May 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Just today I heard from a friend who has had her entire family vaxed. 5 kids ages 10-17. Now her husband has covid but “she’s not worried, they’re vaccinated.” I literally started to text her three different times to ask her if she intends to boost her kids. But let’s just say we don’t wear the same reality glasses and it goes very badly when we talk politics. So I deleted my initiates text 3 times. What kind of world is this when you worry about safety of children you love and say nothing? My family isn’t vaxed and she’d surely judge if she knew. Smh

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May 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

“It really feels that way to me sometimes: as if I am watching the simulation from the outside now instead of being incredibly frustrated living it from the inside.”

This is EXACTLY how I feel now, too!!!

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Or rather, you were seeing things as they really are for the first time without your glasses.

I personally think some of us jumped into some kind of parallel timeline. A glitch in the Matrix if you will.

Perhaps the lesson, if there is any, is reality and time are highly malleable and unpredictable but our consciousness, our soul, is not.

Stay true to your soul.

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As a student of Edgar Cayce, I might be able to offer some insight. Knowing that the places and the cast of characters are all symbolic representatives of different parts of our personalities that we adopt and create throughout our life, can help with interpretation.

Mathew was on track.

I would add that the friend who took you to the book store is a part of your personality that you absorbed from someone you value as a good source of information because he took you to the book store which contains loads of information. The front of the store is very iconic, a good target for this dream. The little girl is some aspect of you, possibly an intuitive aspect that you see as someone who takes input and passes you information. The boy represents your male side - to observe.

Because you discovered the lenses were lost at the book store, your subconscious is telling you not to depend so heavily on the printed word and lean more into your intuition. That the framework of depending on books is an aimless cause... you never did find your lenses, right?

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Thank you for sharing. Don't know what I would do without these online messages. I feel so alone being vaccine free otherwise. I have lost friends and family. Nobody to speak my truth to. Emails, Substance, and online conferences are keeping me sane. I will never inject that poison into my body.

Thank you for bringing the truth into the light.

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Very fun. I also have had a knack for deciphering dreams of my own and for friends. I was thinking it meant that you needed to let go of those "lenses" which maybe made you like everyone else. You need to "see differently". Which in the end is similar to what Matthew says. The funny part is that in the dream you were focused much on the loss of the frame, and didn't mention if you grabbed up the lenses, or I missed that? But clearly the "structure that holds your perception" (the frames) was missing and made you very uncomfortable. Again, very similar to what Matthew thought. And, continuing, while you couldn't "see the same" you were feeling tremendous pressure from a gathering crowd wanting to push through and past you.

It all fits!

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Wow! I am still trying to read all of your comments! I have read every email sent privately and wish I could respond to each one sooner. Just know that I have read each and every one. It is truly extraordinary what is happening here. We are all unlikely family. Authentic. Strong. Unique. And Together. :)

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Wow! The way you can put words to your experiences is inspiring. That was an amazing recount of the lucid dreaming reality of many ppl. Unfortunately, I truly believe being vaccinated has removed that from my life. My dreams are not what they used to be and almost those of a modified me. Very fucking scary JR! I've truly loved dreaming and the messages they contained. I relished my afternoon naps as a portal into myself and can no longer nap or have access to those portals. Perhaps it's a side effect of our world and my newly opened eyes, but I know me. I've changed on a dream level. How fucked up is that? Another thing to grieve. I'd forgotten. That's how great their distraction and injection techniques are. That I had forgotten a simple pleasure I once looked forward to almost daily. Lucid dreaming at 2pm. I used to fly. I miss flying.

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When I am feeling like this world has gone mad, which it has - I read you, Jessica! And Robert Malone and Peter McCullough and I listen to a bit of Del Bigtree and I know that I am on the side I need to be on. I am grateful for you and for the many who are holding this truth up to the light and not letting go - I find it so easy to drop into apathy to the world when I feel so alone, so I thank you for standing strong. It inspires me to carry on.

Here in Ottawa, Canada, the bizarreness continues - no masks - except if you are going to the post office or a government building of any sort....and everyone jabbed at the House of Commons in my husband's department recently had Covid and were ALL off sick - but husband still can't even go in the building since no jab... How can people still be buying this craziness??

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May 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I think your dream also speaks to how difficult it is to see or discern truth in this present environment. That the people around you didn’t notice suggests that they are all okay with the “truth” they see.

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This is how many of us feel (the 5 in our house are all unjabbed) but we are resolute in our decision.

And - as events continue to unfold - we know we have made the correcy decision based on the info available.

Now, trying to help convince more people that these jabs may not be as safe as advertised...that’s a much harder proposition.

Fortunately there are plenty of fantastic Substacks that I can point people to if they are open-minded enough (yours included of course)!

Great dream to share with your readers! Much appreciated!

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May 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Wow. Just reading this story made me very emotional. I keep wondering how I can be living in a different reality than my own kids and sometimes my husband. Why me? Why do I so clearly see what is happening and people all around me just go on with everyday life like there is nothing wrong! My daughter is vaxxed and boosted and has had Covid twice and all my kids vaxxed. Husband too. I remain firm in my stand to not vax. I try to just talk to my kids. Like. Hey quess that vaccine didn’t really protect you? They don’t see it at all. I’m afraid my daughter will go get a 4th. And now the smallpox vaccine they are gonna push. Will my kids all go get that too? I was reading emeralds sub stack today where John Robert’s tweeted about his chest pain after the vax. I tell my husband and I’m like hey maybe people will start to see. He says to me. But how does he know it’s from the vaccine? I’m just like why are you even asking that? He certainly never had that heart pain before the vaccine or he wouldn’t bring it up? Then he says. Well I had heart pain and it was a blocked. I’m like. Hon that was way before Covid and the shots. Anyways. I feel like everyone want to explain away all the bs and the different reality is all around me. I try to talk about this one world order and Klaus. I talk about the fires at food plants. The baby formula shortage. The 384 million acres of farmland that Gates bought up. The breast milk company Gates and friends invested in. The nano mosquitos released in Florida and Ca. Need I go on. Biden is clearly taking our country to the brink of destruction and here we all sit doing nothing. I watched the 2000 mules movie and it so clearly shows election fraud and yet we have the people in a separate reality saying nothing to see here. In Georgia they actually claim they interviewed 3 of those mules and they checked out! Yep. Just delivering family ballots at 4am! Nothing to see here. I could go on and on. I’m losing hope everyday. What do we do? How do us people living in this other reality cope with this??? Thank you for your story! I enjoyed reading it. I also had a very weird dream last night! Lots of people in my past. I always wonder about dreams and what they mean. I love Matthews interpretation of your dream! Thanks for letting me vent on here.

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I can offer a peculiar story from current affairs here in Sweden. As some of you know, we are currently in the process of joining NATO. This is despite the fact that most of the grassroots movement of the ruling Social Democrats don't really want it, and the whole left-wing movement is definitely against it. My leftist friends are tripping over themselves currently posting #NotoNato posts on social media, correctly criticizing the undemocratic route taken by our current government. This is despite a heavy propaganda campaign going on in our mainstream media. However, those same friends were definitely cheering or at least dead-silent when the government introduced vaccine passports at events this winter. Suddenly, when a government initiative was in line with their neurotic beliefs, those leftists friends saw no problem with this undemocratic dictate. It truly felt like I had crossed over to a parallell dimension where me and my friends could think rationally about most things, except for this one Covid thing where they had sort of developed a spiritual blind spot.

I say spiritual because it's not really about numbers: you don't actively enforce a two-tier society in a liberal Western democracy. If you do that, you no longer have a soul.

The most scary thing is that these two years have been the most transformative years in a lifetime and most people just didn't seem to care that much. They were happy to stay at home for an unspecified period of time and then take an infinite number of shots from an untested vaccine. Or maybe they cared but were too afraid to speak out, and that's equally scary. It was like we've been living in a material world (for a lack of better word) for too long so they've been deprived of all passion, spirituality and critical thinking.

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May 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Could it also mean that your perception of vaccines and everything you once trusted and knew about the science that you learned at college and other jobs (your framework) has perhaps been swept out from under you and you need to reassess the truth of where you stand?

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May 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Love your honesty, sense of humour and humanity. You are a true scientist - keep struttin' your stuff!

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May 24, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

As nurses we tend to be coerced onto vaccine roller coasters, but I’m scared of roller coasters so I tend to watch the risk takers from solid ground. And since I was there to witness the 2009 swine flu ride crash and burn, I knew to be cautious. In December 2020 I watched my colleagues getting sick immediately after the vaccine, and overheard the RRTs called for other colleagues receiving the vax at work, and realized very quickly this ride was not starting off well. So I passed on the thrill of a novel mRNA ride, and looked to Aesop instead and was reminded that slow and steady wins the race.

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