Years ago I looked at worldometers data after vax was introduced in 2021. Noticed huge spike in deaths. If I recall correctly Israel’s were quite high.

Of course that is mere coincidence as the “vaccine” is our salvation…

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Jessica I work with vascular surgeons. Heard today of a 22yr old with an aortic dissection. Unheard of! We have stepped over the bridge from reality to horror show.

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To comment on John Dee's Substack one needs to subscribe, so I thought I might leave a comment here.

It is always important to note underlying assumptions. Mr. Dee has assumed that Covid testing is accurate at some level- he has tried to control for this with statistical methods involving number of tests and cases, with mortality being a fairly certain value (except note that even then the data were corrected for injections recorded after death!)

In Nov., 2019, with some effort, I had a sample from a patient tested for the viral panel. The Provincial Lab reported , after a week or so, "Virus identified as possible Rhinovirus or Coronavirus." This was likely the source of my very odd URI and throat symptoms shortly thereafter. My wife did not get her infection until late January, 2020. We would not have appeared in any dataset. An interesting comparison would be the programme where 10 million! were tested in Wuhan, capturing the entire population.

In every analysis using government reports of Covid statistics I am forced to ask myself "Is this analysis based on GIGO?"

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Jessica, thanks for all your very detailed statistics! Have you looked into "lot" numbers in VAERS? Some select lots have relatively large numbers of events. Is there a way to know how many doses are administered with each lot? There must be something worthy of investigation in the lots.

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Good Morning, Jess❣️

It seems like you had a wonderful trip‼️

Are you familiar with the Fatima Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary❓The prophecies given by our Lady seem extraordinarily timely. However, few people are aware of the text provided by Sister Lucia, concerning the 3rd secret/vision.Sppatently, the Vatican is trying to keep the 4td secret a secret🧐

Are you familiar with this study showing that the COVID IFR is much lower than the regulatory agencies published and drummed into the public’s head through the media on a regular basis to stoke fear, and invrease Vaccine uptake. It is Shameful, the amount of death/injury on their hands‼️


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It is shameful to use bio weapons and how sinister, devious, and psychopathologically shameful to use stealth bio weapons often with a delayed injury of days to weeks.

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To me, those aren’t covid deaths. They are vaccine deaths. I think they were calling the vaccine deaths covid deaths. (They weren’t even recognizing vaccine deaths.). Some probably had a positive test, but if I remember correctly at that time, they were just assuming people had covid. This was the height of the fear porn to get you to get in line. My uncle passed on 3/18/21, the highest part of that spike…within hours of getting his second shot.

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as commenting on the original post by john dee is only for the paid subscriptions, and i regretfully have to make choices on which subscriptions i will support on a month by month basis, i was not able to comment.

so i am very glad to be able to comment here....

" I’m calling case detection rate (CDR), this being an unbiased proxy for disease prevalence"

and that is where the trouble starts.

the testing regimes have varied quite a lot in time and pace.

a testing regime that only tests those that are committed into hospital will cause an infinitely higher CFR.

a testing regime that tests everyone, EVERYONE, will find a much lower CFR.

and everything in between will find a CFR in between.

over time testing regimes for the same countries, regions, cities etc. have changed.

so the CFR is a measurement of disease prevalence like the current temperatures are the measurement of climate...

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Brilliant analysis! Uncovering this horrific signal required filtering via a clever choice of normalizing variable.

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Happy Veterans Day! Let's hope Jessica will not be drafted by the Israeli army.

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Thank you!

Do enjoy the humour. We must keep it to forage on.

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Thanks, Jessica. I read that from Joel's link. It's interesting, but what does it mean? The huge spike in Mar 2021 is due to positives falling off faster than the deaths were falling off. Could it be a time when word went out to lower Ct so the vx didn't look so bad?

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Wouldn’t lowering the Ct make any v x injury be more obvious?

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It works kind of backwards. Ct (cycle threshold) is AFAIK the time they cook the sample. It takes a minute or less for a doubling of dna, I think. Lowering the Ct means you have to get a positive in a shorter time. The opposite, Ct > 40 means basically cook it until you get a positive. It was criminal fake science. Drosten et al deserve a long stay in the slammer.

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Jessica, can these deaths be divided by deaths in the hospital and sudden deaths? I believe the “covid” deaths were mostly deaths resulting from the hospitals’ covid protocols. And, the people that died from the vaccine were mostly sudden deaths and never made it to the hospital.

Also, they are saying the shot is causing strokes and heart attacks. But, if you watch videos of people suddenly dying, they are literally fine one second and passing out the next with no warning and no signs of pain even. That’s what happened to my uncle. He was sitting and talking to my aunt. They had just gotten home from getting their second shot. She said that he just passed out in the middle of a sentence and never woke up. It seems like something else is happening to them that we don’t understand yet.

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