Wow! I've just watched your excellent roundtable video, Dr. Rose, featuring Dr. Thorp and Brook Jackson, for Trial Site News with Shabnam Palesa Mohamed. It was truly jaw-dropping, staggering, even though I've been awake and aware to these many gaping horrors since news first got out. This makes my blood boil again and again and again. I've been numbed out with daily shock over this fraudulent evil global horror show for over two years. I suddenly lost all my hair last year. I'm a living aging wreck but I'm so grateful that I'm not 'quackzinated' - yet so sad and exhausted that I couldn't persuade others not to get jabbed. The mass injuries and deaths from this political plandemic and these wholly unnecessary toxic injections is heart-wrenching - yet half the population are still oblivious to it all. They just won't wake up from their entombed psychosis. I'm isolated, angry and alone in this "Twilight Zone" madness. It's a sanity survival endurance course. I no longer trust the fascist NHS 'health service' nor my GP surgery, the lying corrupt BBC and media, nor any rogue western totalitarian government. They're all liars and traitors. We have to tear down these walls of tyranny before we each implode from cancerous exasperation and exhaustion. SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE.

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Are conditions in the West today similar to those experienced by Weimar Germans? Did the liberals there deliberately provoke and divide supporters of both Communists and National Socialists so that they, the elite "liberals," could maintain power?

If that's what neo-lib Democrats are doing here in the US, they're having some success. I do my best to tell blatantly anti-black or anti-semitic commenters that they should judge people as individuals, by the "content of their character," rather than the color of their skin or their religion.

I pray I have success, and I am not religious.

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Yes, I'd say that there are obvious chilling parallels between 1930s Germany and the last three years that are glaringly visible. An intentional hateful divide and rule politics, then and now, through huge media propaganda. Only now we're ALL being played off against each other on a far greater global scale. COVID-1984 has been an Orwellian master deception.

It's the so-called 'elite' globalist predator class versus every single one of us pesky "useless eaters" - regardless of skin colour, race or religion. As for individualism, "They" especially want to crush that (along with free speech) and morph humanity into bland trans-humanist nondescript entities, controlled by the One World State or New World Order.

Their Scripted Plan will fail. "They" don't own us! Not now. Not ever.

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Then who are you praying to exactly?

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AND THE BEAT GOES ON, THE HANDWRITING IS ON THE WALL, AND FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE UNABLE OR UNWILLING TO READ IT. Keep coming with the obvious. Also, do not get angry at detractors, have pity on their ignorance and overt stupidity.

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" Go back the kitchen and cook dinner for your man for heaven’s sake!"

... and remind him to take his booster shot, or NO dessert :P!

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Every time I hear Fraudulent Fauci speak or read a quote, I want to edit his word salad. Example:

From: “The menstrual thing is something that seems to be quite transient and temporary,” Fauci told Fox News on July 25, when asked about the effect of the vaccines on menstrual cycles. “We need to study it more,” he added.

To: "We think menstrual issues are transient and temporary. But we haven't studied this, so I'm just opining out of my mask."

The Epoch Times (especially Mr. Trigoso) and all the aforementioned docs, nurses, authors (yes, you Jessica Unacceptica) have been so amazing on all topics Covid.

ET (https://www.theepochtimes.com/) is one of the few news outlets that has been willing to dip its toes into the Covid waters, without acquiring the dreaded Lying Covid Toe 🦶.

I've listened to many of the awesome interviews you cite here. Other excellent resources include searchable websites for Children's Health Defense https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ and America Out Loud (https://www.americaoutloud.com/).

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Yes, thanks these cretins have managed to subjugate, terrorize and even murder a large number of humans all under the cover of their expensive propaganda machine. The Nazis although they taught these modern fascists valuable lessons did not have the massive propaganda machine in place through mass media, Big Tech. SubStack has thus far proved the value of free speech in such an environment.

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Love Homer! The perfect Homer quote for Fauci is, "“I never apologize… I’m sorry but that’s the way I am.” You just keep nailing it. All the references are excellent. I posted your website VAERS data page for a physician today and got the "misinformation" response. I asked him if he meant VAERS, your website, or Dr. Rose. I await his response. I know I am getting repetitive but your information is just outstanding. Don't stop! I keep hoping that the faster buildup of good quality data and research will put a stop to this.

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Incredibly powerful chat, horrific reality check that makes shills like "D" wenchface beyond contemptible.


One fact check.. Duck Duck Go is big tech light.. it's ranked w user spying.. try Presearch loved by me for results & Blockchain fans for 1337 open source toys. https://presearch.io/

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It's a good thing that we are safe in Canada.

The Globe and Mail today touted the Lancet Infectious Diseases article by Sadarangini et al.

doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(22)00462-1 from Aug.11, 2022,

which found the shots were "safe" in pregnant Canadian persons[sic]. (They actually slip and use the word "females" in a couple of places.)

On first read I have not been able to spot the sampling biases and how they have hidden the deleterious outcomes. Possibly we did not get any of the "bad batches", but my impression is that the sampling was developed to protect the narrative. Your essay on unexplained deaths in Alberta would argue against any differences in our vaxx supply.

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I watched the video, Thank you.

my thoughts for what they are worth.

Law vs Science I What is the evidence of fraud in the C19 vaccine trial?

The answers that follow are with regard to what is government and who is responsible and how to prevent this from happening again.

I vote in addition to a person being disqualification because of conflict of interest there can be no revolving door to Pharma and back to Regulatory agencies in government. Once people leave the employ of government for private industry. They can never return.

A deep concern I have is a person that has no obvious conflict of interest there can be a hidden/clandestine financial account that accumulates wealth for supporting industry interest. Here in this case Pharma is the industry in question. What can be done to ferret this out.

Finally absolute Transparency! Including pay outs and tracking of wealth upon the retirement of HSS heads of agencies.

The Federal government needs to be the sole investigator of efficacy of proposed vax or injectables. That study needs to be opensource and transparent from day one.

I agree with Dr. Jessica Rose, the government is "WE THE PEOPLE"! The buck stops with us.

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