Hmm. These spike proteins with anti-oogenic autoimmune mimicry just happen to be administered via the LNPs that just happen have an affinity for the ovaries. Almost as if this were planned. 🧐

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80% of Taiwan is jabbed and now we learn that deaths are up 15% and births are down 23% in the last year. The authorities are stumped as tho why! If they are that clueless they will be overrun by the CCP by the Chinese New Year.

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Jul 4, 2022
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I wonder if the Davos cabal will be hung upside down on meathooks like Mussolini when the peasants find out what has been done to their health and their children's health. I hope we live to see the peasants storm the castle with their pitchforks. Will Gate's guards turn on him as did Caligula's?

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Yep. And imagine what happens to oocytes when ovarian cortical cells are transfected.

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The unjabbed still have their paddles though, right?

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Well yes, but there is also concern with SARS-nCoV-2. I have no idea how this is going to end.

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I've been watching Walter, Igor and others on this Doomsday scenario, i.e., the vaxxed will eventually infect the unvaxxed to the point we lose our immune systems.

Tell me I keep my paddles!

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Geert thinks the unjabbed will be OK as our immune systems are being updated with each exposure to new variants. The jabbed have ruined their immune systems and are in danger unless they take antivirals forever.

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Yes, naturally and innately produced antibodies are superior to vaccine induced antibodies, as these are "leaky" nonsterilizing, i.e. they don't work, witness the number of "breakthrough" cases. The jab-induced antiibodies interfere with the production and operation of naturally and innately produced antibodies, i.e. the immune system. I give full credit to the writings of Dr. Vandenbossch for my knowledge of this.

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Your articles repeatedly show the same thing. This vaccine was brought to market before we had a clue what catastrophes it might induce. And now that we have a clue we seem to be ignoring everything for the almighty dollar. How do we stop this?

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There were people like Judy Mikovit and Sherry Tenpenny and Sucharit Bhakdi who knew what havoc spike proteins would do wherever they went, and who were warning us 6 months before the jabs rolled out. But the Davos sociopaths control all the media.

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Strongly appears there were no real studies as to the effect of gene therapy injections.

We are the study. Sadly we are not privy to the raw data. That includes details of each lot of injectables and their content.

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way above my paygrade.

but please, do carry on!

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Tw is on a rampage. Jikky is gone, so is Dr. Cartland (drjabjabjabjab) - again. Such great info - it was inevitable.


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Jordan Peterson is in tw jail, but Wittgenstein is alive @backtolife_2023

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Look we know that there is a significant drop in live births across many highly vaxxed nations and that that may be causal. Nevertheless, there are a great many (most) vaxxed women successfully conceiving. Let’s not get overly hysterical just yet. There’s currently no evidence that the reduced fertility is permanent or universal. In fact there is evidence in the uk data set that the earliest to vax (over 40) cohort is already recovering their normal fertility levels; and that the 35-40 cohort is tracking just behind.

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Hi Jess, unless I've misunderstood this motif is there at the N-terminal end of the Spike:


The whole spike is identical between Pfizer, Moderna and Wuhan-1 (original strain) apart from the fact that there is a PP change towards the C-terminal end "to keep the spike in the prefusion conformation"...



UPDATE: Apologies I totally missed that you were rightly commenting on the difference between SARS1 and SARS2, instead thinking you were commenting on the vaccine spike! Just ignore me having a moment!

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right. it is indeed on the spike of sars the sequel. but in my searches, i did not find it on sars the original. i might be wrong. i would love to be wrong. over.

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i LOVE the exchanges. it's a double check of work. :) DFGHRYEJHESFWAFSETHAWSEDCDVCSCAADAAAEREWKKK i love biochemistry.

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And don't forget Drs. Wodarg's and Yeadon's warning in Dec 2020, "There is no indication whether antibodies against spike proteins of SARS viruses would also act like anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies. However, if this were to be the case this would then also prevent the formation of a placenta which would result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile."


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Excellent list thank you

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Incredibly tantalizing! Are there any fertility-related motifs or peptides, such as HCG related noes?

Glad I did not get four shots of that stuff.

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So is just as bad with Covid w/o vax or are symptoms from vax worse?

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I would think vaxx would be worse, as I understand the level of spike protein made as a result of the vaxx is much higher/sustained for much longer than an infection.

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I am going to hazard a guess here. Not qualified to do anything else.

I would like to consider shedding. I live more or less as Jessica, a bit of a recluse. My wife has a laundromat and sees and helps all kinds of people with their laundry. She is exposed to a majority of people who have had gene therapy injectables. For the most part the people who come to her laundry are not the top tier of health.

My wife being Asian is fond of fermented foods and fungus as in mushrooms and other fungi. She has had no symptoms of SarsCov2. I like her have no symptoms at all. We both work out doors in an 1.5 acre garden, eat lots of food from the garden and from other local gardeners. We eat fermented foods she way more than I.

To the point of Shedding. I believe she is shedding from her biome/immune system particles that my immune system picks up to inform it. I remain healthy and thriving because my wife confers immunity to me.

Shedding in my uninformed opinion is not only about the injected infecting us. I believe it shedding is also from the healthy informing our immune systems and thus keeping us healthy. It is a two way street not a one way.

Something to consider.

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Thanks again for all this work by you and the researchers in the link you provided. _/\_ With much graditude

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Note that the authors do state in their conclusion that the injections are safe and efficacious. There is some good commentary on preexisting antibodies, which may be protective, or may trigger the autoimmune situation.

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What does norm_thrombo mean?

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Jul 4, 2022
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yuppers... we communicate every day almost now

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Jul 4, 2022
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eccentrics :) i do wear colorful clothes...

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Does Dr.Cole have a Substack? What do you think is the easiest way to follow him?

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Jul 5, 2022
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Thank you!

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Jul 4, 2022
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yes. yes. and yes.

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So avoid the jabs AND avoid getting the virus? What about shedding of the spike? How do we avoid that? Or is that not a thing?

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hahaha sorry. avoid the jabs. spike shedding? sure avoid as much as possible. i am pretty much a nature-loving hermit so i don't see a lot of people... but that's me. i think vitamin D is vital to being healthy and strong. with and without viruses etc...

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Yes to which one?

Actually, your article is not exactly clear enough; the "SARS-nCOV2 spike" is a very broad term, considering that most mutations occur at the spike level.

I assumed that this is a study mostly for the alpha (original) Wuhan strain (and this would explain why they are so hell-bent to use this spike in their hackcines - including the "bivalent" versions)... or is it a portion of the spike that is more stable responsible for the mimicry?

We are not molecular biologists nor virologists... well - most of us anyway.

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Jul 4, 2022
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i think this has been a big mistake made by myself included. it's possible that it doesn't work this way and continues to promote immune aging/senescence as per exposures

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What do you know about spike shedding? Is that a thing? My husband is double jabbed, but that was over a year ago.

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I don't think I completely understand your reply.

I look at natural and innate immunity as having in one form or another been successful as recorded in us and the biological record a 3.5 billion year+ history. But am I mistaken? Is the jab (to me a 3 month question mark) the way for the collective biological immune system to go?

I am betting on 3.5 billion years and the adaptability of life. Help me to understand this confusion on my part.

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Like. I agree we should rely on our time tested immunities, but SC2 is man made, so maybe we need to be more careful?

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I take good care of myself and take nutraceuticals like D3, zinc, Quercetin, C, fish oil, melatonin etc. Wash my hands, etc. No prescriptions, no jabs, no distancing, no mask, no C19 (so far). I guess I’m successfully “lettin ‘er rip”!

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Jul 4, 2022
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Thats hilarious. And I also get sun, fresh air. And lots of wine! Glad you are purposely challenging your immune system but, since SC2 is a bioweapon, you may want to try and avoid getting it and it’s spikes.

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"Sounds good. I don’t take all that stuff. I mostly stick with sunshine, good food, AND WINE. "


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