Thank you and keep fighting the good fight

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Dear Jessica Rose...you have filled a very disturbing blank spot left by the "scientific community" in their analysis of the horrifying situation humanity--through their own willful ignorance--now finds itself such as homes being destroyed by DEW and ALL CAUSE MORTALITY shooting upward in all "vaccinated" countries.

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Thank you Jessica! I am grateful for your work and the fact that you are not afraid to tell the truth. You have been a God send.

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Yup. Tells it the way it is. Endears herself to me by her demeanor. I expect the same reaction to her by other men. I was waiting for her to take her hair and wind it into a bun and place it on and to the rear of her head but she did not do it this time. That is neat to see. Cute.

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A NATURAL woman with none of her fake,, part or parcel, is a wonder to behold.

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To our modern day Copernicus! Thank you, Jessica. Thank God for you.

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Thanks again Dr Jessica Rose 🌹 charts are very useful for me excellent presentation👍 was going to ask you what you were waiving at but you answered that at the end 😊🍺

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Will Someone debunk this idiot? Painnews, normally only reports on Intractable Pain issues. He thinks because he has degrees he's an expert. Just like Fauci and Redfield.

How Vaccine Misinformation Distorts Science


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Lol, the claim that vaccines RCTs are done against SALINE placebo control arms. This guy is either lying, or completely unaware of the data. Either one means he should be ignored.

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Good day Jessica and Commentariate,

All your work and the work of your many associates is deeply appreciated. I wish to express the need for informed consent with regards to any activity by 3P that is Public Private Partnerships, that encroach on the Public Domain or Commons.

The public domain includes our bodies and all of life. Informed consent should be OPEN, NOTORIOUS and VIGOROUSLY PUBLICLY DEBATED. If that slows done the profit making cycle such is the price of engaging the Public Commons, Public Domain.

Informed consent needs a broad and precise definition. May we all collaborate in creating and refining this definition.

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Thank you Jessica! I am a retired critical care RN in my 70's and the best thing I did for my health ongoing, is the decision to not take the jab. I try to hear all you have to say.

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Great presentation!

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Great presentation Dr Rose !

Good to hear from you again, even with your kitty demanding your attention !

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Excellent,,,,,Thank you So much Dr. J. Love your cat :)

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HI FOLKS be sure to check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org..deal a fatal blow to the pandemic treaty tell trump to exit the who now..dont just like the idea and do nothing but actualy sign it and reshare it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to not just like the idea and do nothing but actualy sign it and reshare it widely in exactly the same way..beaware itsa worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours

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Accept no injections and you have a chance at longer survival.

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I always appreciate your clear and concise presentations. I would love a copy of the slides. I still know people who are continuing to get boosters so they can be "safe" while traveling. I am still working on trying to get them to see the folly of such decisions, and to understand that the "health" authorities have no concern for health. They are cowards too caught up in this narrative to repent from the error of their edicts etc. and one can only wonder is this out of incompetence, love of the financial incentives, lack of moral compass, incompetence or some combination of those. By the way cat bombing just typifies feline behavior at least in my own experience. My cat bombs my work at the computer frequently.

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You're a hero Jessica.

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thank you, Jessica

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Great work! A much needed voice of reason and ethics. Thank you!!!

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