I suspect verifying someone else's work is less exciting and fun than discovery and trailblazing, Especially on such a large chunk of data. But it's work that must be

done & shared for the good of science.

Thank you for doing that.

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose

It's important to get the "vaccine" story straight and your work, Jessica, has been amazing and instrumental in doing that. Thank you!! But here's my worry. This (by now quite obvious) attempt at mass murder cooked up by a cabal of psychopathic billionaires is part of a much larger takeover-the-world story. There must come a time when the major collective focus needs to shift from "what happened" to "what's now likely to happen".

Clearly, we are continuing to be subjected to censorship, propaganda, and a series of distractions in a gigantic game of "look over there!". This is one of their classic tactics. So, what don't they want us to focus on? My guess is the threat to freedom called Central Bank Digital Currency. I believe they are trying to engineer some chaotic situations that appear incredibly dangerous and foster enough fear in the population to make the installation of CBDC look reasonable.

They've already got massive databases of surveilled personal information. Most countries have announced their involvement in CBDC, with some either ready or almost-ready to pounce. Add digital IDs to the mix, connect all three together with AI, and you have a powerful behavior control system on a massive scale.

OK, that's my worry. Now for my question: What good is so many of us focusing on every last excruciating detail of the mRNA fiasco if we're all soon to be locked in a CBDC prison in which all personal freedoms have been lost? Because that's very clearly where we're headed. If there's not a massive uprising soon, and in particular against CBDC, we will have been like sheep lead to the slaughter. THAT is the hill to die on. Especially for younger people, who are about to be robbed of the majority of their free adult lives.

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Rose

Thanks Jessica. Restricting the analysis to those with 2+ shots means those keeling over after one shot are ignored. This could cause moderna to appear worse even if the opposite were true.

Repeating analysis for those having 1+ dose of a single manufacturer would show if this was the case.

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indeed. on it.

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We know how dangerous, to human mortality and morbidity, these gene therapies are and it’s come down to comparing how dangerous each one is🤯. A few years ago their usage would have been stopped almost immediately. Humanity is becoming lost 😥. Thanks for all you do in this rather surreal world.

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My comments/replies, edited, posted to Steve Kirsch's research article he wrote on substack.

Thank You for this. It seemed to me that the pfizer shot had received much more of the reporting undertaken by those revealing The Truth of covid "vaccine" harms than had moderna.

Almost as if moderna had some "special" protection suppressing The Truth of greater moderna harms, as would be expected, with the much higher moderna load of nano-particles with potentially higher levels of harmful spike and harmful antibodies produced

up to 17 trillion antibodies* (my note: causing all manner of harms) produced by the body in response an estimated 10 billion, 40 billion, 50 billion lipid nanoparticles or viral vectors per injection for pfizer, moderna, astrazeneca respectively causing the body to produce up to 3 trillion* whole spike antigens produced per injection *Ogata et al - Marc Girardot is the one who did the gumshoe work parsing these figures out of studies.

from "Karl" Are you sure of those numbers?.... This is an INSANE amount

I got the numbers from replies Marc Girardot sent to my comments and from his substack. As best as I could. So to answer your question "Are you sure of those numbers?" I say this is what I have found so far - actual "for sure" numbers? hard for me to locate with the short search I did. I trust Marc Girardot made a better search, accepting that understandings vary. i.e. from all I have read and heard I understand sars-cov-2 is a "delivery vehicle" for toxic bioweapon spike as are "vaccine" platforms. I understand Marc Girardot questions the "toxic" nature of spike.

I AM SURE that I made the right decision in electing Real Prevention with Real Early Treatment backup instead of an Emergency Use Authorization "vaccine".

His article is titled "What happens to those billions of NanoParticles you've become host to? [Revisited]" here https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/what-happens-to-those-billions-of-804 these are quotes from that post - "up to 50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca, 40 billion LNPs for Moderna, and likely 10 for Pfizer" and "a study by Harvard Medical: Ogata et al. that detected a maximum level of around 3 trillion spikes at Day 5." and from what source?"17,000 trillion antibodies." (note: new antibody harms "string theory" here https://x.com/super_spreaders/status/1715220043108069819 "string theory") and "Those are numbers way beyond very severe SARS-COV-2 infections: typically at infection peak between 1 and 100 billion virions, are present in the body."

KarlM Alias

Yes, it is strange. It is also strange that so few, on our side, have even mentioned the numbers which I thought would have been a good argument to try and red-pill. ... It would be good for this to get sorted out.

my reply: the thought of billions of my own cells converted to mRNA or viral vector fueled spike factories to then, my own cells, be marked for destruction by my own immune system (thoughts of autoimmune disease) then to be attacked and destroyed by my own immune system .... .

these thoughts and more helped to red-pill me

Yes. "numbers ... .. a good argument to try and red-pill."

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shocking reading thanks for sharing

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Thanks to Marc Girardot

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Plus the undocumented deaths. My colleague and her mother were Moderna vaxxed one day in January 2021, her mother died 24 hours later. Dead in her sleep. The mother had preexisting heart issues but was medically stable. no one blamed the vaxx. Not a peep. Not a hint. Not a whisper. Not a raised eyebrow. Certainly no VAERS report.

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My condolences. The rules for counting deaths were changed during the pandemic. For instance if you died within 2 weeks of the shot it was not counted as death from the shot because the shot only works after 2 weeks. So people were still seen as unvaccinated. Also deaths from Covid had more than 1 other reason of death recorded on the death certificate (on average). But the decision was made to make Covid the primary in all cases. This was a huge change from the procedures before the pandemic. If you had a disabling lung disease for years and a flu would kill you, the lung disease would be the primary cause of death and not the flu. In short: all data out there is unreliable and influenced by political choices. We need randomized trials with mortality as endpoint.

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I wonder how the Johnson & Johnson jab compares. At least it did not have mRNA or LNPs, and I would guess it not have DNA contamination either. Is that right? I'm glad I stuck with quercetin and zinc and sunshine.

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I'd like to know that too. Family members got J&J.

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If they survived just the one JJ with no ill effects and no boosters, my guess is they’ll be ok. (That’s an educated guess. Not a fact.)

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Thank you Jessica for doing this deeper dive on the data.. Pfizer and Moderna products are the culmination of GOF research that must have taken several years, In the psychotic pursuit of the Ultimate Slow Kill Bio Weapon.. Big Brother-DoD ordered one hell of a Weapon for the Crime of the Century.. they got it.. with Bird Flu variations shipping now.. The wonderful Bill Gates wants 500 vaccines for us! Less and less takers for Poison jabs.. which is good news.. More and more citizens of the world are Realizing they are in the Global Kill Box... and ALL VACCINES are unnecessary.. ALL..

The Human Bodies Immune system is a masterpiece.. its worked just fine for a few million years..

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Pfizer vs Moderna = RUSSIAN ROULETTE! A no brainer - but some still take these poisons.

NO MORE JABS until they ACCEPT LIABILITY for Vax injuries and Vax related DEATHS!

So, not only is the SAFE and EFFECTIVE experiment useless on both counts, it can also kill you. Perhaps that was all part of the Plan?

They tried to poison everyone with Gain of Function (Bio-weapon technology) to maximise the Coronavirus, along with a pretend 'Vaccine', but many people soon realised it was a Depopulation Plan. So, instead of modifying Covid still further, they've switched to modifying the 'nearly harmless' BIRD FLU. They could open Pandora's Box with their evil experiments and then we're all doomed.

The WEF's New World Order, along with the NOW OBSOLETE and CORRUPTED World Health Organisation are trying to justify the NEXT SCAMDEMIC = Lab modified Bird Flu along with another DEADLY injection (which they'll again pretend is another (deadly) mRNA VACCINE') to complete the carnage!

The know we've sussed their Control and depopulation Plan and are retreating back into their pathetic existences, under the slimy Davos slime pit from which they operate.

We're ready next time and they'll be lucky if 20% of the surviving world population will believe their Bird Flu lies.

Maybe half will accept the lies about the associated BIRD FLU VACCINE which has probably been formulated simultaneously in an adjacent laboratory.

Their MASS MURDER will not go unpunished.

No doubt the Bird Flu VAX will come with ZERO LIABILITY CLAUSE, but they know we're coming for them so they'd better be scared. Their MASS MURDER will be dealt with by the most aggressive punishment imaginable and the main protagonists will be PUBLICLY terminated.

We the people, have spoken!

Unjabbed Mick - UK (I'll live longer without evil medical interference.)

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They lied, people died.

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It's more than just lies at this point... more like capital murder.

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Not to mention the overarching population control and "one world" totalitarian governance ambitions of the same billionaire oligarchs who were behind it.

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Great to see another analysis of this data and the results are reproducible. It should not be surprising since the "dose" for Moderna is 3X higher than Pfizer. It would be interesting to see if the amount of spike protein manufactured in the body differs between these two but I suspect that would vary by the individual given each injection. This is a serious issue with using mRNA is that there is no controlling for amount of protein the body sees and responds to unlike with traditional vaccine platforms.

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Take a look at Professor Fenton Substack, the link is in Steve's Substack. There is a table that indicates the Pfizer is deathier than the Moderna, deaths per 100,000 but the event are higher for Moderna. Maybe you can shed some light on why this would be the case.

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will do... very preliminary

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Yes I saw Dr Claire Craig’s interview with Dr John Campbell about the huge cohort data base from Czech it was a great interview….

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Of course, the next logical question is what exactly went into the Moderna process that was different than Pfizer’s process? I assume they were both made by the DOD, but I don’t know that for fact.

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Batch distribution. I have been curious if there has been any thought to assessing discriminatory use of batches. I suppose if or when batches show up in data that are “hot” it may bring special attention to them. What I am most wanting to rule out is foul play of bad actors. Injecting the various populations or groups can be a way of extermination. Not that it is. Or has happened , but it could. And certainly mandating vaccines is a great way to manage populations. Fertility/sterility is likely the most chosen approach . But is there any evidence of it? Or is the platform in society merely working toward such capacity?

The most curious and obvious thing about the Covid shots was that they were not followed up with any verification of antibodies. We , like dr Bridle , paid for antibody testing following infection to verify antibodies. If we can recall how vital it all seemed at the time healthcare workers were suppose to be front lines and at the point of greatest risk and transmission. Yet, there was no testing for confirmation of anti bodies. Leaving the door wide open to either fraudulent claims of injections or simply a pathway for saline batche administration. Why no testing?

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