Feb 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Mr Bulford has more courage in the tip of his little finger than most, if not all of the Canadian political establishment including so-called 'conservative' premiers Ford, Moe and Kenny specifically.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for sharing. That was amazing and powerful.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This has been making the rounds today but he resigned back in November

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i know. but it will be new to many. :)

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Yes. Thank for sharing this. Such a Hero. So inspiring indeed.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

That's what morality looks like. Respect.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I saw it earlier and it gave me the good kind of chills. One man doing the right thing is the embodiment of all hope!

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It is inspiring to see people like Col Belford who operate from a place of integrity and courage. Let’s hope it is contagious. As I always say, do the hard right, not the easy wrong.

Thanks for sharing this powerful video.

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I saw this yesterday on telegram ~ profoundly moving.

All together you are a colossal force for truth.

Thank you 🔥♥️

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Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

He is an outstanding Canadian IMHO. I read his letter representing Mounties for Freedom which he sent to The Governor General of Canada back in December, to which they have not yet received a reply. So I forwarded it again in an email with my “No Confidence” vote regarding our PM to info@gg.ca, and I also called the secretary to the Governor General’s office at 1-800-465-6890. It took me 2 days to get through, but I was patient. Retired Premier Brian Peckford who is the only living minister that helped write the Canadian Constitutional Rights and Freedoms says that our Parliamentary process has been subverted by the current government and that is how they have been abusing their power. I am appalled that more Canadians are not shocked and infuriated ( not only the truckers and the supporters at the rallies). People need to turn off the corrupt and federally funded media and look to uncensored platforms like Rumble for their information. I am constantly sharing your emails and information Dr. Rose. Thank you for your brave and courageous spirit in speaking out about the true science behind all the scamdemic crap that the world has had to endure for the past 2 years. You are a bright shining light of hope to so many of us.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This man is a true Canadian patriot.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose


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Unfortunate that the system is so corrupt that good people like Mr. Bulford feel they have to resign instead of feeling that they can change it from within. Here's to hoping that he can be a force multiplier in other, more effective ways.

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They are not being nice to the truckers. Stealing their fuel + propane & sabotaging heaters, it's like a siege, cutting off resources. Look at the cops with automatic weapons. A thing between a siege and armed robbery. I wonder what kind of basis in law this has. But I guess these days it doesn't matter so much anymore, they are being creative.


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i know. they are NOT Canadians.

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I think I get what you mean to say by that, and I'm with the spirit of the hour. But I'm afraid they are Canadians, allright.

IDK how much of it is regular compliance to keep the job, how much still believing the fantasy story created by the top of the food chain and communicated by their soulless mouthpieces in the MSM and opportunistic members of the "scientific community". Perhaps some of them feel especially Canadian.

I remember videos of police men in my country, berating protesters they were basically murderers by not wearing masks outdoors. Perhaps that's sometimes also saying things out loud to make yourself believe it, to make it seem justified. Only a guess.

(although they were also pepper-spraying infants (deliberately), I guess people like that don't need a lot of justification for themselves)

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Nothing during any lockdown or call of a Pandemic has been lawful--its all emergency orders-- no law at all-- anywhere!

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Respect. Great speech and stand. Nice to see that there are courageous people stepping forward.

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Hero ❤️

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Love him, he is so inspiring.

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Thank you for sharing this! <3 Here is a video with Daniel commenting on the unlawful arrests and seizure of property that took place last night in Ottawa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsFijzQKx0M His message is clear. HOLD THE LINE.

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