It doesn’t seem there is any number that would stop the continued rollout of these jabs. No amount of deaths or permanent injury. We know the media and FDA are bought and paid for, and those making decisions at the FDA are just looking for their big pay checked job at pharma when they leave government. I’m not sure the fDA has actually ever had the safety or health of the people in mind, in its entire history, as they seem to do more harm than good.

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I don't think Big Pharma can stop because the liability is too great for them. If you watch Robert Kennedy's video regarding vaxxing children - he says Big Pharma has to get these vaccines into children so they are covered under the no-liability arrangement with Big Pharma.

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Jessica, I really appreciate your informative content but the deep purple background is off-putting and difficult to comfortably read. Simple black text against a white background is much easier on these eyes of mine.

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Me too. I hate dark backgrounds.

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+1. I use Reader view (Safari) for substacks with dark backgrounds but that doesn't help over in the comments page.

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This is what I do, too. Only one or two writers block Reader View, thankfully.

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Reader views are nice for turning bright glaring backgrounds dark, too.

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I like the purple, but it's a little darker in my browser because of my website-darkening extension. So I am probably getting better contrast than the default.

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These are just a few cases of mild cases of data incompetence.

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thanks for unpacking this study so clearly and "snarkily." fun and informative.

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Thanks for this excellent work and all that you do! I completely agree with your statement, "The VSD should validate its search algorithm to improve its sensitivity for myopericarditis."

My oldest son is turning 18 soon and wants to join the marines. This is extremely concerning and I don't know how to protect him from this risk, since they are currently forcing the jab.

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The best protection would be for him not to join; the timing is extremely bad. If he is capable of listening and comprehending, you might be able to explain that it is a question of life and death, and that one of the humanly saddest because unnatural positions for a parent to experience is to survive one´s own child.

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I didn't see where you tallied the total number of missed cases, which I was curious about.

From the paper and Table 1 it looks like the CDC/VSD method gets 7 hits and the authors' augmented methods find 9 additional hits, so real rate in this sample is 229% of the rate the CDC method would produce.

7 would be found by CDC/VSD method

+3 would be missed because entered as I51.4

+2 would be missed because "short lookback" (carditis code not added until follow-up visit)

+4 would be missed because submitted to insurer with 30+ day delay

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Excellent work Jessica, thank you

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Kaiser non-permanente for sure! Especially if Fullmeich's (Nuremberg 2) assessment bears out.

Sent to me by a patient.


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What I would like to know is: why would 7,000+ people get one jab but not two, if not mainly for an adverse event caused by the first one? How many more people would be added to the numbers if those weren't excluded?

The Florida published numbers show a full 11-12% of people getting the first shot never get the second. It would be nice to see a survey of that population to determine reasons for not getting the second shot.

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What often does not get talked about anymore is the first real world data from the 114,000 initial shots . 9% if the adverse events fell into the same category as the end point of the trial … requiring medical attention and could not return to work ( both as infection and as adverse event)

Take that 9% and apply it to the trial and then compare end points and it’s clear the shots have far worse outcomes in the tested population .

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You can also take for granted that a sizeable number of vaxxed went for the second shot despite having experienced AE after the first one. A glaring example: Eric Clapton, whose story is good to read. (He transfigured his predicament into the song "This Has Gotta Stop".)

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Probably not directly related, but ICYMI Kaiser Impermanente is in the middle of being sued by Simone Gold and the good people at America's Frontline Doctors.


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Sounds like someone at KP has read the handwriting on the wall and determined that it's time to take some face saving moves.

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Interesting that it’s KP Northwest. I think most people in Washington and Idaho see through some of this, with the exception of the greater Seattle area. I’m in Snohomish County (next county up from Seattle) where you see more and more people rejecting the mask mandate (which I’m pretty sure is only enforced near Seattle). I haven’t been kicked out of any stores yet for not masking for the past 2 months. Idaho is free and open, and Oregon is probably like WA with metro areas obsessing over masks but not so much elsewhere. I wonder how this stacks up against the rest of the country. I wonder if the writers of this are opening their eyes and seeing the observable reality doesn’t match up to the narrative.

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I agree. It’s CYA time at the emperor’s digs.

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I think what we might be seeing is a calculated uncertainty by insurance underwriters to be bailed out of the financial obligations that medical costs associated with untested prophylactics may have . And if anything to the promotion of this uncertainty may offer some balance to the discourse and available data . Some may clearly find some kind of bail out or future promise of power , but certainly not all of them . And they might be looking around and considering the merits of preference falsity at this time .

A couple of insurance revelations on the margins likely is sending a clear signal . We might expect some dealings to occur and possibly some policy shifting to accommodate , or other blatant moves to consolidate the industry toward more controllable and limited select players .

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Wow that's some real insurance talk...

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I found the article on myocarditis to be extremely well written, well explained and valuable. It is quite unethical and unconstitutional for this 'peer-reviewed' article to be withdrawn without explanation. This act deprives the public of the right to know the risks of two doses of vaccination meaning true informed consent for experimental vaccines given under the EUA has been violated. This implies all who advocate two dose (or more) vaccination are (intentionally?) misleading the public on risks versus benefits of the multiple COVID-19 vaccination regimes. Equally alarming are the data showing an increased risk of infection of the doubly (or more) vaccinated beyond 3 months for the delta and omicron variants suggestive of vaccine enhanced infection/antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) which was already a concern, even before the vaccines became available. The current evidence also implies the vaccines may have selected for the emergence of the delta variant worldwide. Most likely omicron (which is highly mutated and less pathogenic) emerged in a non-vaccinated species and possibly propagated in non or undervaccinated human populations (such as South Africa). Omicron appears to be the 'endemic' version of SARS-CoV-2 with reduced pathogenesis potentially related to a reduced affinity for ACE-2 which may no longer compete for entry of the variant into foamy sebocytes/macrophages via BSG. This may help explain how omicron is so transmissible (sebocytes are found in sebaceous glands in the nasopharyngeal passages) yet not so pathogenic (ACE-2 is used to infect cells in the lungs).

Dr. Marian Laderoute discovered at the Public Health Agency of Canada that HERV-K102 appears to be a protector foamy virus produced in foamy sebocytes/macrophages which may play an important role against emerging pandemic RNA viruses. She is also the author of the new immunosenescence paradigm, 2015 (Discovery Medicine) which defines immunosenescence (relevant to COVID-19) as the failed lytic release of the HERV-K102 protector particles from foamy macrophages and sebocytes.

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Can you get myopericarditis from COVID-19, i had chest pain and heart pain both times after i had post-COVID?

I was 24 years old the first time and 25 the second time, my blod pressure was Like 193 at peak, so i went to the hospital but they couldnt figure out what was wrong with me.

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I recovered from Covid by Jan 2020 but developed heart palpitations after my family was vaccinated around March 2020. I am taking Hawthorne berry tincture and eating a few FRESH walnuts daily and this is addressing it. You have to keep up with it for 2 weeks to address it herbally.

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That's fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing!

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Yes, you can but the risk is higher from the injections.

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