We were so looking forward to you sharing with the rest of the speakers. Would love to have your testimony at a senate hearing conducted by Ron Johnson — you have so much to say that NEEDS to be heard in the broadest media possible and recorded for future investigations into the depths of this gene therapy corruption. We are so grateful for all of your tireless work and courage to speak out regardless of the haters.

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thank you so much... i really appreciate that

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yeah, it's pretty much a kick in the ribs to get a personal invite! from him and not be able to go because i am an 'uninjected canadian'... what the hell times are we living in?

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So they are both bad, but Pfizer is much worse.

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Jessica - this may explain this Pfizer occurrence you're investigating; "Pfizer could have used any other size Lipid. 100nm may accumulate in the Spleen, it also does in the Heart- causing millions of heart attacks" https://twitter.com/DrThompson22/status/1482954886656442369?s=20

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Jessica although you seem genuinely humble whenever you speak, it is important for the non-scientists and scientists alike to to be apprised of your esteemed scientific background and degrees. This will help to shut people up if they have any doubts. You are a gem!

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I made it a point to watch your video (even though I had already read your script) as a tribute to all the work you have done to advance the cause of science and free inquiry.

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But in Europe it was moderna which was banned for under 30s…

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The move to ban Moderna came from the Scandinavian countries that due to a single paper can do really good cohort studies.

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Hard to know what the deal is I’m those blacked out contracts . When big money is at stake finding ways to secure the market is warranted

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Ok wow. So what this says to me is that it may not be the mRNA/spikes causing the myocarditis then??? It's something else that is in Pfizer that's not in Moderna. Maybe one of those proprietary ingredients we're not allowed to know?

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who knows

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I thought Moderna had a “stronger” product or higher dose or something, I hope I’m not spreading the dreaded misinformation ? Someone concur or can find reference? I will look.

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Please read and comment on this paper . Are they fools or presenting things in a valid way

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Interesting. Dr Seneff has written several great packed sci articles. I’ll have to find it but In one she spoke of the vax crossing blood brain barrier and implications of possible prion (mad cow) like disease as s result. Did you see Dr McCullough names on this one as coauthor?

I find it intriguing her background is in computer science, engineering and AI. Nice to have someone like her in n our side, just like Dr Rose here.

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Not "mRNA/spikes causing," unlikely/Occam's razor breaking, see Sucharit Bhakdi, Daniel Nagase, and Michael Palmer to name a couple of names, who don't talk in circles. Also, it would seem that the hammer blow comes with the second dose. It would seem perhaps interesting to produce three graphs, one per dose, all tacked together is more difficult to analyze visually. Also, are the injections spaced according to equal intervals for Moderna and Pfizer? There was enough of a flexible gap between one injection and the next, if I'm not mistaken.

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Watch this:

Stephanie Seneff/Denis Rancourt Roundtable - Glyphosate, mRNA & Spike Proteins Destroying Your Body


and hold on tight to your chair. PURE GOLD.

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This link shows the government owns shares in the vaccine companies. https://www.facebook.com/blaine.cooper.923/videos/971809210082172

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Anyway Jessica, that seems a bit in contradiction to this pre-print which showed Moderna and Pfizer were roughly the same, but Astrazeneca was really bad.... it isn't VAERS data. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.23.21268276v1.full.pdf

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I have had on-off heart issues since a Sinovac old-timey deactivated virus type of covid vax, so to me it seems it's the spikes. That's the only thing they all have in common

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You might not have spoken Jessica but we sure as Hell hear you loud and clear! Thank you again from those of us grounded in reality.

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Well, Isn’t this just because Moderna is not used in <18 in the US? I.e. in the small % of cases associated with Moderna, the vax was given by mistake. For other relevant demographics, say 18-40, the numbers are very similar: slightly higher for Moderna – which is unsurprising given dose – but nothing like to 4-5x higher European govts and studies are claiming. See my substack here: https://edv1694.substack.com/p/something-is-rotten-in-denmark-on. Personally, I think your Elsevier paper was removed precisely because you highlighted the fact that the bulk of the VAERS reports were associated with Pfizer-BioNTech. BioNTech is the EU’s vaccine. Both Germany and the EU itself have thrown a lot of money at it. Many thanks for your work!

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could be a big part, yes

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For me, the big take-away from your graphs is that if we abstract from the <18's, which would also eliminate much of the difference in total doses administered between Moderna and Pfizer-BNT, the incidence of myocarditis appears to be roughly the same. This is also what the CDC's own calculation of reporting rates shows. See the first slide reproduced in my Substack. But how, then, did Hippisley-Cox et al arrive at 4-5x higher incidence for Moderna in the much-cited Oxford Study? And why is Rand Paul tweeting out the results of that study as proof that Moderna should be banned for <40's - which is a tacit endorsement for continuing to shoot them up with Pfizer-BNT?! The underlying data for that study is not even publicly available.

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Thanks for being such a data hound, Jessica. This puzzle gets curiouser and curiouser..

The March on Washington was such an uplifting event, and an historic moment for freedom. Even though you were not in the broadcast, your research and passion were represented in the speakers and attendees, and I am so thankful that you are a part of this freedom movement.

I am also thankful for one of the only politicians speaking out for the vaccine injured, Sen. Ron Johnson. This morning he brought together several of the March speakers to discuss what has happened to our hospitals, and how far up the chain of command the corruption goes. It was eye-opening.


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The Senate hearing today sponsored by Senator Ron Johnson was awesome. I watched all five hours, and even though I knew quite a bit of the information already, I learned a lot. It was inspiring seeing so many of our heroes together to discuss this, just as it was yesterday at the rally.

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I second the WOW! What is it in the Pfizer jab then? I feel a bit like we are in a detective movie, and you are the detective, and we are cheering you on, and some, much cleverer than me, science wise at least, are helping you dig down, and other warriors like you, to find the clue which will totally bust the smokescreen. But it's like, you could find it, paste it all over every wall in every city, and masked people would walk on by, consumed with unowned fear, on their way to their third booster, as their priceless life energy seeped out of their shoes. Cheery!

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I read your speech and it was so good! Keep up the amazing job! Love you and thank you!

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Stack that on top of NOT Aspirating...

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Since Wrecks were mentions about 2 weeks ago in Senate meeting...can you look into that. I have read the text on one person who was 69 and died. But I have seen several that passed out while driving while they lived. Thanks

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My daughter's friend is a police officer. He pulled someone over for driving erratically, thinking he was probably drunk or high. He wasn't either. He was having muscle spasms. When the police checked back with him later, he said no one had figured out the cause. He had, however, had a COVID vaccine recently.

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From the VAERS data

it is one thing to do pretty charts, but when you start reading the story.....good lord these people are evil

age 79

1/21/2021 – got the Vax

She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot.

They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ

failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck.

She passed away that day.

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yeah it's the symptom_text column that gets me too

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have you thought about taking that column and doing a word map. Maybe some words stick out

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Hope she didnt crash into anybody. I can only say 'POISONED'. These are poisonings.

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Looks like the lower dose is not low enough! I have an idea - lets try a dose with only 0.000ug of mRNA - I think that might fix the myocarditis issue in kids - what do you think?

So sorry the power was cut before you got to speak. More people need to hear the detailed analysis you have conducted. If the medical journals were worth anything they would publish you and Peter's paper with as much publicity as possible!

Thank you Jessica for all you have done to bring the truth to light.

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Wow, goes against one would think, with Pfi$er having less units injected. What do they have in their jab that Moderna doesn't?

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it does... it's weird

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