and thank you to The Epoch Times for reporting on important and relevant stories.
And thank you to all of the freedom fighters! I will lead with humor. Homer always makes me laugh.
Well, according to our esteemed na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-leader Fauci, ‘the menstrual thing’, as he so intelligently describes the inordinate suffering of a percentage of half of the population of humans, is transient - just like myocarditis in children, so there’s nothing to worry about girls. Go back the kitchen and cook dinner for your man for heaven’s sake!
Below is a screenshot from a recent [The] Epoch Times article summarizing the criticisms of this sentiment from such medical doctors who practice medicine as Dr. Christiane Northrup.

Dr. Northrup is not the only one who disagrees with Fauci. Many esteemed medical professionals, doctors and nurses alike, scientists and parents alike, also do not agree. You poked a bit of a bear there, Fauci.
Please click on this screenshot below to read the latest Epoch Times article on ‘the menstrual thing’ and what Dr. James Thorp, Dr. Northrup, Dr. Malone and Dr. Rose have to say about this subject matter.

Here’s a quote from the article:
Earlier this year, a VAERS analysis co-authored by scientist Jessica Rose was withdrawn by the academic journal Elsevier.
Rose told The Epoch Times that Thorp’s analysis aligns perfectly with hers.
“I do believe it is not only important, but necessary to pull these products from pregnant/breastfeeding women and infants since there is no long-term safety data, and the short-term data look bad,” she said.
“As per both Moderna and Pfizer’s safety documents presented to VRBPAC [Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee] pre-EUA granting for 0- to 4-year-olds, this applies. They both showed terrible risk.”
Moms and dads need to know this, despite the fact that dads don’t suffer ‘the menstrual thing’. na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-leader.
By the way, me, Dr. Thorp and Brook Jackson also did a roundtable recently for Trial Site News with Shabnam Palesa Mohamed as part of the very first Law vs. Science episode #1. We missed you Dr. Kheriaty! Next time. You can watch that here.
Wow! I've just watched your excellent roundtable video, Dr. Rose, featuring Dr. Thorp and Brook Jackson, for Trial Site News with Shabnam Palesa Mohamed. It was truly jaw-dropping, staggering, even though I've been awake and aware to these many gaping horrors since news first got out. This makes my blood boil again and again and again. I've been numbed out with daily shock over this fraudulent evil global horror show for over two years. I suddenly lost all my hair last year. I'm a living aging wreck but I'm so grateful that I'm not 'quackzinated' - yet so sad and exhausted that I couldn't persuade others not to get jabbed. The mass injuries and deaths from this political plandemic and these wholly unnecessary toxic injections is heart-wrenching - yet half the population are still oblivious to it all. They just won't wake up from their entombed psychosis. I'm isolated, angry and alone in this "Twilight Zone" madness. It's a sanity survival endurance course. I no longer trust the fascist NHS 'health service' nor my GP surgery, the lying corrupt BBC and media, nor any rogue western totalitarian government. They're all liars and traitors. We have to tear down these walls of tyranny before we each implode from cancerous exasperation and exhaustion. SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE.
AND THE BEAT GOES ON, THE HANDWRITING IS ON THE WALL, AND FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE UNABLE OR UNWILLING TO READ IT. Keep coming with the obvious. Also, do not get angry at detractors, have pity on their ignorance and overt stupidity.