"McKernan, who has 25 years’ experience in his field, ran the experiment again, confirming that the vials contained up to, in his opinion, 18-70 times more DNA contamination than the legal limits..."


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The Nobel committee are idiots. They should have given the Nobel prize for medicine this year to Sucharit Bhakdi, Peter McCullough, Mike Yeadon, and Jess. I am hoping that the Nuremberg committee will award this year's Cups of Hemlock to Peter Toadez, Tony Faucho, Bill Gates, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Castreau, and Brandon. Jess, how far are you from the borders with Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria? Vaya con Dios!

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Yasir Arafat - 1994 Nobel Prize winner in Physics for his invention of the Baby Bomb - returned his prize so as not to be associated with the Nobel Organization and those who have won this year’s prize in Medicine for the development of Bio-weapon mRNA Redrum.

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Has Obongo returned his Nobel peace prize, or Bob Dylan returned his literature prize?

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What a discussion! This should be the nightly news worldwide. It could well be the most important issue mankind has faced since there were an estimated 1000 human breeding pairs. There has been a systematic attack on the people of the world with the goal of wrecking the Human Genome. The attack was global, coordinated, overwhelming. A massive number of humans were injected with an experimental technology that had failed for 30 years. The people were told it was "Safe and Effective". Both lies. Now the Human Genome is at risk. And there are way too many "smoking guns" (SV40, plasmids, lack of safety testing, massive censorship, fear psyops, etc.) proving it was made into a genetic bioweapon by design. As discussed, you couldn't have made a better way to attack the human genome if you tried.

In your discussion, you said you would cut your slides short. Could you please make your original slides available so we can see Jessica Unchained, jokes and all? thanks.

While times may be fraught with unknown risks to our most precious asset, our DNA, take heart and remember the 1000 human couples. It is estimated for over a hundred thousand years, about 1000 breeding pairs kept mankind from extinction. While our army may be small relative to the forces for evil, a small number of humans have saved mankind before. And can do it again. And will do it again.

You're great Jessica.

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Love your post...the commenters are really the best here. :-)

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So where was Jesssica ? She was cut off after a minute.

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sorry. i will change the linky doodle. you're right.

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Your presentation on Rumble cuts after a couple of minutes @1:54:58??

The Rumble version is 3:24:57 long

The WCH version is 3:52:29 long


I left WCH a message to see if they can reupload to Rumble.

[There's a possibility it's me doing something weird but I don't think so...]

EDIT: The Odysee version is 3:52:26 (you speak for about 15mins?)


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You are AWESOME, Jessica :-)!

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Thank you

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Thank you for the rumble link!

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I am posting this link everywhere I can to notify people of the massacre that is soon to take place in western countries. It is a hotel operator housing migrants confessing that the government is sending in large amounts of arms for the almost all military aged men to use to kill the citizens. PLEASE WATCH. We are being set up: https://twitter.com/wideawake_media/status/1711729632473411813

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It WAS the intended design. I am tired of the people making excuses that this was just an "accident". What a load of BS. It was a planned democide all over the world. They have been planning it for decades at least.

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Jessica - someone is blocking your video. I could watch it just fine last night but now when I tried to open it or when I tried to send it to anyone, the link that I sent them goes to some random commercial.

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I think that it might be all right, I tried scrolling through all the commercials, and was finally able to get to the video. That didn’t happen last night so I went straight to the video.

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I just watched the video minutes ago. It us now 9:40 pm in New York.

Jessica's presentation was cut off completely.

I suspect sabotage.

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I just checked again. Jessica is back :-) 10:18 pm

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You were awesome! Watched it live. Hope you are ok over there.

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2023-10-11 525am mountain standard time. Hi, had to hop over to the World Council for Health Substack.com to find/hear your important contribution. Thankyou Jessica! Your ability to communicate in plain language is such an amazing gift to those of us starving for knowledge & in wanting to help guide our friends ( nonscientific ordinary folk -like me) toward resources where information is laid out in a manner such that - we stand a chance of comprehension, in getting a true grip on the pulse & pace, the matters at hand, and the long road ahead in healing.

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Dear Jessica Rose! There is ABSOLUTELY NO doubt this is intentional mass murder.


There are many complicit in this mass murder:


Do not give them the benefit of the doubt! You may forgive them if they repent, but never doubt what they did!!

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The word "therapy" inherently implies a benefit.

I prefer "gene technology" or "gene modification" if I'm really looking to rile a jabbie up.

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How about gene tampering? That sounds even more apt, and somehow more truthful.

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...intransitive verb

Tamper, from Merriam Webster...the crazy online dictionary that likes to tamper with words as well! :-


: to interfere so as to weaken or change for the worse


: to try foolish or dangerous experiments


: to render something harmful or dangerous by altering its structure or composition

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I think it's easier for NPCs to automatically reject, as it is nakedly "anti-vax"

I used to see strong protests against even "experimental gene therapy".

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Isn't use of mRNA - in and of itself - gene therapy and intentional; whereas, use of DNA, gene modification/editing, whether intentional or not? Someone please feel to correct me if I am wrong.

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apparently unless genes in the genome are altered, it is not considered gene therapy. mRNA is translated (its activity occurs) outside of the nucleus.

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Thank you for your response.

As taken from the American Society of Gene + Cell Therapy - https://patienteducation.asgct.org/gene-therapy-101/gene-therapy-basics - "Gene therapy is the use of genetic material to treat or prevent disease. The genetic material that is delivered, DNA or RNA, has instructions to change how a protein—or group of proteins—is produced by the cell. For some diseases, this means making changes to account for too much, not enough, or incorrect essential proteins being produced within cells."

Also another relevant paper "mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy? The Safety Regulatory Issues" - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37445690/ - "The mode of action of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines should classify them as gene therapy products (GTPs), but they have been excluded by regulatory agencies."

Also, https://downloads.regulations.gov/FDA-2022-N-0470-0179/attachment_2.pdf - "Covid-19 gene therapy vaccines: Why no review by FDA’s Office of Tissues and Advanced Therapies

(OTAT) and Cell Therapy Gene Therapy Advisory Committee (CTGTAC)

Written comments submitted re: FDA- CTGTAC Meeting June 10th 2022


Straight from Moderna - https://www.modernatx.com/research/therapeutic-areas and https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1682852/000168285220000017/mrna-20200630.htm

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Simian Virus 40 !!!!!

For Christ's sake Bill Gates wants to turn us all into apes :-(

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Isn't the fact that it impairs (down regulating) the p53 pathway which is controlled by the TP53 gene, considered "gene modification"?😐😐🤔🤨

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Sorry, where is it defined as "activity must occur outside of the nucleus" for said definition? Your presentation excellent but you lose 5 brownie points for 2mins and 10secs overtime😉😉🤣😂🤣😂🤣 #yourockedit

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We have all been played to take part in a worldwide experiment. Death has happened because of it.

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I want to thank-you all the researchers and doctors who took part in this discussion. It is important for everyone to understand the dangers of the mRNA shots.

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Man, is your group intentionally trying to make every convoluted. Hard to watch

Back to school.


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Is it true the blood of the unvaxxed is now showing same types of clotting as in the vaxxed through shedding? If so how would you treat it? Thank you so much for giving your heart and soul for the love of mankind.

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That was my concern too ,I am taking TWC spike formula for 3 months just incase, got to be our own health advocate's now! Health Care is dead!

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Hi, what is TWVC?


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The Wellness Company


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