If you take a stand you make yourself a target, happened within my own family. If you want to feel lighter keep this in mind.

Where would we be without you. Where would we be without the other credentialed people willing to speak out. We would still oppose but we would have no scientific ground on which to stand. We could not do this without you.

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Two comments. I find it incredibly sad that your brilliant mind is being wasted on this kind of garbage. These people do not deserve you and your intelligence. Second comment is that this is hilariously the truth: “masturbatory virtue signalling with punctuation.”

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i had to bring this up though. there are so many people who don't even know that this is a thing.

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Now that it is off your chest, keep hitting the real targets. We are swimming in an ocean of lies, and some are drowning. Good luck to them, and good riddance.

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Correct. Many don’t know this is a thing.

It also appears that these hit pieces, whether it be character assassination masquerading as journalism or junk science presented as peer review, most often appear in the most “prestigious” locations. McGill, Harvard, Stanford, John’s Hopkins, New York Times, Nature Magazine, BMJ all compromised and formerly highly regarded.

The list of the fallen is way larger of course

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It sometimes seems to me that that's also a tactic by that kind of enemy. To pile lots of garbage on people to occupy them, so they are less effective at combating said enemy.

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You are spot on. They don't care that their piece is not scientific, incorrect, doesn't address the facts and is often outright lies. The purpose is many fold:

1. Distract and decieve the illiterate masses who are too lazy/uneducated to think critically.

2. Give tacit permission to said masses that this behaviour is acceptable so that they do the same to anyone in their circle who questions the narrative.

3. Intimidate the awake ones as they wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of this treatment.

4. Make the writer less effective by making them phsycologically vulnerable (anger, frustration, hurt, etc).

5. Make the writer feel that they have to waste their time trying to combat straw man arguments.

It is a very effective psychological tool to silence people and has been used for centuries.

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Oak leaf, you are spot on and very concise. This should be a wiki-pedia (known for derogatory pieces), definition and purpose of hit-pieces. In fact, when a hit piece is produced and the subject of that hit piece wants to respond, that person could cite your 5 points.

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That is vintage Jessica Rose prose. The game of virtue signaling, in the absence of anyone who wants to play, is akin to the practice

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Jessica: We come here because you are the Hit Pièce De Résistance!

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haha! j'aime le fromage! :D

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Its terrible to be targeted its true. I don't wish that on anyone. In my first reply "we would still oppose but we would have no scientific ground on which to stand"

Without you guys our defacto leaders, we would have gotten mandates, we would have gotten injected, we would have bought in, we would have participated in the next manipulation, we would have not been awakened.

Thank you for standing between us and the hard place.

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Jessica first of all I am too old to fight your corner, but I do feel your pain. Steve Kirsch keeps offering one million dollars to anyone who will sit down and debate any one piece of data he has authored. So far no takers. Which brings me to my third and final thought, bullies absolutely hate confrontation. I think you let the bully know what you thought of his/her tactics.💖💖

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I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks! It's very frustrating to try to look for truth and only find people saying, "this person is wrong" and give no explanation why.

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yeah it's annoying isn't it? and thanks! I appreciate the comment.

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Good point. In general if I find a negative piece supporting HSS/Pharma narrative and putting down a researcher who makes a fact based argument, I immediately search for the credentials of said troll. If they don't show them. I skip it. If they do, I look further on the web to verify the validity of their credentials. I may then read the article as I may learn something.

Still it takes a preponderance of evidence to overcome research data. That means many more than one hit piece.

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Or often we see a preponderance of questionable data used to bury the truths revealed by honest data.

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I USED to be a vaxxer… after a lot of research and meeting and becoming friends with several families with vaccine injured children… I will NEVER EVER trust a vaccine again…

Continue to write your wonderful articles… you are definitely on the right side of history Jessica… Blessings to you and yours… 🙏🙏🙏

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it's funny because i kind of feel the same now. they've frikkin' lied about everything!

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I'm afraid to take my cat in to get her spayed...that's how much all this orchestrated death enslavement endgame matrix has got me freaked... 8D

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Hit-pieces are intellectual rape. Nothing less. Those that engage in this are anti-Human and anti-social. Coincidentally enough, large numbers are overt sociopaths who mask their pathology behind declarations of intellectual superiority and "liberal" or "progressive" virtue signaling. Sad.

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i agree with you. the thing i find most disturbing is how people think this is not only 'ok' but normal.

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Yes. It is NOT OK! Am proud of you, JR. Stand strong, Girl!

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I dont like when the trauma and horror of rape is exploited by using the word to describe other things. Speech and writing isnt rape. People need to be toughened up against non-physical attacks earlier in life, by learning critical thinking and self-confidence.

Ad hominem hit pieces can and should be ignored. Those who write them are appealing to emotions to mislead readers or sow doubt. I agree it is sad, but that is politics. I wonder if cancelling hit piece writers feeds the vicious cycle though - to cancel them you have to attack them verbally as you just did above, without citing clinical evidence for your diagnoses.

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I work with trauma and PTSD patients EVERY day, so know exactly what I am speaking about. Most of these souls have suffered some form of rape (as in, physical. sexual). These "hit-pieces" ARE attacks on some "undesirable" person or opinion. The attackers are usually spokespersons for a mob of controllers, so it might be more appropriate to refer to it as "gang rape". These destructive attacks on others produce sxs that meet every criteria in the DSMV for PTSD. I will stand by my comments.

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I grew up hearing--sticks and stones may brake my bones but words will never hurt me. Words hurt and hit pieces are sticks and stones.

Jessica, your truths or any truths will bring out the worst in people who don't want to hear the truth. The silver lining as these comments demonstrate, we thank you for your continued courage and dedication in the search for truth.

Damn the hit pieces, full speed ahead. I think Joan of Arc might have said that.

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Love it. Dr. Jessica is our new Maid of Orleans (Canada).

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Bots are bottomless!

Let's be for real...if you google any one who is being effective in any way re affirming facts and truth, you will see an absolute minimum of 10 hit-pieces per one potential connection to a source to be able to see what the target actually said - & that's if you know what you're looking for and how to use a search engine. But the bots are bottomless. I don't think they are not actually individual personality disordered people, I think they are all paid propagandists. Well maybe a few aren't "paid" so much as clearly threatened if they don't show (to put it horrifically euphamisticly) team colors.

So, more than a sentence or two to address what could be ignorantly conceived as a partial truth or even legitimate criticism - good on ya. But you couldn't hire enough people to address this bs by volume because you are not a multi-national corporation with more financial resources than an entire state, or an entire country.

I try not to click on any of it either - to abort the logarithms that make them more popular.

Thank you to everyone w a critical mind that is doing what you can, with what you have! Truth has a way of winning even when it is only deep in yer bones.

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You Rock!! Take the Hit pieces as a Badge of Honor. We are living in upside down world. The Truth will come out!!! Thank you for being you!!

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i wear my badge. and i will keep reporting data and summarizing papers to the best of my ability.

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Just Ignore the fuckers. Brush off your shoulder and move on sister. We got this.

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i will. thanks for that. it is quite difficult though. the perfectionist type A personality in me needs to understand why, and solve the problem. so it will probably always seem unresolved, in a way. that's life, as they say. :)

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When did the word gaslighting enter the lexicon ?

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Thank you, Jessica. I used to feel the same about comments on my articles. Immediately after I had posted one, I would feel a sense of dread that the trolls would be coming out with their eristic comments and ad hominem attacks. They knew exactly what they were doing. The block feature was amazing for dealing with this. Over time, ignoring them became an automatic function provided by the tech. Poof! And they were gone! It's all about getting the power back. These people are sociopaths. And the best way to defeat them is to take away the power they think they have over you with their personal criticisms. Ignoring them makes them irrelevant and therefore powerless.

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indeed :) i had a good surf by the way :)

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You are a hero whose legacy will be that of a speaker of truth in a time of extraordinary censorship. Assuming our liberal democracy survives this Fourth Turning, you and your peers fighting this fraud will be looked upon with the same admiration that my generation gave to those in the past who spoke honestly in support of truth, such as Martin Luther King, JFK, Einstein, Solzhenitsyn, and a host of others. Thank you for what you do. If it were not for you and those assisting you in uncovering the crimes committed over the past few years, we could easily face a similar situation in the future that would create even more risk of medical tyranny. Because this fraud can best be proven using science and data, your role is essential in preserving our future health freedom.

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Thank you Mark.

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My wife and I read this out loud together and thought you were spot-on. Thank you!

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awesome thing to do together! i love this :)

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So true. In a world where people must be told what to think lest they have no thoughts at all, hit pieces do the job as well as anything else. Even better because they stir very deep emotions. Not only do I now know how to feel about someone or something, you have given me the motivation to get behind it as well!

I am sorry this happened to you, but if what you were saying were not important---pushing some real buttons, this wouldn't be happening. I echo the others' sentiments--that you are so appreciated by the ones who do not want to be told what to think and who do not want their emotions manipulated to serve greed.

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Journalists and 'fact-finders' are paid to write stuff that their employers want to see.

Either a puff piece or a smear piece.

“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is Public Relations.” -George Orwell

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Our times are characterized by near-total disregard for the 10 Commandments. The 9th is “you shall not bear false witness.” A society cannot function well without a shared belief that lying is wrong and harmful. God hates it. It is one one of the chief characteristic of Satan, the “Father of Lies.” But, as we have seen in politics, slander and lies are acceptable in our day, and the lockdown brought us “the noble lie”. I suspect that those who write hit pieces motivate themselves as tellers of the noble lie, justifying the means by the ends. But in the end, they are children of their father.

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Many of those hit pieces are written by paid operatives who function to promote confusion and despair.

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Exactly! That’s definitely the M.O. of anyone on the malevolent side of things. They have nothing but name calling and deception in their bag of tricks, because they have no truth.

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While i do like that 9th one, the 10 Commandments are otherwise unacceptable. 1) an unprovable assertion. 2) no freedom of thought or association. 4) no freedom of expression. 10) implicit endorsement of slavery.

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Thanks for sharing your opinion.

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Mar 8, 2022Edited
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Your comment about your children is interesting. Modernity has disposed of moral truth, so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Jesus summed up God’s law in 2 Great commandments— love the Lord God with all your being, and love your neighbor as yourself. If we no longer recognise those as morally authoritative, what is? And by what standard?

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Yes i judged them out of their context, because you seem to be advocating implementing them today. I'm not a lawyer but i suspect you would have difficulty with that.

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