The death count's been slowing down but not because fewer are dying...
A exploratory dig into the balance between the added and removed reports of death...
As most of you already know, VAERS IDs are removed without explanation each week when the data is updated by the CDC. You can read about that in my paper entitled: “Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance: Is the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) a Functioning Pharmacovigilance System?” And yes, I published this in October 2021. What I was never able to figure out was how the selection process for deletion worked - or if there even was a process.
In processing the VAERS data this week (May 26, 2023), I noticed that the added deaths were lower by absolute count than have been reported each week for the past 2 years. The absolute death count involves an overall calculation of the added deaths and the removed deaths. In other words, a lower count - as observed for this latest update (May 26, 2023) - involves fewer reports being added and more/relatively the same, being removed.
As I have explained many times, it is exceedingly difficult to successfully file a VAERS report to the front-end system where one receives a VAERS_ID, so to have a report removed without justification or explanation is not only bad practice, it is unethical. If my relative or loved one died, and I submitted a report to VAERS and it was filed successfully, and then found out that it had been removed without notice, I would be livid and on the phone with the CDC every day until they provided some information as to why it was done. And I would go to any press that was interested in the story. And write it up here.
One thing that is important to understand about VAERS is that every week, there is an ‘in’ (the additional reports that end up in the front-end system following processing) and an ‘out’ (the reports that get removed for as yet, unknown reasons). In order to determine how many reports are removed every week, I use the function ‘anti_join’ in R to return all rows in one file that do not have matching values in another file, ie, for the downloadable .csv files for May 19, 2023 and 23, 2023. The mismatched rows (by VAERS_ID) when the older file is ordered first [anti_join(COMBINED_FR_D_MAY_19_clean_jan_dead, COMBINED_FR_D_MAY_26_clean_jan_dead, by = c("VAERS_ID"))] returns the number of VAERS IDs that are present in the May 19 file but not present the May 23 file, and vice versa, thus providing a way to check for the number of removals. Technically, the number of removals should always be 0 because all reports should always be forwarded to the updated file. Once a report makes it into VAERS, it should never be removed without a reference as to why.
The total number of reports from May 19, 2023 and May 26, 2023 are 1,547,198 and 1,549,047, respectively (+1,849 reports). The total number of new reports as of the latest update is 1,942, and the total number of reports removed since, is 93. Of these total reports, for the respective dates, there are 35,328 and 35,346 death reports (+18). The total number of death reports added for this week is 44, and the total number of removed is 26. I wonder what I would see if I looked at cancer?
I dug a little deeper into which VAERS reports of death were being added or removed by filtering by manufacturer.
Last week, May 19, 2023, there were a total of 98,340 reports for the Janssen products and of these, 3,007 deaths. This week, May 26, 2023, there are 98,306 reports (-34) and of these, 2,987 deaths (-20). Using the anti_join function, we find that there are +2 new death reports and -22 removals. These unexplained removals are without comment from the data handlers.1

I dug deeper into the 22 removed deaths. I wanted to see where the people came from whose deaths were disappeared so I opted to filter by the SPLTTYPE which yielded the following 8 reports by VAERS ID.

The SPLTTYPE variable designates Manufacturer/Immunization Project Report Number2 and reveals, among other information, where in the world the injection was administered as a country code as the first 2 characters. For example, in the above reports, we see KR = South Korea, JP = Japan and PH = Philippines. It appears as though there was an aimed removal of death reports from the Philippines, but as shown in the following screenshot, VAERS ID 1479783 SYMPTOM_TEXT reveals that the report ‘concerned multiple patients (480).
It sure looks like this VAERS ID represents reports involving 480 ‘patients’, does it not? We cannot really know, which is exceedingly unprofessional, in my opinion. This is also not new to anyone who dives into the VAERS data, but in the context of death counts actually now visibly going backwards, this fact does require further acknowledgment.
Also last week and similarly, there were a total of 920,767 reports for the Pfizer products and of these, 22,122 deaths. This week, there are 922,079 reports (+1,312) and of these, 22,153 deaths (+31). Again, using the anti_join function, we find that there are +33 new death reports and -2 removals.

When I filtered using SPLTTYPE, there was 1 single ID left to look at location-wise from New Zealand.

This removal has some strange language used in the free text that is noteworthy. Sometimes, the free text reveals frustrated emotion from the reporter and this is a perfect example of that. The reporter writes: “killed step niece” and this is actually listed as the Reported Cause of Death.
Last week, there were a total of 524,007 reports for the Moderna products and of these, 10,029 deaths. This week, there are 524,568 reports (+561) and of these, 10,038 deaths (+9). Anti_join yields +9 new death reports and 0 removals.
And lastly, last there were a total of 293 reports for the Novavax products and of these, 0 deaths. This week, there are 297 reports (+4) and of these, 0 deaths (0). Anti_join yields no new death reports and no death removals.
There are also 2 removals that did not have a VAX_MANU associated with them.
It is noteworthy, that the total number of additional deaths for this latest update (18), is far lower what has been reported on average for the past year (not shown), and far, far lower than for 2021 and 2022. In 2021, we were seeing ~200 new deaths per week; in 2022 we were seeing ~120 new deaths per week and this year, we are seeing ~50 new deaths added every week. The reduction in total death counts is attributable both to a reduction in new deaths being added, and potentially the increase in removals. As shown in the chart below, there is a sudden spike in the number of removals as of this most recent update.3

Here’s another interesting plot I made with the help of OpenVAERS that shows an increase in total removals from VAERS during the spring and summer of 2022.

It is possible that Janssen product is being targeted for death removals. The reason I think this is possible, well, besides the fact that it had 22 out of the total 26 removals this week, is because Janssen is being phased out in general. The entire vaccine industry, in my opinion, will soon be nothing other mRNA-involved technology. In addition, it is not a secret that the Janssen shots were highly associated with thrombotic issues and were perceived and determined by the EMA as being more dangerous in this regard. Even the WHO admits this.
The bottom line here is, there are fewer deaths being added every week and potentially more deaths being removed. Once my chart is finished loading, I will have a better idea of how the increase in reports over the past few years looks. It will take a lot more work to investigate the comparative removals per week. I will endeavor to take this task on soon.
Pretty soon and at this rate, we’ll have no deaths in VAERS at all! Yay! (Sarcasm detector just ‘sploded.)
I perform an anti-joins that reveal all VAERS_IDs that don’t show up in the updated file and vice-versa.
This chart was generated with the help of the OpenVAERS team and reveals a higher total death removal count 131 than my 93 estimate due to my using strict filters. As I always repeat, my numbers will always be underestimates and never overestimates.
I'm grateful to you and every other one in a thousand that takes the time to seek truth and/or reality during this time of nearly universal deception.
A century or so back, when I was relatively young, I was trapped in a grammar school in New Jersey with a number of students (I'm sure the number was a statistical norm) who would always write "compositions" with a thesaurus near at hand. They would invariably prefer "obfuscate" to confuse or bewilder. Still what I see more everyday are is a vast array of tactics and word games used (as opposed to utilized) to obfuscate.
Do you find that too?
The number of deaths shot up and the number of births is way down since the jabbing started. Births have dropped 27% on Formosa. Depopulation plans of WEF are working except in African nations and Bulgaria where few were foolish enough to get jabbed with a bioweapon.