Don't get me wrong here. I think the COVID-19 have immunocompromised people and this is why they are succumbing to infections that they normally wouldn't succumb to if their immune systems were in tact. Think, CD4+ T cells.

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Yes, understood. VAIDS. AIDS.

So sad. Fully expected though as the blue print of the genetics " implant " shows.

We need Holestic ways...to treat it. FLCCC protocols of vitamins and nutrients is the best I can think of...the FLCCC Docs will know. Also Dr. Betsy Eads, practioner in Fl has warned us of this for 2 years from her patient experience.

If the paper and money trail is followed ( Dr David Martin ), we knew all this two plus years ago when Soros and Hates bought and formed Labs specializing in T cell Diagnostics. So they own most the labs where people will be sending their blood for analysis. Likely they are invested in a ( likely further lethal ) treatment, predictably from all their past actions.

They are making billions from peoples deaths, they are just not killing them.



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So from now on, the first question from a Dr ( in the know ) to their patient during their visits will be " What is your CD4 count ? " and most patients will immediately know the answer.

This has been Fraudci's dream since the 1980's. This is the reality for AIDS patients. This is how the conversation takes place.

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True, the only purveyors of drugs of destruction who intend to eliminate their customer base are the fentanyl dealers.

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Fentanyl kills around 100,000 drug addicts pre year in the US, mainly young men, who have given up hope.

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And IgG4, right? I'm not real hip on all the ins and outs of the immune system suppression of the shots. I always think about the toll-like receptors being shut down by the pseudouridine substitution in the mRNA.

Anyway, I came across this paper by random chance regarding IgG4-related disease. I thought you might be interested:

IgG4 Autoimmune Disease Masquerading As Oroantral Fistula


I included it for some reason in TROME Pt. 66. Usually I'm just writing about the bizarre auto accidents and plane wrecks and the like. But I came across this paper on the way and stuck it in here:

The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 66 - July 26th Reports

A Mother, a driver, a prisoner, a driver, a sufferer, and a masquerader -- it's TROME



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Very interesting to add IgG over production/ autoimmune syndrome to the 1,300 some odd conditions these Bioweapon Injections cause. Wonder if this condition you point out is on the Pfizer AE warnings? Well, I should not assume she had the injection since we do not know her medical history.

I find it extremely strange and highly uncustomary not to inquire as to whether or not the patient has had the mRNA shot or any other in the last 3 plus years ago.

Now we know it is pertinent.

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The shot is AIDS.

Like I say, the immune system stuff is really complex, and I haven't made a huge effort to really "delve deep" into a lot of the topics. You really can't just google everything. I know the shots' true "platform," the word that little (CIA?) stooge Dr. Robert Malone uses to describe what he claims is his invention, could probably better be described by the so-called advancement made by Kariko et al of substituting out an entire base from the mRNA structure with pseudouridine. The point of that modification was to confuse the immune system, specifically in ways that promote cancer and viruses. And I do know the point of the shots is to cause your body's own cells to produce something your immune system will view as a threat. The point of the shots is to cause unknown parts of your body to create, on the surfaces of its own cells, by its own mechanisms, unknown amounts of a foreign protein, causing those cells -- your own body's cells -- to be attacked by your immune system. I really don't know how anybody can look at that and say it isn't AIDS. The shot is AIDS.

Wasn't really meaning to deliver a lecture, lol.


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We don’t have armadillos in Sweden so it will be interesting to see how it gets explained if it pops up here. Maybe an armadillo kissed a bat that flew over and bit a moose. We can get creative with it.

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I once saw an armadillo leap 7 feet. It was the coolest thing. But unless there's a boat heading to Sweden that's within 7 feet of the dock, it's unlikely to make it there...

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Maybe a flamingo will take the armadillo on its back?

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Now that's the kind of scientific deduction at work in the CDC...

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I need a new job. Wonder if they’re hiring.

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only if you a good liar. 😂🤮🤮

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They probably are, just not adults.

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Bridge guard: What is the airspeed of an armadillo laden flamingo?

King Arthur: African or South American flamingo?

Bridge guard: What, I don't know that. Aggghhhh fading into the distance as he hurls of the bridge.

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Well, they have them in Florida. And they do cause leprosy.

I don't think the lepered masses are crossing the Southern border, no. There might be an uptick in eating armadillos, though, since several cultures from South of the border eat armadillos. So it's probably the illegal immigration at the heart of that. So, yeah -- my take is it's probably from local armadillos, and it's obviously from the shots' immune system suppression. All kinds of new and old diseases are on the rise and they've been on the rise since the shots rolled out. Everybody knows what "RSV" is now. No one heard of it before the shots. The black plague's been spotted. Give me a break.


You have, ah -- medical emergencies in Sweden?

The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 69 - July 29th Reports

Accidents and angels, and the devil's in the details. It's TROME


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For sure, but here less dramatic stuff in general. Personally (I’m an RN) I would say a rise in autoimmune disease more than anything else. But there have also been a lot of weird heart and gut issues. Pneumonia in young people who shouldn’t have pneumonia. And shingles all over the place.

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People get shingles from going to the beach. :)

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Only if you’re not wearing a mask ;)

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Wow. All of that is so alarming. And everybody looks right past it.

Today's TROME has two stroke stories from a 24 year-old nursing student and a 28 year-old neuroscience undergrad. The stroke program manager quoted in the article about the nursing student said strokes in the 18-45 age group have doubled in the local hospital system. The article didn't say since when the doubling occurred. I'm guessing about 2 1/2 years.


Oh yeah -- here's the link:

The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 70 - July 30th Reports

Influencers, passengers, whippersnappers, students, swimmers, and bodybuilders -- no one is safe in TROME



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Very scary indeed. You’re doing good work.

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To clarify. I saw a border report on crossing. 12,600 or thereabouts unaccompanied minors with about 5 to 10 percent positive estimated for TB were released in to the US to spread across unprepared communities. TB can be patch tested and you can find out if you are a carrier that is non symptomatic easily. And then, keep your eyes open for symptoms. Once active, you have to treat and quickly because TB kills. Some strains are very very leathal. So, leprosery as far as I know(sp?) isn't tested for like TB. Just saying. No ruling out the illegals AND legals who *do not know they have it* as it takes a long time to develop into 'something'...and you don't patch test for it like TB. Combine with the jabberoos and you have a nice perfect uptick in the disease. But as they chirp at you: 90 percent of people are (or were pre jabberoos) immune to it.

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Let's be real. The only real lepers in the story are in the CDC.

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And too bad they don't ring a bell and yell unclean as they parade and mouth in front of the cameras. Because, that would be so appropriate!

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Jesus loved lepers. I don't think they deserve to be lumped with those democidal demonclowns.

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I was just listening to below video with Dr. Nass + James Corbett and it explains why the CDC wants to blame an animal for the disease... it helps to push the WHO One Health agenda to control all humans and animals bc they want to blame (and continue to lie and blame) Covid on bats too. Every disease going forward will be blamed on our infringement on the environment so therefore we must move into smart cities. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/antihuman-agenda-with-james-corbett/

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And climate change ...

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Climate change: nothing to do with that massive underwater volcano in Tonga putting 35 trillion gallons of super heated sea water into the stratosphere (which is verrry high up there)... all that water vapor... and the minerals... hot house effect anyone? Hum nothing to do with climate manipulations (chem trails and the like... Mr. Gates we are looking at you?), nothing to do with deforestation and thus reduction of the lungs of the planet (less oxygen and less carbon dioxide up takes?) No, absolutely NOTHING to do with those things at all....

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The oceans are now boiling I tell you ! We are all doomed.

Repent ye sinners, who burn fossil fuels.

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Of course! So predictable.

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Surprised James joined CHD, but alas, Empires gonna control. 🙄

CDC = compromised.


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This is why they want you to blame animals for illnesses and not viruses released from labs...https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv0yfx8tSIj/

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Pangolins and bats and armadillos, oh my

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My favorite explanation about the origin of COVID was Fauci stating that maybe someone working in the lab contracted it while they were outside the lab and brought it back to the lab where it was naturally leaked from said person. He must really think we are stupid. Sadly, many people believe such nonsense. After all, he is "The Science."

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Are you serious? I dont recall that ever hearing that one, but, hey why not. Clown world, ya know

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Yeah, I remember him saying it. That level of absurdity is off the charts. Clown world indeed.

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I think Fauci was testing just how stupid people could be. The answer being 'Very'.

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.....and lions and tigers and bears.

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Dear Jessica, you might wanna check out this shocking new peer-reviewed study, from UK Hospital for Tropical Diseases, in which 49 over 50 LEPROSY cases (98%), in 2021, were covid VACCINATED within 12 weeks: https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0011493

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Will do! Looks juicy.

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Jessica you need to work an Armadillo, Texas joke into any future work you do on Leprosy symptoms. Those of us fed up with the Center for Disease Creation could use a belly laugh right about now.

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It's estimated that there are 476,000 new cases of Lyme disease in the U.S. each year. That is a 25x increase in annually reported cases since 1982.

Treatment still relies on antibiotics for 30 days

Since my doctor visit on Aug 1st, my condition has been deteriorating. I now have severe headaches and loss of balance.

I suspected that I might have bacterial encephalitis. My younger cousin Louise Ward living in Spain complained of earache, and was pronounced dead within six days just last year.

Anyway, the results of a blood test showed Lyme Disease, a debilitating tick borne spirochete infection. My doctor prescribed doxycycline filled at my local pharmacy on August 5th. So hopefully I shall not die of encephalitis. But I am still feeling quite unwell.

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At this website there is a list of herbalists experienced at treating Lyme. Contact one of them and get on the Buhner Lyme protocol asap.


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you should Read Kris Newby's book.

linky: https://www.amazon.com/Bitten-History-Disease-Biological-Weapons-ebook/dp/B07DTCDQNX?ref_=ast_author_mpb

order from Local bookstore, if can. I gave my copy away to a family friend.

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Haven't read my copy yet. But it is my understanding Fraudci strikes again.

Infectious Disease Evil group. I guess they were not getting enough attention ( and money ) so they needed to create havoc.

We now need more then 24 hours in a day to keep up with all the reading and destruction ( devastated about Maui ). All by design of the Homicidal Psychopaths.

Speaking of...another topic sorry, but we should keep up with Direct Energy Impulses ( the usual agency that starts with a DA ends with a PA). The charred remains of the lush green Maui coastal town are reminiscent of the Colorado housing development that was instantly and completely incinerated except for the green trees next to the houses. Interestingly, supposedly not one individual was home in the hundreds of houses that were also burned to complete charred remains. Unfortunately my most recent search on this demonstrates that it has been largely memory holed. Try the

" uncensorable" sites. More info on the directed energy on GeoEngineering watch.org


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It is common Knowledge that Palm Trees can't burn. Resistant to flames up to 750 Degrees. Pinky Swear. 🤣🤣😘

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Exactly, when is the last time anyone saw the tropics burning with palm tree rain forest fires?

These gov terrorists use the same MO every time. It is getting so obvious. They are being as obvious as they can but still people are not getting it there in Merica.

Just like their favorite " fiery car crashes " to get rid of victims or the poor shleps ( illegal immigrants ) they put up to lighting the little bush fires, over and over until finally one amounts to something after using fire stimulants. All from a Washington DC friend;look for the Feds in Maui, they stand out like a sore thumb. Ref the look at their picnic on the lawn on Jan 6. Hint:they can't surf, and they still all will be wearing those little black socks, even on the surf board on which they are lying.

Here, this should take care of it, from the US Deep State to the Shadow Government on the website that goes over Direct Energy Impulses for those doubting Thomases, that think the beautiful rainforests of Maui don't drop rain drops, but drop incendiary cinders.



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Jungles do not burn, they are too wet :-)

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Except Lahaina gets 12" rain avg. per year. Micro-desert climate.


"Yet in Lahaina, at the base of these mountains on the leeward side, the annual total is a sparse 12 inches or so!"

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Looks interesting.

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ps - spirochete infection = bio w34pon. ft. dietrick. read below. good luck.

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Plum Island to start at ground zero...

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I’ve heard that Lyme was also a purposely released bioweapon...

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I moved from England to New York in 1980. That summer I had a developed a painful purple patch on my thigh. I went to see a dermatologist in Manhattan, who accused me of drinking too much red wine.

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Yes, that is what the Doctors did. They did not know anything. And just like covid1984 now, they played pretend, that they didn't know that there was something causing, very often, serious illness.

Do you know the book " The Lyme Disease Solution " Dr. Kenneth Singleton MD

Towson, Md. Could have sworn he had another one " Under My Skin " but I can't find it online.

They really tried to bury him and it was hard to pull up his info with bits and pieces of it then and now. More difficult now actually, I just tried. Their AI memory holing is working! But we will keep bringing it up. I am sure Dr. S has lots of Fraudci NIH stories. Dr. S is nearby NIH. From what I recall at the time ( approx 15 + years ago ) Fraudci and friends got really nasty with him and any others that were suggesting Lyme Disease. All Infectious Disease compatriots official mantra was that it did not exist and people were crazy and they needed to be given sedatives, antidepressants, painkillers anything other than the simple, inexpensive, safe, doxycycline that if taken early enough, immediately made patients feel better after a week or two and curative after 30 days.( Now it is realized 45 d better ). Again, if started early enough. Use a good probiotic also.


These Psychopaths keep playing different versions of the same trick again.

Just like the FIB False Flags and the C#I%A Suicided Assassinations.

Pray for RFKJr. and everyone else that is risking everything for Truth and Honest conversations. Thank you J !

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Have you looked into any of the natural biofilm disruptors that allow access to the protected pathogens?

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What about the biofilms and membranes in our body we don't want to disrupt?

Are they selective?

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I honestly don't know that much about it. However, I thought it might be worth further investigation ~ and I have heard of tremendous breakthroughs with intractable Lyme when appropriate biofilm disruptors have been used.

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oh well. Lyme's "under our skin' was written a while back. 1990s I think? Anyway 6 weeks NOT 4 weeks Doxycycline at 200 mg daily. And that's the people they catch up with early on. After that the treatments get more difficult. Check for Babeosis, Mycoplasmas, too.

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And Ehrlichia. Both my little dog and a friend and a mother of a friend are positive for this and very ill until the medicine.

For my dog it was Doxy again.

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I would recommend reading THE LDN BOOK. Low dose Naltrexone has been affective against chronic lyme. You probably have Meningitis as well as chronic Lyme. You have had Lyme awhile and the antibiotics will not work now because the spirochetes are in deep and can evade antibiotics. Buckle up gonna be a long ride.

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Thank you, but I do not smoke cigarettes, nor drink alcohol. My body weight is 150 lbs and I eat a high protein diet. I take vitamin D every day and a low dose aspirin as a blood thinner, since I had a stent inserted in a coronary artery thirteen years ago. I take no other medications. I exercise regularly, but do not over exert myself. My body temperature is now back down to 97.7 deg F which is normal for me. My blood pressure is also normal.

Fortunately, my head aches and joint pains have disappeared, and my depression has lifted, so I am now feeling reasonably optimistic about life in general, although I think I will now hire someone to mow my four acres of grass, or just let most of it grow naturally to avoid another tick bite.

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Wash hair with Head and Shoulders my Lymes Literate neighbor said. I think it has the promethrin or a similar ingredient that repels them. It worked for our fam in a high tic area.

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By strange coincidence, when I was feeling sick with Lyme disease in early August, I cut my hair very short, since my head and eyes were itching. I also used Head and Shoulders shampoo and my scalp feels lot better. But now I don't recognize myself in the mirror :-)

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Aug 10, 2023
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I seem to remember that an out break of leprosy in Hawaii some suspect it was due to a vaccine program back then there was a correlation but a causal wasn’t shown at that time I read in a long time ago so my memory is very vague on the issue but I’ve remembering a doctor stating that roll out of the vaccine of that time was a suspect.......

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Yes, invent a disease to distract from vaccines injury.

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I'm just surprised they are not blaming the " climate".

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Oh they are. That was what my snarky comment about the environment was about. :)

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Great point

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More fear porn, fear mongering propaganda, psychological warfare, leading to psychological surrender-capitulation.

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It's been suspected for decades that armadillos can carry the bacterium for leprosy. I've seen it stated as a fact but other papers as theory. It usually takes quite some years to develop symptoms after infection so the recent invasion by illegals wouldn't be a cause..... unless as you say, dying immune systems make things speed up.... so now we have turbo Hansen's?

This disabling of the immune system.... does that mean an innocuous spider bite could kill? Or the common cold put them on 6 month disability? We are in deep doo doo if that is the case.

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We don’t have armadillos in the uk, we have had interesting cases of all sorts of diseases pop up since the shots rolled out, monkey pox was one of them.

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Hurry. Write your congressional representative. Have them immediately begin hearings as to whether it’s safe or not to allow Armadillos and Monkeys to be in the same area of any Zoo. Don’t want to have any cross pollinating going on there. Who knows what incurable diseases could evolve.

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Yes, all injected with the intact Bioweapon Injection ( not the placebo vials ) and not (or to a lesser extent ) the degraded vials, will for all intents and purposes have VAIDS or AIDS now. Treating this indefinitely will overwhelmingly become the new " specialty " in Clinical Medicine ( and of course research medicine ).

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Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome = VAIDS ~ Yes, very deep doo doo ~ and it's a gravy train for Big Harma:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/2f930f8e788f

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Not going to let you say not illegals, can be both illegal and have and not know AND legal and have it an not know. Then you get a jabbero perhaps a year ago, the immune goes down, the infection takes hold, and you expose others to it.

Armadillos are not the only causality of the disease btw. They've identified a new pathogen that causes the disease as well, very recently. If you are interested check out the Howard Huges Medical Institute - this is the place to look. They have done enormous work on TB and Leprosy since the late 80s early 90s.

In fact in light of VAIDS this title from them is very interesting:


As is this about Leprosy:


Oh, and HHMI was the first perhaps to use the firefly glow (luciferase) to develop a test for TB that would glow when certain deadly strains were isolated. V. interesting work, from 1990-1993. You can find an article behind a pay wall the NYT wrote. That was back when they were actually reporting and not 'shaping and telling you what to believe'.

I see connections... I see connections... or maybe not.

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PS. On that one about Leprosy... A cell-surface protein involved in the genesis of muscular dystrophy is also the target that the leprosy bacterium uses to latch onto cells before invading them. And in an equally surprising twist, it appears that two hemorrhagic fever viruses gain entry to cells via the same molecular handle. Emphasis: 2 hemorrhagic fevers...

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How do armadillos develop skin lesions when they have no skin?

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They do have skin, albeit thicker than ours. Turn one over.

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Jeff Childers covered the leprosy fear-porn story very well and with humour. He linked to a 'proper' British medical study that links leprosy with injection. See

☕️ HANSEN’S PSYOP ☙ Saturday, August 5, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠


He cites:

COVID-19 vaccination and leprosy–A UK hospital-based retrospective cohort study


And for a great laugh and additional covid-style fear-porn craziness, including several Florida counties achieving 100+ percent injection rates, enjoy Peggy Hall's wonderful dissection and interesting conclusion as to a possible woke media 'attacking' a particular county for an organisation within the county demanding that the elephant be attended to. She cites another published medical study linking recent cases of leprosy with injection.

The Healthy American Peggy Hall


NIH Study linking injections with leprosy


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I'm from Florida. They're not lying about the armadillos. We do get the occasional cases of Hansen's, and it's ALWAYS from people handling armadillos. Leave the armadillos alone, people.

It's just like out West-- every now and then they get a couple cases of bubonic plague. It's endemic in one of the rodent species out there-- prarie dogs or something.

In both cases, it may sound really scary, but those diseases are now completely curable with antibiotics. No big deal. Don't harass the wildlife and you'll be fine.

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Florida local news forgot to mention that the recent man in the news had it for 5 years and finally went to the doctor. He is a landscaper.

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I live in Florida. The case of a man with leprosy was resolved in 2022. He had a rash for 5 years. He worked in landscaping, a native Floridian . Finally went to the dermatologist and they diagnosed leprosy. The rest is a false flag.

I do see a problem with illegal immigrants unchecked carrying God knows what. But from what I see they live in close quarters in the shadows. Here in Florida they congregate in pockets around the state and work in the agriculture mostly. There are a lot in Orlando & surrounding area. So there is the potential to breed infectious disease.

Then there is ADE of the jabbed. They are also infectious disease spreaders and vax shedders.

Florida DOH website is where to find the truth. Dr Joe Ladapo the SG will make sure of it.

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Could this new uptick in leprosy be due to the illegal immigration bringing in a plethora of infectious diseases?

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