When very young, I asked my parents for a Chemistry set. It contained Logwood chips from which I made extracts. It is the source of a common histologic stain used to investigate and diagnose Heart and other organs. Lots being used in Endotoxin Induced Myocarditis biopsies just now, but we know you don't have that.



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Wow! That is VERY interesting! Thank you Geoff. :)

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Thank you for explaining this. Who knew four years ago that our hearts could be intertwined considering a person’s dream... I’m taking joy in that this morning.

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Being married to a guy who can wax eloquent about receiving his first chemistry set--I had to share the dream and it’s (partial) chemical interpretation with him. And he said: ‘ oh! He’s (Dr Pain)got to be near my age bc soon after--they stopped selling chemistry sets...of course, I had logwood chips in my set too.’

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It's so weird, 2nd time now that when I click on your name to open the profile, it says profile not found. Last time I had that, I could find it by name search, not this time.

Other profiles I click on here work. Odd.

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I get the same thing from time to time, depending on the information being shared usually.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

What a deliciously imaged dream... my interpretation: you’re being asked to step more into your “heart-centred” place.

A heart becomes weak when one over uses the intellect at the near-exclusion of the intuition/heart/somatic wisdom.

Perhaps not a foretelling of an actual death, but more like an egoic one... unless you don’t open to your heart’s wisdom in which case, it may well portend your actual death... (which you’ll see is just a rebirth anyway)

So there go! Ramblings of a weirdo who lives in the woods in the wilds of BC, Canada 😉

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Another weirdo BC wild woods one here! Kudos!

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Excellent interpretation! I was thinking along the same lines... I felt like it could indicate a change of perspective and new direction, wonderful dream and beautiful insights!

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I like your interpretation, and to add to it I would note Jessica is on the inside while the doctor is on the outside, and uses something from the natural world for the diagnosis. Less science for the mind and more nature and feeling would strengthen Jessica's heart.

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Exactly where I would love to be ❤️ Son and young family live near Bragg Creek, Alberta. I would drop Manitoba in a heartbeat for the clean, crisp BC air. (Less Trudeau's fire brigade).

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long live the weirdo BC wild woods ones!

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I don't know about you, but I certainly feel like my pre-covid self died and I am now continually changing as the world around me speeds up. Also I discovered, much to my surprise, that I do have some cardiovascular issues - likely from all the heartache of the last few years. So, perhaps a death of your old self, or a coming shift into a new you (hopefully still in this body), and perhaps your heart has also taken a beating from all the losses around us.

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Memories of learning all about Joseph and his dreams and his ability to interpret the Egyptians' dreams crowded my head, reading your crazy dream!!!!

Enjoy your running. Enjoy the trees. God is good and He runs before us.

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Joseph had an amazing coat of many colors till his brothers took it off him and dipped it in blood to show his father after they sold him into slavery.😥 it all had to happen to complete the Creator's ultimate plan of redemption. Thank you Father!

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And stop day-dreaming, focus on this real nightmare:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Well...I don't think that you're going to die soon. I think that it's metaphorical. Life as you know it, or knew it, is gone or will be. What people fail to understand is that it's okay. That ending is also a beginning. Look at everything going on. All of our lives are over in some ways. It's uncomfortable, but it's okay. It will be better. We've learned to adapt. We've learned new skills, we have different priorities. Those that have made those important changes are going to be okay.

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Amen to that.

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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Jung always helped me with dreams.



You explained the hybrid natural/clinical setting and your feelings, so that is good. You were being assessed by a diviner. "Heart" might well mean some other "heart", like your spiritual heart, or some other heart-of-the-matter.

The diviner saw that you did not have long to live. That is universally true, but it seemed specificaly true, as if whatever else you might have had in mind was trivial.

You should seek further divine revelation. Going for a run is good. I ride a bike these days. Similar when it is safe streets. I have a safe loop I ride laps of.

Ask your dream tonight and nightly when you go to sleep, too.

You can also consult the i-ching.

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I also thought the dream was about divination. and about new life.Cedar is sacred in the bible, sacred to some aboriginal tribes and also is used in the occult. So it matters who is discerning, not all are well-intended. I wondered also if the dream was revealing a need for protection--in the spiritual world, but maybe to confirm that someone who should be helping you in a healing way is bringing negativity. Just a thought. Much light and peace and blessings your way.

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Cedar purifies and protects, doesn't it?

I am interested in the next stage of comprehension. "Seek and ye shall find. Ask and it shall be given unto you."

Go Jessica!

Why is "everything you had in mind irrelevant in light of this revelation"?

What IS the revelation?

How should you live and what should you do each day? (And where?)

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Jessica, although she may not know it, has been put on this earth to make a footstool for the Creator out of his enemies. Her gratitude is being shown to him (and ours for him and her) by exposing this evil that has beset the world. Cedar, indeed!

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The Divine might not need a footstool.

I am very interested in the futher guidance which may be revealed to Sister Jessica.

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Divination leading to something like a curse, which could be misinterpretation of nature by allopathic medicine in general. The doctor, familiar enough yet lacking empathy, is theatrically dabbling in something she doesn't truly understand. Heart-of-the-matter, as you suggest. Love that.

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yeah, I would definitely go there with an interpretation. Jessica would dream about the overreach of the allopathic system.

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Our imagery is ultimately our own to explore, but sometimes suggestion helps.

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Very cool dream, I enjoyed reading about it. My instinctual reaction to it is that it represents discontent with the apathetic medical establishment and a desire to safeguard your life against its influence. You empathize with the many people who have been harmed by the covid shot, you can put yourself in their situation, and feel intrigued by the callousness of their healthcare providers - and you can sense that they're being lied to. "Your heart must be weak or something..." As opposed to, "This shot is writing your death certificate in real time." Strangely, I also have the sense that your subconscious is trying to protect you from people who would not care if you died and have encouraged you to accept treatments that are unsafe and ineffective. That is, your reaction to the dream was to not worry, to go for a run in nature - all positive things for your health. But you didn't choose to accept the dream as a self-fulfilling prophecy when you woke up. Instead you reassured yourself that your heart is strong like bull...I think this very mindset will help it stay that way.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Wow, Bridgette, that’s profound. Like you said about empathy, I do recall that Jessica always reminds us that VAERS numbers are real people who are suffering.

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That's interesting. I suspect it is from writing and thinking about COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis that caused you to dream that you were going to die of heart related issues. I had a strange vivid dream recently were I was on a vacation in Telluride Colorado with some friends and we were walking back to our hotel from a restaurant, and it was very cold and windy. It was so windy that I leaned over and was about a 45% angle with the ground becuase the wind was pushing me up. And, I said "he..he" like Michael Jackson doing his lean, and my friends started laughing. Then, I leaned even further the wind was blowing so hard I started to float a little bit like a kite. And, I started thinking, this can't be real. Then, all the sudden I realized that I was dreaming, but I was still in the dream. And, I was floating, so I thought I would go even higher, and I could. Next thing I know I'm flying around and looking down at the city and thinking how realistic everything seems. Then I woke up.

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I don't think it had anything to do with me actually. I think if anything, it just means a big awesome change is coming.

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Well if that’s YOUR interpretation, then it is the correct lol

Wouldn’t it be cool though, if we could diagnose issues by consulting the Earth around us... almost as though She was sentient... and we live literally “of the Earth “ in one big symbiotic Being.

What if Earth is the best AI going and we are the avatars playing within it. So of course the medicine would be found in Nature. Sourced from the same coding as we are built from.

More crazy BC woods rambling 😉

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The Earth is more than sentient. :)

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These days, the weirdos seem more and more in tune with reality. But I guess I *would* say that, bc I often seem to be considered one of them.

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Maybe the change be a lovely. welcome one, another great adventure for you.

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Oh, there's a change coming all right. It's the end of the world as we know it. People get ready, there's a train a coming. Being a wanna be musician/performer, songs created by other earth travelers pop into my head when I read comments about the happenings here on planet earth. Leon Russell's Tightrope and Stranger in a Strange Land also come to mind. Unfortunately for the vast majority of my fellow earthlings, they are oblivious to it's arrival. Thank You Father for your Holy Scripture and your many advanced warnings of what we are seeing unfold here on Earth before our very eyes. Please give them eyes to see and ears to hear Lord, and the guidance of Your Spirit to recognize and respond to You.🙏

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Love you Jess😍

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This may be an extraneous observation, but your fellow Substacker Charles Eisenstein wrote a book a while back titled, _The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible_.

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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Flying in a dream goes with the lucidity you were having concurrently. You were aware within the dream, flew and awoke.

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Plus flying is a means of escape. Very common among children in their early psyche, a response to abuse or conflict.

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When I was 4 years old I was having monsters in my dreams.

My Grandmother told me that it was my dream and I could do whatever I wanted.

I could hardly wait to go to sleep.

The dream-monster came and I flew over it. I was delighted.

I still remember that night in 1962 when I awoke victorious.

I was like Mighty Mouse.

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Haha! Great. Mighty mouse was so heroic.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose


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"That's interesting. I suspect it is from writing and thinking about COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis that caused you to dream that you were going to die of heart related issues." Yes, I am no dream interpreter, but this is what occurred to me. This Swiss study that shows 1 in 35 with raised troponin levels after a single, half-dose booster shot of the Moderna jab, is very worrying, and should be giving nightmares to the manufacturers and regulators! It would be good to know how many people got raised troponin after each shot, and on the suspicion that the damage is cumulative, we should be studying the cardiac MRI's on everyone who had 2 or more "vaccinations", and then comparing them with those who have had none! Is such a study being done?

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You were flying.... probably just not in normal reality

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Sounds like a visit from one of your spiritual teachers who wanted to inform you that a part of you was going to 'die' so there is space for a new part of you to emerge.

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That's what I think. There was no fear. Just a kind of, 'mkay' feeling.

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To me that seems reasonable because I have had dreams resonant to what you described. For me, when the dream is remembered so vividly (such as yours), it has more significance.

Your life appears to have changed radically over the past 3 years as a result of being thrust into the limelight by your work on the VAERS data. There is a lot of responsibility that goes with that, so maybe it is related to that. Only you would know what really has changed internally though.

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My take on dreams suggesting illness or death is to take the matter directly to God/Creator, and request a popular vote be taken. Basically, if the popular vote decides it’s time for me to die, I accept that. If not, then I request and expect that God will reverse out whatever may be threatening me at that time. This has worked brilliantly well for me a half dozen times already, including when others had also sensed and told me about my imminent demise.

And I will be one of the votes in strong favor of keeping you around!

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Could it be as simple as the doctor in your dream represents so many physicians the past 3 years who speak complete mumbo jumbo and expect us to believe the baloney they tell us.

In your dream, you were both inside and outside which reflects you were not fully "into" believing the doctor. Instead you retreated outside, where are things are more real. Enjoy your trees and active life and perfect health! The MCG Heartscan developed by Dr. Joesph Shen Is a non-invasive, easily done, unbelievably detailed scan Of your cardiovascular system. personally I think everyone should have one as a baseline.This might be a good time to get your baseline.

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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023Author

I feel awesome and if I die tomorrow, so be it. I love this interpretation. I think it's closest to the message I was meant to get. Not sure why poor Tina was the 'face'. She's an amazing human and doctor.

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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023

Agreed. The doctor is thoughtless , ridiculous and heartless. THEY stomped on all our hearts....You are dead to them....just a little subconscious dusting and cleaning out of the old junk science files. Fear goes with it. Fear has many faces. You are divinely protected and loved by the universe. 😍

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Maybe because many of us naively trusted our doctors ( like you trust Tina) until the past 3 years, but sadly we feel differently now. So Tina represented our trust that has been betrayed

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Maybe it had to be Tina because you do trust her so much. That could accomplish two things 1 - a subtle way of your subconscious notifying you that this isn’t actually reality, because it is so far from the truth of your experience with her, and 2 - so you could stay present and observe rather than reflexively reacting to the doctor or situation with a fight/flight response which would wake you up and not allow you to mine all of the details from the dream! The subconscious is very crafty. Thank you for sharing.

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AND, though the doctor in the dream had the face of your kind and trusted doctor friend, perhaps that represented some kind of deception that you didn't fall for - like others said, to try to get you scared enough of dying so you would take whatever allopathic poison offered. You recognized the "mask" portraying the face of your doctor friend was used to trick or deceive you, was NOT her - and you got outside into Nature to float, fly - and run, being one with the beloved trees. Just a thought of part of why her face was in your dream. You can't be fooled.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

The bark reminds me of Ayahuasca plant medicine. Mother Ayahuasca is a beautiful spirit plant that can help heal people and a broken heart. Great for trauma and so many things.

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Jessica, I've done some formal work with dreams and follow a few simple guidelines I hope will help you. First, if you're not in a usual habit of recording your dream state right throughout the waking state then you're likely not getting the truth of the subconscious residue but rather what you've made logical upon waking. In that case, you have to largely dismiss all but the larger feelings and possible obvious conclusions. You'll know if the interpretation is close or not when someone suggests it but it's best to let those folks who know you best help you with your own dream symbolism. Most dreams are not literal but you have to rule that out first. If you believe you should be concerned about your health then pursue that; otherwise, consider the symbolism, your own symbolism. For instance, could the "logs" represent to you notes of some sort? How you felt when considering the scenes and details matters more than those elements so consider also that you trusted your assessments within the dream more than you trusted the logs of the interpreter. That her character was acted by your friend informs the message. Only you can know what that night mean to you in relation to her. Don't fear the words of the dream, but as always, pray away anything not meant for you. If you eventually sort it all out in a manner that seems to fit I always enjoy hearing that follow-up. Regardless, you'll get another chance tonight to let your dream state deliver more. Sweet dreams and pure peace to you...

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You're one of many who associated the logs with writing! Very interesting. I hadn't thought of that.

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In my experience, both waking/ sleeping dream journaling are vitally beneficial for spiritual/ psychological relief and required for genesis...


... for what it's worth, how I know, to be feckin sure (you've shown rare courage, also, amidst contemporary craziness).

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Hell to the ya!

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Hi Dr. Rose:

For what it's worth, today (before readin your post) I came across this book, Bark, by philosopher Georges Didi-Huberman: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262036849/bark/

Here is the description:

<<On a visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Georges Didi-Huberman tears three pieces of bark from birch trees on the edge of the site. Looking at these pieces after his return home, he sees them as letters, a flood, a path, time, memory, flesh. The bark serves as a springboard to Didi-Huberman's meditations on his visit, recorded in this spare, poetic, and powerful book. Bark is a personal account, drawing not on the theoretical apparatus of scholarship but on Didi-Huberman's own history, memory, and knowledge.

The text proceeds as a series of reflections, accompanied by Didi-Huberman's photographs of the visit. The photographs are not meant to be art—Didi-Huberman confesses that he “photographed practically everything without looking”—but approach it nevertheless. Didi-Huberman tells us that his grandparents died at Auschwitz, but his account is more universal than biographical. As he walks from place to place, he observes that in German birches are birken; Birkenau designates the meadow where the birches grow. Didi-Huberman sees and photographs the “reconstructed” execution wall; the floors of the crematorium, forgotten witnesses to killing; and the birch trees, lovely but also resembling prison bars. Taking his own photographs, he thinks of the famous photographs taken in 1944 by a member of the Sonderkommando, the only photographic documentation of the camp before the Germans destroyed it, hoping to hide the evidence of their crimes. Didi-Huberman notices a “bizarre proliferation of white flowers on the exact spot of the cremation pits.” The dead are not departed.>>

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Also - in the tarot, the death card is not usually, literally, death, but denotes a profound transformation...

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Don’t play with this dream. It doesn’t matter that you believe yourself to be in such great health that this dream couldn’t possibly be true. Many have died deaths that had nothing to do with physical illness. I’m not sure if you’re a Christian or not or how serious your spiritual walk with Jesus Christ is. Pray to Him, ask Him to show you what this dream means. This dream was revelatory! Dare I say, you know exactly what it means but have decided it can’t possibly be true and are being flippant. Do not be cavalier about this. Take it seriously and ask God to both protect you and thwart this spiritual attack.

Laus Deo Semper!

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Amen! I agree with this, too!

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I would skip your next blood test. I don’t think you need it. This could be about learning to trust yourself and your own knowledge of your body. If you are able to go for a run and enjoy it perhaps you don’t need a doctor to tell you things about yourself. I think this is a dream about trust in self rather than a dream about your health.

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Run was awesome. Swam too.

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