"This Substack really saddens me. I have these days when doing this really sucks. I hope that this article pays some kind of homage and honor to him, and his family. They need justice."

Too much of this is tragic like bearing witness to a train wreck that keeps rolling. It's a heartbreaking labor of love to fight for the people represented by the numbers and a tribute to the depth of your humanity and compassion. Justice looms as an elusive and hopeful goal but fighting for the victims and an end to the madness is the best tribute we have for now.

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Life in prison for all those who created, fostered, shepherded and cheered this demonic scam would be too kind.

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Think about this for a moment - so a baby car seat has a design flaw and one or two children are injured or killed. In an instant the manufactures recalls a gazillion of these, destroys the lot and fixes the design flaw. Boom!! A car has a malfunction whereupon the brakes fail and injures or kills one or two people - there's (generally) an instant recall of 500,000 affected vehicles no questions asked. Boom again!!! An experimental gene therapy kills tens, if not hundreds of thousands and injures millions and has the potential to kill and injure or disable even more people in the coming years - crickets!!! Now this is unacceptable!!! Has everyone suddenly contracted Stockholm Syndrome or what? My head, it spins like a radar dish on steroids!!!

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A thing of beauty, Masterful detective work! As terribly sad as this is I do appreciate your Unacceptable sense of humor!

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I didn't know where else to right this. Several months ago I spoke with my daughters art teacher. I found out she was sitting at the hospital where her mom and dad were both out in ICU (low oxygen). They wanted to use remdesivir and vent both of them. The teacher told me that they were pushing hard for the dad to gwt the vent. I tried to explain about what was happening I sent her documents from FLCCC (Dr Kory), I sent her information from America's Frontline Dr's, I tried to explain how remdesivir was killing people in the hospital. She never responded back to me except to say she would read the data. I just sent another message to her about my Dr's art work and asked how her parents were doing since being hospitalized. She said that her dad died but her mom is better. This is truly terrible. She wouldn't listen. I don't know any details but it is frustrating. This happened in FL. So even though Governor DeSantis is trying realize that this murder in hospitals is happening even in states that are free. The reason..they are still using CDC'S protocol.

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May 9, 2022
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Hospitals are death camps.

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Me trying to wake up boomer friends sharing vaccine injuries n deaths "well i had the shot and booster and Im fine" in my head "eff you boomer"

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It's beyond sad. It's infuriating. Over the decades the infamous powers that be have always been aware of the damage done by the traditional childhood vaccines, and lied about it. Same goes for these genetically modified Trojan horses they call Covid shots. In the 80s the movie DPT: Vaccine Roulette exposed the brain damage being left in the wake of the DPT vaccine, including disturbing footage of children who'd been so affected. In it, Dr. John Robbins, a then-FDA official, told a reporter that if as a parent you're told by your doctor that the vaccine might cause brain damage, "there's no question what your reaction would be;" that as a responsible parent (his words) you'd have to refuse the shot. The DTaP and MMR vaccines are both listed on HHS' Vaccine Injury Table as a cause of brain damage, and we know from multiple accounts that the Hep B shot is as well. In reality, there are severe injuries, including death, associated with every one of the recommended childhood vaccines. Your work on the Covid shots, your fervor, this substack, are greatly appreciated. But those of us who were focused on vaccines well before the advent of Covid hope that your eyes, and the eyes of the other good professionals who've risen to this Covid shot occasion, can now be opened to a second look at the entire vaccination paradigm.

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In fact, there is no scientific basis for the majority of the vaccination regimen. The Hep B, HPV, HTLV vaccines, for starters, are useless against the diseases they target for the simple reason that these illnesses are not caused by a virus. The vaccine industry, and by association, much of western health care is a racket.

This is all laid out in “Inventing the AIDS Virus” by Peter Duesberg. Along with RFK’s “The Real Anthony Fauci”, this is essential reading if you want to understand the way medicine really works today.

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There's no scientific basis for the entire vaccination paradigm. The reason we're almost always well despite the fact that each of us is exposed to "disease-causing" microbes on a daily basis, is that the cellular immune response, in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts (where the body expects to see potential pathogens), is wonderfully effective. Because they're injected, vaccines bypass that response. Vaccines bypass the innate ability to not get sick. They bypass the ability to stay well. 0_o

What could go wrong? LOL!

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I am so pissed about this. Non of it makes sense. You would think they when they work on depopulation they would want the adults out of the way so the kids could be raised to be as woke little soldiers. When will parents wake up. How many children have to suffer the idiocracy of parents decision thinking this is "safe and effective" or "it won't happen to my kid"? This is murder of our young!

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Troponin level a bit high? Could have been a spider bite, or bad food, or bad parenting....

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or bad parenting...

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Heartbroken as always at hearing these stories.

The stories at https://www.realnotrare.com/ (Real Not Rare) include vaccine lot numbers,, which may provide you with more valuable data for your essential work. Each lot number on the site is linked with “lots” of people who were injured by the same lot. Lots of material to work with, sadly.

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I get their alerts. One tragic story after another.

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Certain vax lots are specifically for children, right? Lower doses of mRNA and I think a few other differences. I am surprised that any AEs in this lot were in adults.

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Boosters by some reports are far stronger than original shots. I have to wonder if some mix ups are happening between pediatric shots and boosters.

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Yes, that is correct. The caps on the vials are color coded, I have read. In the initial weeks after the rollout to this child’s age group, there were several reports of large groups of kids being given adult dosages. Two on the east coast and one in Northern California. Lack of training, I am sure, with tragic results.

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As sad as the many poison-jab deaths are, the suffering of those living with poison-jab injuries might be even more heartbreaking. Death vs. Living Hell. It’s not much of a choice!

Children's Health Defense and CDMedia live-streamed an all day panel at the Ohio State House to promote medical freedom to Ohio legislators on 5/4/22. If this video does not break your heart and call you to action, nothing will.

Live-stream replay (audio and speakers begin about 45 minutes in):


More stories at:



FLCCC is working on treatment options for long-haul and poison-jab injured:


NOTE: I will never call this thing they are shooting into people a “vaccine.” It’s not!

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I will post on FB to try and get around the censors--- What does a Mama Gorilla and a 7 year old child have in common? Then post the photo that is in french. then post the link to your article. A few may see it and start to connect dots and maybe change sides.

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I'll bet the gorilla's murder was not reported to VAERS.

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My 16 year old has a trip planned with her language class this Summer. Unfortunately, the COVID shot is required to enter Germany. This is the final straw for her as far as holding out on not getting the shot. She plans to get a COVID shot within the next 2 weeks. Since she is previously infected they do only require 1 shot to be considered 'fully vaccinated'.

No one in my immediate family has had the shot...she would be the first!

I am SO torn and at a loss about what to do. I really don't want her to get it and she doesn't either, but she is not as worried about the adverse events. Many of her friends have had it and seem fine.

What short and to the point resources can I show her? If she does get a shot what can we do to minimize the impact and potential long term effects?

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Tell your daughter to listen to Geert Vanden Bossche's last warning and to Sucharit Bhakdi's last interview before she takes the clot shot. And tell her you will drive her to Yosemite this summer. There is nothing in Germany as wonderful as Yosemite.

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Your work has been tremendously helpful and you can not be thanked enough for continuing to tirelessly work on providing facts and unraveling the truth. Thank you!

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May 10, 2022
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Germany will still be there after the jabs fade away, and tell your 16 year old daughter she will appreciate Europe a lot more after she has studied history and history of art in college. But 16 is a great age to explore the natural wonders of America. See the USA in your Chevrolet!

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Are the shots given to children not a 1/2 dose or something less then the adult dose?

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Is Pfizer updating the dosage for the 5-11 range (lower than the 30 standard)? Could that be why it's showing up in children? Then could early data be related to the "clinical" trials for approval?

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i don't know. yet.

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Yes. 30 micrograms of mRNA for adults, 10 mcg 5-11 year olds, 3 mcg under 5 if the FDA approves it (which they probably will because they’re a cult). Even worse, Moderna wants 25 mcg for under 5 year olds!! Almost as high as the adult Pfizer dose!!! Dr Mengele FauXi and the NIH are invested in Moderna, so they can get away with anything! 😡

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I don't believe for a moment that the pharmacy injectors are getting the doses this precise.

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