
Hello my lovelies. Let's not 'hate' anyone now, ok? I have a lot of police friends and not all police sign up to be bullies. I know how hard it is not feel rage but we must not give in to that. It will do us harm. Love the people extra hard on the right side of history (as they say) and stand up to the rest. Linked arm-in-arm with all of you. Let's not let that lying, psychotic piece of crap get the better of us. He is breaking the law. We are not.

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If your police friends are willing to enforce this, then you should reconsider those friendships.

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As far as I am concerned, these cops are not police officers. They are mercenaries.

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There are many who thought it better to walk away from the police force then to participate in this, but not all are able to do that, the fear of not being able to feed your family is real. Those that behave inhumanely now will forever wear that stain. This is an event that will be in the memories of people for generations. If you are on the wrong side of it one way or another you will pay a price.

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Better to fight from within than to quit, leaving the more extreme and more desperate members in place to act in ways we will probably find unacceptable.

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my hate is institutional not individual, MOST of them are order followers with no thought or understanding of the consequences of their collective actions

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I can't think of a single tyranny in history where the oppressors stopped by asking. The people desire peace, not the oppressor. Just an observation. People have gotten civil rights, but it was done so incrementally

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Amen! Mark Crispin Miller recently published a letter he received from a police officer in training. I appreciated this perspective, https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/berkeley-gym-bars-longtime-patron

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Jessica, thank you! I'm a little concerned by Dr Paul Alexander's absence today after his am post. I hope things are ok. He typically gives frequent reports from "the Canadian front," messages of hope and love for the police, recognizing their thankless position. I hope all is well.

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I am so ashamed of the leadership of my country. This is one of the darkest moments in Canada's history. We have had several moments that have been very bad; things like our residential schools, etc., but this certainly ranks up there. I don't think nearly enough people understand that it simply isn't good enough to get rid of COVID-19-related mandates. The very infrastructure that allowed them to exist in the first place needs to be replaced. If Freedom Convoy 2022 fails, I don't see how Canada is going to navigate itself out of the hell that we've descended into. The Honourable Brian Peckford stated what so many people from other countries around the world know so well: "it is remarkable how fragile democracy is". Please, God help us in Canada!

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I am too my friend. It is revolting.

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"Any man knows when he is justified, and all the wits in the world cannot enlighten him on that point. The murderer always knows that he is justly punished; but when a government takes the life of a man without the consent of his conscience, it is an audacious government, and is taking a step towards its own dissolution." - H.D. Thoreau

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By going Full Castro, Trudeau may have just lost Canada.

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Justine is a simple product, a puppet of the machine who would be easily replaced. Canada is already lost along with the rest of the Western world. BigHarma is the weapon of choice for the masses to self-cull but don't think there aren't traditional rifles ready to go for us stragglers.

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Trudeau's Gestapo Crimes Against Humanity will not be televised


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What does it take for a vote of no confidence to arise?

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we already have almost 1,000,000 votes - that's what it would take

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What a terrible mistake Castreau is making. OMG. btw, banks are offline in Canada I read, because people are making runs on them for cash, thanks to that deputy of his.

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the police all over the world are scum

never in my life have i disliked the police until 2020 but now i see what they are

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I would also add that here in NYC, things would be far worse than they are if it weren't for the fact that the police here have refused to enforce the mask mandates, have protected the rallies we've had against the lockdowns, mask mandates, and jab mandates. Most of them understand where they stand in this class war and if you have conversations with them, they are very willing to listen. I'm not naive enough to think they are always good guys; I've seen the ugly side of police. But we get absolutely nowhere alienating people who naturally should be on our side. We need to educate and embrace them.

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ive seen the nyc police arresting people for not wearing a muzzle over their exhaust, in big intimidating numbers and i wasnt impressed.

at an individual level i find hate a hard thing, but these are groups of order followers with tools/weapons that the rest of us are not allowed. a lot of them are school bullies following the orders of vile tyrants and loving it.

they are creating my hatred themselves

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deletedFeb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022
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Seriously Merritt? That's a very broad brush and an awful lot of hate. There could be a few bad apples, but I have found myself in need of help from police in various places, they've always been gracious and kind. If you need them, even with your venom, you'll call them, and they'll show up. Remember that.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

Depends. I don't have any illusions about police and what they are capable of, and who most of the time they work for. But police forces are made up of individuals and we see everywhere brave officers standing up for what's right. We must support them and hope that others will join them. No regime can survive if the police and military refuse to enforce their tyranny, and we need to help police understand that they are as threatened by this totalitarian dystopia as much as any of us. We can't do that by demonizing them.

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During the summer of 2020 I did not see many police officers doing their jobs against Antifa and BLM. They were hiding in their precincts and showed up once the pillage ended. But we had a PM who was supporting them with a knee on the ground.

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Yes, that picture above all others stands as showing his true colors.

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I totally agree, police are scum and the most immoral of people. I found that out long before 2020 thanks to Mark Passio. Check out his work.

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im about 10 mins in to this and wanted to thankyou for pointing him out


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And the good ones self-remove, creating empty slots for more scum. Win-win for Mr Global. *cue Dr Evil meeting laughs*

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Eggzackly!!! Cops who do good are scum too 😡. Not. 🙄

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im talking as a collective, im sorry i have to explain the obvious

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“As a collective” 😂 Yes comrade!!!

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Trudeau has smeared the truckers as Neo-Nazis, accused a Jewish MP of "standing with swastikas". Yet it is Trudeau & Freeland are the ones that not only "stand" with Neo-Nazis, but train and fund them


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my heart is with them all. I want to be there. been to a lot of the DC things. I doubt I could even cross the border as an un-jabbed person though. HOLD THE LINE. lock arms. Get the demand letter from Dr. Paul Alexander to Parliament - it spells out exactly the terms of ending the peaceful demonstration. (oh excuse me Mz Deputy PM, "illegal blockade"). language is EVERYTHING.

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Illegal blockade, lockdown. Tomato, tomato.

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It's only a matter of time before the government does something unthinkably kinetic, unleashing the pent up frustration of millions of people who just want to be left alone without the yoke of government on them

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Praying for the Canadian Truckers!!

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The Ottawa Superior Court issued its final order on February 16. No honking, and that the Truckers may stay, subject of course to not breaking laws. Parliament has been cancelled for today, and Parliament must vote to authorize the Emergency Powers Act. The Truckers are breaking no laws. The Ottawa Police are violating the Superior Court orders and acting completely illegally.

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Horrific Scenes Out Of Ottawa: Trudeau's Paramilitary Forces Crush Peaceful Unarmed Civilian Protesters. Mass Arrest Of Protesters Is Underway.

Please Pray for Canada


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So, get this- on February 16 the Superior Court said no horns, air horns but Truckers can stay: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kenny-heimbuch-7381aa133_freedomconvoy2022-activity-6900260584290680832-nJmp Parliament was cancelled today. Parliament has to vote for Emergency Powers authorization. Everything the cops are doing is ILLEGAL. I sent a donation to the Canadian Civil Liberties organization doing the heavy lifting. Also to Rebel News who has arranged lawyers for people, and Defending The Republic, as Sidney Powell's office is also helping.

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My understanding is the emergency powers must be confirmed by parliamentary vote within seven days of them meeting. Candace Bergen said it could be into March before they see Castreau's proposal. Doesn't seem he has to wait for the vote to begin acting. The police activity in Ottawa was surely aimed at keeping them from convening to shut h down or call a no-confidence vote.

What I don't understand, is if this hobbles along with illegal actions continuing so long as Parliament is prevented from meeting? What's the point of the vote? If it's denied, are the actions previously taken automatically reversed?

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Watching a live now, witnessing disgusting abuse of civilians (women, children, vetrans, disabled people) because they are standing peacefully in our capitol expressing what our PM dictator has declared "unacceptable views". LRADs confirmed on site. Heavily armed officers charging into crowds for peacefully protesting. Many arrests (using excessive force).

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Here is one of the lives I am watching: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1ynKOZdMlbyxR

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he went offline now, might have been arrested or ran out of battery

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