I was (mis) diagnosed as Bipolar in 2009 by an NHS psychiatrist and was prescribed Risperidone which i took regularly until 2021 when I read Peter Breggin's book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/COVID-19-Global-Predators-Are-Prey/dp/0982456069

I read at page 286/7 the truth about this drug and dropped it immediately. I reported my experience to Peter & Ginger on their blog last year. They actually saved my life. The truth is I had suffered a short-term trauma in 2008 ( an accident) and my symptoms were the results of the aftermath of shock - PTSD is the term - but it is very much recoverable - quite quickly.

I have made even more progress over the years and have a rewarding occupation as a writer and researcher on Substack. I am 78 but will never retire - this is not work - it is a rewarding love of spreading the truth and I have no fear of retribution - at my age I could care less!

Thank you for all your good work Jessica - my heroine - one of many angels. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/tiktok-man-carbon-crap-boat-people

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I was on risperidone for around 2 years in 2007-2009. So many terrible side effects. The beginning was not as bad but it gradually got worse over time. I felt numb & started having hand tremors. I have always had blonde hair on my body. I literally started growing dark coarse hairs all over my body including my face. I didn’t even have Bipolar Disorder or schizophrenia. I did have depression. And the weight gain was terrible. By 2009 I developed hypothyroidism & high blood pressure & hot flashes(I was 29). I finally stopped taking it because I had a weird reaction from risperidone & some herb I started taking to help with the hot flashes. Within an hour of taking them together I lost consciousness for a moment then came to & called 911. My blood pressure was 60/30 & I was sweating profusely. The paramedics decided to take me to the hospital & started an I.V in the ambulance. My body was shutting down & I couldn’t walk or stop throwing up. The worst part was the E.R. physician treated me like I was a drug addict. I never did drugs. And they had to know that because they tested my urine. Anyway, I thought until I read your comment my reaction to the drug was an isolated event. I should’ve stopped taking that drug sooner but it had me in a weird mental space where I couldn’t connect the dots.

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"I should've stopped taking that drug sooner but it had me in a weird mental space where I couldn't connect the dots." Aye, there's the rub with many psychiatric drugs, I suspect. Try talking to someone who's developed a hostile, superior, "I don't need anybody" attitude due to an SSRI -- they won't listen, and will divorce their worried spouse and ditch any friend or relative who tries to tell them "This drug has changed you, in a way that's not good..."

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Your post made me cry. I lost my marriage to a psychiatric over drugged husband. He was doing fine while being treated by psychologists but his brother convinced him to go back to "Freudian therapy", meaning ditching the psychologist and hiring a psychiatrist. He became belligerent, verbally abusive, maniac, then - at the end - he stopped eating at home because "I was lacing the food with some sort of poisoning". Then he came up with the idea that he could cure himself if he just could destroy, or kill, his negative, "bad side", meaning the diseased side. I kept telling him repeatedly that he couldn't do that, that we all have a negative and a positive side and they must be integrated. Ok. Fast forward, I'm coming home from work (I am a journalist and worked at the time at financial newspaper, the equivalent to WSJ in that country), he follows me to the bathroom, sees me washing my hands and goes "Aha! I am right, you are me, you have the same compulsion to wash your hands as I do" etc etc. I explain to him that no, I am not him and I always washed my hands when I came home back from work because I handle lots of carbon paper. To no avail, he kept insisting we are one and the same... Then I finally understood what was the next step on his journey through his drug induced psychosis: he had decided to get rid of his "bad side". Not being able to accomplish his goal without killing himself he ended up externalizing his bad side, IT BECAME ME, I was the solution to this equation: if he killed me he would be cured because I was the embodiment of his bad side and he needed to get rid of it to become cured, "normal". Long story short, I was forced to leave our home. Eventually I came back to the US and never even visited that country again for I wouldn't be able to walk the same streets we once walked together. Today I totally despise psychiatrists. They knew what they were doing and yet, continued to drug him like there was no tomorrow. Our life was completely destroyed by these drugs.

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I'm so sorry this happened to you! And sorry for what the psychiatrist and drugs did to you husband. It all sounds like Hell on earth.

I lost my husband, too. He died about three weeks after his doctor made substantial changes in his medication regimen (for problems in physical health) -- abrupt withdrawal of three drugs and addition of others including one with known potential for very serious adverse effects. In the end it was the physical effects that killed my husband, but it was the psychological effects that made him unrelentingly furious toward me and adamantly resistant to calling the doctor about his symptoms, stopping the lethal prescription on his own, or seeking/accepting medical advice or care from other sources. I found out some time later that a dear friend of my husband who is a doctor had warned him (but unfortunately not me) about the dangerous drug, but my husband wouldn't listen.

Again, I'm very sorry about what happened to you and your husband. I often wish I had a magic wand I could wave to undo awful things that have happened to people and left them terribly hurt. But so much of the time all people can do for each other is say "I'm so sorry." (I'm crying, too.)

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Yes I agree. To be fair, I was having severe depression. I read up on risperidone “boosting” the effectiveness of Lexapro. My psychiatrist response was ok we can try that if you feel it will help.He didn’t push it on me. I blame myself & honestly the pharmaceutical propaganda at that time. He’s still my psychiatrist I am now prescribed anti-anxiety for panic attacks (probably made worse after that). I am down to a small dose of this medicine now. Nothing more. I’m even off anti-depressants too. He has suggested CBT. Unfortunately,my work schedule & copays won’t allow this. Meditation helps. He first told me about that too. So not all psychiatrists are bad. He even told me not to get the Covid vaccine 2 years ago if I had antibodies. He’s the Only one of my doctors who gave me that advice & it’s not even his area of expertise . I appreciate his honesty. Because I honestly was about to get it.

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Thank you so much for sharing Heather that was very brave. It is so important to be able to talk about these events although sometimes it is so personal that there are few trusted souls with whom to share.

I guess you and I could write a book about this event all on its own, I know I could and in fact I began some time ago but the Cyprus bank robbery in 2013 intervened and I had to write 'The Financial Jigsaw, Part 1' to explain to my children and grandchildren why their world is collapsing. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-the-end?s=w

I completed the book (Part 1) in 2018 - it was serialised over 2 years at https://www.theburningplatform.com/author/austrian-peter/ after which I was asked by TBP to continue writing a weekly 'Letter from Great Britain'. I was invited to publish the book at ResearchGate in February 2022 (it is actually my dissertation) and now has over 4,000 reads - here is the synopsis, and complete book which can also be downloaded as a PDF. (3Mb):


At the same time a colleague introduced me to Substack where I post my Letters and re-post to TBP: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/tiktok-man-carbon-crap-boat-people

I mention all this nausea to emphasise that writing down one's problems can be empowering and enhance mental health. I am an humanistic counsellor (1997) and have practised the 'talking therapy' for many years. I have often used this little book very successfully with clients who wish to move on and thus I walk with them on their journey of self-discovery. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Letting-Fear-Gerald-Jampolsky/dp/1587611961



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Dr. Breggin is wonderful!

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A true Disciple come to save us from the Satanic attacks. He works in mysterious ways His works to perform.

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I am sorry but I have the book open on those pages and there is NOTHING about risperidone there. (It's on libgen) Either cite it properly or stop talking crap.

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Please be less assumptive Doc - I have never been a BS merchant. I don't know what book you are reading. I have Peter Breggin's book open now at page 286 and I am reading at the bottom of this page as I type: "...highly neurotoxic "anti-psychotic" drugs, especially Risperdal (risperidone), I traced it back to Harvard and broke (287) the news in speeches, media appearances, and books...."

"Prof Joseph Biederman was secretly taking money from Johnson & Johnson and in exchange Biederman invented the concept of childhood bipolarity disorder to sell Risperdal...."




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You are right, I have another version of the book.

It identifies itself as "Breggin & Breggin COVID-19 Book Draft 6.16.2021" and the first mention of risperidone is on page 355 in 'Chapter 19. Top Medical Journals Sell their Souls'

Then it goes on exactly the same.

I stand corrected, guess I was talking crap ;^)

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No honest and true investigator ever talks crap my good Doctor. We all scrabble in the darkness to find the light, so thank you for your challenge given in good faith. We are seekers after truth and that is all that matters, and believe me I get it wrong time and again. It takes a strong and healthy character to admit to a mistake and I would have been the first to concede if I had been wrong.

There is so much fake news and crap crawling around the Web these days that I rely on my trusty team of researchers to keep me in line! Now here is a test for you - is this kosher? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLz9ewBt-dw

Thank for your kind response.



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If you're interested in another source of information, with eight cites, see William Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain", pages 111-112. This is a warning to parents of autistic children about the use of Risperdal in autistic kids. The issue is Risperdal causing brain shrinkage.

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Ever heard of humility and apologizing.

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Might s/he not have had the page wrong or have a different edition of the book so that a reference might have appeared on a different page, been referring to a different brand name for the same/a similar drug or meaning perhaps psychiatric drugs in general - which often seem to be damaging, even producing physical brain shrinkage?

Personally, I found it rather odd that in psychiatry (and elsewhere), there virtually never seemed to be much, if any, concern for finding a cause in order to potentially heal/alleviate such issues, as deficiencies/toxicities/infections/disrupted gut biomes/medications, etc. can be involved in producing mental disruptions, while such drugs can only further alter an already disrupted system...

In any event, at least PROTECT & SURVIVE is doing better now, which is the main thing - much as my brother's ulcerative colitis cleared up when he became unable to afford the drugs. They'd wanted to remove rather a large section of his intestines, when he was in hospital, the last time.

Too many drugs seem apt to cause/worsen the symptoms they are sold to alleviate.

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I think you'd appreciate William Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain." Walsh's original field was chemical engineering, but he's devoted decades to analyzing the biochemical issues underlying mental disorders and working with physicians to develop treatment protocols using nutrients to normalize brain function and behavior. Parts of this book are quite technical (intended for physicians), but a lay reader (assisted by the glossary on pages 171-190) can understand most of what Walsh writes. It's a remarkable book.

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It sounds fascinating, thanks! Unfortunately, my income doesn't keep up with my actual outgo, and I wouldn't have internet if I wasn't riding on my housemate's wireless. I haven't been able to afford to buy even 2nd-hand books for some time. Luckily, my room is loaded with boxes of books worth re-reading, and I'd do without a bed and sleep on a stack of them rather than 'make room', lol.

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Check out the website for Walsh Research Institute. Also, Walsh did a presentation in Silicon Valley some years ago, long and detailed, very interesting, a good overview...I think you can find it on youtube.

I love books, too. I have a small library of them. When I unpacked them recently after a move, I felt "My book friends have arrived!"

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Ive seen studies where they documented persistent gut microbiome changes in patients who had long covid. The gut microbiome influences schizophrenia a lot. I believe it is likely the vaccine influences the gut microbiome too.

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Dear Jessica,

No, schizophrenia is not hereditary. It is caused by OXIDATIVE STRESS. So is bipolar affective disorder, dizziness (Vertigo would be a better word) and so on....






Because these injections are toxic, they cause oxidative stress. This is why I repeat that ANTIOXIDANTS ARE THE KEY!!!!

At the onset of ALL diseases and complications, the first thing that occurs is oxidative stress!


THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION. If people take antioxidants, they can prevent deaths and injuries because they can prevent oxidative damage

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There is MOST DEFINITELY a familial influence, call it hereditary or something else. My aunt, my grandfather, my father, my sister, and my daughter have had various degrees of schizophrenia-type illnesses. Prior to the DSM, the older relatives were considered "peculiar" and had "nervous breakdowns".

I do not dispute that antioxidants could have been helpful.

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I do not dispute that antioxidants could have been helpful.

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Check out William Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain." If you read the chapter on schizophrenia and use Walsh's lists of symptoms and traits for the three major biotypes of schizophrenia, you'll be able to identify your relatives' biotypes and understand the underlying biochemical issues. (Do read the entire chapter, not just the symptoms and traits lists; there's important additional information in the text.) Walsh's book will also help you understand the "familial influence", which is epigenetic injury. Walsh and colleagues have developed very successful treatment protocols using nutritional supplements in amounts adjusted to each patient's requirements.

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I totally believe you. My father was bipolar and I have a brother who's also bipolar. There must be a genetic link here, this can't just be an accident! Yet, I also believe in the power of antioxidants.

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Perhaps they all had factors that caused oxidative stress; they were exposed to some kind of oxidative stress triggers, such as toxins in the diet, a toxic environment, etc.

This means that if oxidative damage has been induced in the DNA, it obviously can transfer to the fetus. But the root cause is oxidative stress.

There is another topic, but the core message is the same, raised by Dr. Thomas Seyfried - this is the issue of genetic transmission of cancer. The video below makes it perfectly clear that this is not a primary factor, but a secondary one. The real reason is mitochondrial damage:


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I have seen a neighbor completely normal fall on hard times & started taken meth. A little background schizophrenia runs in her family. She now has schizophrenia. Could illicit drugs somehow turn on or “activate” that otherwise dormant gene? She’s 36. This happened last year. Kind of like epi-genetics. Idk, I wonder that. It’s crazy & Im sure the mRNA vaccine can do the same.

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Of course. Meth is neurotoxic - it can damage neurons in the brain. In addition, it can be contaminated, so it is even more toxic. Its toxicity increases when used with alcohol or other drugs, which are all toxic. Sometimes this damage can still be reversed, and sometimes, if the damage is permanent, it cannot be undone. It is always more difficult to treat when something is broken, damaged.

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Sorry, that's so sad

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Severe oxidative stress is the key problem in William Walsh's pyrrole disorder biotype of schizophrenia, which accounts for 20% of schizophrenics. The other two major biotypes are undermethylated and overmethylated. Extensive discussion in Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain." Walsh and physician colleagues treat this biotype very successfully with carefully tailored nutritional supplement regimens.

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YES, that's right

Environmental and other endocrine disrupting toxins can also increase oxidative stress and methylation errors. Oxidative stress and DNA methylation share a common denominator: the one-carbon cycle. This metabolic pathway stimulates the synthesis of glutathione and the recycling of homocysteine, a molecule that interferes with the methylation process.

Glutathione plays a pivotal role during oocyte activation, protecting against reactive oxygen species.

So, it boils down to the same thing:

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) reverses the decline in DNA methylation status caused by modified gold, silicon and chitosan nanoparticles; NAC's protective ability against modified nanoparticles (ENP)




In my experience, higher doses may be necessary

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What daily dose of NAC do you suggest? Divided doses or taken all at once. (I have already stocked up on the stuff and take it daily.)

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8.9. Dosing of NAC

N-acetylcysteine dosing varies significantly with various clinical studies and doses of 1200 mg daily or more are usually required to be clinically relevant. Studies in metabolic diseases show that 5–600 mg orally per day may be sufficient to ameliorate fatty liver disease. For Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, doses of 800 mg per day seemed sufficient. Doses as high as 1250 mg orally three times a day have been used safely in MS and showed benefit in reducing fatigue. Doses of 8000 mg/day orally did not cause clinically significant reactions in HIV patients [150]. Clearly dosing is still debated and much needs to be learned in this area.

Glycine & NAC: A Winning Combo

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8002905/ Glycine and N‐acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) supplementation in older adults improves glutathione deficiency, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, genotoxicity, muscle strength, and cognition: Results of a pilot clinical trial

Plus MSM

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR7iVMo4nWc NAC, Glutathione & Aging: New Study is Impressive

and all other antioxidants

I usually take from 2-3000 mg together with glycine and MSM when I need it (I don't take it every day or every day that much) - or if people want to see the effect when they are getting sick or have taken this poison.

But it all depends, plus there are different antioxidants, not just NAC.

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The vax is showing to kill necessary gut microbiome; so many ways it kills! beyond the proteins, there is graphene, venoms multiple. I am having good success with tobacco tincture, as an unjabbed feeling badly after exposure to the jabbed. American Spirit brand tobacco is organic.

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Also look at FLCCC treatment protocol ( search ) and antioxidant above anti oxidative stress vitamins.

Like Liposomal Vit C, Sublingual Vit D, Zinc or Zinc lozenges, Quercetin

Vit B all components also.



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Burdock root tea is my source of quercitin, many more constituents as well, got me through a strange illness in late 2019. Whole plants heal better....thanks FinF

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Oh my gosh.

I forgot NAC. Big Antioxident right. You prob already know this.


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Are you able to say more about the tobacco tincture please? In vodka? ACV? Glycerine? How do you balance the high alkaloid content? Dose? Thanks so much 🙏

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Thanks Her Indoors, yes...I made it with equal parts by volume, in this case, about half of a packet of American Spirit bulk and a pint of potato vodka. It tincured up quickly, 12-24 hours. I do not smoke, have been using a half teaspoon (or dropperful) in the morning and afternoon, none in the evening because it would keep me awake. Its been about a week and I seem to be less affected by my associations with the vaxxed which I cannot avoid as they are family. I already wish I had made more, but that potato vodka seems to evaporate quickly before I make tincture with it! (wink). Best ps you can email me at my name (all one word) at protonmail.me ok. Best from Oregon.

Bonus link lots of other info on tincure vs other methods https://practicalselfreliance.com/willow-bark/

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Hmmm...Weighing your tobacco tincture vs. nicotine gum (Dr. Brian Ardis's recommendation). I don't get along with alcohol -- highly sensitive and potential alcoholic so I don't normally touch the stuff...

You and I corresponded briefly by email "way back when", Jacquelyn. I hope you're doing well and that your tobacco tincture gives you the protection you need. Best to you from southwest Washington.

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Thank you --the link discusses other options besides alcohol ok Kayla--lots of folks avoid alcohol tinctures. Here is that again-Ashely is a great herbalist /substacker https://practicalselfreliance.com/willow-bark/

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Thank you! I'll check out her substack!

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Phagues from the Bioweapon injection, inject the gut flora specifically E. coli but not exclusively with new genetic info that makes them " different " and start producing exotoxins ( maybe endotoxins also ? ) to harm the body. And make people feel like they are sick in various different ways.

One example was they start producing neurotoxin, making then sick with " Covid " but not really, their gut is producing it, pretty much forever, until something changes it.

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I wonder whether antibiotics could be used to wipe out the genetically altered gut bacteria (well, it would wipe out the gut bacteria indiscriminately), with anti-fungals given simultaneously to prevent candida etc. from taking over...and then high-dose probiotics and SBOs could be given to replenish the gut...(facal transplants from unjabbed donors as well?)...

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More prevalent in this age group?

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My 21 (at the time) year old son was "vaccinated" (poisoned) on 4/7/21, 5/12/21 and 2/11/22. In the fall of 2021, he underwent a radical personality change. He had been happy-go-lucky boy. He became depressed, got numerous piercings, painted his nails black, etc. Later that fall, into winter, he got so depressed he had to give his older brother his gun because he was afraid he was going to use it to commit suicide. I think you are definitely on to something here. Though the depression was not immediate, the magnitude of the change in my son's personality was shocking.

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I've seen countless substack comments from people noting huge personality changes after these shots. Scary stuff. So sorry for your son's troubles.

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So sorry...I know what it's like to see your child deteriorate...

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Autoimmune psychosis is well-recognized, albeit uncommon, syndrome. See https://jneuroinflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12974-018-1067-y for an overview. If a vaccine antigen were structurally homologous to certain components of the central nervous system, such as NMDA receptors, it could precipitate an autoimmune reaction causing psychosis.

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Remember seeing this case in the literature early in the vaccine rollout with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis as the likely mechanism. Reported with yellow fever and smallpox vaccines.


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Fascinating! I am an MD but I was not aware of this until now.

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I saw a couple of cases of anti-nmdar ab mediated psychosis during my psychiatry training. Responded well to ivig, but refractory to antipsychotics.

There are many other possible mechanisms by which a vaccine could potentially precipitate psychosis, for example by causing severe fever leading to delirium, or by causing seizures, or indirectly, by causing severe stress, which itself is a risk factor for psychosis.

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Dr Pierre Kory is on the board of a group for PANS/PANDAS. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric syndrome. Vaccines are one known trigger. (Book/Movie : Brain On Fire ) Numerous studies.

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Yep, he spoke recently on the Highwire about 2 of his daughters and the dawning realisation this last year that their PANS is likely a childhood vax damage outcome. He's got them well now, fortunately.

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Do you know which episode it was ? Would love to watch as I have a son with PANS. Presumably from his MMR shot.

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Yes, The Highwire episode 321 The War on Stupidity. Dr Pierre Kory is the first guest. Keep watching for Dr Russell Blaylock, lovely man and wise.

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Thank you !

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The spike protein binds strongly to several diferent nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, to say the least. I'd say you've got the cause right there.

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Exactly!!!👏👏👏🎩🎩 Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition😉

See my comment further down for relevance.

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There are a pair of Greek monks who were unable to read the Bible, hear God, or even enter a church for 40 days post jab. They claim that the jab disconnected them from God. What if it not only disconnects you from God/source, but reconnects your detached spirit to something else? Demons, anyone? Those voices counseling suicide sound like demonic attachments to me.

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I'm a firm believer these jabs are diabolic in nature, also have read several convincing arguments for them being the mark of the beast in Revelations.

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The Bible should be your reference for making this decision. It seems pretty clear to me the decision to take the mark is a decision to not follow God. Taking a vaccine to save Grandma is not a decision not to follow God.

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I posted about this earlier. Exactly my professional shamanic experience. Complete disconnection from God, soul, spirit and the aura is totally destroyed. I still don't understand how the jabbed are alive with no aura? That makes no sense, energetically. Anyone who claims they can 'restore' someone's aura is lying imho. We looked deeply into this, it's gone, permanently. And the type and level of entity attachment is off the scale. That will cause horrendous problems on all levels. Psychosis no surprise and probably the lesser outcome tbh. Dark times.

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Take a look at my reply to Vlynn Quin (just above)...relevant to what you are saying.

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I read a long time ago that the jab would calcify the pineal gland, which is supposed to be the connecting link to the "spirit world", cutting people off from that world and some of their own "soul energy." A friend sent me a detailed article but I couldn't read beyond the first few paragraphs...too frightening and sickening given that almost all the people I love most have taken the jab. However, I can say that my husband took the jab...later died (not from the jab; a different iatrogenic cause)...and has since communicated with me from the part of the spirit world that people call Heaven. So I don't think that the jab invariably removes the human soul from the path of "spiritual progression."

And to share another perspective...I have a young relative who is very attuned to the world of spirit. She says she can see a person's energetic "presence" extending above and behind them. But during the early days of the jab rollout, she told me that people who took the jab no longer had that presence. She said its absence didn't noticeably change their personality or behavior, but talking to these people was like "talking to a cardboard cut-out of a person." She said "It creeps me out."

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Jun 1, 2023
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Thanks for sharing your experience. Your description doesn't sound crazy to me.

I don't know what to do about any of this, except pray. Usually the way I pray for people is to talk to their guardian angels, but on this I'm appealing directly to our Creator.

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This. I highly recommend Pastor Vlad/Hungry Gen on YT for help in this area.

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Here’s my theory about what’s happening...

Parkinson’s and MS are both neurodegenerative diseases. And there are others of course. It seems that these diseases also have hallucinations/psychosis as a symptom. Well, the Covid shots are damaging the brain, too, and therefore are producing a common symptom (hallucinations)... perhaps I’m oversimplifying it, but often the simplest solution is also the correct solution.. . Time will tell...

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Occam's Razor no less and I agree Bob. I believe we are all under attack from multiple weapons - Covid was just one test - I wrote about why it was implemented at the time: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/a-perfect-storm-the-money-crisis?s=w

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Thanks for the info!

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Entity attachments cause hallucination and psychosis. Amongst other things. None of them good. The jab has very dark low grade energy and loads of entities. Inject that directly? Ergo.

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It’s very shocking and interesting together. My brother this diagnosis 15 years ago and to the respect for my mother I can’t speak to him that the shots seen very dangerous to me. II am trapped in an emotional dilemma and hover between fear, anger and helplessness. It’s like being trapped in an ever-spreading nightmare and can’t help. Just terrible...

Thank you for your work And your steadfastness🙏🏻

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Dr. Rose,

In 2021, Dr. Stephanie Senneff of MIT was concerned about prions from these poison shots and was going to study this aspect. I understand Dr. Senneff did write up some information, but like so many, has had difficulty finding a publisher.

Perhaps the two of you could compare information and thoughts?

Thanks for all you are doing for humanity.

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I took flexeril for back pain years ago. First dose i felt odd & restless by 3 dose i heard people outside my front door & windows banging & trying to get in my home. Stopped it immediately & my symptoms gone with in 2 days.

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The chemical structure looks rather similar to that of certain illicit drugs. Stay away from anti-psychotics, the cure IS the disease. Detox for fluoride, bromide & aluminium to say the least.

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Very disturbing …………..makes sense if the “poison” crossed the blood-brain barrier………..

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and it does...

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A friend was telling me that his friend and his wife took on a flatmate recently. She appeared normal initially but one day he returns from work and she's on the sofa having been unable to make it to work that day.

She starts ranting about how there are cameras monitoring her at work and insists that she is in a reality TV show and that there are cameras in the apartment - and that he and his wife are actors in the reality TV show.

She disappeared and was found some days later in a mentally hospital in a nearby city.

Apparently before approving her tenancy they had checked out her social media and she appeared to be a fully functioning very social person with plenty of friends etc...

I initially commented that perhaps she had gone off her meds...

I am now thinking it might be the jab... she hails from mega vaccinated Japan,

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Vaccinated and compliant.

My family is now “seeing the light” with mounting health issues post jab.

Fortunately a couple listened to us, another has surgery tomorrow, and several are dead.

Total evil.

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A few Pro Vaxxers have admitted to me that they 'don't feel right' since their jabs... lethargy ... one of them was a gym-goer + avid hiker ... he no longer does either. Cites no energy... he suspects the Rat Juice.

I wonder if all the Pro Vaxxers have low grade issues like this ... but do not admit it --- and attribute this to something else.

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Pride will interfere with the Truth

In fairness to the above comment, my relative in Japan had surgery today and it seemed to go well.

He is one of several people with vision problems post jab.

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FRIGHTENING: Psychosis Following COVID-19 Vaccination:


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After reading that I decided to call the Covid Help Hotline to ask about what to do for 'my good mate' who had a heart attack within hours of his booster and has been informed he will need a heart transplant.

I was informed the vaccines are Safe ... and that the heart attack must have been caused by something else.

To which I replied my mate is extremely fit and runs 5k at least 3x per week and that he felt dreadful immediately following the shot culminating in a heart attack within hours.

I was told he needed to consult with his GP as we are an info line only.

Yes I know - but you are telling me this shot is safe when it is not safe. It is not safe!

She threatened to hang up but before she did I got in ... I hope you or one of your family members drops dead after one of the Safe shots.

I'm feeling energized and ready to start my day after that! I highly recommend that as a tonic for those feeling a bit despondent about the situation

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Check out the FLCCC's post-vaccine "I-Recover" protocol (on their website). If I'd taken the jab and had a heart attack, my first step would be to get on Ivermectin...knocks spike protein off key nervous system receptors, disables "loose" spike protein, anti-inflammatory effects, anti-viral effects (important because of immune impairment by spikeshots), and anti-cancer (important because immune impairment from spikeshots is leading to "wildfire" cancers).

I studied the VAERS records of the first 66 people reported dead after the spikeshots. I know enough about heart attacks and circulatory effects of vaccines to spot the mechanisms of injury in sudden cardiac deaths. Just from those 66 records, I could tell an enormous number of people were going to die from the spikeshots' cardiac effects, many within 72 hours after the shots and many during their sleep. I didn't anticipate the cardiac deaths that are occurring months after the shots. I think it was Dr. Charles Hoff who warned about death from right-sided heart failure 2 to 3 years after receiving spikeshots (perhaps in 60% of shot recipients?). The carnage is incredible.

Your mate may well need a heart transplant. But it might be worthwhile for him to take Strophanthin-G and see if it can do something for him. It can "abort" many heart attacks, and improves some people's heart-health if taken long term.

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They Are Trying To Kill Us.

But We Should Be Nice

- About It.


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Yep - everyone just stay here on Substack and vent ... I am sure they will eventually back down under the immense pressure exerted here -- and by those farmers driving round and round and round... and round... in Holland.

BTW - notice that Tiffany Dover gave a free interview to the MSM a couple of months ago. Only thing is the person who gave the interview looked nothing like Dover.

I popped on to Steve 'I'll give you a million bucks to debate me' Kirsch SS and asked -- Hey Steve -- why don't you offer Dover One Million Dollars --- for an interview? If you don't hear back then that would indicate she is dead cuz surely since she is now doing interviews she'd take you up.

Guess what Steve's 'people' did?

Wait for it.....

They banned me for a million trillion years.

Now why would Kirsch do that? Surely if Dover refused to be interviewed for 1M dollars ... that might raise the eyebrows of some Vaxxers... creating a problem for the PR Team that is running this shit show...

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The news even reported doctors and other health care workers dying as the first shots were rolled out. If Dover died it wouldn't have made any difference.

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It would make a difference if they claim she is alive and it can be demonstrated she's not.

Plus Steve is into this One Million Dollar thing ... so why not?

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Snort. Bitter laughter.

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Vaccine Victims -

It's Not That I Am Better Than You.

It's That You Never Had A Chance.


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Not sure but a sister is showing some disturbing behavior. She shunned me when I didn’t vax and sent nasty texts. That happened in many families. We are reconciled and she recently visited for a weekend and had a wonderful time. I just don’t talk her triggers—vax and politics. (She’s a hard line democrat). I removed myself in 2021 after mandates from Biden began. The day after she left I got some nonsense about Covid. The total lies most Dems swallowed. Ok. Whatever. It doesn’t help to defend anything. But the strange thing is she called me a white supremicist because” of the websites I look at”. WTH? Ah. How would she know anything I’m looking at? Certainly not those places. I just found that so out of bounds that I’m not sure what to do. Our mom had Parkinson’s but I’m puzzled. Maybe she’s just a bitch. But wow. Just wow. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I can’t get this out of my mind.

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It’s more common than you think. My brother, a full-on dem, will get angry and call me QAnon etc and I don’t even know where one finds QAnon writings. All because I rejected the covid vax.

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My next suspicion is she has been told by CNN that by what I say or what she imagines I do that I am that awful thing. That is a horrible accusation as well that your brother makes, Mary. Do you respond? He and my sister are being driven by an evil disguised as the Left. Maybe he’s Antifa. Fits. Antifa is involved in the fake Left. I have no idea either where such websites are. This is good post about the so called left.


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Seeing a pattern

Know too many brainwashed just like this

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I get the same thing from the man I live with who is democrat, sorta progressive, sorta old school liberal, and though it could be some kind of technology that we know of or don't know of (my question always is, knowing what we know now, if they have technology, will they use it to commodify or enslave us? the only answer possible is yes), I think it is more likely that the 5th generation cognitive warfare is being loosed on them in their political echo chambers. I got accused of falling down a right wing rabbit hole. Though I only get this obliquely as I don't read NY Times or other disinformation nudge propaganda sources, I think they are spending tons trying to shore up a metanarrative on the vaccines, minimizing what happened and utterly blacking out what is really going on, just like the dynamics in an abusive family on a worldwide scale, where everyone pretends what is happening isn't happening in collusion and denial, and trying to seal the leaks in their big lies and reconstitute the reality they want to portray by using the apparatus that was in place to terrorize and nudge and behavior modify us during the pandemic to achieve these ends now. My guess is they are allaying the fear and sense that something is clearly wrong by making these people feel smarter than we are and thus superior and that they are portraying it with that weaponized empathy the psyops people have perfected, pseudo therapy talk, telling them not to try to bring us back from our fringe (fill in the blank, anti-semitic, racist, transphobic, white supremacist, far right, anything that comes out of Trudeau's mouth, essentially lol) but to watch to see if we become further radicalized. And they've just authorized 6 billion for more f*cking mrna, with Chelsea Clinton and more of the usual suspects who took pharma money pushing more vax, NextGen (the new metanarrative) and pity but watchfulness for all of us. They've got the actual therapists too. One fellow on another stack said a therapist wouldn't give his anti-vax ideas "a platform" What is being aimed at them is really really sophisticated, just as it was when they created the false terrorizing spectacle of covid and pushed us to "do our part" The democratic party is no longer a political party and the MSM is no longer news. It is a mind-eating Goliath. Sorry that's happening to you and no doubt to many people. It is a spiritual marathon Tess Lawrie says, and every day feels like Heartbreak Hill in the Boston Marathon, that moment the runners bodies run out of carbs and the slight incline is almost impossible to go up with no calories or energy.

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That was a wonderful commentary, Cynthia. A very graphic and loaded summary of the sad state of things. The dystopian false narrative just keeps on rolling. They're desperately trying to railroad the fake narrative through and re-write history, Orwellian style. We're being stretched (or mangled) between competing versions of reality. We're in the 'Twilight Zone' for sure and it's a constant daily mental health challenge to retain our sanity and any sense of balanced perspective amidst the twisted detritus of PsyOp gloom. As you say, "it is a mind-eating Goliath." It's relentlessly exhausting.

I recently started a local 'Stand in the Park' (in England) and have distributed hundreds of leaflets to local households appealing to people to come forward, unite, make a stand against globalist tyranny, to form united co-operative community groups and networks. It's been daunting standing alone in the park each week, watching fake dystopian denialist 'normality' all around me. But slowly, one-by-one, three people (all women) have so far cautiously stepped forward to say hello.

I spent six hours talking to one woman in the park (and even got sun-burnt) and then a week later I was talking for EIGHT HOURS in the park with another woman (and got sun-burnt AGAIN). The sun had moved right across the sky! On each occasion we talked, as like-minded strangers, about myriad 'Twilight Zone' topics. It was shared exasperation at the global madness. The conversations were non-stop. It was a mutual release of frustration at the mass stupidity and myopic madness. Yet it was also an exhilarating and inspiring revival of the enduring human spirit, of renewed hope and defiant sovereign sparkle.

Each person I have met has been a vibrant free-spirited personality and a powerful potent reminder of why "They" (the Dark Dystopians) tried to separate us all through fake fraudulent communist social distancing and mask muzzling totalitarian propaganda.

Each week I keep going to my 'Stand in the Park' and I wonder who will turn up next time. Will I be on my own again, or will others return? Could there be a small group of us next time? Or possibly a thriving group very soon? It's becoming quite an adventure all of its own. It's a strange experience - but truly empowering. The more the dystopian madness continues, the more I'll keep standing in defiance of it all. Bollards to them! I refuse to accept their Orwellian 'new normal' nonsense.

We have to walk in the opposite direction of their dark dystopian false narrative. Together, we can build joyful free-spirited parallel societies. We'll leave their shabby Orwellian gloom behind us and forge our own happy hearted horizons!

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I said the same thing today! I feel like I've been running a marathon and it just keeps going but I'm at the point where I'm so tired, I'm stumbling - to a finish line that keeps moving farther away.... Yes. A spiritual endurance run.

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It's ok to pause, breathe, take time and care of yourself.

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We need you. Please take Her Indoors' advice!

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I have had the same within my family. Also friends who have turned on me and each other. At times I wonder if they’ve all been affected mentally. ( Then again me too at times ;)

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After my experiences I then spend a few days writing letters in my mind or just the perfect comeback that will either open their minds or wipe the floor with them. 😉🤔🤯😳😈

Then I get on with my life. Sigh.

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I think that's a slightly different mental illness--Mass Woke Psychosis.

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My friend who lived with my family from Jr. High on is acting strange. She has become quite hyper-focused on politics on the right and has sent everyone texts for over 2 years, even when people tell her to stop. She and her boyfriend got 2 doses of MRNA and didn't tell anyone until months later, ignoring my concerns as an inpatient nurse. It is quite sad because she has taken to gossiping about people saying they are brainwashed if they don't watch her preferred channels. We are currently not talking after she yelled at me after I told her she shouldn't be gossiping about my 87 yr old mom with my aunt which had caused a short-lived tiff. I don't know if it is lockdowns or the jabs, but she has said and done some other rude things over the last two years.

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Sad and infuriating isn’t it. Also, Just a whiff of truth to some is enough for them to go bananas. We have to shut up.

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May 30, 2023
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Yup. It’s been on display in front of me since spring of 2021. Of course the fear propaganda way before that. I turned off MSM early in 202O and had no fear and knew more real science than most while everyone around me was going bat doodoo crazy. It’s disconcerting and infuriating but I am thankful every morning I don’t have those poison jabs in me and I recognize the truth.

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Immediate onset is a major clue to etiology.

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rules out prions

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In the short term.

These jabs destroy humans through multiple pathways.

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Multiple pathways yes indeed...Both the virus and the "vaccines" against it were designed with diabolical cleverness.

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For anyone who wants to see, here are 29 case report studies documenting about 35 cases of patients presenting with some form of altered mental status condition following a covid vaccine:

available here - https://twitter.com/Ashmedaidemon/status/1662859445896990720

and here - https://ashmedai.substack.com/p/can-the-covid-vaccines-cause-psychosis

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Great collection of case studies

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