Nearly two years ago I talked with a friend’s high school age son. The kid told me on his school of over 1,000 students he was one of perhaps half a dozen who had refused the vaxxes when they were “offered” at his school. Nearly every high school and college in the USA required the vaxxes for all students. If it affects fertility we won’t really know until they are all in their 30s and realize they can’t have kids. That’s about 15 years from now. The damage will be unrecoverable.

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If you take this to its logical conclusion:

Then that could explain why their replacements are pouring across the border......

Most of them didn’t get the shots.

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Reproduction by the illegals, non-reproduction by native Americans. Isn't eugenics wonderful?

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Exactly who do you mean by "native" americans?

We the fortunate children of European descent, or the lucky folk living on reservations?

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At this point it would mean both. When a mass migration / invasion of a country by people from other cultures, religions, educations there may be no respect or integration with the "native" culture and peoples due to shear numbers overwhelming the existing systems. Add an economic collapse already well underway to the mix as well as the numbers of Vax damaged people no longer functioning in the workforce = not a good outcome. This is also happening across all the western countries simultaneously. That indicates a well orchestrated plan

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Looks like Russia and Hungary are the only western nations who want to preserve their culture, which is why the globalists hate them so much.

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Croatia and Bulgaria have verylow vaxx rates. Probably others as well.

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Just have a look at England, for example, to see the truth in this statement. There remains very little in English society that would qualify as “native” any longer. Their immigration flood began in the 70’s…I was there and watched as it happened inch by inch, then mile by mile!

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Where did you escape to Judy?

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Absolutely it does. Intentional destruction of western nations/societies is part of the OWG/NWO program being run by the globalist cabal which sees China as the preferred model for the future.

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Cloward (sp) Piven... look it up... plan hatched out in Europe by the elite... https://www.cairco.org/reference/cloward-piven-strategy-fundamentally-transforming-america

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not only eugenics.

Invasion, war, annihilation, a new world order. Evil incarnate.

apparently, Unagnu, above, points to the source!

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Oct 2, 2023
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It's hard to refuse a donut, but even if they threw in 10 million bucks I would still decline. But I gave up fries and donuts 12 years ago.

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If the vaccines don't kill you, maybe you can get chronic health conditions from high carbohydrate processed foods and trans fats.

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Always avoid vaccines and fried foods if you want to survive. "They angry up the blood,"

as Satchel Paige said.

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Yes, that really was quite the red flag, plus the whole: get it or lose your job... that right there was the biggie that people fell into ... if they all were strong and said NO they'd have had to find another way...

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They’ll be DEAD before they reach their 30s...if not from clotting, heart disease or turbo cancers, then from neurodegenerative brain disease (prion disease). If they’re struggling to stay alive with any of the above ailments, their infertility will probably go largely unnoticed.

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you know, your comment makes me think even deeper. . .

this cohort: too young to have kids and a will.

Who GETS these dead peoples savings, assets?

. . . banks. Unclaimed funds, homes with a mortgage is foreclosed on. Banks.

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real estate ain't worth anything in a shrinking housing market.

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you are missing the main point:

banks are the bad actor but benefactor by default of human death

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I can easily believe they are dumb, greedy, and short-sighted enough for that.

But in the end, what's the point of accumulating all those assets, if they're not worth anything? You can own the whole state of Nebraska, but if there's only four people living there, what's it worth? Not bloody much. Wealth depends on commerce, commerce depends on population density.

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They won't all be killed. Many will survive and a portion of the this population will be selected and cultivated to seed future human crops. The pharmaceutical industry is pretty darn profitable, but nothing compared to Slavery. Our world is dominated by power addicts and our mission is to figure out how to get them to admit they have a problem and sober up. The evidence is very clear that old habits die hard.

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They can’t kill off everyone, or where would Big Pharma make their millions in the future? They just want a very sick submissive society to continue their racketeering on….

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We need Jedi warriors about now. Not entirely being facetious, here.

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Is that going to involve injecting us with midiclorians? I'm kinda staying away from needles.

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Blood supplies are tainted with it. In Canada I'm told our red cross didn't even separate vaxed and unvaxxed. That should work out well. I already know babies who died because they got that blood.

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I told a blood donor site that if they're not marking blood as vaxed vs unvaxed, I'm not interested in contributing to it. They ask if you've been vaxed, but don't disclose the blood/vax status to the recipient, and I want no part of promoting that practice.

Yes that sounds selfish, but I believe it's worth having the recipient know (and the supplier being liable if they mix it) than promoting a business practice where they'll ask you, and then sell the unvaxed blood off the side at a premium to wealthy people, and leave the rest to get the vax concoction.

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Or their infertility can be explained as result of these ailments. If you are busy dying from cancer or prion disease you are probably not thinking about getting married, buying a house, reproducing and raising children.

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They are still eating McD's and processed foods, following the vax schedule, linked up to whatever the Kardasians are doing...playing video games or working for the creepy man!

A friend's son is getting ready for college. Guidance counselor said," it's not in the child's bests interest for the parent to be involved, they've got this." The school and guidance will take care of it all, guide the child... this way the child makes an informed decision and the parent doesn't have to worry.

My Parent friend was RELIEVED his power and decision making for his child has been taken AWAY!

Guidance counselor told the Parent the "school's got this" no need to worry.

This parent SURRENDERED his parental authority to the school administration who knows 'better than me'.


And we are asking WHY?

This is abominable...we would never, yet WE are NOT the 'average' on Substack.

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Let me guess: the “guidance” counselor has blue hair and multiple face piercings. SUCH a wholesome influence in an impressionable teen’s life‼️😒

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I beg to differ. Those folks are in substacks .. over on the ones where they talk about 'parenting data' and if you should 'vax your child' and what 'side effects you might get' and of course these stacks are full of pro vax pro surrender everything to the govt since people can't manage themselves and 'need to be managed/directed' or 'rescued'. See it all starts with that mind set - that "SOMEONE" should "RESCUE" someone from their mistakes or take away their responsibilities so they aren't so 'worried/stressed'whatever'. Right there the mindset is flawed. It doesn't allow for personal growth and so instead cripples people.

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It has been this way with the high school counselors since at least the 90s.

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Jennifer, explains a LOT... this did not happen overnight, although it feels as such...

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Same at my children’s school. My two are amongst a very small handful who were not vaccinated. Multiply that out to every school and we have a big problem.

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Oct 2, 2023
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It might be because ‘standard, garden-variety American citizens’ are less likely (in general) to be beholden/dependent on the government, and certainly more likely to be patriotic, and inclined to resist (by various means) abrogation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights... That said, the percentage of such ‘traditional Americans’ in the population has been, and is being, diluted quite effectively.

Despite appearances, God remains in control of all creation, including our lives and those of the deceived or evil people who are working to bring about their ‘utopian’ New World Order - as well as the demonic spirits inspiring and manipulating them. Many are coming to the realization that what we are witnessing and experiencing is the progressive unfolding of Biblical End Time prophecies and, therefore, beginning to take the Bible, as well as the record of the God of the Bible, more seriously - which is a great thing.

The forces arrayed against such people, as well as all who are ‘lovers of truth’, honorable, virtuous, culturally, civically, and personally responsible, and ‘righteous’, are extremely cunning, with masterful knowledge of fallen human nature and the means to subvert and manipulate it.

BUT (Behold the Underlying Truth) God... But, the true and living God of the Bible is greater than all - and He (alone) is able to save us from bondage and slavery to ourselves; our fallen human nature that renders us putty in the hands of the evil powers working so powerfully in our world today.

He is calling people to turn to Him, come out from ‘the world’, accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord - and then to learn of Him, trusting Him to guide us through this present darkness into the glorious life He will share with redeemed humanity in eternity...

Some will respond as He desires to that call but, tragically, most won’t. That majority will drive the fall of our present world into the depravity and evil prophesied millennia ago, but God will bring that to an end; His will shall be done.

At the end of it all, the only real question is which side of this any given individual will end up on - for eternity. Many may mock this post, but it will have no bearing at all on the reality of the matter. It’s the most serious of all questions, and one’s response to it will prove to be the most consequential of all choices. May all who read choose well.

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You said it very well. Thank you. I am one who sees bible prophesy leaping off the pages and we ought to tell others what we know. The wise will research this spiritual aspect of current events as well. and not dismiss it out of hand. The stakes are too high now. Please, I am not trying to be preachy but I offer these spiritual insights that I have discovered. The last book of the bible, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, tells us the last government system on earth will be one world govt, one world economy, one world religion, one world currency, all people will have to take a mark to buy or sell, or be left out of society, unable to put food on the table, etc. Rev.13, 14, 17, 18. Any of this getting set up now? Yes. All of it is. We are watching the world shift to the last human governmental system, a global govt. We are told in Rev 6 there would hyperinflation. We see it starting. Nations deceived by pharmakia Rev 18:23. (the word “sorcery” is from the greek word “pharmakia”where we get the word “pharmaceutical.”) Do we see nations deceived by pharma? Yes. 2 Thessalonians 2 speaks of a strong delusion coming on people who reject the truth. Do we see people deluded and rejecting the truth? Yes. We can’t get through to them because they are spiritually blind. It truly is like a spell. Please consider the spiritual answers to what we see today in our time. I believe those who can see what is going on are being called by God. We have been protected by Him in love. God wants us to know the truth and to call on Him to be saved. He wrote all this down for us centuries ago so we would believe in Him when we see it happening just as He said it would.

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Your comment, also very well spoken. Thank you.

Decades ago I was visited in my apartment by a Jehovah's Witness who claimed the end of the world was coming. I derided him saying what will you do in five years when this fails to happen? Sure, he would lose all faith and give up on me.

This has yet to happen; that was in the 70's. However, over the last 10 years, I too have come to this same belief that the bus is coming. It is only a matter of when. . . . the signs are too real. Who would ever have thought that Europe and, in our turn years later, the USA would open their borders voluntarily to all the world and dissolve the border, virtually? Who would have ever believed that our very own government would instigate a poison in the form of a savior, vax to kill our own? to kill our children, to kill our ability to reproduce? in concert with our enemies!? Who would have ever believed our conservative country of the 1950's (Mom, apple pie, and "Leave it to Beaver") would champion girls and boys being emasculated with surgery and pills while felons are released to streets unpunished?

There are just TOO many. . . SIGNS.

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Agreed. I grew up as a California Democrat. The vast majority of my friends from that era can’t understand why I no longer associate with them. They see everything you stated above as “progress.” (And I’m no longer a member of that party nor a resident of California.)

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It is like a spell because as much as anything words are corrupted and not spelled properly! When the words are right then healing comes.

And in the beginning was the Word...



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Oct 2, 2023
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Can you see my comment? I cannot. Thanks xo

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Yes, and no... First off, bear in mind that my responses are predicated on my beliefs regarding the Bible (it is the ultimate authority on every matter it touches upon), the ‘lenses’ through which I interact with it, and the understanding of it that has developed as I’ve grown in my own relationship with the Lord.

The fallen angel, Lucifer, who became Satan, our accuser and adversary, not only hates God; he hates mankind as we are made ‘in the image of God’ - and he (Satan) knows full well what God intends for redeemed humanity. The part of that plan that Satan loathes with a perfect hatred is that redeemed humanity will be a higher order of creation than the angels and will, in fact, eventually rule over the angelic hosts.

There’s more to it than that, however; he (Satan) seeks to be ‘like God’; to rule over a ‘kingdom’ - and for that kingdom to include earth as well as corrupted human beings- corrupted to become his absolute slaves. Here’s where it can get rather ‘complicated’ because there are parallel agendas that are ultimately aiming to achieve a single, overarching goal; Satan escaping the doom God has pronounced upon him in ages past, clearly expressed in the Word of God, the Bible... In other words, everything Satan does - at least that which is calculated and carried out according to plan, as opposed to impulsively, is directed at serving his own purposes alone. And, ultimately, all he cares about is that he remains powerfully in control of others who serve his will; that he continues to be ‘free’ in his rebellion against God.

As mentioned, God has openly revealed the broad outlines of this epoch of human history, including how that history intersects with Satan’s defeat and ultimate doom. So, if Satan were to have any ‘hope’ of avoiding that fate, such ‘hope’ can only lie in corrupting and co-opting humanity, such that it serves him and his will, rather than God and His will.

Part of Satan’s plan is to reduce the population to a certain extent. There are probably several reasons for this broad objective, such as; 1) to corrupt the human beings that cooperate with him in culling the population, whether through their knowing participation, or their (initial) deception, 2) to flush out and eliminate the members of the population who would resist his agenda (whether they are born-again Christians or not), and 3) to make it easier to manage and control the human population.

To get from ‘here’ to ‘there’, however, he (Satan) has to first take down the United States. He is obviously well along in that process and, baring the direct intervention of God, he will succeed in due course. But, his ultimate objective in taking us down and gaining control over the entire world, is the elimination of the Jewish people in general, and Jewish Israel, in particular. That is because of how both are inextricably linked in the Word of God with his (Satan’s) doom.

This is a lot to digest, and it’s certainly not pleasant to contemplate, but it is the truth nonetheless. I ran from God for 25 years because I didn’t want to believe and accept it myself, so I understand that. But, to paraphrase Ayn Rand, ‘We can avoid facing reality, but we cannot avoid the consequences that follow our failure to face reality.’

May the Lord God bless, keep, and guide you...

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Satan may take down America, Britain, Australia, Canada, and Western Europe, but he will have trouble taking down Russia , Hungary, and Africa. I'm betting Satan will lose in the end.

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Mark, he will certainly lose in the end, but it’s going to play out just as God revels in His Word. That is tragic on many levels, but inevitable.

Despite and through it all, God will ultimately bring about an unbelievably glorious eternal reality, and we cannot even imagine how blessed it will be:

“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

But as it is written:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

1 Corinthians 2:7-10

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Amen, Mike! I agree with everything you said. I also ran from God for over 20 years. The past three years has stopped me in my tracks and I am trying to surrender to God's will and just desire a loving, close relationship with Jesus. I see it all playing out as well. We need to lean on the Lord.

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My 24 year old son was vaxxed in August and November of 2021, under duress.

His 25 year old cousin and 18 year old cousin were "fully vaccinated" that same year in Canada.

Youngsters had to be "fully vaxxed" here in order to be permitted to:

- Travel

- Enter their fitness centre

- See a film in a theatre

- Eat in a restaurant

- Drink a beer in a bar or pub

- Attend a concert

- Work

Based upon the ages of those who acquiesced: I believe we'll know sooner than 15 years.

As an aside, and speaking of gonads: my son began experiencing a painful health issue in his testicles a few months after his 2nd Pfizer injection.

Less than 5 months later, I accompanied him to Urgent Care.

It took 4 months for him to be scheduled for scan, which showed "a growth".

It took 8 months for him to be seen by a urologist. (Par for the course in Canada...)

"No cause for concern".

Really? Sharp, debilitating pain in one's testicles, to this day, nearly 2 years after 2 Pfizer injections, should be no cause for anyone's concern?

I'm still concerned. 😢

He's my only child.

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This reaction to your son's vaccine injury is medical gaslighting in my opinion. I am also feeling very concerned! It seems doctors have lost sight of the principle, "Do no harm!"

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I'm certain he was gaslighted.

The 30 something good friend of my niece's husband is now dead. Testicular cancer. "Turbo".

After being originally gaslighted...

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That is so awful. I'm appalled that doctors can be so heartless. I listen a lot to Gabor Matte who treated indigenous people in Canada who were rejected as opioid addicts. He wrote a book "In the Land of Hungry Ghosts." He says doctors overlook the pain and emotional suffering of their patients and are quick to blame/dismiss their complaints. Look at Madey De Garay who is now on full time oxygen and wheel chair after enrolling in a Pfizer trial. Pfizer recorded her severe paralysis as "indigestion" and denied her any compensation and removed her from the trial--nothing to see here. She was a young healthy 13 year old cheer leader--now her life is ruined. I probably shouldn't keep reading such things. But I believe we must honor each other and our pains. Because many doctors and pharmaceutical companies won't do it. We have to offer emotional support to each other instead.

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"He says doctors overlook the pain and emotional suffering of their patients and are quick to blame/dismiss their complaints."

Yep... 😢

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Medical Doctors (most) have always just been people good at simple memorization. Our real intelligent class of humans ends up in in engineering, mathmatics, physics, chemistry, etc, etc. Doctors have never been smarter than even the technicians of the sciences, engineers (I myself am in this lowly class, but know that I demonstrably have a higher IQ than 90% of Medical Doctors). Sometimes great minds do become Doctors, but we've seen what happens to them when they speak up. You best develop a tolerance for Black Pills, you're going to need it in the near future.

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Don't wait, go on line to Dr. Peter McCullough, set up a virtual visit for your son. Do it quickly and very best wishes to you both!


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Your son is already dead. But he got to go to the pub!

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I’m so sorry

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Here is a recent article from a pharmaceutical rep encouraging kids to freeze eggs before they are 25. Is this the beginning of Logan’s Run?


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Children who are wanting to have gender affirming surgeries that will destroy their ability to reproduce are advised to freeze their eggs or sperm so they can have children later on. (No need to consider infertility because you can use your stored egg/sperm.) What eggs? What sperm? If you didn't go through puberty because of puberty blockers, you aren't going to have any these necessary elements to create new life. I'm feeling sad and angry.

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The way I read it, the kids getting the shots won’t be impacted, it will be their kids when they try to have families. Someone’s fertility is only impacted if they have the bad and very rare luck that both of their parents carry the very rare gene. And as the speculation goes, after the mRNA shots many more will now carry the gene and be more likely when they get together will create kids that won’t be able to reproduce.

It’s right out of the X-Files. It’s a wild though in 2023, whistle blowing this in 2020 with the media on the side of pharma / govt the idea would have gone no where. In Sep 2020 even suggesting a lab origin was tin hat territory.

But if they did pull something like this off, the people responsible will be gone before the problem starts to show up, brilliant.

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There was an Israeli study on speed donors that found sperm motility was negatively affected in 100% of them. Supposedly it returned over time, but remember, this was published in some journal where, like most, only pro vax propaganda has a shot at seeing the light of day. I am happy to report that I know a vaxxed couple who now has a one year old seemingly healthy son. Although the guy told me his twin brother’s newborn sadly just died in NICU after being born prematurely. :(

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I live in CA and the local high school wasn’t mandated to vaxx. Can you reference your assertion?

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I looked up half a dozen public high schools where my nieces and nephews go. All had mandates in place: either get vaxxed or submit to weekly tests. Colleges were refusing to allow students to attend remote Zoom classes if they were unvaxxed. Insanity.

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Thanks, and agree on totalitarian insanity!

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About those random “small amounts” additions. One of the Pfizer whistleblowers from the midwestern US plant said that there was one step in the production that the qc people were not allowed to observe, ostensibly because doing so might threaten proprietary ingredient security. She also said this was absolutely unheard of in the past.

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If there's something QC isn't allowed to see, that makes QC pointless.

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I remember a whistleblower too, maybe the same one. But she complained about the color and fluorescence of some batches against her QC guidelines and she got fired. Also commented that she wasn't allowed to see things being added at unusually late points in process. Windows in plant were blacked out and only few people allowed in for certain phases. She had never seen that before. She was blonde, pretty, sincere, alarmed. I haven't heard much from her after the first year.

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And she has been back in the news recently, with proof that Pfizer bought the Remdesivir manufacturer in 2015 but has the packaging labeled “Gilead.”

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Saw that.

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That's the one!

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Betsy, yes I can’t remember her name…..she sued and a spineless biased judge threw case out.

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Thank you. She was brave and an early warrior to warn people.

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Unapologetically me your link is one I haven’t heard about.." there is another one also….I’ll save link you provided.

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Extremely interesting article. As a retired doctor much of the complex science is beyond my comprehension but I certainly understand enough to grasp the potential threat for current and future generations. I really respect your knowledge and understanding of the science and wonder if you could produce an abridged and simplified version highlighting the essential points.

Thank you for seeking to penetrate the truth which lurks out of the sight and understanding of most of us but which has the potential to harm us all. You are a shining light in a darkening world!

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Nice comment, concur wholeheartedly.

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i also agree.I very much appreciate your posts.I don't usually understand all info., but u are very good at enabling truth and knowledge to grow.These are sooooo essential if we want to avoid living in a world u could name Hell Light. Keep chin up.I pray for you to have peace from God Almighty during those times thoughts keep running back and forth in your brain.Be Safe

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I asked Kevin McKernan about this and he said they did look for CYP19A1 and CDKN1B but didn’t find them.

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It sounds like the additions were only made to a limited number of lots, quite possibly the same lots which are known to have caused the most damage/ injuries.

Those are the ones that need testing.

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Or only the ones given to children?

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But he didn’t check them all

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If you were going to add extra ingredients you would only add it to the first two shots, which would be expected to have the greatest uptake. You would not add it to the boosters, for fear of being detected at a later stage. I do not know what material Kevin McKiernan checked, but I think it was a booster. By the time he did his analysis, the original shots would have been withdrawn, I suppose. .

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IIRC they eventually removed and destroyed previous rounds of shots when the new ones come out and then told people to get 'boosters' even if unvaccinated. Remember they also told everyone that some very cold storage chain was required at first and then after a while that was no longer talked about and product that had sat on the shelf was injected into people anyways.

While we can imagine the commercial purpose of destroying older versions to raise demand for newer ones, we can also imagine a criminal purpose of destroying evidence.

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For the experts out there, is there anyway the expression of these mutant proteins could be looked for in the vaccinated population?

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if it was designed to only appear in the next generations we'll need to wait a few years until this generation's affected start trying to have babies.

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Anecdotally 25-35s are already experiencing an increase in challenge conceiving, miscarrying, and fatal fetal abnormalities among my peers.

Newborns - toddlers having spikes in severe RSV, hand foot mouth and bacterial rashes that I never heard of at this high pace with my kids peer group in the previous decade.

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Let’s not forget the dozen or so newborns hospitalized with myocarditis. I believe one of them have passed. This was in the UK? They are 6 months ahead of us and the damage is cumulative?

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I have suspicions that the polio vaccine has something to do with the HFM

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I concur, though it may just be blind optimism.

The turbo cancers are clearly being caused by poor immune systems plus inflammation throughout the body.

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Did McKernan look at both Moderna and Pfizer? I wonder about the others who have replicated with different vials like Buckhaults or the German Group. They should see this post of Jessica's.

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Also bring Jessica's post to attention of Dr. Janci Lindsay

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and also Mike Yeadon and Astrid Stuckelberger.

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I alerted Janci on Twitter.

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Yes - McKernan had access to both Pfizer and Moderna.

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I am just going to put this here. It is relevant I think.

There is an episode of Stargate SG1 - '2010' - where 'friendly' aliens arrive on Earth and offer to defeat the bad guys threatening Earth. They then offer Humans vaccine cures for all diseases. The health of everyone on Earth flourishes. Doctors are put out of their jobs. A decade of peace and prosperity begins.

Ten years later the Stargate team discover that the birthrate on Earth has plummented, but no one had realised as the media is controlled by a corrupt US president and big business who are allied with the aliens. The medical records of everyone are controlled by computer which is controlled by the aliens.

Further investigation reveals that the ovaries of 91% of the women on Earth have been destroyed by the so-called vaccines.



In a follow-up episode - '2001' (Yes, '2010' comes before '2001') - the Stargate team discover that the aliens conquer planets by offering medical cures for all illness to the peoples of different planets throughout the galaxy. This is how they conquer. The cures slowly sterilise the populations of those planets but by the time the populations discover what has been done to them it is too late. The population has been culled and not a shot or alien energy weapon fired. Sound familiar?



Does any of this sound at all familiar?

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Yes, yes. I circulated those episode links whereever I could on Twitter and Substack about a year ago. I've watched these several times now. Much of the Stargate series was soft disclosure about technology in the deep military. It was a warning. These are worth watching.

Spoiler alert: Sadly the only solution for fixing the problem was to give up peaceful lives with friends and family, their entire existence and timeline, although all infertile and doomed, and go back in time using the Stargate technology by sending a note through to the General. It was received, acted on, and humanity was saved albeit by great risk and sacrifice. I've thought in the last year if I were offered that chance to do the same, I would walk away from it all and attempt to accomplish the same.

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I am with you Betsy. Waiting for the seventh chevron to engage.

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Very interesting thanks for sharing. The evil ones have been attacking makes for 30 years w autism. Makes sense that now they target female.

I'm so thankful drs are working to prove these possibilities.

Personally I don't need the scientific evidence proven to see what has been evident w poisonous malicious vaccines for the past 50 years. This isn't new.

I'm glad the research helps others face the malicious reality.

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Back to Edward Jenner over 100 years ago sadly. A horrible poisonous scam with roots even further back than that.

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There are a number of similarly-themed scifi movies. In “I Legend” with Will Smith, a doctor cures cancer with a vaccine and soon thereafter life ceases to exist except for a handful of survivors and a bunch of zombies. Another movie (I forgot the name) had a world where a baby hadn’t been born in about 20 years and everyone was at war. Miraculously one woman gives birth. There’s a scene where she brings the crying baby down a flight of stairs and all the soldiers stop fighting temporarily...they had never seen a baby or heard on cry. And there’s Utopia...the mini series where a vaccine maker has a depopulation agenda in mind.

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Yes, "Children of Men", I recommend it quite often as it is a potential worst case scenario. There is no reason to suppose that the loss of fertility could be repaired by similar genetic manipulation because women can no longer carry a child that might have DNA repaired to exclude the mutation. Quite a hole they are digging if it is in fact the case.

Alien involvement seems like a more likely explanation in some ways, what human could conceive such a horror.

I keep trying to figure out how the rich would maintain their jet setting lifestyle if every other person was sterile but they were not. I cannot imagine there would be enough bullets to shoot everyone and robots to clean their toilets.

The "Handmaids Tale" movie was also quite grim, I saw a few episodes of the series but it turns a prophecy into a soap opera.

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Brilliant. I have been thinking about that episode a lot too.

"2001" was the year that they found the aliens and realized that the vaccine they offered had a 93% chance of sterility that the team in "2010" found out about and sent a note back in time to the 2001 team. It was brilliant that they put the 2010 episode first.

Then there are the many X Files episodes that are about the same thing. One was on twitter just last week.

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They the Lucifer worshippers/cabal/elites/bankers/Kahzarians/Jews who are not Jews/worshippers of Baa'l and Moloch, have to tell you what they plan to do to you, and if you do not resist you are fair game. If you resist too much, they leave you alone. Hence all the movies. Predictive programming.

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It was obviously a subtle or not so subtle hint for the wise to wise up and check out vaccines. Many did not so reality strikes instead in 2020.

Or insanity as the world went stark raving bonkers over the 'flu!

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Great story but my question is this WHY WOULD THEY DO IT TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE ?

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outside the alien scenario of course

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Psychopaths? Because they can? I suspect to people with riches never seen before, and with endless people fawning over them, 'ordinary' people must begin to look very small and inconsequential.

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They believe they are different and superior to us, therefore they don't believe they are doing it "to their own people".

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Great. MORE predictive programming.

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Ha ha!

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Oct 2, 2023
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We could do with his help right now I think.

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Jesus Christ is the ONLY defense we have against what is happening.

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He comes with justice. 'hrs justices' is an anagram of Jesus Christ.

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Thank you Jessica. I am happy you decided to 'autopsy' that; it (the chan-post) has been hanging on back of my mind since I saw it years ago. And yes, it is dark.

I am layman entirely, but I have been very often wondering myself whether it could be possible (for... them(?)) to hide or camouflage downstream consequences of the jabs, if there is a sufficient multitude of them, spread on a long enough timeline... and now I am seeing you pondering that too. Troubling indeed.

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Even if the vaxxies don't all die, they have forked humanity. My daughters simply cannot even consider vaxxed cattle as mates. They chose their fate and left humanity.

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I have an unvaxxed son. We should get back to arranged marriages. ;)

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You gentlemen jest, but we actually DO need to start some sort of off-line (and thus, un-hackable) registry for un-jabbed young people. They need to start networking with one another.

The DNA of the jabbed is forever contaminated. They are no longer homo sapiens sapiens. They are now something else entirely. We won’t know what that is for several years...but I’m 💯% convinced it will be very bad news for the human race.

Our kids are facing a future we never imagined or wanted for them. We MUST be realistic about what has become of their world. Always remember, there is strength in numbers. Networking with other Purebloods is a top priority going forward.

For instance, everyone needs to know an un-jabbed dentist, accountant, mechanic, lawyer, farmer, teacher, truck driver, etc, because these are the people who will still be around & in good health 10-15 years from now. Our kids need to meet fellow un-jabbed people from Boston and Miami and Austin and San Diego as part of their future social and professional network. If they get a great job opportunity in another city, they need to know someone who knows someone who can get them connected with the local un-jabbed community and settle in to a new location with confidence. In this respect, the vaxxed must be left behind. There’s no other choice.

Networking events in every U.S. city/region should help them to naturally form affinity groups based on interests/career field/religious affiliation, etc. Over time, romance will naturally flow from socializing, so no need for “arranged marriages” - which our kids would likely reject and deeply resent anyway.

The hook (the way to convince our kids to join in) in my opinion is, ironically, health. The blood supply is irrevocably contaminated. The Red Cross is complicit. Every un-jabbed person needs to know another un-jabbed person (several would be even better) with the same blood type who is willing to donate blood in an emergency. The same is true of bone marrow. We’ll need a separate private registry for that, too.

Eventually, we’ll have to found our own hospitals, I fear. The current kill boxes masquerading as Healthcare Centers are no longer fit for purpose.

It was not our choice to be the remnants of genetically-intact humanity. The Predator Class thrust that situation upon us. The fact remains that society has PERMANENTLY bifurcated. We have to adapt, innovate and survive...for the sake of our kids and our future grandchildren.

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Blue eyes?

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As it turns out, yes! ;)

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Yes, hear you, although I also see many levels in this. We all might have a chosen fate on some level, but on the other hand our decisions and actions here in this life are very much guided by our perception of reality. I choose to save my disdain and resentment for those who have KNOWINGLY manipulated that perception for masses. For those truly fooled, I just have deep empathy.

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Outsourcing your consciousness and health to television & peer pressure has consequences.

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Very well said.

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This could be an ultimate Art of War type camouflage.

What if one (I'm sure there are many) of the reasons behind the huge push of 'transition' surgery etc of the last few years (coinciding rather nicely with Covid!) is to normalise the existence of women in the population who appear to be rather mannish? Flat-chested, with facial hair, and taller than normal women.

Because of the huge amount of 'noise' in the MSM etc about the right to transition etc your average clueless punter observing the world around him will just assume such women CHOSE to become like that via voluntary taking of transitioning hormones and elective surgeries. Clever way to hide the hidden agenda, if true, of the vax playing around with the expression of our sex hormones WITHOUT anyones consent.

Absolutely could be a hoax. OTOH it totally passes the 'if I were an evil greedy soulless bastard (with access to vast amounts of power and money), wanting to achieve the same ultimate goals as the WEF and their friends, how would I go about it?" test.

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Correct, reversals of sexes is a satanic ritual. Inversion coming at us from so many angles, normalizing gender-neutral. Such as with all the celebrities raising their kids as reverse.

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Wow, never knew... so that's why so many boys are growing up feminized? The vaccines? Makes sense...

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Hormones on one level; fatherlessness & male feminization in culture on another level.

Both can be possible & work together.

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Possibly. MANY vaccines contain fragment dna from the aborted fetus tissue that is used to grow the culture of the virus. Both female and male aborted fetuses are harvested for this- no testing has been done on impacts of fragment male/female dna being inserted into the opposite sex, for example. Www.Soundchoice.org has a chart that shows what vaccines contain which aborted fetal sexes. Sadly these babies in the womb get their organs harvested while still alive, cut open w no anesthesia, so even the trauma of that tissue is something I find impactful. It is a question if this may lead to gender confusion, you can potentially find articles questioning this on Substack. Teresa Dreisher is the lead advocate on aborted babies in vaccine research. What genetic illnesses did the used babies have. Many were taken from women in prisons w mental illness, does that lead to mental illness? Intriguing.

More broadly boys are growing up more feminized bc testosterone levels are technically plummeted- I think I saw they are maybe 25% or so of what they were in 70s. This is from a ton of agendas working together?

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The WEF: "We ARE the evil, greedy, soulless bastards with access to vast amounts of power and money, and this is EXACTLY how we went about it".

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You beat me to it. It was my first thought when reading this.

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Quite likely, excellent thinking!

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Intuition produced it immediately, so I can't claim to be consciously smart. I certainly do think deeply about God's wonderful creation and the many deceptions I've observed by which unhappy controlling people attempt to rule over others.

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If you start to think of how many thousands of sub contractors work for top secret parts of the government, ala Edward Snowden, it would seem natural that some would reach out to 4chan to try and warn others.

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It kind of makes one wonder if both of the original people were referring to the same ‘operation’, one from inside the manufacturing division and the other from low to mid level employees doing the testing....

With the one in manufacturing having more knowledge about what was going on, and the other one getting information word-of-mouth from other employees....

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"It was hard to put things together..."

I read it as it was difficult putting things together on what was happening. Many people were involved and it was small compartmentalized work so no one would get the big picture. So, a military need to know situation.

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You beat me to it. I had the same thought and commented as such before reading the comments.

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the implication of the post is that it is us. Give me 5 reasons why I should believe that the US Military is the initiator in depopulating the planet? And how do those reasons square with an accurate historical picture of the US military? I believe it is China that is the ultimate bad guy. They have the means, the technical know how and the brazeness and cruelty to do this.

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The Chinese have discussed using biological weapons so often that the Pentagon fully expects them to use bioweapons as part of an invasion of Taiwan and war with the US.

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Thanks, that immediately made me think of that Endotoxin paper from 2014 on Dairy Cows, Follicular Atresia and worldwide collapse of Human live Births after the Covid19 jabs.

Granulosa cells exposed to high levels of LPS had reduced mRNA expression of LHCGR, FSHR and

cytochrome P450 (CYP) 19A1 (CYP19A1).




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Whoa. Jikkyleaks has been going on about the LPS.

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Geoff's the LPS guy. :)

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TGA, MHRA, EMA, FDA, PEI, and all other people measuring the supertoxin call it Endotoxin. Kevin McKernan used the word 114 tmes in one of his patents. 😂

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Slipping oncogenic elements into a liability-free product (or not taking them out) would be entirely consistent with the playbook of a Pharma company founded on cancer gene therapy. Profit maximisation by treating chronic disease. What is more puzzling is the harming of the next generation’s fertility. The strategy of most large companies is to sell more product to more people.

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Maybe not all that puzzling. Per the playbook you've just laid out, selling hope and fertility treatments to people they know will never conceive, looks like a freshly bolstered and nicely upregulated new revenue stream.

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When corporations softly merge with government, you only have to sell your products to the government. Pharma is becoming like the defense industry in this respect. The defense industry needs constant war or near-war. Pharma needs waves of disease hysteria or people addicted to products that they cannot stop taking despite not making them better. Or they need mandated products that every child must receive over and over again to be allowed into society. Government can help provide those just like they provide the wars to consume weaponry.

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Robert Malone's Substack post today underscores your point, the next wave of government required mRNA vaccines in place through primary care:


Coercing Doctors to Buy COVID Boosters

NY State Government Department of Health provides a lesson in how the Federal Vaccines For Children (VFC) program gets enforced

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Thanks for pointing out the elephant in the room.

We just had so many distractions!

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"What is more puzzling is the harming of the next generation’s fertility. The strategy of most large companies is to sell more product to more people."

A while back Moderna was talking about dissolving the Corporation.

After 10 years of investor input, they finally produced a product, and made a bundle. Once and done, smash and run! Escape before prosecutors come sniffing, and while EUA still exists.


New business model - 'Hey kid, you want to be fertile'?

Rinse & repeat.

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It honestly doesn't feel as though anyone in major positions of power (politics, business, etc.) in the US operates with the mindset of needing to keep the machine going sustainably for a 100 year outlook (being good stewards to hand off to their successors for generations to come).

Feels more like taking their share of the loot in an unsustainable debt based system that will eventually implode in one way or another.

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The needed to increase desperation and thus acceptance of a very new, risky technology for vaccine gene therapy for cancer.

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Create a disease to push the poorly tested "cure" or the "prevention" just waiting in the Big Pharma toolbox to be used.

"For Emergency Use."

Naw. Too diabolical to be considered. Just another outlandish wild "conspiracy theory" Right?


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"but… WHYYYYYY??"

If you read my most recent article showing how plasmids can integrate into the nucleus *without* a transfectant agent, you'd know one of the key conditions for the plasmids to 'join up' is cell division (I shared an early draft copy previously: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/exclusive-plasmids-can-integrate).

If CDKN1B is used to *increase* cell division rates, it gives far more opportunities for CYP19A1 to integrate into the nucleus. Remember, the plasmid DNA is split up into linearised DNA, not whole.

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I know. BUT WHYYYYYYYYY? Get me? It's like when in Scary Movie when wasername was screaming with her hands up in the air 'what are you waiting for?!'

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Here is WHYYYY: I think also there was a great deal of experimentation going on. In other words the designers had questions that only the mass vaccination program would answer if monitored by lot numbers, dates, cohorts and outcome reports and the work of independent thinkers later.

Craig Paardekooper of the How Bad is My Batch fame in his initial video nearly 2 years ago pointed out quite clearly the signs of dose ranging, experimentation and handoffs between Moderna and Pfizer (evidence of RICO) and washout periods before new experiments seemed to commence. That video is worth rewatching now in light of Jessica's 4chan post analysis. At the very least it confirms that there was not just wide variation in lots, but evidence of systematic and intentional experimentation. That could not have happened with oops type manufacturing irregularities, failures, impurities. Paardekooper has an archive of his video presentations on Bitchute. He explains very clearly with dry references to the sinister hand that seems apparent from the data.


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I presume the goal is sterilisation (assuming those two genes are part and parcel - not yet verified, of course).

You know, depopulation agenda.

I think they were hoping their modifications were going to be more stealthy than this. I think they were expecting people to start experiencing fertility issues in the *next* generation, not instantly die in this one.

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My nephew once asked me, prior to submitting to the injections, whether the Covid19 "pandemic" was a depopulation mechanism.

I replied that if so, "they" did a piss poor job of it. 99.3% survival rate... And 100% in his age cohort... (My (only) son was 23 at the beginning of the worldwide pandemonium, my nephew was 24.)

I then cautioned my nephew, my son, and my entire family to avoid the coming Covid19 injections at all costs.

No close members of my family heeded my warnings, nor did any of my relatives.

To date: 3 "sudden" deaths. Many bouts of (fully vaccinated) "Covid".

Highly unusual masses growing in my son's testicles, which were deemed to be of "no concern" to a urologist that he waited to be seen by for over 8 months.

What I believe we're seeing, and have been seeing since late December 2020/January 2021, is a world-wide pandemic of sudden or slow growing illnesses and deaths (either very sudden, or slow but sure) which can be directly attributable to the "vaccines" the unfortunate victims were injected with.

Of this I am 100% certain. 😢

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Me again, just repeating my earlier post and suggestion. Get these boys virtual visits, it is easy to do.

my earlier post:

Don't wait, go on line to Dr. Peter McCullough, set up a virtual visit for your son. Do it quickly and very best wishes to you both!


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Thanks Frances.

I've been very "aggressive" in poking my nose where it's warranted but unwelcome...

We're in Canada.

The awake and aware medical community, including doctors such as Dr. Makis, Dr. Trozzi, Dr. Nagase, etc., are few and far between.

Dr. Makis, for instance, no longer practices in Alberta but he has hooked up with "The Weness Company".


I'll continue to advocate for my son, and his health, despite his rejection.

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I am glad to hear what you say, do try out McCullough's group as well and very best wishes to you and yours!

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Wow. Must be surreal to be so right and well in time, yet it ultimately didn't matter for most that you cared about. The power of the propaganda and the going with the crowd.

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I'm with you on that. Not many where asking WHY with over 99% survival rate there was need for vax, no investigation into it (just blank adherence to the directives) and, of course suppression of possible remedies. No question allowed to be asked. I understand the "higher ups" knew and had their orders, but the majority of those who blindly followed?

It feels like suddenly people stopped thinking being overwhelmed with ubiquitous propaganda. I so feel for you, have a son and DiL vaxxed (her in pregnancy) some serious problems before the birth, very difficult first several months, now the child seems ok but they both often "coming down" with something and totally fatigued all the time. Previously super healthy and fit. I just keep praying.

Keep strong, who knows what's in store for us. Blessings.

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I knew that Covid was a nothingburger after reading the CDC MMWR from March to May of 2020.

Only 109 healthy adults under the age of 60 died from COVID during the entire alpha wave.

So I knew both the hysteria and the genetic experiment were a scam.

Unfortunately I am not close to my sons nor did I even really consider that they would get the experiment.

I did not warn them and both have had medical complications including tumors & nerve damage. 🤦‍♂️

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Jeez! 😢

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You tried to warn them ….good for you ….sad they did not heed your warning!

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I do not get the partial depopulation agenda. The vaccines were given to different amounts and were absorbed mostly by the West.

Why would the westerners want to depopulate their own people first when most of these countries were not increasing in population to start with ???

WHy ?

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"Why would the westerners want to depopulate their own people first"

You have to recognise that globalists are ultimately eugenicists (see Justin Trudeau clapping SS Nazi Hunka), and they do not see you or me or anyone else who is poor as part of "their own people".

Instead, they ascribe to us as being part of the "useless eaters", "der untermensch" (in German), of inferior quality genes for we are poor.

They do not need to wage war on Africa because they have already successfully subjugated the African continent. The hCG in the Kenyan tetanus shots that cause anti-fertility, for example:


Most Africans are impoverished and illiterate and simply pose no meaningful threat. You can say much the same for the Chinese populace; if the CCP says they want fewer babies, their population obeys (see the 'one child policy': https://www.theguardian.com/world/from-the-archive-blog/2015/oct/29/china-one-child-policy-failure-archive-1979-2016).

For them, only a handful of *possible* threats remain to their powerbase:

Intellectuals who are still capable of independent and critical thought,

And Americans who are armed with guns

The intellectuals pose a risk in they can 'ruin' the globalists plans by outsmarting them, and the Americans with guns can just simply shoot the globalists. Hence the constant drive to take away their guns, being the last country on Earth where free ownership is still permitted.

"most of these countries were not increasing in population"

It isn't fast enough for globalists. If you go by the Georgia Guidestones (now destroyed; unclear if in an act of rebellion), they only want 500,000 total. So they ultimately want to kill large swathes of the population. The slow couple of digits decline can be very easily reversed if the public meaningfully revolt.

Instead, they want to finish off the process. What better for them than to encode a genetic trap that passes on sterility to the next generation in a way that behaves recessive until nearly every human on the planet has it? Globalists excepted, of course.

Obviously the shots do not seem to have gone to plan and they seem to be looking at nukes...

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ok, here is the post question:

a) In order to produce an engineer or a scientist or a doctor or a nurse or a soldier you need 10-20 others that don't wan't to or can't do the job. How are you going to do this with a fraction of the population when the meteorite comes hurdling down the atmosphere ?? to solve problems you need a large pool of population to produce enough solutions ... and no 'pseudo-AI' wont solve this.

b) if what you say i s true then given (a) then this is going to be a poorly thought plan and most likely their measures would be as effective as their war in Ukraine. Not much

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I never said the globalists were sensible or sane. I express much the same disdain you do with their batshit plan.

From what I can make out, if they were giving a frank account:

a) They already have all the doctors and nurses they need or want (already bought and paid for with large wads of cash). They don't need them for general society because they don't want to help general society (see eugenicists point again). Heavy automation (not AI) for other tasks.

b) The globalists track record in general is a prime example why their ideas are stupid.

But they don't care. They're evil and insane. You're trying to reason with a group of people with the malicious thought process of a child, with the entitlement of a hollywood celebrity mixed in with the machinations of a Nazi and the ruthlessness of a Soviet Gulag commander.

This is why I keep saying to people they are going to have to fight their way out. The globalists absolutely cannot be convinced. What they did to the Canadians during the truckers protest was them barely flexing their power. They're lucky they weren't gunned down.

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Consider that the chinese might be behind that effort. Early on, they said NO mRNA vaccines would be distributed or used in China. I wonder why?

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"Early on, they said NO mRNA vaccines would be distributed or used in China. I wonder why?"

That might have something to do with my campaign efforts behind the scenes. I wrangled with an *awful lot of countries* trying to throw out what I could to get stuff to stick to stop these shots. US, UK, Canada, Russia, France, China, Australia...

The Chinese were the only country to have, at the very least, temporarily listened and banned the Pfizer shots. Unfortunately, it only bought the Chinese populace some extra time... China is still going ahead with the mRNA technology (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-65036474)... I'm hoping it isn't as intentionally toxic as Pfizer but honestly, who knows at this stage?

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I agree with you. It doesn’t make any sense to depopulate the most advanced countries in the world and leave the rest - with the highest birth rates and most poverty- out of the plan.

That’s why I’ve always thought that the whole Covid mess originated with the EcoHealth proposal (which was rejected by DARPA because it was too dangerous) and finally funded by NIAID and Fauci.

People forget what the EcoHealth plan was supposed to accomplish.

It was sold as a way to preemptively build chimeric viruses to simulate possible dangerous viruses that might emerge in nature (in their scenario, bat caves).....that were considered as a possible result of natural mutations to existing viruses.

After “building “ these new viruses, the plan was to then create potential vaccines to protect against them.

That would explain both the origin of Covid 19 and the rapid development of a potential (untested) vaccine.

The vaccine already existed as a sort of prototype..... but wasn’t tested. When Fauci and Company panicked, someone in authority decided to go ahead and use the untried vaccine.

Illegal research, accident (unless purposely released by Chinese military), and coverup.....

Seems like the most likely scenario to me.......

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Well firstly it's satanic. The devil knows his time is short. (Revelation 12:12).

But secondly the financial system is about to collapse and they've been changing laws in every country for fifty years so they can take all the assets as debt collateral. See thegreattaking.com. if you want an easier version there are interviews on YouTube with the author but I recommend the short book. Jesus said that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. They have planned to take everything and they don't want too many people fit to fight back.

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It’s all over once people realize we owe them nothing.

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What a relief! Luckily there are no cells dividing when there is a baby growing inside of you... or in the baby that you are breastfeeding... do I have to mention *sarcasm off* at all?

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There's only two entities who think pregnancy is safe: the US government, and 'Viki Male'.

And the only thing I'm unsure of is whether 'Viki Male' is human.

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The name itself --Viki Male--seems like a construct born of mockery. Is it human? Is Viki a male? Is it code for something?

This fabulous and haunting tribute to Jikkyleaks created by @functiongain on X/Twitter or The Giger Counter on YouTube features Viki Male as imagined as a reptilian cyborg-ish creature pushing the narrative in the middle of the 3 minute video. It is an AI assisted artistic visual commentary in deep code recognizing many of the hashtagged discoveries led by Jikkyleaks and the #mousearmy that person accumulated to ferret them out. It will make little sense to some, some sense to many and perfect sense to a highly informed few.

But worth the watch for everyone:



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There's something artificial about 'Viki' in their nauseating script repeats.

I've duked with numerous vaccine shills, and you can tell at least some of them have a pulse and get flustered. Some respond, some block.

'Viki Male' just regurgitates from a script and moves on. I don't even think they're a mother, and yet here they are, repeating monotone it is 'safe for pregnancy'. Pregnancy without the shots is perfectly safe, as it has been for eons. They never address their financial conflicts of interest.


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The timing of the 4chan post concerns me I.E. several months prior to the vaccine roll out. Intuitively I feel if this had been posted a year later when all the safety signals were flashing red alert then I would be deeply suspicious of its validity. However, the post predated any ADR data and has, in my opinion, been validated by the the subsequent and emerging data of vaccine harms (Much of which is not being attributed to the jabs).

What concerns me the most is that to the vast majority of vaccine manufacturing employees, as far as they were aware, thought they were producing a product that would solely encode for the spike protein in vivo (Not a great idea either as it turns out). However, this suggests bad actors within the companies were instructing a very limited number of employees to make alterations to these products at a late stage of the manufacturing process and if we are to take the post at face value the aim of these alterations was to reduce population lifespans and reduce fertility. AKA a mass depopulation agenda. It also brings into question how these people plan to propagate the human race once its numbers have been decimated and its fertility destroyed along with the concept of two separate genders. I feel there are extremely dark times ahead for the human race as a transhumanist and anti human framework is rolled out by a faceless power base operating far above democratically elected governments (Sovereignty is an illusion).

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The question of why the depopulation still remains.

Why would you go on depopulating the west (mostly) ? What is the motivation of depopulating the part of the world that a) is where they live b) has the slowest population growth on earth ?

Nobody in these massive comment thread has done a good job explain the thinking behind it.

I get how dark the idea is, i see how it could work etc but I still dont see a clear motive. Most people just half ass a couple of loosely expressed motives that do not stand scrutiny on their own !

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It's not like our rulers hid their agenda:


"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

And now that the Program is implemented, the Guidestones were "blown up."

You also need to come to terms with existential EVIL. That there is a real Devil, and people do love him and follow his dark plans.

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Look I have heard of the Guidestones for many years now, but to claim connection of this project, its ending and the conspiracies claimed in this article as an organized plan, we both know that this probably was not how things were run, cause there are more simple ways to explain this story.

It could very well have been that the guidestones were put up by some people that wanted just to give an advice to the people of the future after a big disaster had happened, and they themselves had nothing to do with the said disaster: aka this was a benevolent project that was spun out of the fear of the direction that the world was heading back then, the fear of nuclear holocaust and thus It did not have to BE sinister.

As for its explosive .. ending, you know what ? It could be that the people that blew it off were actually people that did not like its message GIVEN what else was going on after the scamdemic dystopia being deployed around the world back then. Simply put it would be surprising if some people that new the area and did not like its presence WOULDN'T do something about it. It doesn't take much, imagine your are from Georgia, and the first thing that people tell you is about the stones, at some point it DOES give it your nerves, if you know what I mean.

In the past there were two camps. Conspiracists and Sheep. Now we have fifty shades of beliefs/conspiracies/version of the truth and some of these hypotheses are not going well with each other.

We can't anymore sit here and throw all engulfing conspiracy theories, there has to be some multiple hypothesis to the whole thing.

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You are going to believe what you want to believe, and, conversely, you are going to disbelieve what you want to disbelieve.

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It is good to be able to hold multiple versions of reality and let the data assign probabilities on them.

There is a probabilistic framework of updating your beliefs and your hypotheses, I personally try to use it as much as I can. It only takes an excel sheet and some thinking.

So there is some value to say "A" can be true, "B" less so, and then there is "C" and "D". Then look what you know and then take into account how many moving parts each of the hypothesis needs to have in order to work and then you will be able to choose.

It is precisely when this is NOT being done when psy-ops like 'flat earth' start to come into place to ridicule more valid conspiracy theories.

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I love all your comments and agree.

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Well, my tinfoil hat is extra large...

What if Ben Davidson is in the ballpark here?


We couldn't prevent it, or really even mitigate the out come. Vast numbers of people would die. Perhaps there are some who expect this event (or something similar) who wish to ensure less competition for scarce resources . Perhaps some wish to mitigate the suffering. A child never born can't die brutally. Perhaps dying of turbo cancer in a clean bed with a morphine drip is kinder than starving or dying of an untreated infection.

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This is what I also believe. I also believe that what is particularly compelling about the 12,000 year catastrophe theory, and is a point I haven't heard anyone else make, is how primitive our technologies were 2,00 years ago and look where we are now in the blink of an eye. If man has been "evolving" largely uninterrupted for millions of years the technological advances we would have made would be unimaginable. Couple this with evidence of ancient advanced civilisations such as The Great Pyramid at Giza which civilisation seems to be in a state of amnesia about as to who could have possibly built it, leads me to believe there is a cyclical catastrophe on earth and only very few people get to inherit the next age of man. We are presently on the cusp of the next age and at the start of the next "Great Year" of teh Easrth's Axial precession. The powers that be put a huge amount of significance into this as can be evidenced by their present behaviour.

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I have always kept an eye on this story, Thanks for your post.

I still put it low on probabilities because a) he reads more like a guy that wants attention than someone that is legitimely preparing for a catastrophe b) just like aliens probabilities say that of ALL the life spans you could be born in the last thousands years it would be unlikely that YOU would be born on the 80 year span (out of the thousands) that the meteorite comes crashing down or that the earth flips on its side or aliens reveal themselves. Let alone that his theory he presents that has simply TOO many moving parts to make it to work. It looks more likely that he is making shit as he goes to make a scary but pseudoinformative theory that makes people following him than that he has found the truth. c) i am not sure if the cancer scenario you are saying especiall in the numbers would be required to play out would be so kinder than a meteorite, if you know what i mean ,... cancer is not a kind thing.

Btw have you seen THIS post of The Ethical Sceptic ? (: -> https://theethicalskeptic.com/2020/02/16/the-climate-change-alternative-we-ignore-to-our-peril/

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Thanks RK. Ethical sceptical is pretty much saying the same thing there. If you skip thru to the 46 minute mark on the video I linked, he starts going through all the papers released in the previous 6mo that support that hypothesis, in case you wanted more background depth than the E/S article. True, cancer is not kind. A compound fracture without pain killers, surgery or antibiotics is pretty crappy way to go also, imo.

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Oops, sorry rk, the relevant papers are at the 100 min mark, that relate to exothermic warming.

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Thanks I am listening to it now

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About the Ethical Sceptic: I just peeked at his post and found two disqualifying claims already, in under a minute.

"The Earth can be likened to a thermos bottle"

"The Earth experienced its hottest year on record"

No, and no.

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What you just did is a very subtle form of trolling: you can't attack one's arguments but you are going after one small detail, hoping that we can forget the rest of the article (that is the thermos metaphor, which I am not sure what he meant and why you think is wrong). As for the hottest on the record argument he makes a good case for it. Can you prove the opposite ?

There is MUCH more in that article and I am not sure you even read. If you ask me THAT is a big no no ;)

TES presents that there is global warming relative to some recent past.

TES makes a case that it is NOT man made and there is not much what we can do to stop it

He also says that there maybe a more important reason behind it.

I am not going to spoil more so maybe you read it.

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Yeah, I have extensively written about Davidson on my blog. Even if he is an op or a snowball artist, his story is still a very interesting one, for one single reason: if only one tenth of what he proposes comes true, we will live (or not) through very interesting times.

Oh, and *no one* wants to mitigate any suffering or not have children die brutally or be kind to us, you know. I think this should be very clear now, if it wasn't already - just ask the Madeleine Albrights of this world.

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Why? One possibility is another little ice age that we are starting to dip into. It will last 200-250 years and cause widespread crop failures for years to come.

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In a normal world an article like this, even on 4Chan, would have Universities lining up to study this and prove it true or untrue. There would be some investigative reporter digging somewhere to refute it. In today's world it produces a collective yawn and then a few scientists look into it and say what's real and what is not. The MSM, NIH, CDC, etc, etc then destroy anyone who believes it and tells the world to get your 6 month old vaccinated. This is not a normal world.

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Hey Bill Gates,

When, Anyone, In This Case You,

And A Cadre Of Morons

Attempts To Kill Off

Other Humans (In The Millions)

Rule # 1 Has To Be - And Is

You Have To Succeed On Your First Try.

I Just Can't Emphasize This Enough Young Fella.


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"You Have To Succeed On Your First Try."

Ugh... NO! Remember the swine flu?

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This made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. It made me recall a brief conversation with a young woman I know who had recently graduated with a degree in chemical manufacturing or pharmaceutical manufacturing. She was thrilled to be hired on as a lead for the covid vax running the manufacturing line/process for Moderna. She was making a huge amount of money fresh out of college. Her only complaint, she said, was that they kept changing the 'ingredients' which made the process difficult for her with the constant changes. I commented that that did not seem normal or correct and that it was extremely concerning. She went quiet and seemed very disturbed. Then she answered, 'yes, it is.' She wouldn't say anything more.

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