To be sane in 2025 will be an incredible accomplishment, worthy of a medal.

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2025 seems a long way off. Hang tight

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To be ALIVE will be a miracle.

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I not only believe in miracles with the entirety of my heart and soul but I've lived the miraculous to the mundane ones.

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To remain sane in this moment is worthy of a medal 🎖️ imho

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Wow, almost 1 million views an hour! The truth is like a Lion...

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Because the virus narrative is the key to spreading fear - while it's all a poisoning of nanotechnology:


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Piezoelectric and magnetostrictive biosensor materials for detection of covid19 and other “viruses”

USNorthCommand HighSpeedAccessCorporation



MAC; beacon and nonbeacon IEEE 802.15.4


DEW; direct energy weapon


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Yes, technology for murder

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I read and enjoy your writings. Thank you!

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The problem is that we need to practice critical thinking. So many people are fake, pretending to lead some opposition. Sometimes it takes time, but sooner or later we can see who is real and who is pretending. If people refuse to deal with nanotechnology, that's a problem. Nanotechnology and 5 G/light weapons are really the offensive weapons here.

I think a lot of people who pretend to be the "opposition" are there to entertain the crowd with even more statistics, etc. But they never bring the issue to its core. What exactly causes these statistics? What are these toxic components?

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It’s deeper than streetlights.

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Thank you Jessica, from a very grateful, albeit somewhat sad Canadian., living in Switzerland. Sad about my country's slow demise, sad that so many believed and trusted in the wrong people and institutions, and not themselves. Thank you for sharing your brilliance, and your light; it is so needed. I say a prayer everyday for my family, still seemingly stuck in 2020. All happily jabbed, all apparently unaware of what is really going on. And yes, the video was breathtaking in terms of the Pfizer employee's rant; there are no appropriate words in the English language to define his behaviour; it is indescribable.

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Canadian here...your family is in good company. Far too many here are naive while others appear to feel superior, believing they are "following the science." Sigh...

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People do not believe that these ‘therapies’ were made for population control. The only way for them to look is if they knew WHAT they were talking about.

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I think we need to put in simple language the links and a summary to WHAT IS A VIRUS? How does it work? If the pictures from 1900s and electron microscope pictures of today of a virus is not correct, that they are just pictures of dead cells,...then what is a virus?

WHAT IS mRNA? How does it work? Are vaxxxx really necessary,...of any kind? Why did polio vaxxxx bring polio to thousands in India?

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Project Veritas had better have Grade A security.

Messing with Pfizer's multi-billon dollar racket usually ends with two in the head.

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Department of Defense might loan them something to take care of the job? Since they contracted Pfizer an all? They’re business buddies in this.

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Some intel agency specializing in wetwork might do the job on this idiot who had better have a lot of paid up life insurance.

It would be risky to take out PV at this time and would generate a lot of unwanted attention.

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Hillary (and her DoD friends) had no trouble taking out Seth Rich. That got plenty of attention but, like the JFK assassination, still remains locked away for 100 years. This will just join that pile and they will dare you to do something about it. Haven't you figured that out by now?

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Yes they may very well do something later on but right now it's not politically advantageous to encourage more people look into this fiasco and to raise more questions for investigation by a Republican controlled House.

Seth Rich was a nobody at the time and not on camera and being interviewed by a "high profile" outfit like PV.

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For their sake, I hope you are right. But there was a "thorough" investigation of Seth Rich and an endless investigation of JFK. It always arrives at "nothing to see here" and people eventually just shuffle away or get labeled as tinfoil hatters. I do not think that worries them. It is out of the news cycle in a week and the Republican house can have hearings in which the usual suspects arrive and aver that it was clearly a defective brake line...who knew? Or whatever.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

Yes but JFK or Seth Rich didn't personally affect the average person on the street. The death shots have impacted a huge number of people and that is personal.

I don't think this will be so easily swept under the rug, not especially with the whole Fauci fiasco and an exponentially growing distrust of Big Pharma.

Plus which people like the commenters on this board won't simply let the issue die.

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More likely a remote controlled heart attack. If he’s breathing today then he’s opposition. Like DOD Malone.

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PV was raided by the FBI after it got hold of Biden’s daughter’s diary and turned it in. They are used to government *vckery, pardon my French.

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It's late and I should've gone to bed before I saw this video. My 1st impression is this guy doesn't have the vocabulary nor the demeanor for the position he claims, drinking or no drinking. He likes to hear himself talk, but that may be beside the point.

I'm not gonna stay up to see how this turns out.

It would help big time to see him in company photos, professional association meetings etc. Also some anecdotal images from street surveillance cameras near Pfizer and said meeting sites.

Other commenters are suspicious of his authenticity, & until I get some sleep I'm with them..

It would be a damn good start to my day to find out he was genuine though.

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Check out Investigate Everything with Brian O’Shea on Substack. He lists the professional associations and education of the man in question and he’s authentic. My suspicion is that the guy had a little too much to drink and gets a charge out of spouting out what all he knows or thinks he knows. I would not be surprised to find out that he has been canned for this little outing, though.

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He was later approached by O'Keefe in a little restaurant. Seemed oblivious to the PV story, which is a shock. He claims he was lying to PV reporter because he was trying to impress his date. I agree that he does not seem to be sophisticated enough for his position. But he checks two boxes...

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Aliases - practical uses yes, but why 5?

I'm seeing his name connected with documents which have ID pictures on them. These can potentially be faked and planted. It would be more convincing to see his picture in Pfizer company publications, professional association lectures/events, newletters, etc. As well as corroborative images from public and private surveillance cameras in the vicinities of these places/events.

If this were a cartel-backed impersonation, it would be backed by millions, and if necessary billions of dollars. Expect a really good job!

We're only blindsided by the things we don't see.

To get to beyond a shadow of a doubt, check out (astronomically unlikely odds) that he isn't just a found/groomed/trained look-alike, or worse (and equally unlikely) an evil twin.

Then the authentication is done.

Investigate as if lives and civilization depend on it.

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I would have imagined that Project Veritas would have confirmed his identity before publicly airing this video. To not do so, they would be seriously risking their entire credibility.

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Make sure you read the thus far, one and only comment on this article that pushes back on this 'fact check'.

Lead comment line - "Hi Brian, to me it looks like nothing in his bio adds up."

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"Directed Evolution" - a cute way of describing artificial selection and culturing of the most dangerous mutations that occur naturally, so as to somehow render human agency in this process benign. With this procedure, ostensibly in the name of "developing vaccines against future strains", direct genetic splicing is not even required - only "assisting survival" of what, by gosh, nature had intended all along. How quaintly, supremely malevolent.

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Leave it to “Them” to change words and redefine words to fit their narrative....Gain of Function = Directed Evolution. I would love to hear testimony in front of Congress that tries to refute this.

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Thanks, Nick - so succinct & discerning

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what an idiot with a big mouth, he thinks this is funny?

then again, maybe part of the psyop to wear us down?

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

He was thinking with his other head...

PV is getting really good with the honey traps.

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“You promise not to tell anyone?”

How old is this useful idiot ?

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I wondered about that when we only heard but never saw the reporter.

In pre "Woke" days this might have been somewhat compromising in itself.

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In the pre woke days journalistic honey traps were actually more common, though you didn't publish actual videos of the meetings.

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I think it’s an employee whistle blower from my impression listening last night. Another video out today, James cornered the guy in person in a public place.

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So now Pfizer is the target, when the original research was from Biontech?

This very nicely distracts attention from DOD, BARPA, and Fort Detrick.

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Actually it puts more attention on the chain of evidence, people will want to know about this new scheme and I can't see Pfizer taking all the heat.

Look for instant coverup and maybe a few key low level researchers "committing suicide" soon.

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You go, Jessica! Inspirational warrior of the hour!

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Your passion reassures me; it reminds me that my outsized interest in and disquietude over the ongoing DEATHVAX™ genocide is not misplaced, delusional or disproportionate. I have friends--more mainstream in thinking than myself--who, even if they pay lip service to the reality that all is not well with these mRNA "products"--will tell me "I have no interest at all in vaccines" or "don't send me political stuff", etc., ad infinitum.

Even if I know that they are acting as they do because they have been more receptive targets in the ongoing "5GW" I still feel the sting of rejection & the alienation of "outsider status". So...thank you.

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Years ago I decided to follow the greatest ONE who was the ultimate outsider & the hill He chose to die on - and that has made all the difference in pursuing truth. May your journey be blessed.

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I think this guy is actually borderline clinically insane - unless he's acting, which seems unlikely, The worrying thing is, he's probably not exceptional in that respect within the pharmaceutical industry.

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Never discount the power of sexual attraction to disrupt rational behaviour.

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Yes, the interviewer must be an extremely handsome man.

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Haha, this is what I'd said to my partner when I had seen the video.

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By definition, psychopaths have no empathy for others and no guilt or regret over the harms they cause. The definition seems to fit.

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Time to sell Pfizer, not that I ever owned any. I like money but not that much.

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It will be interesting to see if the PV video has enough reach and effects Pfizer's stock today...

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This Mr Walker doesn't look very bright, I feel sorry for him, for what is about to rain down on his head for the rest of his life.

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He had other things on his mind during this "date".

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Right, the guy recording it was also a Pfizer employee hence the flirty conspiratorial nature of the conversation, make more sense with that context.

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The promise of sex can make people silence their inner censor. Simple as that.

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I’m a little slow on the uptake but what you said makes perfect sense.

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Why has that video been edited to be recursive rather than

linear? It makes it less compelling when it has so evidently been edited. Is there a non-edited linear version available?

Perhaps we could see what he says after the first drink and then up to the sixth?

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I think there is another longer version coming and more excerpts, they mentioned this on the PV twitter feed.

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Thanks- I don't do twitter. Possibly a result of my Grade 11 physics teacher calling me a twit after an egregious error in my homework.

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I don't have twitter either but you can read Project Veritas public feed with a standard web browser.

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Just another pathetic stunt from the VirusNazis. Everybody already knows that viruses are fakery derived from superstitions.

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The WEF and the WHO

Will fall along with Biden. Close to no return. Public is awakening! Keep the momentum

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I'm on the PV youtube channel when I post this comment it disappears within 30 seconds, they're trying to suppress any discussion or spreading of this information in the bigger social media sites.

"Go to the Project Veritas twitter feed, they've posted some Linkedin and other information before it was scrubbed.

Latest word is that Pfizer is scrubbing their comments section and I would bet this video might soon disappear so save a copy as well."

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