i'm going to have to start writing in code

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If it gets to that point, we'll know you're over the target. Could you pack our decoder rings in something healthier than a Cracker Jacks box?

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Oh, thanks. I haven’t thought about Cracker Jacks for years, and now I have a taste for some… 😉 Though nothing a good Fuji Apple won’t take care of, I suppose.

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So I go downstairs for the apple just as my kind-hearted brother-in-law is dropping off a pizza and a 2’ long sub sandwich… I’m totally serious. You can’t make this kind of stuff up (legacy media TRIES, but IMHO, it’s not as good as the truth. Of course.) So what would YOU do if you were still trying to get your arms around:

- Friday afternoon, I’m informed that I’ll no longer have access to my world-class NASA X-ray diffraction (XRD) laboratory after next Tuesday unless I submit to weekly Covid testing, which I decided in advance I cannot do on personal health and moral grounds that need no explanation in these parts. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/over-1000-studies-published-in-peer/comment/4379144 So I leave work Friday knowing that after this week + next Monday, who knows when I’ll ever again see my lab and my coveted cacti collection stretching across 30’ of south-facing window sills.

- This morning, I wake up with the sniffles and a scratchy throat. As a federal facility, the rules are that I’m not allowed onsite at all this week with any Covid-like symptoms without a negative Covid test. Already went over that one. Not playing that game that IMHO is a major factor in creating the world-wide mess we find ourselves in. Rather, I’m playing the long game for the ‘other side’, so the last thing I want to do is give ‘them’ fodder to trash me as an anti-vax, right-wing extremist, trouble-maker who is endangering the future of all humanity by coming in to work with the sniffles. (Though I DO want to do all I can to protect the health of my double-vaxed-and-boosted-immune-system-compromised colleagues. Seriously). Now I’m down to just next Monday to say goodbye to my lab and cacti…

So you probably guessed it. I’ll have the apple later. Promise. 🙂 BTW, I’m not complaining about any of this. Throughout human history, dissidents like me usually just disappear in the night or relocate to ‘re-education’ camps, or to cold and isolated locales with yaks and yetis for neighbors. So from my POV, I have it easy (at least so far) as an XRD dissident in telecommuting exile in the comfort of my own home in my flannel PJs and Bearpaws still making what I consider to be a really good salary doing work that I love. Without having to wear a stinking mask! And I can go get a Fuji apple whenever I want… 🍎

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Wondering when I'll get my notice. Like being stuck in the Twilight Zone.

C'est la vie. Best wishes.

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I definitely know the TZ feeling. Where do you work? Fine if you’d prefer not to share…

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Contractor, myself, so in the limbo batch for the moment. In a strange way its moot, if they'll do it once they'll do it or similar again. The absurdity of the whole thing gives it all a surreal feeling. I think they will find hiring very difficult for a long, long time.

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Feb 8, 2022
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AussieGerl, I’m not ignoring you. I’ll respond when I’m able. This is a good idea!

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A Darren Aronofsky/“Pi"/Hebrew alphabet/prime-number-based code would be a natural, no?

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I wonder how long we have actually had a Government that we cannot trust. I am sure it’s worse now than a few years ago, or has it been this dishonest for decades and this Plandemic has finally exposed the levels of deception and dishonesty.

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That's a frightening question. So much distrust in our lives now.

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Was any of the "uncorrected" data used in published papers? If so will those papers now need to be retracted? Hmmm!

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very good question

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It's absurd the data manipulation. It's embarrassing that the US is so steeped in scandal.

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Thank you for your Sherlock Holmesian efforts to deduce, dissect, and divulge the dubious data, Jessica!

On another note, I know Canada, Canadians, and the Freedom Convoy are dear to your heart, so I wanted to share my “Letter to Justin Trudeau” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-justin-trudeau) with you and encourage anyone who so wishes to aim it at @JustinTrudeau. My goal is to bury him in in an avalanche of so many tweets he will be unable to ignore it, “Miracle on 34th Street” style (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jagJeaLXRRQ).

(Agreed re: Bucky, BTW! 😇)

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A letter posted today on GETTR from a U.S lawyer via Epoch Times Truth


Poruje, Enlightened Jan 6th .

@Poruje • 16m


Replying to @EpochTimes


My name is Beth Ann Wright, an attorney in the United States.

I have been watching the TruckersForFreedom with interest. This evening I

saw a video that purports to be Canadian police officers in Ottawa seizing

fuel from truckers posted with a timestamp of 6:35 pm CST by Rebel News

(in a message forwarded from Covid Red Pills channel) in the

TruckersForFreedom Telegram channel.

These Canadian police officers are committing War Crimes in violation of






AUGUST 1949 COMMENTARY, Jean S. PICTET, pp. 213-215.

The Truckers and other members of the public are "Protected Persons"

under Article 30, and have the "absolute right" to "protest" inter alia and

receive "material relief" from "any organization that might assist them.

Moreover, the Canadian police force has an affirmative duty such that the

"Detaining or Occupying Powers [the Canadian police force] shall facilitate

as much as possible visits to protected persons by the representatives of

other organizations whose object is to give spiritual aid or material relief to

such persons" inter alia. Id.

Therefore, the Canadian police officers are committing War Crimes against

Protected Persons under the Geneva Convention 4, Article 30, Paragraph

1, 1. Principle by seizing fuel from Protected Persons. The Canadian police

are advised to immediately Cease and Desist such War Crimes. The

Protected Persons are advised to remain peaceful: record the names and

images of anyone potentially committing War Crimes; and, request

assistance from "Protecting Powers," namely, the Global Military Alliance

See id.

Beth Ann Wright, JD, OTR/L

Can you get this message out?

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I’ve actually seen this letter posted all over social media and the net, so it looks like it’s making the rounds! I haven’t had time to verify the source and want to make sure she’s a legit attorney, but thanks for the heads-up, in any case.

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OHH yeahhh...LUV it!! Thx for this!!

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These are not "spontaneous" abortions or miscarriages. We need an accurate term (like we do to supersede "vaccine") like "VaxGene induced Fetal death" or "Discarriage" or "pregnancy ending injection". Please submit your ideas.

I am searching for the perfect term to supersede Vaccines - please send suggestions So far candidates are VINO (Vaccine in Name Only), VaxGene, Quaxine, Clot shots, Frankenshots, Pseudo Vaccine, Hackscene, Toxine. TO break the mass hypnotic spell the least we can do is not contribute to it by using demystifying language to wake people up. Term has to be descriptive, catchy, easily usable in discourse, easily understandable.


Name That Shot: Please Vote Let’s be a Focus Group


A Non-Vaccine by Any Other Name Vote for Semifinalists


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Feb 8, 2022
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Yes, they should be called that. Thanks for responding. In addition can use something catchy - I just thought of something like a "spiked pregnancy" or "spiked abortion" or spiked birth.

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sportion or sparriage

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Ayn Rand once wrote: "Don't bother to examine a folly; ask what it accomplishes."

Yes, I know, this is not just a "folly," it's a lot darker than that. I happen to think that all evidence points to the DoD succumbing to the same malady as the long-captured HHS regulatory agencies; that BigPharma dictates the data and they take notes. But it is obvious that what it accomplishes is to whitewash the vaxes, to bury their terrible toxicity.

As Dr Ryan Cole has pointed out, the FDA, CDC, & NIH are refusing even to LOOK at or allow the capture of data that would clarify these issues.

Also, as Dr. Cole, says:

"If you want to know what's going on in life, follow the money.

If you want to know what the truth is, see who's being silenced."

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I'd not seen that quote from Rand before. Thanks. She's absolutely right.

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It is noteworthy that the military often has the best, most well-kept databases because of the crucial relationship between troop health and defense capabilities.

I have all kinds of concerns, too, but the very first one that has held me back from public comment is..."where are the database definitions?"

Is it possible that there are two databases, and one is kept private? According to Catherine Austin-Fitts, department finances are handled this way, with one set of books open to the public, and another that requires deep security clearance.

One thing that stands out in the DMED data is the difference between events and hospitalizations. Why would one go up 25-fold and the other stay closer to the same? I can buy that severity curves could shift, or that newer data isn't "mature" (further hospitalizations may still be attacked to some cases? Hard to know without DEFINITIONS, right?).

If we are sabotaged with fraudulent data, we should consider the possibility that the DoD will be a primary source. While I find the average member of the U.S. military to be more trustworthy than average, the leadership is (1) far more political, and (2) inextricably linked to the entire monetary system, which ultimately funds their operation. I have believed from nearly the outset of the pandemic that more of this relates to monetary policy and weakness of the dollar economy than most anyone is talking about.

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Sabotage certainly seems plausible given the too-good-to-be-true nature of the signal to begin with. On the other hand I wonder why the rug was pulled out so quickly. If the goal is to discredit, why not wait until the story made it to Tucker? The fast correction seems to leave us with honest incompetence.

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I'm going to respectfully disagree, absolutely not an issue of incompetence (though with decades of military experience, I'm quite familiar with it.) Deliberate, and the irrational numbers prove it. I'll also suggest you will never get updated accurate data even well after these leaders leave the administration. It's been shredded, lost, or somehow "misplaced."

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Probably on the same X Files set where the Army kept the lepers and decades of vaccine chips in the same place (awfully convenient). Anyway, I still find the promptness of the quashing... not very nefarious-seeming...

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Great job, as always Jessica.

Canadian statisticians McKitrick and McIntyre have shown that the US and British Globull Warmongers have fudged their data for years.

They are James Hanson and Gavin Schmitt in the US and Phil Jones at Hadley Cru.

All these Decepticons always have the same aim: destroy capitalism and America.

This new batch of fraudsters have zero fear that they will ever face justice. When the lie is no longer believed, tyrants censor.

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What is it with you data-driven, math geek, I-can’t-rest-until-I-make-sense-of-this types who run themselves into the ground seeking ‘true truth’? If you were really as sharp as you think you are, you would have picked up on the link in the Daniel Horowitz article to the Politifact FACT CHECK that concluded that these claims of elevated SAEs for 2021 from the DMED database are false. F A L S E. How can you be so arrogant as to argue with an organization with such a catchy name as POLITIFACT sponsored by the Poynter Institute that you just KNOW must be reliable because it sounds like the simultaneously mysterious and important Poynting Vector from E&M? Jess, have you ever considered that you are just trying too hard? I bet you watched the full 3.5hr Darkhorse podcast with Malone and Kirsch instead CHD’s 1hr edited version, didn’t you? See what I mean. You just can’t leave any stone unturned, can you?

So to summarize, Jessica: YOU ROCK! The blood, sweat, and tears are worth it, because the TRUE TRUTH is worth it! Keep it up, we got your back.💪

(Fellow Substack readers, if the views I have expressed concerning our precious ‘Unacceptable Jessica’ have upset you, please do not start throwing stones until you view the following supporting information: https://socialcommunication.truman.edu/attitudes-emotions/sarcasm/ I can assure you that we are on the same side. Really. 🙂)

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Statistician Carroll D Wright on June 25, 1889 at the Convention of the Commissioners of Bureaus of Labor Statistics giving opening remarks suggested the following – It has been said that figures will not lie. It is equally true that liars will figure. It is our duty to prevent liars from figuring in the interest of any theory, by presenting original data fairly. It has also been suggested that Mark Twain also made the statement “Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.” Fun debate, but the point is Jessica you have some liars to expose!

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We knew and the DoD knew the numbers were going to be bad.. but to be this sloppy in the attempted cover up..? Incredible in your face incompetence? Or? Thank you Jessica Keep spilling the beans!!

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Don’t be too shocked here. NASA and NOAA, two U.S. government agencies, have long been changing the historical temperature record to indicate that temperatures in the past were cooler (hence unprecedented “global warming” now). This is well-documented.

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Deborah, I work for NASA, but not in this area. Could you point me in the right direction for the documentation you mention. I’m not at all doubting you. I’ve just never heard this before and am curious. And frankly, not that surprised. ‘Science’ is not the pure and noble ivory tower that many imagine it to be.

Thank you in advance for forgiving my ignorance. It’s actually fairly common for we NASA researcher types to know less than a well-informed member of the general public on broader NASA topics because we tend to focus so hard on the details of our own disciplines. My solution is to simply ask rather than trying to be a know-it-all.

Besides, this is the last place on earth any rocket scientist could successfully pull off being a know-it-all. If any of us were to try that with Jessica, I’m pretty sure her response would be “that don’t impress me much.” 🎶 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqFLXayD6e8 You see there’s just some sort of cosmic friction thing between intelligent, independent Canadian women and know-it-all rocket scientists. 🤔 And for the record, I’m not THAT rocket scientist (though I may or may not have made a guest appearance in the official music video 😉). But seriously, it wasn’t me. I’ve been happily married for years before Shania spilled the beans on this age-old, perplexing phenomena in that song. In hindsight, I might have picked another profile name if I knew I was going to end up spending so much time here. But it’s too late to turn back now, so I’ll just focus on the not-a-know-it-all attitude. Which isn’t that hard given all of the great work here. For example, I can’t wait to go through her Bradford Hill Criteria video/slides/commentary. Maybe if I would stop with the long comments, I’d have time, right? Yeah, my kids call me ‘el dadderino’ because I’m just not into the whole brevity thing… 🙂

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Hey Rocketman, I was STEEPED in this issue for a number of years. There are a lot of sites (and books! I have 2 shelves-worth) that discuss this (Australian and other scientists worldwide have reported this fraud in their countries as well), but Tony Heller does it best. I quickly looked at his Rumble page (I myself post videos on Rumble) and found this: https://rumble.com/vu08oj-noaa-arctic-fraud.html

The manipulation of NASA charts is clearly shown here (start at ~ minute 7:30 to see it): https://rumble.com/vrswa2-trends-in-scientific-fraud.html

Here’s more: https://rumble.com/vqs3g6-un-smashes-climate-fraud-records.html

Finally, here’s my Walkaway video titled “Climate Alarmism made me #WalkAway”: https://youtu.be/5KFcAPsAXRI

(For the record, I am now an anti-vaxxer! I no longer post on youtube. Here’s my latest post on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vtliaq-the-tide-is-turning-also-yikes-beware-of-mrna-technology....-episode-89.html)

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Deborah, I started with your Walkaway video and I’m having trouble keeping my jaw off the floor hearing about your life and accomplishments. And I’m only 6min in, just getting to climate change! But before I continue, I wanted to mention that when I try to go to your website as called out in your Substack bio, I get the following message: ‘There has been a critical error on this website.’ In case it helps in troubleshooting, I’m on an iPad and tried it on both Safari and Brave browsers. I even updated my iOS from 14.something to the current 15.3, but it didn’t help. (This shows how impressed I am with your life and ideas. No sarcasm. Not all research scientists are computer geeks who keep up on the latest updates. I typically lean more to the if-it-ain’t-broke-don’t-fix-it end of the spectrum…). Anyhow, I hope it’s just something simple, but given the ‘un-woke’ content that I’m sure is there, I wouldn’t rule out a cyberattack. Now back to your video!

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Thanks for looking, and thanks for the nice words! I keep getting e-mails from the site saying that there is a problem... I’ll need to fix it.

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Heller++++! The climate folks make pharma look legit.

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Thanks for this. I feel your pain Add me to the list of people going 😱 at these 'modified', nonsensical data (1/31/22).

I was already going 😱 when looking at the 1/19/22 table of frequencies on the attorney's website (a potential bombshell), but found myself wanting to see original data before trusting someone's summary table. At the DOD, do desperate times requite desperate "updates" to a major (and inconvenient) medical data set?

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Is there anything that can be done to legally force the keepers of the data to disclose the details as to how they "updated" the poor record keeping for the last 5 years? This thing stinks to high heaven... who can we keep accountable for this? This should be front page news... either major corruption on the record keeping front or we got a serious problem if each service member is recording 6 major health issues a year.

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It is easy to explain loss of life via tsunami but very hard to deny a large wave had no part in it. Thank God for you Jessica . Thank you for pointing out the flood of chicanery used against us. I have neither the patience or ability to suss out the truth from these mountains of data and greatly appreciate your unique positioning in this global mess and action on our behalf. You have been instrumental in me turning/ impacting some of the brainwashed advocates of the official narrative. There are at least 4 children in MN who will not be jabbed thanks to you and I expect that number to increase as I have a big mouth and am not timid about sharing what I now know.

I don’t know if this counts as social media but if it does then it is my first dip into those waters. Interesting it took a brainy surfer girl from Canada with the best knowledge balls on the beach to get me there. Bless you and all those aligned on the side of truth and life.

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