Wow! So based on his argument, that human beings have no rights, then I have every right to choose if he lives or dies. End of argument.

So this guys argument negates his own right to exist.

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Yes and no. Rights literally do not exist. It is up to individual human beings to stand up and fight for good.

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But if rights don’t exist how then is good defined? It’s like the old saying, “there are no absolutes”. It is a self invalidating argument. If there are no absolutes then it is impossible to make such an assertion.

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Humans (society) doles out 'rights' as it sees fit. They are not absolute, they are conditional, ephemeral, relative, subject to amendment or arbitrary removal. These are the 'rights' which Harari is wrongly equating to the innate, biological, spiritual, 'God given' rights which every living creature on earth is endowed with at birth. He has consulted with the Devil and his huge ego-centred intellect to conclude that the latter do not exist and uses, as justification for this conclusion, the undeniable fact that 'human rights' are subject to amendment or arbitrary removal.

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I don't agree with you, because all these "provisional" rights derive from the objective morality that comes from God - God given human rights.

Human rights are not "relative" nor "conditional", they are absolute, but people (with their intellectual laziness and lack of character and integrity) are letting these scumbags invert logic, spin meanings with glittery semantic BS - so these rights through time have become "relative", "conditional" or "nonexistent". Quod licet Iovi ...

That's one of the reasons why they're trying so hard to erase and negate God, because if there is no God, there is no objective morality, everything is relative, i.e. there are no absolutes ... and when there are no absolutes (killing / lying / stealing / cheating / etc. is wrong!! PERIOD!!), one can slip anything he wants as "normal" and "relative" if he is rhetorically strong enough to navigate Overton window and Hegelian dialectic. Which they are.

The ultimate goal of such a corrupt mentality is that corrupt "elite" humanoid parasites would be able to place themselves at the Altair of God and officially start genocidal spree - under your "relative and/or non existing rights". i.e. Thelema - or as Aleister Crowley would say "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

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Trying to prove the existence of absolutes without faith in God is futile, as Harari is demonstrating with clever foolishness. Romans 1:18-23 is not popular these days, but it is the truth.

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Romans 1:18-23: absolutely!

It boils down to the clash between two “world” views, one driven by death and other driven by life.

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It doesn't matter what the consequences are.

"But if aether doesn't exist, how does stuff burn?"

Doesn't matter.

What is, is. What is not, is not.

I am simply telling you that only people and their actions exist. Concepts like morality are only in people's minds, which is exactly the same as not existing.

Think about the rosetta stone. Without that rock, an entire language and culture would have gone not understand, forever. It didn't matter that to the people who spoke and wrote ancient Egyptian, it was as real as water and rock. Once those people were gone, the language ceased to have any meaning.

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So: the Newtonian theory of gravity doesn't exist. The general theory of relativity doesn't exist. (just dropping a hint)

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Yes, exactly. Nature and natural forces just are.

Our theories and laws which help us navigate and exploit them are not real.

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So, you are redefining the meaning of "real".

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Tautology much?

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Which bit?

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What is, is. What is not, is not.

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Yup, but you are missing his premise.

He thinks that he and his palls are above us - so they can decide for us and not vice versa.

We are to shut up and apply for a MAID (medical assistance in dying) i.e. EUTHANASIA, on their command.

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Which is quite a disturbing level of arrogance on his part. Pride comes before a fall and such.

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True, but they don't care anymore (they tell you everything straight to your face), because people have become so apathetic, lethargic, self-centered egomaniacs and dumbed down that they'll let them pass anything, while hoping that someone else will fight their battles and clear that mess for them.

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Nice poem. Harari is like one of those sadistic, psychopathic dissectionists who cut up animals for fun just to see what's on the inside. He's taken it to a whole new level and is enjoying opening up the human race with his razor sharp intellect in order to satisfy his confirmation bias that human rights (and indeed animal rights) are not inalienable, God given and fully intact at the point of birth, but that in fact they do not exist. The Devil must have told him so during one particularly exuberant hand job session I guess.

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That would make one "hell" of a satire story. Thanks for the idea 😂

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I am reminded of CS Lewis Space Trilogy scene (I can’t recall which book) where Ransom comes upon one ghoulish individual who is squatting by the side of a body of water, and pulling apart frogs, I think it was, and casting them aside, just for the momentary amusement of it. It has probably been 40 years since I read that book, but the image of that scene immediately came to mind.

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Funny I was thinking of the CS Lewis book in the same trilogy called that hideous strength it's a longer book than this poem for sure but it may apply.

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40 years and it still has that power. That's meaningful.

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Yup. Powerful truths by a powerful author.

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That would have been George Bush Jr in his childhood.

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More like Barry Sotero, your timing is off.

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Ignore the ignorance of the ignorant commenter.

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Jaime... his razor sharp intellect ( if you want to call it that) has literally 'cut him up' inside. Compassion? It doesn't exist in this being. I believe, ( my opinion only) this entity hates itself on a level that a true human being cannot even relate to! Once someone started to listen to his diatribe that was spewing out of his mouth and liked what he had to say, he thought so highly of himself and thus continued. Thus his audience of worshippers grew and grew. The worst part of his name is that he has 'Noah' in there. Actually I believe his last name should be referred to as Whore-ari because that is where his consciousness truly resides. Maybe he will try to continue to attempt to procreate with his partner. ( Ah.. hum!!) Good luck!! Thank God, literally ,that this entity won't choose to procreate with an appropriate partner of THE other gender.... We don't need anymore of these entities on this earth.... Give them their time right now....... they will be gone soon in the grand scheme of things.............

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I think Jordan Peterson would agree about the price everyone pays when they abandon truth for profit.

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People like Yuval Hariri (Karl Schwab's muse) and that entire bunch of grifters at the WEF are 'Satanic!'

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Beautifully written thanks Jessica. We were all created by God and His spirit was breathed into us and is in us: we were all given our destiny scrolls before the beginning of time : some of us accepted them and ate them: others accepted but havent woken up to remember them: yet others have deliberately chosen to turn the other way, but still there is hope until the very end that they will again turn and remember

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I wonder how long it would take this servant of the Devil to shout for his rights, if the situation arose!

Rotten and evil through and through.

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Thank you, Jessica.

How many of the wannabe ruling class have made that Faustian trade with darkness? The hubris is astounding.

I reckon people like Harari would do well to become parents, as a step towards attaining an ounce of humility. As a historian, one would think a dabble into the writings of political philosophers from the Enlightenment might also be instructive in rounding out his own world view…

“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18 KJV

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Being a parent did not do much for Gates, Soros, Trudeau, Stalin, the Clintons, or Biden. Such people are too far gone to save.

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Clintons' kid grew up to be another shill for Pharma

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Proverbs 16 in its entirety sheds additional light on God's will for our lives, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs+16&version=ESV and the Gospel message provides the answer to mankind's dilemma. He and His Spirit are the Way and the Truth, and the Life. Be in the Word

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Pity the child parented by Yuva!

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I don't think we would WANT him to be a parent. what an awful, shit parent he would be. god only knows what any kid of HIS would be like. (I'm pretty sure I heard he was gay, not that that precludes parenthood but really, couldn't imagine him being allowed to adopt. but I guess he is the type that would just 'buy' a kid, like a virtue signaling assessory)

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Don't feed the demons with your hate, they get off on that. Instead love them, love them hard, it destroys their rancid beings. This is the hardest thing to do, when these creatures jerk off from the negative intent they perpetrate on the world. The WEF is a servitor of anti human intent, do not fall into the trap of their egregore.

I also think there is more to this, along the lines of what they have injected humanity with and how they will use that as a potential law, for the non human DNA. It is a working theory in my unvaxed brain.

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Alternate title: Confessions of a Depraved Megalomaniac.

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(lovin' your stuff over there at Farce Feed, Mr No Relation :) )

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He's right, you know - human rights are a fiction because they are something constructed by humans.

That doesn't mean said construct (or fiction if we're to be edgy) lacks worth, merit or value.

But when you cut to the bone, the strong will do as they want and the weak will suffer as they must.

Which means to a religious person, that if you are strong you must take great care to obey the tenets of your faith and if you are weak it is on you to try and find strength.

To a non-religious person, it's even harsher: you have no god(s) to foist the burden of morality onto. Any deed you do is solely on you, always and ever, since you have a morality you yourself constructed.

(Well, humans constructed the fiction that is religion too, of course, but since that construction places morality beyond the human in question, religion offers a way out of carrying the entire load of conflicting emotions stemming from one's own actions.)

And of course, what we call "human rights" in our daily vernacular is nothing more than legalese semantics: laws (rules) made up by humans to regulate and control human behaviour.

Which is a good thing, since life without rules (moral and legal) is short, brutish and nasty.

In other news, water is wet.

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“To a non-religious person, it's even harsher: you have no god(s) to foist the burden of morality onto. Any deed you do is solely on you, always and ever, since you have a morality you yourself constructed.“

Don’t confuse non-religious with not believing in a creator.

All religions were developed as methods of social control, some with the overarching threat of a being who can determine your fate when you’re dead, others use it to make you dead if you disagree with them.

Einstein had it about right when he was asked if he believed in God. He replied that he does, but not in a personal god who is involved in our daily lives.

We were given free will for a reason, to interfere with that would negate that free will. To me, there is no doubt that the world we live in was created, as so much of our world is contingent and synergistic that’s it’s impossible to see how we could have arrived where we are with sequential evolution.

That’s my take on it, but without an overarching control, it’s up to us to work out ways of existing and making sure we don’t destroy the human race.

One last point, the planet will not be worse off without us, it did okay before we showed up. We can’t destroy the planet, we can only destroy each other.

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What I see is a third-rate intellectual who imagines he's gifted, probably because he was spoiled as a child. Guys like this make controversial statements to get noticed, so best to ignore him would be my advice. Why Elon thought he was worthy of attention is a mystery to me.

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Why Elon is worthy of attention is a mystery, and a misery, to me?

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Elon is a genius in the field of industrial capitalism. i.e. he actually makes tangible, useful products for sale to the general public like Tesla cars, starlink satellites, and recoverable rocket launchers. He is not a parasite like the financial capitalists who create money out of thin air as compound interest bearing debt. He bought Twitter as a means of preserving freedom of speech.

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Not true. He is one of the cogs. He is advocating for transhumanism for as long as I know of him, he is advocating for the UBI (universal basic income), he is trying to make Twitter "everything app" the exact same as Chinese We chat, and he is one of the biggest contractors of all of these 3 letter agencies.

Check out this article.


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Thank you for that very interesting article on technocracy.

The switch from a debt based monetary system to a universal basic income certainly has some merit; to alleviate poverty and fund government expenditure without taxation. The question is who would create it? Would it be privately owned central bank, the Federal Reserve or the US Treasury ? The only need for taxation would then be to have the Internal Revenue Service delete a fraction back out of existence to control the rate of inflation of the currency and perhaps reduce inequality.

Musk's idea of creating a colony on Mars verges on lunacy in my opinion. I thinks he might be using it as a means of promoting his rocket business.

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in 2017, at (one) WORLD GOVERNMENT summit, he told everybody in front of cameras that because of robots and AI, millions will lose their jobs, so govt. will have to step in and offer solution in form of UBI.


Do you know who else is all in for the UBI?! Ex Twitter owner - Jack Dorsey.

https://philanthropynewsdigest.org/news/dorsey-commits-15-million-for-universal-basic-income-pilot-projects ... and all of it in order to "end poverty" BS.


What people don't realize is that UBI pilot program started effectively during the c19 lunacy - govt. checks, through "problem - reaction - solution" mechanism.

1. Create problem (c19),

2. Provoke and lead reaction toward YOUR (predetermined) goal (lock downs and shutting down of businesses),

3. Step in "as a hero" and "saviour" and offer solution you were planning to install in the first place (govt. checks - UBI)

But, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

In order for people to get UBI (govt. will offer to pay all your bank loans and your debts) people would have to give ALL of their properties to the govt, to get jabbed with everything they tell you, to jab their kids with everything govt. orders you ... and since they plan to digitalize everything - especially money (CBDC - Central bank digital currency) and that's already under way ... they will be able to switch off your account if you don't obey - cause CBDC is programable, meaning, there is expiring date on it, you can not save it for later, govt. determines on what it might be spent, how far away and how often you are allowed to drive your car, etc.

Or, in other words, it's Chinese social credit system. Total top-down control.

Don't EVER trust them and their semantic glittery BS of "erasing the poverty" and "inequity".

If they've wanted to end poverty, they would have done it looong time ago, cause they have ALL the money in the world, they have printing machines.

It's about TOTAL control.

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"Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws" So said Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. It has certainly been this way in the US since 1913 when the Federal Reserve banking act was signed by Woodrow Wilson.

Despite warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” -Woodrow Wilson

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"One might conclude that Musk’s staggering wealth was produced via faithful adherence to the timeless and inexorable principles of laissez-faire capitalism, where personal wealth is accrued through the federal government leaving commerce alone and staying outside the affairs of private industry. However, this perception of Elon Musk’s economic independence from government interventionism is largely a fabrication and carefully manufactured distortion since Musk has personally enriched himself through a whole lot of government favoritism and statist interference in the private sector economy.

At this point, Musk has received well over $5 billion in government support. Previous reports have shown over 80 percent of SpaceX’s contracts come right from Uncle Sam. Given that the government is most space contractors’ top customer, this may not seem like a big deal. In fact, last July one Mises Wire columnist argued that Musk is a “mixed hero” because, although living largely off government largesse, he has “successfully [executed]” big ideas that benefit consumers in the “‘really existing’ world.”


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All the US government programs that Elon Musk took advantage of were in fact available to any other entrepreneur, who had the intelligence and foresight to take advantage of them.

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"who had the lack of integrity, aka, conscience, to take advantage of coercive government robbery, aka, taxes which funds such para-parasites."

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The Members US Congress votes on laws submitted to it. The US President can also issue orders to pay out money and order mandates. The US Congress makes decisions to obey the wishes of campaign contributors and ignore the desires of we the people. The US is an oligarchy, not a democracy.

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Is Tesla unprofitable?

Yes, according to Tesla’s annual report the company lost $888 million dollars last year on $4 billion in revenue. In fact, Tesla has lost money (with one or two exceptions) every quarter it’s been in business.


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Tesla’s dirty little secret: Its net profit doesn’t come from selling cars


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Agree, Twitter/X is still a hotbed of censorship and suppression. My satire page is deboosted and shadow banned to hell!

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I'm sharing your stuff on Substack. just shared your NYC & Chicago mayors thing on Bobbie Ann Cox's 'Knowledge Is Power' page. (she's the NYC attorney fighting the bonehead governor). but yeah, the Twitter is just not a thing for me. have no use for that at all

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Thank you so much Ms. Warrior Mom! Love Bobbie Ann Cox, she's amazing. Subscribe to stay up to date, we have a ton more quality satire on the way!

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Spoiled by being ass raped by the adults that preyed on him

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As we're finding out that very well is a possibility or could it even be worse.

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He’s nothing more than a self-hating atheist

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I refuse to speak YNH's name. I will only refer to him as Vomit.

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Then when his Maker has done with him it's a one way ticket to Hell.

There's a very long list of people like him. God might need plenty of tickets...

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I think you write your own ticket.

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Have you ever read his book Sapiens? I read it years ago before I knew anything about WEF. Well it is terrible! He knows nothing of humans and clearly made stuff up. Sad. sad man.

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Rotting from the inside out , no thanks . Thanks Dr. Jess , great insightful poem .

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Is there any way I can get Yuval in a UFC cage match? I believe I can make him see God. Or at least call out to Him.

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(I'd buy a ticket to that ;) )

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I will get you a front row seat at no charge.

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I'ld like to be the one in the cage pitted against him ;)

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Maybe we can get Gates to pair up with him so it can be a “fair” tag team match.

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Just like wwf or whatever the correct acronym is these days.

BTW I'm only a 120 lb woman, but I swear I will take them ;)

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