Jessica my dear, That. Was. A. Badass reply. I wish you had written this months ago as I would have PLAGIARIZED the near entirety to defend my self during my TWO "retractions" ( i have one more than you , I have one more than you, nah nah nah nah nah - love ya my sister in arms (or pens as it were).

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Sending prayers your way: for continued inspiration, continued strength, and for peace. I appreciate you and your commitment to (real) science, data and truth. You ROCK!

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Again Jessica I hear your heart as well as your science, and thank God for that, cos heartless science is not science in my view, its sociopathic, ego driven, disconnected and eventually, destructive. Because it is my belief, that anything done lovelessly creates lovelessness, although the caveat to that is that the cold ignorance displayed by this and thousands of other journalists, inspires many of us to fight with love and care on our breastplate and the tips of our swords. As always, we are with you

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At a certain point, all of you mavericks out there need to stop caring what the "mainstream" are saying/doing, etc.. Call them for what they are: ignorant, paid propagandists for the pharmaceutical industry, which has hijacked the medical industry. Call her that.

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I think it was sent as intimidation-- period. Its the bully in the school yard telling you to give them your your quarter

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Ugh....I get anxiety and outrage just from reading what these corrupt, incompetent "journalists" have done and continue to do to you and your peers. The desperate, angry intent comes across loud and clear in "Dr. Evil's" email to you and it really is super sad that supposedly intelligent people are falling victim to this kind of unethical, immoral behavior - and it's everywhere these days. And, not for nothing - you'd think Dr. Evil - as a PhD whatever...herself, would be personally offended and incensed that your paper was pulled with no explanation - regardless of the content! If she could only imagine it happening to her. Both your interpretation and response was perfect, Jessica - in fact, I applaud your restraint! Listen - call me old fashioned and I'll probably date myself here but my Mother had a motto that she *drilled* into my head when I was growing up "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Of course, it's not actually my Mom's motto ...... comes from a much higher power... but one she wanted me to learn and live by. I think it has served me well to always consider this and it's aged well too because as I got older, had kids and got some patience - I got better at pausing before reacting and really trying to put myself in the other person's shoes. That's not to say she wouldn't have wanted me to defend myself from attacks but to take a pause, not jump to conclusions. This is almost a text book example - you paused, considered what Dr. Evil had to say, disagreed but at the same time, both defended yourself appropriately and gave her a chance. My Mom would be proud of you!!

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Jess, If she goes ahead and misrepresents the content of the paper, I would add her to the lawsuit. You might want to let her know before the fact.


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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

She’s not a journalist. She’s a paid propagandist from the university of Pfizer. Have you been following the kerfuffle re: Gandhi (Stanford) & Berenson?

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

You wrote a perfect response. You answered ridicule and derision and disingenuousness, with facts, with calm, with honesty, with integrity, with superior knowledge of your subject matter. Bravo, Jessica! Your restraint was a marvel. I feel very angry towards these people. They are harming humanity in ways big and small. Small people they are. You are a giant among truth tellers and ethical scientists. Thank you!

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Dearest Dr. Rose,

You are a great source of inspiration but also so very entertaining. I sat through a 3 hour webinar of yours recently and was transfixed. Sincerest respect from a fellow gal in Ontario, well versed in Functional Medicine and Chiropractic. Thank you for your research, published or not. I'm a big fan; I read you every day.

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Never speak to the media. They are not interested in the truth, or your side of the story. They are only interested in destroying your credibility because you are a heretic and have questioned their narrative. No, it will not be different with you. Ignore all their emails and phone calls. Their story is already written. Here are the top 5 ways of dealing with the media:

1. Never speak to the media.

2. Never speak to the media.

3. Never speak to the media.

4. Never speak to the media.

5. Never speak to the media.

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Wonderful eloquence and surgically precise.!! Thank you Jessica! I am sorry you have to deal Big Pharma flacks. Keep on Truckin' ! Your work is Very Important!

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Hmm. "Dear Dr. Rose,

I'm a reporter for [Dr. Evil]. I'm writing an investigation about academic articles that could be used to promote misinformation about vaccines that have been published by peer-reviewed journals, which critics say shows serious flaws in the system of peer review."

What a strangely worded sentence. I guess I would have asked her to name the" critics" and provide an example of what they say about peer review and its serious flaws so you can determine the validity of claims. Just out of the blue and maybe not related directly is the letter signed by umm, 17 scientists to...was it... Lancet or JAAMA (?) where they claimed a lab did not create covid after it was speculated earlier that yes, it was a lab creation. Those 17 were pressured to change the narrative.

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

You are both kinder and more patient than she deserved. Applause to you for maturity and grace.

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Since I know you surf, but I can't post a picture. I have a sticker at my office desk it says "screw it, go surf". Join me in Cabo when this is over and let's have a laugh at what we survived. You are doing the right work at a time when we all needed you, don't ever forget that, there will always be these lame people we are just seeing more of them over the last 24 months.

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Excellent response, Jessica. You got right to the heart of it, showing your insightful logic, and ability to stick to facts. And you got in a good punch or two. Brava!

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