This is an awesome amount of information and insight. This is impressive Jessica. I tip my hat. Wow. This is a lot to unpack.

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Great work is great work it must be noted!!

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RemovedJul 27
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It is! Yet it seems most do not know or do not want to know. It has been now 4 plus years since the change to the world has taken place and folks do not think it matters. This information is everywhere now and nothing appears to matter. Governments are still going full steam ahead. Businesses are keeping governments totally in there pocket! my be because this stuff is invisible. I do not know but this is not going away. I guess folks will wait to it is so obvious and by that time it will be late.

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Of course, if you inject people with nanotechnology - and of course it's genocide:




Also, if you instill it via so-called PCR "test" and/or inhale it:

Methods of administration include, but are not limited to, parenteral, e.g., intravenous, intraperitoneal, intramuscular, subcutaneous, mucosal (e.g., oral, intranasal, buccal, vaginal, rectal, intraocular), intrathecal, topical and intradermal routes. Administration can be systemic or local. In certain embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition is adapted for intra-brain administration.

an oligonucleotide attached to a nano-antenna capable of receiving an electromagnetic field

capable of hybridizing with an external oligonucleotide

wherein said payload each independently is a drug selected from the group consisting of insulin, an antibody or a fragment thereof, a cell surface receptor ligand or a biologically active fragment thereof, a small molecule, a nucleic acid molecule, an oligonucleotide, a nuclease, an aptamer, a lipid, a glycan, a protein, a glycoprotein, a glycolipid, a nanoparticle, a fluorophore, a radioactive compound, a nano-antenna, and a liposome


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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Hopefully, one day all the excellent work being produced will see the inside of a courtroom, and will be considered damning evidence.

I do wonder, though, what good are autopsies if not carried out correctly? As far as I understand, it is relatively easy to stain for both spike and other cov-2 proteins. If only the spike is found then it is the injection, but they will not look. Pathologists are (should be) the gatekeepers - how do they sleep at night?

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Old story, you can’t find things if you don’t look for them.

Seems to be the mantra of most pathologists these days. “Don’t look there….we don’t want to find that”

Preconceived ideas about injections or wilful blindness? Either way the truth won’t be found.

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Evidently, quite well. Sad

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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Dr. Rose,

I'd like to thank you for the many studies on vaccine harms you've conducted, analyzed, & explained in layman's terms for us over the years, some of which are included in my latest Substack post, a list of +/-250 of the most recent & damning studies evidencing C19 vaccine injury (carefully categorized under cancer, cardiac, neurological, autoimmune, reproductive harms, etc.)


It's long & detailed and can hopefully serve as a comprehensive resource for all us here on Team Reality, trying to convince the world of the documented dangers of C19 "vaccines." Your Substack has been an incredibly helpful resource for me on this exhaustive project and I'd be honored if you gave it a glance. Thanks for all you do!

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this is great!

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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you!!

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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

And thank you for recommending me to Dr. Malone. I'm beyond touched!

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:) we're always looking for comprehensive lists of published studies in this realm

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In that case, you may be interested in a previous post I wrote in the save vein. It's another categorized list of scientific studies, but not on vaccine injury.

This one is on:

~Virus Origins

~Failed Pandemic Response (masks, lockdowns, etc.)

~Early Treatment Coverup

~Censorship, Regulatory Capture, and Conflicts of Interest

~Medical Ethics & Data Fraud

...found here: https://ladycasey.substack.com/p/scientific-studies-list

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Jul 26Liked by Jessica Rose

This is a great resource. I often find myself searching through substack to try to find the right studies to send friends when jab-related topics come up. Thank you for organizing the studies by topic! It would be amazing if someone could marry your database of studies with the personal stories covered by transcriber b. Then we could more easily show people the scientific data and the real life testimonies for each topic. In the meantime I’m saving your helpful substack!

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I'm so glad you're finding it helpful! What is transcriber b?

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Transcriber b transcribes (from videos) the testimonies of people who spoke out on vaccine harms, covid policies, mandates, etc. Puts a real face and human angle to these topics.

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Oh wow, thanks for leading me to that! It's another incredible resource

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

This is incredibly difficult to read. (Even after earning an honorary doctorate degree from Substack.) I'm seeing an increase in aortic dissections, aneurysms, calcifications and vessel occlusions in younger than typical ppl. Truly heartbreaking and horrifying. There is no fix for the damage I see... only placing temporary bandages on to "stop the leak". In addition to the "violence won't be tolerated" signs all over hospitals, there are directional posters to the psychiatric clinics.

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Violence will not be tolerated. The irony.

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Honestly! How much more proof do we need!

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You are a brave and brilliant soul Jessica.

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sadly, the cognitive dissonance is so strong with some, they'll just parrot "correlation does not equal causation" without a second's deeper thought and move on... but I do see a lotta ppl waking up!

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This is not correlation, the causation is clearly shown throughout this finest article.

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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Great Jessica! The most impressive article yet, especially because it includes the data and conclusions from all the other great articles! Everything here is enough to cement as scientific fact that vaxes are murder weapons; they are not health care products whatsoever!

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True, but it matters not. There are only a very few persons who believe the narrative due to their LACK of knowledge. A report of the type provided here by Dr. Rose would assist them, but most already HAVE or know of the conditions regarding this scene. They refuse to allow the data to sway their paradigm for personal reasons, however illogical and immoral.

As a working example, one which is alive and well in today's population and not so far back in history as to exclude the many who went through it, compared with WW2, I will point out that NINE ELEVEN has just as many damning orders of evidence framing the narrative as false; and condemning the incident as an act of internal terrorism. There is no need to produce the mountainous piles of evidence, both circumstantial and direct evidence here. The people have cemented in their world views a position whether or not the accusations hold any supportive water.

It's uncanny! And peculiar to the nth degree. Personally, I cannot figure it out, until the concept of "unable to swallow" such treachery is put forth.

Another even much larger RED pill, so bitter and difficult to ingest, is that of wars and their origin of purpose. Who would believe that such things were planned, or even COULD be, and orchestrated; manipulated to bring about a purpose, pre-determined by the architects who posed as societies' leaders but were actually the workers of Satanic directives? F.D.R., W. Churchhill, and J. Stalin were all Thirty-three Degree Freemasons. If that does not mean anything to the reader, it should. In the level of 33, it is given to the member the knowledge that their "god" is none other than "Lucifer" the so called "Light bearer."

And so, in conclusion, it should not surprise us as to the mental condition(ing) of the masses re the C-19 fiasco. It's just one more of many in line with chaos and evil, all of which is based on a deeper paradigm. Satan is just as assuredly behind it all, just as surely as God is behind the Creation and all that is good, lovely, lasting, and perfect. He will WIN this Controversy but it will take some perseverance and a strong will to stand and expose the evil. It is not yet to that point of discovery by the masses, but it is sure to come, since it is all foretold of by the prophets and the Testimony of Jesus through His Holy Word.

I'll continue to stress this concealed and acrid tasting point no matter what becomes of me. Some will investigate and be convinced, and hopefully adjust their world-views to allow the Truth to wake them up and open the door of their hearts for the Holy Spirit to change them from within, and accept what the world is doing as a matter of a long process of exposing the folly and horribleness of sin and disobedience to God's Law, the Ten Commandments.

May God bless this essay,


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Well these comments may be true of the people you know, but Canada has just passed an insane law that COV vaxes have been "proven safe and effective saving millions of lives", so ANY unproven, untested medication that big pharma concocts will be mandatory to take by ALL Canadians from now on! Try to deny their insane law means a $M fine and life in prison.

There are many places in the USA that still mandate masks, the USA is ready to force the fake, bird flu vax (bought 80 million of them), and other countries are still writing laws like the above, bought, and are forcing fake bird flu vaxes. I really wish your observations were seen everywhere, but I get 100 emails everyday that prove your observations are the exception around the world.

Jessica would not write her fine article if it were not imperative. We are lucky to have her around!

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What I wrote is not in any way in conflict with what you wrote. My points were toward the "mindset" of people to NOT believe their own discoveries. I pointed toward the Sept. 11 incidents to solidify the concept, by asserting that there are still a substantial percentage of individuals who cling to the then given narrative. Just like with the covid scam, no matter the mountainous evidence to the contrary.

Who can determine the inner mindset of people, except God? A thorough house to house pole taken is going to be subject to lying participants. People are strange, and that was the point of the whole comment.

As usual, I also like to inject what I know to be true regarding directives that shape and manage society. Who is it that constructs these things, and why. And for those who have an open mind, to bring them to the realization that this "war" we are engaged in, is universal and spiritual in nature, and that Jesus Christ is the winner and has given us all proofs, AND provides us with intimate foreknowledge of the future events sure to befall us.

Yes, we are lucky to have the Dr. Rose and those like her to spell out clearly the mechanics of the biological intrusion of the shots. But here we are four years in, and are still not able medicinally to overcome the intentional damage by such. All the while, millions of souls are being ruined and killed. Shall we talk about it further, now that we at least understand the mechanism employed to have caused such harm?

That is the point that I had intended to push forward, and to provide a little "light" on the matter's true core paradigm, aimed at a world wide reduction in population, orchestrated by the Freemasons and Jesuit societies.

God bless,


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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Jess, it is now time for you to drop your VAERS work and try to solve the Trump assassination case. We can't trust Christopher Wray any more than Fauci.

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yeah, sure.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Now that Columbo and James Bond are dead, you are the only one we can trust. Do you have an old trench coat like Columbo's? You can start with Lady Macbiden.

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Don't you also want the CIA and such after you for exposing THEIR scam?😲😉

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There are too many variables and unknowns to make the situation come into a clear view. We do know a few things: Pres. Trump is HATED with unmitigated vitriol by the MSM and the Left. We know that younger minds are more easily molded. We know that the shooter would not be trusted to merely nick the side of the President's head no matter who or what might prescribe it. We know that it was intentioned to kill the President with that ear-shot. Why exactly is not known, since the shooter is now dead. And even if he were not dead, there is the lie factor to have to deal with. So these things are quite certain in my opinion. The remaining questions such as the delay to react by the Secret Service, and the questionable gaps in security, might never see true light, but that's to be expected with the things of this wicked world.

God bless,


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And as an aside: If I were the Secret Service sniper assigned to protect against such things, I would have quickly ascertained that the suspect was armed, and NOT one of the SS members, and put a bullet through him immediately without any permission to take that action. A stand could be affirmed if called on the carpet, that it was unknown as to WHEN the suspect was going to shoot, and therefore no permission was needed or taken.

The SS sniper would be the hero of the year, and could write books, be interviewed by the usual outlets and gain for himself an outside source of income, if indeed he were fired for NOT having given the suspect a chance to use his weapon, endangering the President. And if not any of that were to come to fruition, at least he could rest at night, knowing he did the right thing. Compare that to the "what if...?" What if that punk had successfully put a slug through the President's head, and the attendant SS snipers had not (as it actually did transpire) acted quickly enough to prevent it. How would they sleep at night?

My thoughts on it.


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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Fantastic. How do we spread this information?!

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share it. i will be uploading it to a preprint server soon.

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As a subscriber, I have no doubt your work is impeccable. Much of it beyond my skill pack, but the post COVID "vaccine" introduction harm and death dramatic increases are undeniable. Your work, that of Ed Dowd in Cause Unknown and others lay bare the absence of appropriate safety measures. By any historical standard these experimental toxins should have been pulled / stopped long ago. The CDC is currently sounding their alarm over some contaminated processed meats. Those associated deaths and illness do not even measurably compare to the COVID injection deaths and harm. Something is terribly wrong and I can see no explanation other than corruption.

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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

There could be a word to say about the fact that the CDC has been caught altering Death Certs for many killed by the vax. I know, they murdered my mother, father, brother, aunt and cousin, fired their MD's for telling the truth that they were killed by the vax, and then sent me their altered death certs "natural causes". Here is one write-up:


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I know that a relative had to go into ICU shortly after receiving the first dose. I have been told by relatives that the hospital did not bring her near-death into association with the gene-jab.

I have corrected my view of humanity downward as a result.

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I'm struck to think of the misery and shock you must have went through, and still are reeling from.

May the God of heaven; the ONE who will mete out the justice in all matters, be your comfort these trying days. They will have to pay dearly for their sinful and wicked; intentional harms.

Count on it!

May God bless your troubled heart,


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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Absolutelfy FABULOUS work here again from Dr. Jessica Rose. The entire world should be grateful for your incredible commitment to truth, your extraordinary intelligence and analysis skills, and your uncompromising moral integrity!

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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Could you supply more sources. Just kidding, as always exhaustingly researched, fully documented using recognized national databases.

Your presentation style makes it understandable for those unfamiliar with anatomy and advanced statistics. I thank you for this damning report

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Jul 25Liked by Jessica Rose

IMO every study like this one is just more frosting on the cake. Pfizer’s own report 90 days proved that the jabs were dangerous. 1,223 deaths were reported and how many studies proving that they are deadly have been done during the last 3 plus years ?and yet they are still on the market!!

Today I read that the FDA is giving EUA to a mRNA jab for bird flu even though not one person has died from it.

and remember that no mRNA jab ever made it through phase 3 trials and now wild never have tp pass the trials again. , the PTB know damn well that they are killing people.

Great study, Jessica. I’m just so heartbroken over this number of deaths.

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Thanks for the great info!

Experimental injections a necessary solution to the EMERGENCY (of fear mongering created using PCR fraud and horrific medical protocols, I digress), but no need for autopsies?

I believe I recall Dr Sucharit Bhakdi presenting an urgent need for simple modifications or "experimental" testing during these autopsies. The ball was already in play We cannot find what we don't look for.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Jessica Rose

After a quick scan on this manuscript, I only have one comment.

Supplementary Figure 1: I cannot tell which of the lines is associated with the left axis.

A legend on the chart or a reference in the caption to the left and right vertical axes color(s) would be helpful.

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