I was wondering when this report would come out. Does anyone think the MSM will actually give the report any airtime?

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MSM deliberately ignored the hearings even when they were held in their own cities. Appalling really. They will do the same with the report, so spread the word,

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You can hear the dirt being shovelled into the deep hole already!

The only hope is that the BOOOOOM is loud enough and long enough to get some attention.

Try Epoch Times

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And the reason - watch how many MSM channels and tv shows in USA are “sponsored by Pfizer”.

Big Pharma is the beast that feeds the MSM and MSM is owned by ONLY approx 6 companies. it is BIG business monopoly and they won’t bite the hands that feeds.

Always follow the money which leads to the true power brokers.

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At the apex of the power pyramid, where the eye of Sauron keeps watch, are the private banks, who have a monopoly on creating all the US money supply ex nihilo as compound interest bearing debt every time they make a loan to the US Treasury and the private sector.

No debts = no money

Then the privately owned Federal Reserve raises and lowers the interbank lending rate to create business booms and busts.

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Yes, it is a disgusting , unjust banking system - designed to enslave.

we will never pay off the debt, and barely the interest - even when times were “good”.

That’s why the Ponzi scheme circus road show of the thieves is being broken down. So they can set the next one up - but it will be 100 times worse.

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No MSM coverage at all unless they think that they have a really strong rebuttal that they can fabricate, er, come up with.

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We are next...... This is also why the WHO wants to force vaccination...so, they can get rid of the control group.....they also know that with each passing day the sheep are waking up.....they have to do this fast and take us down, at the same time.....we are their only threat...... And just like that – hospitals mandate the new boosters that CAUSE 20-30 times more serious injuries than hospitalizations from C19


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None of us who’ve made it this far in the control group are about to be coerced into changing our minds.

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That's what Gates' mosquitoes are for.

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Maybe, but if the mosquitoes worked that well they could’ve saved themselves a lot of trouble.

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Me neither...but that's why they want mandatory vaccinations.....

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The worrying trend for me is the vaccination of our food products, and the aerosolized vaccine that they have recently mastered. Soon we will be vaccinated by simply breathing.

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Yes....they have been poisoning us for decades.....GMOs, pesticides, fertilizers, etc.... flushots, perscriptions......fast food....it doesn't stop......

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The water…fluoride among who knows what.

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My money is on a 'fakefinder' ;)

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Of course not.

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If no one is hanged - like the ones after the Nuremberg event - nothing will CHANGE in the Future.

WAIT!!! Reality is that we can today declare with full confidence that the 1946 hangings served no purpose at all, since here we are with "doctors" acting once again in the same manner.

This resembles the same past degenerate uman behavior of burning red-headed women cause they were witches according to some morons!

So the current mindset of looking for "compensations" is just sadder!

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Only the small fry got hanged at Nuremberg. We imported the worst of the bunch and then installed them in our intelligence and other agencies.

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Never waste a good opportunity to improve the level of Terrorism.

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Mask 'em, keep 'em in an enclosure and send in the sandflies. Oh, and stream it on MSM

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Who will do that?

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Nobody. The WEF has considered me a Nobody for years now ;-)

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Why haven't Nobody do it?

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It's just a daydream. Revenge of the beagles.

Some days I don't even care what happens to the usual suspects, other than a fair trial and whatever constitutes justices these days. Other days, I'd gladly pull the trigger on any of them.

More exposure, more studies, more awareness from Joe and Jane public, and then, maybe, we'll see some arrests but I'm not holding my breath.

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You could volunteer your services, Voza !

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What's that... "volunteer"?!

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Try telling that to the CDC!

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i have. they know. they have drugs to distribute to kids.

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"i have. they know." [me] they don't care at all. "they have drugs to distribute to kids."


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Just saw an ad on TV last night - “doctors” promoting jab for kids as “safe and effective”. American Academy of Pediatrics. Sick. “It’s better to get jabbed than get covid ... “

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Actually it is better to catch the covid virus and let your natural immune system take care of it and you soon recover, rather than be vaccinated causing you debility, myocarditis and blood clots, and even death. Of course, death cures everything, and you will then own nothing and be happy. That is what Klaus Schwab head of the World Economic Forum recommends.

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All those medical asdoviations have been bought off. It's sickening -- literally.

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State governors seem to be the ones demanding mandatory vaccination, but none of them have any medical qualifications or training, so why should a bureaucrat have this power ?

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Here in San Diego… offering up to $2,800 to jab children:


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could not access that link

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Mobile abortion clinics !

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The corporate fact checkers must be working overtime this weekend.

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Jessica, as usual, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for keeping us informed.

It is shocking that this citizen-led movement has not successfully gained the support that it deserves.

How may we bring this information to the people who are disengaged from reality?

How do you bring the light in a darkness of the mind? We need a cure.

PS If you ever come to Cape Breton on your way home, drop in for a visit.

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i sure will. talk. a lot. just keep talking.

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I haven't stopped talking since March 2020.

Unfortunately: people stopped talking to me Jessica.

Oh well!

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"If the world wants to be deceived, let them be deceived."

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Fauci lied and many people died.

He should be prosecuted in a court of law.

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Funny how you still believe in "court of law"! I guess OPERATION COVIDIUS wasn't enough...

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I am not so naive as to believe that the US judiciary always makes logical decisions in the best interests of each citizen. The WHO intends to trample on their right to decide whether they wish to accept the rules of an unelected organization, or retain the right to refuse any medical procedure or any pharmaceutical product without being persecuted by US Government agencies. And that includes Freedom of Speech that is enshrined in the US Constitution.

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"The WHO intends to trample on their right"... whose "right"?!

I'm still perplexed on how and why my fellow modern moron slaves still pretend to have "rights"!

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The US Bill of Rights has something to say about that :-)

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At least one judge here in NZ has already ruled our Bill of Rights was not breached because the medical interventions were "justified".

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That's not even including the massive breech of the HDC Code of Rights (which came about, of course, because of another deceitful and horrific 'experiment').

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Do New Zealanders have the right of self defense when their lives are physically threatened ?

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I wonder if in Reality you don't mean the US Bull[of]Shit?!

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A new covid variant is coming down the pike BS.24.7

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He ain't the only one, but he would be a good start.

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Who would that be ?

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Jessica, I am extremely happy to see that more Canadians have the opportunity to see what is actually happening. I am also well aware that many people were calling others conspiraist who questioned the government narrative. I am one of the people who started to question from an earlier point. I am happy that I took the opportunity to find out more. It seemed the more I researched, the stranger the information became. I just wish I knew morecabout the National Citizen's Inquiry before they started their hears.

Safety and efficacy are still a huge issue. The origin of virus is still not fully known. There are also huge questions around the safety of mRNA therapeutics. Plus, regulatory processes and compliance are in the midst of some upheaval. With all that in mind, the World Health Organization would like more all encompassing international health regulations. The World Health Organization also want to be the go to for emergency and pandemic response. They want to find the emergency and virus. They want want to tell people want to do. They also want people to have a digital identification to show they complied.

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I agree. Yet, the politicans are being covert in their actions. The word needs to be spread that governments are working against their people. I may be exaggerating but this is treason.

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Well, when our politicians have a vowed intent to exterminate us, don't we have an equal legal right to retaliate and defend ourselves and our families ?

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I would think we do.

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The World Health Organization is largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and has no authority to dictate the use of specific medical procedures or the mandatory use of vaccines in any country, unless each country enters into a legal agreement to do so next year. Our politicians must be held accountable for this kind of chicanery.

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Fat chance

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All of us here in the Western World need to look at the maps in this report. 68% decrease in US population etc.


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Meanwhile MSM and Medpage reading this about boosters, hospitalization.


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In case you care, everything after the ? in that URL are trackers. Here's the link without the tracker: https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/features/106360

There's a browser extension called ClearURLs that can do this for you. It's not always 100% so do still be careful when clicking links.

I also strongly recommend Firefox browser with the extenstions: uBlock Origin (no ads, yay!), Privacy Badger (better privacy browsing the internet, yay!), Firefox Multi-Account Containers (mouthful of a name but allows you to sandbox certain websites so you can prevent them following you around the web) or alternately Facebook Container (same thing as Multi-Account Containers but just Facebook), and finally the aforementioned ClearURLs.

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Thank you, I absolutely do care I will try to change it, was just a coincidence I read both articles within a few minutes of each other and didn't realise the ramifications so tank you again. I don't usually post medpg and did think in the moment ....what a long URL. I will definitely work on this. .... I'm getting a new phone soon and plan to get someone to help me organise privacy aspects. Substack is the only place I comment, not on Facebook...but imagine that's irrelevant if you search on Google....

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Sep 17, 2023
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Absolutely, I often check Med pg and 1984 often comes to mind. I like to know what the ' doctors' are reading and I am grateful Jessica and co are providing the truth in as you say a parallel universe....

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Off with the traitors' heads with an axe !

Swish, clunk :-)

The English parliament voted to behead King Charles the First in 1640 for trampling on the people's legal rights.

I wonder what King Charles the Third thinks about that ?

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Thank you.

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How wonders never cease.

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Of course this is long overdue but welcome nonetheless. I only listened sporadically, often to the sane scientists who opposed these COVID shots. I do hope though that the Commission was able to being in those in favour of the shots (i.e. both sides) so that they could make a well-balanced decision. I point this out only because I am not familiar with all who testified.

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I slave in a Plantation where 86,71% of the Herd "received all doses prescribed by the initial vaccination protocol". Today I walked by a pharmacy with a big poster in the window that said "Take the Flu + COVID-19 jab here"

News from 05SET23:

"Vacina gripe e covid-19. Disponíveis cinco mil locais de vacinação

O ministro da Saúde diz que vão estar disponíveis cinco mil locais de vacinação contra a gripe e contra a covid-19. Manuel Pizarro garante que nenhum português vai ficar sem vacina."

"Flu and covid-19 vaccine. Five thousand vaccination sites available

The Minister of Health says that five thousand vaccination sites will be available against influenza and covid-19. Manuel Pizarro guarantees that no Portuguese will be left without a vaccine."

source: https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/pais/vacina-gripe-e-covid-19-disponiveis-cinco-mil-locais-de-vacinacao_v1512003

What is the lesson we've learned here, if any?!

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Jess - my daughter works at a large Shoppers Drug Mart in Calgary. She sent me a photo last week of new Government of Canada sign in pharmacy wait area with a toll free number to call if you've been injured by jab. The injuries just be higher then even we anticipated 😔.

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"Allegedly" 🙄 I understand the point of using that word, but now it's just plastered on everything the media wants people to disbelieve.

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I think it's a "liability" thing, in this case...

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Funny that they don't use it when speaking of the 'vaccine' being "safe and effective". Never see "allegedly safe and effective". Guess it doesn't matter when pharma is immune (hah!) from liability :(

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