But, but… Climate change just began in the spring of 2021!! How could we have forgotten the true cause of this excess mortality?

I’m sure we’ll have plenty of vaxxaholics remind us promptly.

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These same people will be cheering on the adoption of a CBDC and carbon credits....give me my Fedbucks now....

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There have been three ice ages in the last million years. The last one ended around 15,000 years ago when North America was covered in a mile high ice sheet.

CO2 is vital to life on the planet ,but has a very minor effect on average air temperatures at any given latitude. If CO2 has such a big influence as some pseudo scientists claim, then why does it get colder at night ? And why does it get colder in winter ?

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I also hear that falling asleep in front of the TV and people digging in the garden (those dirty hands are DEADLY!!!!) were brand new trends in the Spring of 21'. It must be true with all those people dying and all......

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May 10, 2023·edited May 11, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Excellent rebuttal to the argument you cited. One request - can the author show the data for the same time period (2020 to present) for all vaccines? No reason we should be giving the Covid shots the benefit of the shorter time frame. Showing it both ways highlights how anomalous the Covid shots are, and matching the timeframes would illustrate the scale of harm even more strikingly. Thank you for all you do!

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Sure ting. I'll do it now. I will post the chart at the bottom of the article.

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Amazing, keep driving the truth in like a nail appreciate this info I use it daily as a mu ition to shut these vaxxers up. They don't have ANY answers. Fantastic thank you. Your articles a very well read and studied by myself.

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Thank you for this elegant and irrefutable analysis. As you suggested, I am copying your graph, with credit to you of course, in the 2nd Edition of my book Neither Safe Nor Effective, The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines, due out later this month.

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Your wonderful to present us with all of your hard work. Sending to my son who asked how many have died from Covid. But I’m sure there are much more who are still dying and will continue too if they’re not reported correctly.😔🤬

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Died from COVID SHOTS....

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This is a bit off topic, but I’ve been following Jessica and all the other good guys since covid. I refuses the covid vax much to my oncologist dismay, but now I’m going for a procedure where it could be likely I’ll need a transfusion. This terrifies me bc I’ve not delved deep enough into the safety (or lack of!) of possibly getting Vaccinated blood, yikes! I’ve heard there may be blood banks that differentiate in the future, but so any of you smart folks have any real data on if vaccinated blood is safe for transfusions. I doubt I even have a choice as if shite goes down with this procedure and it’s a case of life or death, I’ll be taking that blood! Sorry for being off topic, but not sure where to turn for answers on this. Of course my docs look at me sideways when I ask the question...guess they haven’t heard that much! Lol

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I read somewhere recently that you can do preoperative autologous donation (PAD), in which your blood is collected before surgery and given back to you during or after surgery. Wish you well🌟💜🍀🌸💎

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I will ask. Thank you!

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SafeBlood <https://safeblood.net/en/> is organizing a system for collection and distribution of blood from the non-vaxx'd.

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

Oh gosh. I feel for you. I too have heard of blood banks just specializing in unvaccinated blood but I have no idea of the details of where to find that blood. On the small chance you have a family member or acquaintance with the same type of blood is yours who is unvaccinated and willing to bank blood for you to use might be one idea? you are in my prayers for a safe procedure and for total recovery

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Much appreciated, thank you. Just hoping the universe will have my back on this one! Sadly most all of my friends got the shot. A couple with terrible results, that of course they don’t attribute to the shot.

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Keep your faith. Pray and TRUST GOD. Yes these vaxxers are astonishing... 86 DOCTORS in Canada DEAD WITHING TWO MONTHS OF TAKING THE SHOTS... yet they say nothing? Wouldn't want to upset the bill and Melinda gates SPONSORSHIPS now would they.

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So sweet, thank you! It’s definitely a scary time to be ill!

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Start by asking your evil doctors, have they even read the BURKHARDT/BHAKDI PATHOGY REPORT?? (93 % of the people vaxxed died directly from the covid shot).. What you say doesn't surprise me at all. Shots are K own to cause turbo cancers... What a beautiful income stream for oncology... They make me SICK.

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For years, my health care provider has a program where people with a variety of reasons wish to avoid blood transfusions from donated blood. This program has existed for 14 years and is called Transfusion-Free Medicine and Surgery Program (TMSP). Maybe your health care provider has this program available.

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What country is this in? Is it a private program or government program? Is there a website or place to get more information?

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This is in the U.S. It is a program the health care provider established. Check with your health care provider to see if they have a program like this.

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If it does come to that, stock up beforehand on ivermectin, national, and all the protocols, so you can start taking immediately when you get home

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

I can think of at least 18 jabbed friends and acquaintances who died in the last 2 years , which might be more than 1 in a hundred.

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I got a list of 6/24 so far... In last two years. The next year or two going to be very very tell tale...

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Excellent analysis! Another area that looks to be important are the number of Vaccidents in cars and small airplanes. A lot of people report crazy driving resulting in collisions with injuries and deaths. These appear to be well above the numbers of distracted, alcohol and drug impaired, and inattentive driving. It is obvious the covid vaccines don't give auto-immunity either. If anyone is really reporting these causes it would probably have to be found in police reports and insurance company statistics.

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Adverse events reported after first dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in the Northern Region of Ghana The study found a high prevalence of self-reported SARS-CoV-2 vaccine adverse events involving both systemic and local adverse events.


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It’s irrefutable. Thank you for your thinking, determination and efforts to drag this corrupt mess right out into the light.

On deaths per million doses, I was expecting approximately 1000, or 0.1%. In truth I cannot recall where I’ve picked that up from.

Your figure shows in the 30s.

Is this per VAERS (I think yes) & so could be adjusted for an underreporting factor, if we knew what it was. Obviously, URF varies for the adverse effect & we might expect it to be lower the more severe the AE, I would guess. A URF of 30 would yield around 0.1% injection fatality rate.

Does this make any sense to you?



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Jessica, a colleague of mine, who has been an expert of vaccine safety for years (he notably obtained some great FOIAs...) is convinced that HPV vaccines are worse than Covid vaccines.

I first I thought it was absurd, given the kind of chart you present in your article.

But then I realized that HPV vaccines are only given to teenage girls (and boys)... who are are much much much less likely to die than seniors with comorbidities, all things being equal.

So I wondered if you could calculate the death/dose for Covid vaccines only for teenagers (let's say - 10 to 20 years old). I suppose VAERS will allow you to find deaths for this age range. Finding how many Covid doses were given to them might be a bit more difficult though.

If it can be done, the results might surprise us... and make the MFM talk more about HPV vaccine.

Interested ?

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Yes, this is a very good hypothesis, which makes total sense.

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It would be 'very' interesting to see yearly a comparison of average age of death (life' years lost), between Flu, SARS and Jab, seeing as Jab deaths and injuries target much younger age groups! Easier said than done! Or has this already been documented?

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

Actually, this may be surprising, but all of the highest-quality evidence indicates that most of the people killed by mRNA COVID vaccines are actually OLDER people. In the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trials, the excess all-cause mortality with vaccination (compared to placebo) was confined to the OLDER age groups, and this same trend is also apparent in VAERS (links below). In the two clinical trials combined, among the older age groups, there were 21 deaths in the vaccine groups versus 16 deaths in the placebo groups. A 31% INCREASE in all-cause mortality with the "lifesaving" vaccine, in the OLDER age groups. To state the obvious, there are many reasons for younger folks NOT to risk the vaccine, but all the highest quality data points to most vaccine deaths being among older people, contrary to popular belief.

Among the older age group (>65) in the Moderna RCT, there were 9 deaths in the vaccine group versus 6 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf - see page 53, Table S19

Among the older age group (>55) in the Pfizer RCT, there were 12 deaths in the vaccine group versus 10 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.fda.gov/media/152256/download - see page 57, BOTTOM of Table 25

And finally, in VAERS, over 70% of unexpected post-vaccine deaths with known ages were in people aged >65 (and about 90% with known ages were in people over age 50). https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

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Edited for clarity. Thankyou for an excellent, detailed and enlightening reply, which helped my understanding of the bigger picture. To clarify my evolving and simplified thoughts. Does anyone know of a simple/suitable chart as follows. I believe simplified charts can create bigger impacts when shared.

1. Post vaccine deaths and injuries are higher in younger age groups than deaths in matching unvaccinated age groups. I believe there are several chart formats already showing this! But where can we find them, Google is unhelpful these days!

2. A life years lost and serious injuries in younger age groups, chart would be far more powerful than the one above! An 80 year old dying is far less shocking than (for example), an 8 year old dying. The loss thru death or serious injury has a much higher cost to the individual, family and society! If the data shows this clearly then this message needs hammering home with articles and charts. I did see some last year but nothing recently.

3. We now have real world global data stretching beyond 2 years. The original trial data was limited (possibly intentionally), especially when you consider the 'original' control group was effectively destroyed. A life years lost chart will help show the ongoing effects.

It can be argued that older people dying, post vaccine is not so significant. There are several reasons being given, which may simply be a distraction and/or cloud the truth. But excess deaths in younger people dying post vaccine leads to chart (life years lost), which is so significant that Governments and trusted organisations will find it difficult to ignore and/or hide.

I hope this inspires some ideas for simplified charts which will show the public, how significant post vax damage is, especially WRT life years lost.

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Great work! Imagine what those numbers would be if all AEs/SAEs actually got reported. Many never did & still aren’t. Many haven’t made the connection between their now chronic/terminal conditions & vaccines, either thru willful blindness or ignorance.

I’m not sure my brain could handle or comprehend the magnitude of the truth & what has been done. 🥺

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I wonder the same 😕

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This level of evil is so unfathomable, my brain shorts out.

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What about the deaths in the gold-standard randomized clinical trials (i.e. the only studies which actually CAN prove causality), done by Pfizer and Moderna themselves, at the height of the pandemic and at peak vaccine effectiveness:

COVID deaths: 2 vaccine vs. 5 placebo

non-COVID deaths: 29 vaccine vs. 25 placebo

Overall: 4 excess non-COVID deaths for every 3 less COVID deaths (i.e. 4 killed for every 3 saved)

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

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Damn, Jessica.

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

So many people supported the mandating of these shots. It is pure cognitive dissonance for them to have to face the mandates presented actual harm to countless numbers while the theoretical grave danger presented to society by the unjabbed amounted to being a nothing burger. People cheered the shots and joined the virtuous "I Got Vaccinated" crowd because they were led to believe they were helping to protect themselves and everyone around them. They won't read articles like this and they won't accept anything other than their own beliefs because it shows how terribly terribly wrong they were.

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Some of them whose doctor encouraged them to get the jab although they did not want to have woken up to the reality that their days may be numbered.

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I don't dispute that the mRNA jabs are different, and are killing or causing hundreds of thousands of premature deaths around the western world. But your graph showing deaths from conventional childhood vaccines will be significantly under-estimating the true number of deaths - particularly from the DTP jab. In the UK, thousands of deaths from DTP were just labelled at 'Cot Deaths' which then became SIDS (Sudden Iinfant Death Syndrome). e.g. both Sally Clark's two youngest children died within hours of the DTP jab, but because the statistical unlikelyhood of them both dying from cot death, the authorities charged and convicted Sally of mudering her children by suffocation. (her defence lawyers told her not to mention the vaccinations). After as long legal fight, with new lawyers, she won her appeal but only after serving years in jail. But she was broken and sadly committed suicide shortly after. If you know someone who has an account and can get access to the archive, read "Who Killed Sally Clark?" which was published in the UK Spectactor about 15 yewars ago.

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Thanks for your comment I found this for anyone interested.


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Thanks for this. Well found. Though I am sure the essay I read was titled "Who killed Sally Clark?" So you have possibly found a similar article. But both cover the same ground.

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