I'd like to suggest a slightly different but compatible model that I've also been contemplating recently too. The a-morality being propagandised to us, especially young people, is perhaps a form of post-modern relativism-on-steroids (overshot big time) in which THERE IS NO GROUND upon which to stand because it's all relative. It's like the cultural relativism that sees every cultural practice as fine, except now it's applied to every individual practice as well. This leaves us in a moral vacuum which can be filled by a totalitarian "greater-good" morality as defined by them. The antidote is to refind our ground, our bones, our heart, our embodied felt sense of empathy and compassion - a very somatic-emotional morality as contrasted with the disembodied "transhuman" and mentally (or algorithmically) calculated one. I believe that humans have an innate capacity for empathy unless it has been extinguished by early trauma (which may be what happened to the cabalists), so perhaps it can be reawakened or rehabilitated in those not too far down the PsyOp path?
Having spent five years in trauma based therapy for neglect (not big T trauma), your comments make perfect sense. I keep saying, we are all walking around as traumatized individuals. Our hedonistic, materialistic, helicopter parenting, give it to me now, social media society has obliterated the human connection even further. We are a groundless society. I feel sad and sick to my stomach having just written that in this way. We have no tether. It's easy to harm others even in small ways when we are like this. And add narcissism where the whole premise is to annihilate the "other" (person, idea, way of life, you name it they will annihilate it) and what will spring up in this vacuum... The unsaturated energy of this traumatized narcissist energy. The antidote? Spirit, God, connection outside of our traumatized self (not enough therapists exist!) and a moving away from the faster ways we live and getting back to our more natural state (less Uber and more hunting and gathering).
I'm not in the slightest bit traumatised. Speak for yourself, by all means , but most of us are normal human beings who just get on with life, and close off difficult memories, like my father in law, Alex, who was captured at Singapore and used as a slave on the Burma Railway - after the war he went home and fathered a family and made a good life for himself.
"we are all walking around as traumatized individuals"
My observation is that this decline of ethical sense is rooted in IMABALANCE. Which is primarily biochemical, a vast majority of American kids being literally poisoned as soon as they pop out; which can also be regarded as trauma, and which begets psychological trauma in a hellish feedback loop. People have been literally poisoned to a state heretore unimaginable. Is it any wonder things are so out of whack?
In my college anthropology class (1962!) we were taught cultural relativity. For example, there are cultures that mutilate their children--or even their adults! I strongly objected at the time. There is a tribe that amputates the last finger joint of the oldest female of a family when a family member dies. By the time of their deaths, women often had lost all their fingers and were down to their thumbs! I was a musician attending Juilliard and playing the flute. I was horrified at the idea of losing even ONE finger joint. What if I could persuade a family not to harm their female children (forgetting that amputation was usually done to adults)? I obsessed over stopping the mutilation. This year I suddenly recognized that the rescued child and her family would not be thanking me. She and her family would be pariahs--how come you didn't get your fingers amputated? (As in today: how come you didn't get vaccinated?) Nobody would marry her. They would say, "She is not a real member of our society (community)." If you don't follow the cult--you will be EXCOMMUNICATED!
If I care deeply, it is SO HARD to remain dispassionate. I'm proud to have friends who are passionate Trump supporters, friends who are passionate Biden supporters--and friends who are illegal immigrants who can't vote so think this presidential nonsense doesn't affect them. I have two strategies. 1) I love my friends so I tend to stay away from disagreeable topics once I learn how the wind is blowing AND 2)Every belief is supported (or not) by reality--but believed in because of emotion or religion or community consensus. I can say what I believe without demanding the other person support my belief. I have a strong emotional reaction to medical injury and rejection from my friends or my community.. It's so strong that I'm out of my mind with anxiety. What if my governor throws me in a concentration camp? That will probably never happen. In fact my vaccinated friends don't even think of this possibility. They will gladly sign up for surveillance and implanted ID chips in return for guaranteed protection from all the latest pandemics with mandated gene treatments. Better jabbed than dead or hospitalized (as they say).
I resonate with your story about "saving" the children from mutilation. I worked in a psychiatric hospital while at the same time reading RD Laing and James Hillman. I realised, sadly, that an "awake" psychiatric patient is bound to be labelled as a "troublemaker" or worse diagnosis because there was a culture of "be compliant or else" in that institution. On the other hand, I resist your decision to "stay away from disagreeable topics" because my mother lived in Germany during the pre- and Holocaust period, and that's exactly what enabled the killing regime. Our being thrown in a "quarantine" camp is more likely if our friends are living in the propaganda-reality and/or turn a blind eye. I guess maybe I've always been a bit of an outsider so rejection by so-called friends is not as anxiety provoking as an approaching totalitarian-disguised-as-benevolent-for-the-greater-good operation.
I mentioned the similarities to the pre holocaust period to my friends in late 2020 early 2021. And following the outroll of the jabs, the covid pass and the segregation of the non-jabbed from society. They were all involved with their “me” and fear, not seeing it for what it was nor caring about it. And not wanting to hear about it or discuss it. Result, end of friendship. I simply could not continue to see them in my house if i was not permitted to broach this subject. Very disappointed, needless to say, that they who had always been full of discerning between “good” and “bad”, were now completely blind when it played right in front of them. I recognize the outsider. I was never a follower.
I know a lot of good people who were completely sucked in by the weaponisation of their caring natures: "do it for the elderly, the vulnerable, if you don't you are selfish..." They gave up their bodies "for-the-greater-good", and fell into line, and having done that they saw anyone who resisted as less-than-human, to be despised and segregated from the real people. They are very quiet now. Are they still alive? Are they still entranced? No idea.
In my small circle, I know a few who succumbed to turbo cancers and heart attacks. Young. A few had some sort of adverse event. One former friend, also previously healthy, immediately had heart problems, and has in been in and out of hospital a number of times. Most recently outfitted with a defibrillator. Still fully entranced. Note, it takes great courage to entertain the thought that you have been fooled, let alone admit it to those who tried to warn you. Hence the silence I guess, besides the media not reporting on any of it. Recently saw a most interesting u.s. market watch article that predicted the market for cardiac implantable devices to grow from 500 million in 2020 to 970 some million by 2030. Stockholders licking their chops. Amazing that with nearly everybody on statins and other heart and bp regulating drugs, the market increases! Wasn’t it all sold to us as lessening risk and improving health? No one questions anything, sadly.
I have "red pilled" 3 or 4 friends. If people consider me a friend--I have more chance to influence them. Actually I DON'T stay away from disagreeable topics. I get them to tell me WHY they love vaccines. In this way I learn what is important to them and what might persuade them to listen. But I'm fooling myself. I could do more. Thanks for disagreeing. I think Steve Kirsch said you have to have a dear friend or relative die or get severely vaccine injured or get vaccine injured yourself. When THAT happens people may finally wake up. But many still won't. There is a vaccine scientist, Pollard?, who has developed tinnitus from vaccines but still considers it worthwhile to keep getting boosted.
I’m with you, that sense of empathy and compassion, to do the write thing is engrained into our DNA, doing the right thing is something we can actually feel, when there’s danger it’s something we can actually feel, there is no excuse for making a bad decision that doesn’t fall on the person making that decision alone. I see everything thing condensing down to that place of simple right or wrong. We have so many meaningless obstacles put in front of us, technology, economics, a million different collage career paths that can only ultimately lead to our failure. The world is organic it was already perfect, everything we create is in organic we try to mimic what was already here technologically for what, also welcome to cancer the introduction of imperfections into a perfect system. Yes we need to go back to basics with our compassion leading us toward a real truth organic truth not the fabrication or literal matrix that’s been built around us.
Sorry I should state this is just how I feel, I’m not trying to push it on anyone I’m only trying have conversation with like minds to view other perspectives so we can narrow it down and attempt to apply it hopefully fingers crossed, before it’s to late!!!
It's interesting that we have to apologise these days for having opinions, eh, lest they be "triggering"! Another social engineering feature designed to stifle debate.
They’ll never stifle the debate in me, unless they get it right. the Odds are definitely not in our favor at this particular time. Funny thing though, that doesn’t make me want to go out and create nuclear bomb. They sure are really angry!!!!
Also yes it’s unbelievably stupid that every conversation I have lately I have to state that I am simply a person searching for answers just like everyone else or maybe I’m being to nice there, just like the rest of the tiny percentage of us who are trying desperately to help the ignorant. I can possibly know the percentage obviously but government says 70/30 In favor of ignorance so it has to be true right???????
100%. my bff of 40+ yrs is now resorting to triggering me using the fact that I am both a police mom and an autism mom, in order for me to fall for the tribalism of hating conservatives. its quite sad, actually.
I have a 17 year old with autism or so they say, he’s smart beyond words. Right now he’s teach himself Hebrew so he can read ancient bible manuscripts. I had some Time to myself for a few months after a work injury, I took a deep dive into researching the FED, then tracing the families back to Babylon. I was a complete atheist all for quantum theory and panpsychism, I believed in a kind of reincarnation, until I took this journey. It lead me straight to God the last place I thought I would ever go. I took my son on the journey with me. Between his gift for language and my disgust for the monetary system we found the truth, there is no going back when you find it. I can with 100% certainty that I know God is real, and my Autistic son helped me get there.
wow, that's fascinating stuff. our life is completely hum-drum by comparison. my 20 yr old functions at the level of about a 4 yr old, only less verbal. I know he understands most of what is said to him but abstract concepts, no. he's not there. between caring for him and my elderly parents and working my ass off, my only 'studies' are on Substack these days (and I am grateful)
My little brother Kaleb is like that, he’s 24. My mom is 65 taking care of him by herself, it’s really hard on her. I don’t want to say that I understand your situation for that reason but I bet it isn’t all that easy. My brother is big enough that he’s able to push my mom around when he doesn’t get his way. Hes unable to do basic things like feed himself and read, it’s constant play and he’s in his own world where he doesn’t understand boundaries or the feelings of others. If that’s how it is for you I commend you, because I know what my mom goes through. He’s on a program that gives my mom the money that the state would be paying for him to be in a group facility so that helps, but he’s so demanding that it’s hard for her to put it away for his future.
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis deals eloquently with this topic in Book 1. It is well worth the read.
The title for Book 1, "Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe," tells the reader that the first five chapters will argue that morality is the key to the existential questions that have preoccupied humanity throughout the ages. The need to understand who we are, where it all came from, and what it all means has driven humankind to some of its greatest achievements in art, philosophy, science, and religion. Humans have approached these foundational questions from all conceivable angles. Some have found answers, while some have found only more questions.
Judges 21:25b "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
Proverbs 16:25 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."
Proverbs 26:12 "Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him."
Proverbs 28:26 "Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered."
Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight."
Romans 1:19-20 "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."
Romans 1:28 "And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done."
John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Thank you for your interesting, thoughtful discussion.
I have come to understand that human beings are hardwired to be self interested, both in the physical sense and the social sense. Psychopathic leaders understand and hijack this mechanism… the quickest way to get cooperation is to appeal to someone’s self interest, especially if the subjects’ self interest is completely unrelated to the leaders’. This is why myopic narrow interests become the focus of leader discourse… while they themselves play the big picture. This is the very definition of psychopathy: manipulating emotions and social norms to achieve your own ambition, with no empathy for others.
Religion and morals transcend hardwiring and understand that true peace and happiness come from prioritizing other… what is good for the whole. Psychopathic leaders are averse to this thinking because it exposes their own self interest. They instinctively react to tear down religion and moral principle.
So what we are seeing is pervasive psychopathy among our social and political institutions, with pychopatgs just doing what they do naturally. No deep, coordinated master plan is needed.
It is sad that we do not discuss this moral issue as part of the election process. The electoral choice ultimately only shows that we prefer our psychopaths to be well dressed and well spoken… although even that is crumbling lately.
I have a thing about this topic. To me e everything condenses down into just that right or wrong, I see good and bad, good and evil the same way. What is universal to me is the perfect understanding of right and wrong it’s engrained into our DNA there is no excuse for wrong doing. We have been conditioned to believe there is this grey area that we can step over from time to time where doing wrong is the right thing, I think this grey area is used against us, to push us over the edge. Then little by little we are fed lies until we convince ourselves that what we are doing is ok, and should be tolerated by all or we are not compassionate. It’s a lie there is no excuse and we know it with 100% certainty. I like the point your are making in this piece very much although it may differ slightly then what I see. I always say there is only right and wrong there is no in between. Anyway awesome work on this one!
I agree and disagree. Jessica gave an example, and here is another. Is lying always wrong? Suppose I see a man run by me in a forest. Then a bit later two men run by me, and ask if I saw someone go by. Suppose I know these two men to be criminal thieves, so I lie and say no, or even more overtly, point in a different direction. That lie was good, and my conscience confirms it. Which is interesting, as perhaps the subjectives, are not so subjective, just more refined.
It has been said that "when two or more duties conflict, one of them is no longer a duty."
Do we call that lying or a perversion of language ive been stuck here before defense is a 50/50 coin I see that, however I’m not sure we should call defense in the right lying. You are still choosing to do right over wrong preventing a wrong from taking place. Language/words is a huge part of how we as humans are taken advantage of.
It is a lie. The truth is, I saw the person looked for, and told a false story.
Yes and exactly, preventing a wrong!
Some times it is more difficult, so I understand your " language" comment. ( Are all wars murder?)
Yet when you go from the specific to the general, " ...language is a huge part of how we as humans are taken advantage of" that message cannot apply, in general. In other words specifics matter a great deal here.
Experiments have been done with pre verbal children in which they were exposed to 2 short puppet shows. The child sat with its mother and watched. In the first show a puppet 1 demonstrated traditional kind behavior towards another puppet. In the second vignette puppet 2 behaved meanly towards another puppet. .
Later the child and mother entered the room a second time and puppets 1 and 2 were offered to the child. 100% the children chose puppet 1 who had behaved kindly.
Sure hope to meet you someday. Your writing style, your dry, yet frank humor is refreshing. Thank you Jessica. I tell my Montreal Colleague you are one of my Canadian heroes. I have asked Kelly Victory, Mary Bowden and Michael Turner to all come to Wenatchee, Washington to speak to our community about the truth of all that has happened these last 4 years. It will be a powerful weekend on September 21st with these 3 speaking and then the 22nd, we are having Riley Gaines speak about truth and objectivity in woman’s sports.
As to the “there is no such thing as objective reality” position - the thing I find interesting is that all people and cultures have codes of conduct based on the concepts of “right and wrong” or “good and evil.” It seems to be a necessary category hard wired into the human psyche. I find that much more relevant and interesting than whether all cultures agree on what belongs in the specific categories.
A very interesting description of your thinking...unsurprising from you Jessica! I take opportunity to thank you for all your very interesting articles. Objective of course!
I simply want to say that I see no reference in all this to the source of morality. Materialism, atheism etc. cannot logically have a foundation for morality, rather they must admit to chaos, purposelessness.
They cannot even admit to relativism - because that is still admitting a degree of morality however flawed.
Our minds are implicit in whatever degree of morality we admit, and those minds cannot, did not, come from material. Language is needed for any of this, the relatively :-) recent discovery of DNA/RNA/cellular order for life having it foundation in language - not in the material in which it is written is a wonderful proof of the necessity of a God and that that God must be a personal God to have given us minds...minds cannot, do not, have a material origin.
Please excuse me writing off the cuff and without the deep time you take to publish your thoughts.
When a child is raped whether or not she is impregnated by the rapist, is actually a side issue. Has the incident been washed clean once the baby is aborted? Has all the trauma and/or emotional wreckage been eliminated and forgotten?
Another thought: Is the rapist, once castrated, prevented from again committing such sin? Answer is no. So that procedure would be ineffective and even likely to promote anger in the heart of the prisoner who was sentenced to it.
Who can say if making another laugh is good or not? Is it not dependent upon the words spoken? I could conjure up some verbiage which is intrinsically funny, but the couch beneath, which it rests upon, is foundationally evil.
What is glaringly missing in the well-thought-out essay by our host, is the Source of Right and wrong; a solid foundation to build upon. Who are we to make judgements concerning life and death, when it was Christ who created all? What if that pregnant little girl was slated to give her testimony to millions of souls in the world, exclaiming that her son or daughter was delivered, grew up, and performed some marvelous act, which brought many to answer the door which Christ knocks upon?
Re: the Jacobin hat and the French Revolution: It is only one thread, but a conspicuous one, of a much larger tapestry of woven material that Satan himself has organized and maintained through, yes, the centuries previous. The time noted as “the Dark Ages” (from 538-1798 A/D or the “times, time, and half a time” or the 36 months, among other notations) was a very tempestuous time, and the Bible records (in advance) of that period, how God’s “Israel” or His faithful church was (to be) hounded, and persecuted horribly. It’s undeniable history now.
But that terrible time of history is recorded (as mentioned, in advance) for our learning. History will certainly be repeated, and we are now engaged in verifying that treacherous assertion. So as the host of the article alludes, (rightfully so) there is a demonic drive rooted in Paganism originating in mankind’s distant past at the subliminal behest of the commander of evil and darkness.
To sum up, one must do a little homework and be convinced that there is a spiritual war raging while we humans slumber. Unless the intellectual and heart-framework is supportive of this fact, then we are like a vinyl raft, with no rudder, oars, or sail, amidst deep, dark, shark-infested waters. Or worse.
Making our own moralities according to our limited capacity to isolate one from another, “Good” and “Bad” are allocated to mere subjective reasoning. Hitler reasoned that his actions were good, as did the lot of Satanically driven men were. The human heart can be manipulated by evil forces, and we all know that but would like to circumvent the thing. Our protection (armor) comes in the form of God’s Word, which will stand the onslaught of terror that is determined against it.
There is no other means of truth, redemption, protection, joy, contentment, and the promise of entering into His Rest, and eternal life if we remain faithful.
Interesting topic. Thumbing my thoughts on my cell will be incomplete for sure.
The idea to explore itself - subjective vs objective reality. Example that crystallize the substance of the difference. Use of it in various groups , like those in shady quasi religious sects. Implications to our broader perspective.
Being drawn for some years to the gnostic teachings and the educated explorations of spiritual life your not incorrect , at least I don’t fully disagree with you in regards to secret cults and their aims. The question of god with and within as opposed to a separate entity is a pretty big question that would get very convoluted if I were to explore it. Oh look it’s early and my nurse wifey is up for work . Let me make her breakfast and coffee and kisses and come back to this
Within without and all about. There are different pathways to initiation and someone like manly p hall has done a fair bit of work sorting it all out. At least from the European perspective , that has dealt with a cradle of life Middle East proximation of spiritual religious development . Leaving out a lot of Asia Africa and North America . Asia mostly , but then it’s very much part of the older history as people spread out across landscapes , like the hun, but also the transfer of insights and practices with Alexander .
The challenge is to mention things that are quite profound. But we are getting into metaphysics and tgg he r deeper questions and basis of knowledge and existence itself. And explored for what end? And at what risk? The initiation into knowledge is also an initiation into a practice of being , and responsibility . Because power corrupts absolutely . And that is really the story of it, and likely why you might regard these groups in such immoral ways
Shitty my edit adding got erased . Seems important to participate and perhaps add to your stack of knowledge and considerations . Maybe it matters or maybe I just like writing an walls
Well hi Jessica that's the weirdest thing I was only thinking about morality hijacking this morning, so this is such an interesting post!! From what I was thinking, the decisions they make are not just decisions, they are moralised. It's no longer "we made this choice because of X reason" (notice the past tense), it's "this is the choice we make". Basically, a way of doing things which is supposed to have always been the case rather than a live choice brought about by a difficult situation. Therefore any moralised decision cannot be subject to morality because it is just that.
I wrote an article on an amazing brainwashing trick rife through medicine which they play (sorry for the exploding Tesla) which takes advantage of a human processing flaw in my article which I think you'll be interested in. Whole populations are falling for this because it falsely "makes sense".
Once the population has been taught that the good outweighs the bad in something such as a vaccine, they've got us.
Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, might argue that populations were not taught to want the vaccine, but rather were hypnotized by a phenomenon called Mass Formation. You might say they were "leveraged" into that position by playing off of a preexisting condition of free-floating anxiety, confusion, loneliness, frustration, and anger (as a result of living in a basically sociopathic society). People will do almost anything to relieve themselves of anxiety that cannot be nailed down to a specific cause. The cabal provided media messages that offered a cause ("covid will kill you"), a solution ("get vaccinated"), and also importantly your messages of relative safety. As a bonus, this also made them less lonely by virtue of being members of a group of vigorous vaccine proponents with a common cause.
In other words, I believe the psychologies of relative safety and stress relief worked hand in hand, perhaps as equals, during Operation Warp Speed.
I'd like to suggest a slightly different but compatible model that I've also been contemplating recently too. The a-morality being propagandised to us, especially young people, is perhaps a form of post-modern relativism-on-steroids (overshot big time) in which THERE IS NO GROUND upon which to stand because it's all relative. It's like the cultural relativism that sees every cultural practice as fine, except now it's applied to every individual practice as well. This leaves us in a moral vacuum which can be filled by a totalitarian "greater-good" morality as defined by them. The antidote is to refind our ground, our bones, our heart, our embodied felt sense of empathy and compassion - a very somatic-emotional morality as contrasted with the disembodied "transhuman" and mentally (or algorithmically) calculated one. I believe that humans have an innate capacity for empathy unless it has been extinguished by early trauma (which may be what happened to the cabalists), so perhaps it can be reawakened or rehabilitated in those not too far down the PsyOp path?
Having spent five years in trauma based therapy for neglect (not big T trauma), your comments make perfect sense. I keep saying, we are all walking around as traumatized individuals. Our hedonistic, materialistic, helicopter parenting, give it to me now, social media society has obliterated the human connection even further. We are a groundless society. I feel sad and sick to my stomach having just written that in this way. We have no tether. It's easy to harm others even in small ways when we are like this. And add narcissism where the whole premise is to annihilate the "other" (person, idea, way of life, you name it they will annihilate it) and what will spring up in this vacuum... The unsaturated energy of this traumatized narcissist energy. The antidote? Spirit, God, connection outside of our traumatized self (not enough therapists exist!) and a moving away from the faster ways we live and getting back to our more natural state (less Uber and more hunting and gathering).
Your antidote sounds a lot like local communities.
I'm not in the slightest bit traumatised. Speak for yourself, by all means , but most of us are normal human beings who just get on with life, and close off difficult memories, like my father in law, Alex, who was captured at Singapore and used as a slave on the Burma Railway - after the war he went home and fathered a family and made a good life for himself.
"we are all walking around as traumatized individuals"
++(my likes don't work anymore)!
My observation is that this decline of ethical sense is rooted in IMABALANCE. Which is primarily biochemical, a vast majority of American kids being literally poisoned as soon as they pop out; which can also be regarded as trauma, and which begets psychological trauma in a hellish feedback loop. People have been literally poisoned to a state heretore unimaginable. Is it any wonder things are so out of whack?
In my college anthropology class (1962!) we were taught cultural relativity. For example, there are cultures that mutilate their children--or even their adults! I strongly objected at the time. There is a tribe that amputates the last finger joint of the oldest female of a family when a family member dies. By the time of their deaths, women often had lost all their fingers and were down to their thumbs! I was a musician attending Juilliard and playing the flute. I was horrified at the idea of losing even ONE finger joint. What if I could persuade a family not to harm their female children (forgetting that amputation was usually done to adults)? I obsessed over stopping the mutilation. This year I suddenly recognized that the rescued child and her family would not be thanking me. She and her family would be pariahs--how come you didn't get your fingers amputated? (As in today: how come you didn't get vaccinated?) Nobody would marry her. They would say, "She is not a real member of our society (community)." If you don't follow the cult--you will be EXCOMMUNICATED!
If I care deeply, it is SO HARD to remain dispassionate. I'm proud to have friends who are passionate Trump supporters, friends who are passionate Biden supporters--and friends who are illegal immigrants who can't vote so think this presidential nonsense doesn't affect them. I have two strategies. 1) I love my friends so I tend to stay away from disagreeable topics once I learn how the wind is blowing AND 2)Every belief is supported (or not) by reality--but believed in because of emotion or religion or community consensus. I can say what I believe without demanding the other person support my belief. I have a strong emotional reaction to medical injury and rejection from my friends or my community.. It's so strong that I'm out of my mind with anxiety. What if my governor throws me in a concentration camp? That will probably never happen. In fact my vaccinated friends don't even think of this possibility. They will gladly sign up for surveillance and implanted ID chips in return for guaranteed protection from all the latest pandemics with mandated gene treatments. Better jabbed than dead or hospitalized (as they say).
I resonate with your story about "saving" the children from mutilation. I worked in a psychiatric hospital while at the same time reading RD Laing and James Hillman. I realised, sadly, that an "awake" psychiatric patient is bound to be labelled as a "troublemaker" or worse diagnosis because there was a culture of "be compliant or else" in that institution. On the other hand, I resist your decision to "stay away from disagreeable topics" because my mother lived in Germany during the pre- and Holocaust period, and that's exactly what enabled the killing regime. Our being thrown in a "quarantine" camp is more likely if our friends are living in the propaganda-reality and/or turn a blind eye. I guess maybe I've always been a bit of an outsider so rejection by so-called friends is not as anxiety provoking as an approaching totalitarian-disguised-as-benevolent-for-the-greater-good operation.
I mentioned the similarities to the pre holocaust period to my friends in late 2020 early 2021. And following the outroll of the jabs, the covid pass and the segregation of the non-jabbed from society. They were all involved with their “me” and fear, not seeing it for what it was nor caring about it. And not wanting to hear about it or discuss it. Result, end of friendship. I simply could not continue to see them in my house if i was not permitted to broach this subject. Very disappointed, needless to say, that they who had always been full of discerning between “good” and “bad”, were now completely blind when it played right in front of them. I recognize the outsider. I was never a follower.
I know a lot of good people who were completely sucked in by the weaponisation of their caring natures: "do it for the elderly, the vulnerable, if you don't you are selfish..." They gave up their bodies "for-the-greater-good", and fell into line, and having done that they saw anyone who resisted as less-than-human, to be despised and segregated from the real people. They are very quiet now. Are they still alive? Are they still entranced? No idea.
In my small circle, I know a few who succumbed to turbo cancers and heart attacks. Young. A few had some sort of adverse event. One former friend, also previously healthy, immediately had heart problems, and has in been in and out of hospital a number of times. Most recently outfitted with a defibrillator. Still fully entranced. Note, it takes great courage to entertain the thought that you have been fooled, let alone admit it to those who tried to warn you. Hence the silence I guess, besides the media not reporting on any of it. Recently saw a most interesting u.s. market watch article that predicted the market for cardiac implantable devices to grow from 500 million in 2020 to 970 some million by 2030. Stockholders licking their chops. Amazing that with nearly everybody on statins and other heart and bp regulating drugs, the market increases! Wasn’t it all sold to us as lessening risk and improving health? No one questions anything, sadly.
I have "red pilled" 3 or 4 friends. If people consider me a friend--I have more chance to influence them. Actually I DON'T stay away from disagreeable topics. I get them to tell me WHY they love vaccines. In this way I learn what is important to them and what might persuade them to listen. But I'm fooling myself. I could do more. Thanks for disagreeing. I think Steve Kirsch said you have to have a dear friend or relative die or get severely vaccine injured or get vaccine injured yourself. When THAT happens people may finally wake up. But many still won't. There is a vaccine scientist, Pollard?, who has developed tinnitus from vaccines but still considers it worthwhile to keep getting boosted.
Ah but illegal aliens are being registered to vote by the tens of thousands.
I’m with you, that sense of empathy and compassion, to do the write thing is engrained into our DNA, doing the right thing is something we can actually feel, when there’s danger it’s something we can actually feel, there is no excuse for making a bad decision that doesn’t fall on the person making that decision alone. I see everything thing condensing down to that place of simple right or wrong. We have so many meaningless obstacles put in front of us, technology, economics, a million different collage career paths that can only ultimately lead to our failure. The world is organic it was already perfect, everything we create is in organic we try to mimic what was already here technologically for what, also welcome to cancer the introduction of imperfections into a perfect system. Yes we need to go back to basics with our compassion leading us toward a real truth organic truth not the fabrication or literal matrix that’s been built around us.
Sorry I should state this is just how I feel, I’m not trying to push it on anyone I’m only trying have conversation with like minds to view other perspectives so we can narrow it down and attempt to apply it hopefully fingers crossed, before it’s to late!!!
It's interesting that we have to apologise these days for having opinions, eh, lest they be "triggering"! Another social engineering feature designed to stifle debate.
They’ll never stifle the debate in me, unless they get it right. the Odds are definitely not in our favor at this particular time. Funny thing though, that doesn’t make me want to go out and create nuclear bomb. They sure are really angry!!!!
As angry as best friends can be at one another anyway!!!
Also yes it’s unbelievably stupid that every conversation I have lately I have to state that I am simply a person searching for answers just like everyone else or maybe I’m being to nice there, just like the rest of the tiny percentage of us who are trying desperately to help the ignorant. I can possibly know the percentage obviously but government says 70/30 In favor of ignorance so it has to be true right???????
100%. my bff of 40+ yrs is now resorting to triggering me using the fact that I am both a police mom and an autism mom, in order for me to fall for the tribalism of hating conservatives. its quite sad, actually.
I have a 17 year old with autism or so they say, he’s smart beyond words. Right now he’s teach himself Hebrew so he can read ancient bible manuscripts. I had some Time to myself for a few months after a work injury, I took a deep dive into researching the FED, then tracing the families back to Babylon. I was a complete atheist all for quantum theory and panpsychism, I believed in a kind of reincarnation, until I took this journey. It lead me straight to God the last place I thought I would ever go. I took my son on the journey with me. Between his gift for language and my disgust for the monetary system we found the truth, there is no going back when you find it. I can with 100% certainty that I know God is real, and my Autistic son helped me get there.
wow, that's fascinating stuff. our life is completely hum-drum by comparison. my 20 yr old functions at the level of about a 4 yr old, only less verbal. I know he understands most of what is said to him but abstract concepts, no. he's not there. between caring for him and my elderly parents and working my ass off, my only 'studies' are on Substack these days (and I am grateful)
My little brother Kaleb is like that, he’s 24. My mom is 65 taking care of him by herself, it’s really hard on her. I don’t want to say that I understand your situation for that reason but I bet it isn’t all that easy. My brother is big enough that he’s able to push my mom around when he doesn’t get his way. Hes unable to do basic things like feed himself and read, it’s constant play and he’s in his own world where he doesn’t understand boundaries or the feelings of others. If that’s how it is for you I commend you, because I know what my mom goes through. He’s on a program that gives my mom the money that the state would be paying for him to be in a group facility so that helps, but he’s so demanding that it’s hard for her to put it away for his future.
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis deals eloquently with this topic in Book 1. It is well worth the read.
The title for Book 1, "Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe," tells the reader that the first five chapters will argue that morality is the key to the existential questions that have preoccupied humanity throughout the ages. The need to understand who we are, where it all came from, and what it all means has driven humankind to some of its greatest achievements in art, philosophy, science, and religion. Humans have approached these foundational questions from all conceivable angles. Some have found answers, while some have found only more questions.
There is lots in the Bible on this topic:
Judges 21:25b "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
Proverbs 16:25 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."
Proverbs 26:12 "Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him."
Proverbs 28:26 "Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered."
Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight."
Romans 1:19-20 "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."
Romans 1:28 "And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done."
John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
How did you find these references? Did you use a specific tool? Thx.
Bible gateway using key words: right in his own eyes & no excuse/without excuse
Beautiful! Bull's eye! Thank YOU! May the glory be to God!
Nice. I particularly like Proverbs 26:12
Thank you for your interesting, thoughtful discussion.
I have come to understand that human beings are hardwired to be self interested, both in the physical sense and the social sense. Psychopathic leaders understand and hijack this mechanism… the quickest way to get cooperation is to appeal to someone’s self interest, especially if the subjects’ self interest is completely unrelated to the leaders’. This is why myopic narrow interests become the focus of leader discourse… while they themselves play the big picture. This is the very definition of psychopathy: manipulating emotions and social norms to achieve your own ambition, with no empathy for others.
Religion and morals transcend hardwiring and understand that true peace and happiness come from prioritizing other… what is good for the whole. Psychopathic leaders are averse to this thinking because it exposes their own self interest. They instinctively react to tear down religion and moral principle.
So what we are seeing is pervasive psychopathy among our social and political institutions, with pychopatgs just doing what they do naturally. No deep, coordinated master plan is needed.
It is sad that we do not discuss this moral issue as part of the election process. The electoral choice ultimately only shows that we prefer our psychopaths to be well dressed and well spoken… although even that is crumbling lately.
Great WEF Annual meeting pic!
I have a thing about this topic. To me e everything condenses down into just that right or wrong, I see good and bad, good and evil the same way. What is universal to me is the perfect understanding of right and wrong it’s engrained into our DNA there is no excuse for wrong doing. We have been conditioned to believe there is this grey area that we can step over from time to time where doing wrong is the right thing, I think this grey area is used against us, to push us over the edge. Then little by little we are fed lies until we convince ourselves that what we are doing is ok, and should be tolerated by all or we are not compassionate. It’s a lie there is no excuse and we know it with 100% certainty. I like the point your are making in this piece very much although it may differ slightly then what I see. I always say there is only right and wrong there is no in between. Anyway awesome work on this one!
I agree and disagree. Jessica gave an example, and here is another. Is lying always wrong? Suppose I see a man run by me in a forest. Then a bit later two men run by me, and ask if I saw someone go by. Suppose I know these two men to be criminal thieves, so I lie and say no, or even more overtly, point in a different direction. That lie was good, and my conscience confirms it. Which is interesting, as perhaps the subjectives, are not so subjective, just more refined.
It has been said that "when two or more duties conflict, one of them is no longer a duty."
Do we call that lying or a perversion of language ive been stuck here before defense is a 50/50 coin I see that, however I’m not sure we should call defense in the right lying. You are still choosing to do right over wrong preventing a wrong from taking place. Language/words is a huge part of how we as humans are taken advantage of.
It is a lie. The truth is, I saw the person looked for, and told a false story.
Yes and exactly, preventing a wrong!
Some times it is more difficult, so I understand your " language" comment. ( Are all wars murder?)
Yet when you go from the specific to the general, " ...language is a huge part of how we as humans are taken advantage of" that message cannot apply, in general. In other words specifics matter a great deal here.
Experiments have been done with pre verbal children in which they were exposed to 2 short puppet shows. The child sat with its mother and watched. In the first show a puppet 1 demonstrated traditional kind behavior towards another puppet. In the second vignette puppet 2 behaved meanly towards another puppet. .
Later the child and mother entered the room a second time and puppets 1 and 2 were offered to the child. 100% the children chose puppet 1 who had behaved kindly.
Sure hope to meet you someday. Your writing style, your dry, yet frank humor is refreshing. Thank you Jessica. I tell my Montreal Colleague you are one of my Canadian heroes. I have asked Kelly Victory, Mary Bowden and Michael Turner to all come to Wenatchee, Washington to speak to our community about the truth of all that has happened these last 4 years. It will be a powerful weekend on September 21st with these 3 speaking and then the 22nd, we are having Riley Gaines speak about truth and objectivity in woman’s sports.
More info, please. I have a friend there who might be interested.
As to the “there is no such thing as objective reality” position - the thing I find interesting is that all people and cultures have codes of conduct based on the concepts of “right and wrong” or “good and evil.” It seems to be a necessary category hard wired into the human psyche. I find that much more relevant and interesting than whether all cultures agree on what belongs in the specific categories.
A very interesting description of your thinking...unsurprising from you Jessica! I take opportunity to thank you for all your very interesting articles. Objective of course!
I simply want to say that I see no reference in all this to the source of morality. Materialism, atheism etc. cannot logically have a foundation for morality, rather they must admit to chaos, purposelessness.
They cannot even admit to relativism - because that is still admitting a degree of morality however flawed.
Our minds are implicit in whatever degree of morality we admit, and those minds cannot, did not, come from material. Language is needed for any of this, the relatively :-) recent discovery of DNA/RNA/cellular order for life having it foundation in language - not in the material in which it is written is a wonderful proof of the necessity of a God and that that God must be a personal God to have given us minds...minds cannot, do not, have a material origin.
Please excuse me writing off the cuff and without the deep time you take to publish your thoughts.
What's to excuse? You're right on point.
When a child is raped whether or not she is impregnated by the rapist, is actually a side issue. Has the incident been washed clean once the baby is aborted? Has all the trauma and/or emotional wreckage been eliminated and forgotten?
Another thought: Is the rapist, once castrated, prevented from again committing such sin? Answer is no. So that procedure would be ineffective and even likely to promote anger in the heart of the prisoner who was sentenced to it.
Who can say if making another laugh is good or not? Is it not dependent upon the words spoken? I could conjure up some verbiage which is intrinsically funny, but the couch beneath, which it rests upon, is foundationally evil.
What is glaringly missing in the well-thought-out essay by our host, is the Source of Right and wrong; a solid foundation to build upon. Who are we to make judgements concerning life and death, when it was Christ who created all? What if that pregnant little girl was slated to give her testimony to millions of souls in the world, exclaiming that her son or daughter was delivered, grew up, and performed some marvelous act, which brought many to answer the door which Christ knocks upon?
Re: the Jacobin hat and the French Revolution: It is only one thread, but a conspicuous one, of a much larger tapestry of woven material that Satan himself has organized and maintained through, yes, the centuries previous. The time noted as “the Dark Ages” (from 538-1798 A/D or the “times, time, and half a time” or the 36 months, among other notations) was a very tempestuous time, and the Bible records (in advance) of that period, how God’s “Israel” or His faithful church was (to be) hounded, and persecuted horribly. It’s undeniable history now.
But that terrible time of history is recorded (as mentioned, in advance) for our learning. History will certainly be repeated, and we are now engaged in verifying that treacherous assertion. So as the host of the article alludes, (rightfully so) there is a demonic drive rooted in Paganism originating in mankind’s distant past at the subliminal behest of the commander of evil and darkness.
To sum up, one must do a little homework and be convinced that there is a spiritual war raging while we humans slumber. Unless the intellectual and heart-framework is supportive of this fact, then we are like a vinyl raft, with no rudder, oars, or sail, amidst deep, dark, shark-infested waters. Or worse.
Making our own moralities according to our limited capacity to isolate one from another, “Good” and “Bad” are allocated to mere subjective reasoning. Hitler reasoned that his actions were good, as did the lot of Satanically driven men were. The human heart can be manipulated by evil forces, and we all know that but would like to circumvent the thing. Our protection (armor) comes in the form of God’s Word, which will stand the onslaught of terror that is determined against it.
There is no other means of truth, redemption, protection, joy, contentment, and the promise of entering into His Rest, and eternal life if we remain faithful.
Can I call that a wrap?
Nietzsche says "People believe that what's good for them is Good."
he would say that
gotta love those wacky existentialists ;)
Interesting topic. Thumbing my thoughts on my cell will be incomplete for sure.
The idea to explore itself - subjective vs objective reality. Example that crystallize the substance of the difference. Use of it in various groups , like those in shady quasi religious sects. Implications to our broader perspective.
Being drawn for some years to the gnostic teachings and the educated explorations of spiritual life your not incorrect , at least I don’t fully disagree with you in regards to secret cults and their aims. The question of god with and within as opposed to a separate entity is a pretty big question that would get very convoluted if I were to explore it. Oh look it’s early and my nurse wifey is up for work . Let me make her breakfast and coffee and kisses and come back to this
Within without and all about. There are different pathways to initiation and someone like manly p hall has done a fair bit of work sorting it all out. At least from the European perspective , that has dealt with a cradle of life Middle East proximation of spiritual religious development . Leaving out a lot of Asia Africa and North America . Asia mostly , but then it’s very much part of the older history as people spread out across landscapes , like the hun, but also the transfer of insights and practices with Alexander .
The challenge is to mention things that are quite profound. But we are getting into metaphysics and tgg he r deeper questions and basis of knowledge and existence itself. And explored for what end? And at what risk? The initiation into knowledge is also an initiation into a practice of being , and responsibility . Because power corrupts absolutely . And that is really the story of it, and likely why you might regard these groups in such immoral ways
Shitty my edit adding got erased . Seems important to participate and perhaps add to your stack of knowledge and considerations . Maybe it matters or maybe I just like writing an walls
Well hi Jessica that's the weirdest thing I was only thinking about morality hijacking this morning, so this is such an interesting post!! From what I was thinking, the decisions they make are not just decisions, they are moralised. It's no longer "we made this choice because of X reason" (notice the past tense), it's "this is the choice we make". Basically, a way of doing things which is supposed to have always been the case rather than a live choice brought about by a difficult situation. Therefore any moralised decision cannot be subject to morality because it is just that.
I wrote an article on an amazing brainwashing trick rife through medicine which they play (sorry for the exploding Tesla) which takes advantage of a human processing flaw in my article which I think you'll be interested in. Whole populations are falling for this because it falsely "makes sense".
Once the population has been taught that the good outweighs the bad in something such as a vaccine, they've got us.
Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, might argue that populations were not taught to want the vaccine, but rather were hypnotized by a phenomenon called Mass Formation. You might say they were "leveraged" into that position by playing off of a preexisting condition of free-floating anxiety, confusion, loneliness, frustration, and anger (as a result of living in a basically sociopathic society). People will do almost anything to relieve themselves of anxiety that cannot be nailed down to a specific cause. The cabal provided media messages that offered a cause ("covid will kill you"), a solution ("get vaccinated"), and also importantly your messages of relative safety. As a bonus, this also made them less lonely by virtue of being members of a group of vigorous vaccine proponents with a common cause.
In other words, I believe the psychologies of relative safety and stress relief worked hand in hand, perhaps as equals, during Operation Warp Speed.
Viktor Frankl discusses this in Man's Search for Meaning.
At work so no time for a full read but would get right into later of this all too fascinating realm of humanity…..