“to ensure that their injection *pogrom* is not interrupted.”
There, I fixed it.
Along those lines, I just published a three-part series titled “Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship” (Parts 2 & 3 will be unlocked to free subscribers on Monday & Wednesday respectively):
I’m trying to inject the concept of “philanthropath” into the public consciousness so every time someone sees Gates, Soros, Schwab, et al, they instantly think “philanthropath” (which I define as “a socio/psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist.”), so I encourage everyone to use that term liberally in association with the culprits to help viralize it.
Jessica, I should probably let you know I just recommended you as an interview candidate to Reiner Fuellmich (assuming I didn’t miss that interview, in which case, let me know as I’d love to see it!). He’s pretty backlogged so may not follow up right away, but just a heads-up :-)
WEF agenda depends on their success in blowing up Russia and China; those steps are necessary ... and it doesn't look like they will succeed... but - because it is vital to them - they will NOT back down either.
So I am not really concerned with Evil Horrory and his clan's wet dreams - I am more worried about WW3 with nukes...
As always Jessica great article. Thank you! I pray daily that parents stop and just think for one damn minute. Thank God for Governor DeSantis saying our will not purchase shots for babies. I wish they wouldn't have for anyone but at least we are protecting babies. Apparently he can't stop Dr's from doing this bit the state won't supply them. He even called them jabs numerous times. He hasn't called them shots since last year. I feel like you could see when he got smart about what these things are doing to people. Anyway, he probably watched you and people like you to get smart about what is happening. I pray for your protection because the so called "truth tellers" are nuts. Thank you for everything you do.
Thank you! Fantastic finish with AC/DC. That you can coax a smile out while covering these diabolical dirty deeds is a huge plus. Hard to stay in the rabbit hole while thinking swimming and listening to Homer sing :-)
So, about shingles. My 89 year-old mom got shingles (was not yet injected) after her cleaner came with a bad case of shingles and spent 3 hours cleaning her condo. He had just been injected for the 3rd time with Pfizer. My mom was a nurse and said shingles was not contagious. She had chickenpox a s a child; no shingles vax (she regretted this). Shedding? Shingles spread? CDC says: "You cannot get shingles from someone who has shingles." Just curious about your take on this. Seemed very "coincidental".
On a side note, she finally broke down and got 2 Pfizer shots, fell 2 weeks after the 2hd, ended up in hospital with elevated D-dimer and aphasia. She's now in assisted living. Sigh...
And Geert VB is now recommending the smallpox shot for all? Jeez. What does he know?
It's a bad idea to disagree with Geert, based on his record, but I read what Dr. Meryl Nass said about the smallpox vaccines and I really don't want to take one of those, either:
What I meant was what does Geert know that we don't about what might be coming? I shudder to think...
I just can't imagine how anyone's immune system will react to yet another shot - especially for smallpox and especially if it's a new version! Why would I trust these folks???
My mom took a shingles vaccine in June of 2010. She was eighty, and extremely healthy. A few days later she became gravely ill. Spent ten days in hospital on life support before a spinal tap revealed that she had developed Herpes Encephalitis. Life support was removed and she died a few hours later.
I personally will never have another vaccine of any kind. Have not had any at all since age eleven and plan to continue on that path. My trust in the medical establishment is close to zero.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom! Horrible. All of the folks I know who have had the shingles shot have been flat out afterwards - it's almost like a badge of honor the way they discuss it. My dentist just had his second shot and he was out for a week - in bed. He's a healthy 60 year old.
Anyway, there are various ways to treat shingles (L-lysine comes to mind) and avoiding it by being healthy would be even better!
I've mentioned this before, but I lost a healthy brother (52) to horrible side effects from the antibiotic Cipro. It was a descent into hell for him physically. Hhe could no longer do any of the active things he loved. FDA knew about these "side effects". I'm with you on the lack of trust in the medical establishment, but I love what's happening in places like Tess Lawrie's World Council for Health! I studied Ayurveda and hope we can combine the best of all healing modalities after all of this shakes out. Meanwhile I am trying to keep my mom from getting a booster...tough battle.
Thanks for sharing your heartbreaking story, I hope it alerts others to the possible dangers.
Thank you, and I am so sorry about your brother. There are so many terrible stories out there…and mounting by the day. My list of friends and acquaintances struggling with Covid vax adverse events is large and growing. I also love Dr Tess Lawrie. She’s amazing, as are so many other brave and ethical doctors who are standing up to the nonsense that surrounds us. I share your optimism for the future; better times can’t come soon enough!
Sorry about your mom. My aunt developed a rash on arm thought it was shingles, googled just enough to tell the weekend doctor at the wellmed clinic she had shingles. He prescribed meds. She did follow up a couple days later with her regular doc. She had roundworm (Crx ringworm🫢) not shingles.
Also, I’m not convinced I want the shingles shot. But I imagine having shingles could be worse.
please know that shingles isn't 'caught' from someone or just comes out of the blue. if you have the zoster virus already in your body (dormant from childhood chicken pox), it takes a perfect storm of unhealth for them to reactivate into the adulthood shingles symptom version of the virus. it looks likely that the cv jab is contributing to the 'unhealth' factor, taxing the older adults' already crappy immune system. I had chicken pox as a teen and am zero concerned about developing (not 'catching') shingles because I am an exceptionally healthy 61 yr old who doesn't even catch the common cold/flu but once a decade (if that). Healthy, robust immune system are the key. Jessica's recommendations at the end of the article are spot on!
I'm not so sure about it not being possible to come down with shingles from "shedding" or "transmission" in some way of the spike protein from people jabbed with the spikeshot. Last fall and winter, I rode in my apartment building's elevators full of covidians all bragging about having just been jabbed. I developed a mild case of shingles in early January that lasted barely two weeks and wasn't painful, although a bit unsightly (on my face). I believe my good health and strong immune system kept it from being bad despite my being 79 years old, but do suspect it was a result of exposure to the spike protein (and/or whatever other poisons they put in those jabs). I strongly second advice on healthy eating, exercise, sunshine (lots!), and sleep (I do my best). Oh, and btw, I never had the shingles shot, never intended to, even before all this covid horror.
I know a few people that have had shingles 25-89yr olds over the years. I never knew it as dangerous (painful yes), not dangerous until they started marketing the shots on tv and the doctors office.
Your hand washing advice above (GOOD) sounds a lot like Big Pharma/ Big Government’s advice: take this vaccine, lather, rinse, repeat (BAD, so very bad!).
Thank you for this helpful reminder that people need to be primed to see vaccine adverse events when they emerge. My bias takes me there every time I hear about a bad medical event, as I did again just yesterday, and I might be erring on the side of counting too many, but I suspect the problem is most people are not seeing it because they've been effectively hypnotized by the mantra "safe and effective".
Regarding Vitamin D, I think people should be aiming for serum levels at or above 50. The Quest Diagnostics suggestion of 30 - 100 as the appropriate range should probably be revised. Often these numbers are generated by looking at the normal distribution in the population and calling normal what lies within the first standard deviations, but that might not be physiologically effective. We are often indoors too much and are using sunscreen when we're outside, so the normal distribution range does not probably capture what is physiologically the most beneficial.
I've never had a cell phone and always wash my hands before playing my guitar so the strings will last longer. Now that abortion is banned in many states, will those states also ban the covid jab for pregnant women as it aborts so many fetuses(82% if given in the 1st trimester)?
I realize that you are likely being sarcastic but yeah... wouldn't it be nice if there were some actual LOGIC like that being applied? hearing all my uber-liberal (as I USED to be,) friends/relatives bemoan the R v W overturn, I can't help but be underwhelmed. the same friends that downplayed the job loss from jab mandates ('what's the big deal? they can just get a different job",) now are outraged about R v W. I am waiting for the opportunity to say, "what's the big deal? want an abortion that badly, just travel to a state where its still legal." But of course the 'my body my choice' narrative completely lacks any logical re-application. ugh.
Warrior Mom, Although I am often sarcastic, in this case I was posing a serious question. If these clot shots kill more than 4 out of 5 fetuses if given in the first trimester, they sound like a tool for abortion. Tell your pro choice friends, "What's the big deal? You can always get jabbed to abort the baby." I'd love to see their response.
Bret Weinstein DarkHorse - Bret Speaks with Gruff Davies and Linda Benskin on the subject of Vitamin D as a preventative measure for Covid.
The above is awesome. You learn not to fear skin cancer, when your in the sun and getting sun rays for vitamin D. When our bodies do that they secret natural substances that protect and prevent skin cancers.
Most of the early versions of sun screen actually caused skin cancer. I have worked in the Sun for years and never had a hint of skin cancer. So from my limited experience this podcast is right on.
From someone who is not medically or scientifically trained (business degree only), THANK YOU! You give me hope we can wake enough people up to stop these atrocities.
Worried whether your post "makes any sense"? Who cares, it's the weekend!!!! Party on!
Appreciated the music video. What I especially like about AC/DC videos is that the guitarist with the short pants is one of the select few people on the planet who dances even worse than I do. (Also, I'm wondering where he buys his clothes)
That said, the crowd shots were amazing. Happy weekend, everybody!
Thank you Dr. Rose ~Always a wealth of information doused with much needed humor and entertainment! I look forward to your posts. You have managed to use humor to soften my disgust at all those involved in these crimes against humanity. I canceled my cable 2 years ago and haven’t watched TV since. I now take what I paid for cable and use that to support people like you who are working so hard for all of us. I encourage more people to do the same. Let’s stop supporting these media companies who are participating in the destruction of humanity. Much gratitude Dr. Rose for your generous and lovable spirit. You make the world a better place.
I stand corrected. The guitarist DEFINITELY dances better than Elaine, and I forgot about her. (In retrospect, my forgetting about her might have subconsciously been a defense mechanism.)
To end on a 'Kumbaya' moment. I canceled my cable and canceled my local newspaper (both of which were a waste of time) and help crowdfund several independent voices who have suffered the wrath of cancel culture and later found a home on substack or other platforms. We shall now virtually sing 'We are the World'. Since this is the internet and neither of us can hear one another, that's okay... Most of 2022 seems to be about Virtue Signaling anyway. (Cheers!:-)
the 'shorts' were intended to be a riff on the classic Brit school boy uniform (including the cap). of course the vid is from the late 70's (or early 80's?) but maybe an AC/DC fan would know where the costume came from. :)
I have to work on #13 since my job requires me to be on computer all day.
My husband bought me a cell phone some 15 yrs ago. I wouldn’t carry it around. He says, I bought you the phone why don’t carry it?” Okay. Now … no phone while walking dogs, no phone to the pool…1 more hours no phone 🙀
Excellent summary - will share with many. As an aside, I had a mild pox rash about 10 days after Covid diagnosis. Unvaxxed. (And did not take the (highly pushed) shingles vaccine for us 50-somethings a couple of years ago). Herpes is definitely in virus AS WELL as the injectables…
Jessica Rose I love you. Sage advice for parents, sage advice on VAERS, sage advice to continue to decline these experimental biologicals for children. Parents, you won’t get this sage advice from your paediatricians. Please pay attention, for the sake of your children.💕💕
Furthermore the chickenpox resurfaces because the immunesystem cannot suppress it enough now. The immunesystem was basically turned off this is what happens. Childhood diseases resurface and other diseases who are basically suppressed laying dormant in our bodies.
Thanks for sharing your sanity and brilliant research with us.
“to ensure that their injection *pogrom* is not interrupted.”
There, I fixed it.
Along those lines, I just published a three-part series titled “Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship” (Parts 2 & 3 will be unlocked to free subscribers on Monday & Wednesday respectively):
• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)
• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)
• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)
I’m trying to inject the concept of “philanthropath” into the public consciousness so every time someone sees Gates, Soros, Schwab, et al, they instantly think “philanthropath” (which I define as “a socio/psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist.”), so I encourage everyone to use that term liberally in association with the culprits to help viralize it.
Jessica, I should probably let you know I just recommended you as an interview candidate to Reiner Fuellmich (assuming I didn’t miss that interview, in which case, let me know as I’d love to see it!). He’s pretty backlogged so may not follow up right away, but just a heads-up :-)
Great piece to support what you are referring to
WEF agenda depends on their success in blowing up Russia and China; those steps are necessary ... and it doesn't look like they will succeed... but - because it is vital to them - they will NOT back down either.
So I am not really concerned with Evil Horrory and his clan's wet dreams - I am more worried about WW3 with nukes...
"Got iodine?".
As always Jessica great article. Thank you! I pray daily that parents stop and just think for one damn minute. Thank God for Governor DeSantis saying our will not purchase shots for babies. I wish they wouldn't have for anyone but at least we are protecting babies. Apparently he can't stop Dr's from doing this bit the state won't supply them. He even called them jabs numerous times. He hasn't called them shots since last year. I feel like you could see when he got smart about what these things are doing to people. Anyway, he probably watched you and people like you to get smart about what is happening. I pray for your protection because the so called "truth tellers" are nuts. Thank you for everything you do.
Thank you! Fantastic finish with AC/DC. That you can coax a smile out while covering these diabolical dirty deeds is a huge plus. Hard to stay in the rabbit hole while thinking swimming and listening to Homer sing :-)
So, about shingles. My 89 year-old mom got shingles (was not yet injected) after her cleaner came with a bad case of shingles and spent 3 hours cleaning her condo. He had just been injected for the 3rd time with Pfizer. My mom was a nurse and said shingles was not contagious. She had chickenpox a s a child; no shingles vax (she regretted this). Shedding? Shingles spread? CDC says: "You cannot get shingles from someone who has shingles." Just curious about your take on this. Seemed very "coincidental".
On a side note, she finally broke down and got 2 Pfizer shots, fell 2 weeks after the 2hd, ended up in hospital with elevated D-dimer and aphasia. She's now in assisted living. Sigh...
And Geert VB is now recommending the smallpox shot for all? Jeez. What does he know?
It's a bad idea to disagree with Geert, based on his record, but I read what Dr. Meryl Nass said about the smallpox vaccines and I really don't want to take one of those, either:
What I meant was what does Geert know that we don't about what might be coming? I shudder to think...
I just can't imagine how anyone's immune system will react to yet another shot - especially for smallpox and especially if it's a new version! Why would I trust these folks???
My mom took a shingles vaccine in June of 2010. She was eighty, and extremely healthy. A few days later she became gravely ill. Spent ten days in hospital on life support before a spinal tap revealed that she had developed Herpes Encephalitis. Life support was removed and she died a few hours later.
I personally will never have another vaccine of any kind. Have not had any at all since age eleven and plan to continue on that path. My trust in the medical establishment is close to zero.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom! Horrible. All of the folks I know who have had the shingles shot have been flat out afterwards - it's almost like a badge of honor the way they discuss it. My dentist just had his second shot and he was out for a week - in bed. He's a healthy 60 year old.
Anyway, there are various ways to treat shingles (L-lysine comes to mind) and avoiding it by being healthy would be even better!
I've mentioned this before, but I lost a healthy brother (52) to horrible side effects from the antibiotic Cipro. It was a descent into hell for him physically. Hhe could no longer do any of the active things he loved. FDA knew about these "side effects". I'm with you on the lack of trust in the medical establishment, but I love what's happening in places like Tess Lawrie's World Council for Health! I studied Ayurveda and hope we can combine the best of all healing modalities after all of this shakes out. Meanwhile I am trying to keep my mom from getting a booster...tough battle.
Thanks for sharing your heartbreaking story, I hope it alerts others to the possible dangers.
Thank you, and I am so sorry about your brother. There are so many terrible stories out there…and mounting by the day. My list of friends and acquaintances struggling with Covid vax adverse events is large and growing. I also love Dr Tess Lawrie. She’s amazing, as are so many other brave and ethical doctors who are standing up to the nonsense that surrounds us. I share your optimism for the future; better times can’t come soon enough!
Sorry about your mom. My aunt developed a rash on arm thought it was shingles, googled just enough to tell the weekend doctor at the wellmed clinic she had shingles. He prescribed meds. She did follow up a couple days later with her regular doc. She had roundworm (Crx ringworm🫢) not shingles.
Also, I’m not convinced I want the shingles shot. But I imagine having shingles could be worse.
please know that shingles isn't 'caught' from someone or just comes out of the blue. if you have the zoster virus already in your body (dormant from childhood chicken pox), it takes a perfect storm of unhealth for them to reactivate into the adulthood shingles symptom version of the virus. it looks likely that the cv jab is contributing to the 'unhealth' factor, taxing the older adults' already crappy immune system. I had chicken pox as a teen and am zero concerned about developing (not 'catching') shingles because I am an exceptionally healthy 61 yr old who doesn't even catch the common cold/flu but once a decade (if that). Healthy, robust immune system are the key. Jessica's recommendations at the end of the article are spot on!
I'm not so sure about it not being possible to come down with shingles from "shedding" or "transmission" in some way of the spike protein from people jabbed with the spikeshot. Last fall and winter, I rode in my apartment building's elevators full of covidians all bragging about having just been jabbed. I developed a mild case of shingles in early January that lasted barely two weeks and wasn't painful, although a bit unsightly (on my face). I believe my good health and strong immune system kept it from being bad despite my being 79 years old, but do suspect it was a result of exposure to the spike protein (and/or whatever other poisons they put in those jabs). I strongly second advice on healthy eating, exercise, sunshine (lots!), and sleep (I do my best). Oh, and btw, I never had the shingles shot, never intended to, even before all this covid horror.
I know a few people that have had shingles 25-89yr olds over the years. I never knew it as dangerous (painful yes), not dangerous until they started marketing the shots on tv and the doctors office.
Herpes, herpes bo-berpes banana-phana pho pherpes. Love it!
You are amazing as well as unacceptable. Thank you!
I’m currently watching an interesting one-hour Historical Walk Through Vaccinia Lane (my term) on CHD.TV (Children’s Health Defense Fund TV):
‘The Solution’ Episode 32: Historical Evidence — Vaccines Never Proven Safe’ With Dr. Tony O'Donnell: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/the-solution-with-dr-tony-o-donnel-phd/Jh94MB-7o-
Your hand washing advice above (GOOD) sounds a lot like Big Pharma/ Big Government’s advice: take this vaccine, lather, rinse, repeat (BAD, so very bad!).
For more interesting historical perspective on vaccines and medicine, check out A Midwestern Doctor’s Substack at https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/
Great links. Particularly that last one.
Yes, AMD does good stuff!
Thank you for this helpful reminder that people need to be primed to see vaccine adverse events when they emerge. My bias takes me there every time I hear about a bad medical event, as I did again just yesterday, and I might be erring on the side of counting too many, but I suspect the problem is most people are not seeing it because they've been effectively hypnotized by the mantra "safe and effective".
Regarding Vitamin D, I think people should be aiming for serum levels at or above 50. The Quest Diagnostics suggestion of 30 - 100 as the appropriate range should probably be revised. Often these numbers are generated by looking at the normal distribution in the population and calling normal what lies within the first standard deviations, but that might not be physiologically effective. We are often indoors too much and are using sunscreen when we're outside, so the normal distribution range does not probably capture what is physiologically the most beneficial.
I've never had a cell phone and always wash my hands before playing my guitar so the strings will last longer. Now that abortion is banned in many states, will those states also ban the covid jab for pregnant women as it aborts so many fetuses(82% if given in the 1st trimester)?
I realize that you are likely being sarcastic but yeah... wouldn't it be nice if there were some actual LOGIC like that being applied? hearing all my uber-liberal (as I USED to be,) friends/relatives bemoan the R v W overturn, I can't help but be underwhelmed. the same friends that downplayed the job loss from jab mandates ('what's the big deal? they can just get a different job",) now are outraged about R v W. I am waiting for the opportunity to say, "what's the big deal? want an abortion that badly, just travel to a state where its still legal." But of course the 'my body my choice' narrative completely lacks any logical re-application. ugh.
Warrior Mom, Although I am often sarcastic, in this case I was posing a serious question. If these clot shots kill more than 4 out of 5 fetuses if given in the first trimester, they sound like a tool for abortion. Tell your pro choice friends, "What's the big deal? You can always get jabbed to abort the baby." I'd love to see their response.
Bret Weinstein DarkHorse - Bret Speaks with Gruff Davies and Linda Benskin on the subject of Vitamin D as a preventative measure for Covid.
The above is awesome. You learn not to fear skin cancer, when your in the sun and getting sun rays for vitamin D. When our bodies do that they secret natural substances that protect and prevent skin cancers.
Most of the early versions of sun screen actually caused skin cancer. I have worked in the Sun for years and never had a hint of skin cancer. So from my limited experience this podcast is right on.
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/vitamin-d-for-covid-whats-the-catch-darkhorse-podcast/id1471581521?i=1000546285493
Bret Weinstein DarkHorse on Vitamin D II
I haven't watched this but should add to the knowledge.
From someone who is not medically or scientifically trained (business degree only), THANK YOU! You give me hope we can wake enough people up to stop these atrocities.
Worried whether your post "makes any sense"? Who cares, it's the weekend!!!! Party on!
Appreciated the music video. What I especially like about AC/DC videos is that the guitarist with the short pants is one of the select few people on the planet who dances even worse than I do. (Also, I'm wondering where he buys his clothes)
That said, the crowd shots were amazing. Happy weekend, everybody!
Worse dancer than Elaine from Seinfeld?! Come on.
Thank you Dr. Rose ~Always a wealth of information doused with much needed humor and entertainment! I look forward to your posts. You have managed to use humor to soften my disgust at all those involved in these crimes against humanity. I canceled my cable 2 years ago and haven’t watched TV since. I now take what I paid for cable and use that to support people like you who are working so hard for all of us. I encourage more people to do the same. Let’s stop supporting these media companies who are participating in the destruction of humanity. Much gratitude Dr. Rose for your generous and lovable spirit. You make the world a better place.
I stand corrected. The guitarist DEFINITELY dances better than Elaine, and I forgot about her. (In retrospect, my forgetting about her might have subconsciously been a defense mechanism.)
To end on a 'Kumbaya' moment. I canceled my cable and canceled my local newspaper (both of which were a waste of time) and help crowdfund several independent voices who have suffered the wrath of cancel culture and later found a home on substack or other platforms. We shall now virtually sing 'We are the World'. Since this is the internet and neither of us can hear one another, that's okay... Most of 2022 seems to be about Virtue Signaling anyway. (Cheers!:-)
the 'shorts' were intended to be a riff on the classic Brit school boy uniform (including the cap). of course the vid is from the late 70's (or early 80's?) but maybe an AC/DC fan would know where the costume came from. :)
Fauci and Gates have put us on "The Highway to Hell." That should be played wherever they go.
Please consider that for people with autoimmune 80-100 is the optimal range for Vit D, and supplementing with 5,000IU will raise your level 30
I have to work on #13 since my job requires me to be on computer all day.
My husband bought me a cell phone some 15 yrs ago. I wouldn’t carry it around. He says, I bought you the phone why don’t carry it?” Okay. Now … no phone while walking dogs, no phone to the pool…1 more hours no phone 🙀
Excellent summary - will share with many. As an aside, I had a mild pox rash about 10 days after Covid diagnosis. Unvaxxed. (And did not take the (highly pushed) shingles vaccine for us 50-somethings a couple of years ago). Herpes is definitely in virus AS WELL as the injectables…
The shingles vaccine is worthless. I know 3 people who took it and still had bad cases of shingles.
I feel thankful for having chicken pox. I will be able to skip shingles. I am grateful to nature for all the help.
Thank you.
Jessica Rose I love you. Sage advice for parents, sage advice on VAERS, sage advice to continue to decline these experimental biologicals for children. Parents, you won’t get this sage advice from your paediatricians. Please pay attention, for the sake of your children.💕💕
They used flu and cold to say its covid and scare us and they use chickenpox and shingles to say its monkeypox.
Then they will say test can't differentiate or similar
Furthermore the chickenpox resurfaces because the immunesystem cannot suppress it enough now. The immunesystem was basically turned off this is what happens. Childhood diseases resurface and other diseases who are basically suppressed laying dormant in our bodies.