I personally know J├╢rg Schauberger, grandson of Viktor Schauberger. I also met Walter Schauberger back in the 1980. I had a strange synchronistic experience with this. It was during my studies in physics at the RWTH Aachen. I had gotten some papers about Victor Schauberger and went to a hobby shop in Aachen to buy some materials to build a model of a turbine, not a functional turbine which Viktor Schauberger may have thought of (much later I saw almost the exact design in one of ViktorтАЩs drawings). I just left the store with a plastic bag full of material, when I walked to a тАШboothтАЩ store (these little stores in Germany where you can buy candy, sodas, cigarettes and newspapers) and bought the newest edition of a borderline science magazine. When I opened it, there was an article about Walter Schauberger, who for the first time since 20 years opened up to the public! I couldnтАЩt believe this strange coincidence, which prompted me to get in touch with Walter Schauberger and he responded to my letter, and he later told me that he rarely answered his mail but somehow felt the need to respond to my letter. Years later I met J├╢rg Schauberger in Bad Ischl, Austria.
This made me to study fluid and aerodynamic courses but my degree was in high energy particle physics. My Ph.D. was in atomic physics and spectroscopy. But I have at least some basic background in fluid dynamics.
The vortex motion is a fascinating principle of Nature! I think Viktor Schauberger tried to replicate the water cycle in Nature: evaporation of water over the oceans, moving of the warm moist air upwards, cooling of the moist air and consequent condensation and rain (final release of potential energy of the water). And tried building machines for that but failed. However, the idea is still interesting. A colleague of mine, the late Prof. Robert Vidmar published and patented a moisture extracting system where the latent heat of the water vapor was recovered in Ranke turbine cycles. His office was just across that of mine. Unfortunately, he suffered a fatal heart attack while skiing. His ideas was another datapoint for me.
I had also a bizarre discovery regarding grounding. Maybe 25 years ago, a friend of mine invited me over to his house to meet Dr. James Oschman and Clint Ober, where they discussed the benefits of sleeping grounded. They gave me a grounding kit to try out. Dr. Oschman thought, that when not grounded, one would charge up due to friction between sleepwear and the bedding. He thought one would lose electrons, thereby becoming positively charged.
So to test this, I connected three 9V batteries in series, and connected the positive terminal to ground and the negative to the grounding pad, thinking that giving myself extra electrons would result in a better sleep. Was I wrong!! I had terrible nightmares, I had to disconnect the battery and slept just grounded without any more nightmares. The next night I switched to positive 27 V but didnтАЩt sleep any different than just being grounded.
At the time I told this to a technician in the physics department. He replicated my тАШexperimentтАЩ with a 100 V dry cell battery (those were used as anode batteries in old portable tubes radios). He started sleeping on a -100 V potential, he had a conductive fabric that he connected to the battery. He not only had the worst nightmares of his life, but the dream content was absolutely disgusting! He got up and disconnected the battery and slept normal. The next night, he reversed the voltage and slept no different than just grounded!
Strangely, my son told me of having nightmares sleeping in his bed at my house but not at his momтАЩs. Before meeting Dr. Oschman, I had a grounded aluminum mesh under my bed and also under my sonтАЩs beds. So I took a single 9 V battery and connected it so that he was sleeping on a positive 9 V potential. The nightmares stopped! That is how our beds are wired now. I tried a grounding bed sheet but didnтАЩt like it. It shortens out the naturally varying potentials over the body. I have a grounded pillow case that is connected to the screen under the mattress. Both on the +9 V potential with respect to ground.
Then I have my bed slanted, read up on тАШInclined Bed TherapyтАЩ. Not sure if it does anythingтАж
Long but very informative interview! Thank you very much. By the way, I sleep grounded since about 1978, I met both Dr. James Oschman and Clint Ober.
i looked into grounding my bed as well at one point. and finding a way to vortex my drinking water
I personally know J├╢rg Schauberger, grandson of Viktor Schauberger. I also met Walter Schauberger back in the 1980. I had a strange synchronistic experience with this. It was during my studies in physics at the RWTH Aachen. I had gotten some papers about Victor Schauberger and went to a hobby shop in Aachen to buy some materials to build a model of a turbine, not a functional turbine which Viktor Schauberger may have thought of (much later I saw almost the exact design in one of ViktorтАЩs drawings). I just left the store with a plastic bag full of material, when I walked to a тАШboothтАЩ store (these little stores in Germany where you can buy candy, sodas, cigarettes and newspapers) and bought the newest edition of a borderline science magazine. When I opened it, there was an article about Walter Schauberger, who for the first time since 20 years opened up to the public! I couldnтАЩt believe this strange coincidence, which prompted me to get in touch with Walter Schauberger and he responded to my letter, and he later told me that he rarely answered his mail but somehow felt the need to respond to my letter. Years later I met J├╢rg Schauberger in Bad Ischl, Austria.
This made me to study fluid and aerodynamic courses but my degree was in high energy particle physics. My Ph.D. was in atomic physics and spectroscopy. But I have at least some basic background in fluid dynamics.
The vortex motion is a fascinating principle of Nature! I think Viktor Schauberger tried to replicate the water cycle in Nature: evaporation of water over the oceans, moving of the warm moist air upwards, cooling of the moist air and consequent condensation and rain (final release of potential energy of the water). And tried building machines for that but failed. However, the idea is still interesting. A colleague of mine, the late Prof. Robert Vidmar published and patented a moisture extracting system where the latent heat of the water vapor was recovered in Ranke turbine cycles. His office was just across that of mine. Unfortunately, he suffered a fatal heart attack while skiing. His ideas was another datapoint for me.
I had also a bizarre discovery regarding grounding. Maybe 25 years ago, a friend of mine invited me over to his house to meet Dr. James Oschman and Clint Ober, where they discussed the benefits of sleeping grounded. They gave me a grounding kit to try out. Dr. Oschman thought, that when not grounded, one would charge up due to friction between sleepwear and the bedding. He thought one would lose electrons, thereby becoming positively charged.
So to test this, I connected three 9V batteries in series, and connected the positive terminal to ground and the negative to the grounding pad, thinking that giving myself extra electrons would result in a better sleep. Was I wrong!! I had terrible nightmares, I had to disconnect the battery and slept just grounded without any more nightmares. The next night I switched to positive 27 V but didnтАЩt sleep any different than just being grounded.
At the time I told this to a technician in the physics department. He replicated my тАШexperimentтАЩ with a 100 V dry cell battery (those were used as anode batteries in old portable tubes radios). He started sleeping on a -100 V potential, he had a conductive fabric that he connected to the battery. He not only had the worst nightmares of his life, but the dream content was absolutely disgusting! He got up and disconnected the battery and slept normal. The next night, he reversed the voltage and slept no different than just grounded!
Strangely, my son told me of having nightmares sleeping in his bed at my house but not at his momтАЩs. Before meeting Dr. Oschman, I had a grounded aluminum mesh under my bed and also under my sonтАЩs beds. So I took a single 9 V battery and connected it so that he was sleeping on a positive 9 V potential. The nightmares stopped! That is how our beds are wired now. I tried a grounding bed sheet but didnтАЩt like it. It shortens out the naturally varying potentials over the body. I have a grounded pillow case that is connected to the screen under the mattress. Both on the +9 V potential with respect to ground.
Then I have my bed slanted, read up on тАШInclined Bed TherapyтАЩ. Not sure if it does anythingтАж