Of course the stories of vaccine injuries are important.

The main issue is why were the "vaccines" needed at all-with a 99%+ survival chance. The reality is they were not-so the story becomes why were they developed and mandated ---that is what needs exposed.

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And especially why give them to kids with the most risk from long term or developmental effects, zero risk from the disease, and even less testing?

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To capture a larger "audience". For Pfizer et al, this was all about money. This year, they are losing on their gamble...stock price is down 35%. They have lost $109 billion in market cap, and they deserve every penny of this loss.

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Ꮩіѕіt... https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Frileynews3.blogspot.com%3AHAW6AfCqoi3IVA9_fgrwpTurf5E&cuid=hiu897089yh

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...Agenda 21 was behind schedule in 2019

Now all caught up and ahead of schedule...

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Think of COVID-SCAM as just another of the ongoing gov scams that never end.


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Think of the vaccines as a depopulation bioweapon and Covid as the motivation to get it into arms and things make a lot more sense. Until then nothing will.

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Then again you could just tell the truth about COVID, but people don't like the truth, so we make up mythology & narratives that make people feel good


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Exactly, my friends and ally in spirit.

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trump wouldnt support such a thing would he ??

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But he did, and in the face of undeniable evidence to the contrary he continues to insist the vaccines are wonderful, and perfectly safe. I understand he could have been duped initially but to continue to insist on the lies is unforgivable.

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I think you are far to trusting if you think anyone in a position of power would or wouldn't commit to evil ends. I'm not saying he would but really, how do you know? Do you actually know him or is it only the perception from his portrayal on public media?

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The silence is deafening

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Oh, Jessica. We love you so very much. Keep thinking. Keep talking. I know it’s difficult because it seems that NO ONE IS LISTENING..but we have to believe (hope) that TRUTH will prevail.

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No not our TRUMP if he knew that COVID-SCAM was an orchestrated first degree attempted murder he would have never signed off the MIL-OP in summer of 2019


CIA sold COVID-mRNA as war on CHINA&RUSSIA to cripple them and make Trump a war POTUS TRUMP signed off 100% and went along; He failed big-time CHINA&RUSSIA fought back in ways the USA never predicted, which gave PUTIN even more resolve to kick ass in UKRAINE

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I think he was too trusting at first of the “experts” who were obviously out to push their hysteria agenda. I do think Trump did start to question when HCQ came under fire, but it was too late by then. The Great Barrington Declaration were a voice of reason they will never shut down.

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Jul 11, 2023
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And when did Senator Ron Johnson have his panel of shot injured? When did little Maddie DeGaray and her Mom become public about her injury? How many times after Ron Johson panel went public did Trump say the shots were safe?

I voted for Trump twice. Not saying I won't do it again if he still is the best choice, but I think he has blood on his hands. Whether he trusted the wrong people, once again had too big of an ego, or had some stupid moments, facts are facts. He had to have known people were being injured and he still endorsed the shots.

With that being said he didn't seem to drain the swamp much either.

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He had too many around him who were working against him because Washington is irreparably broken. I never understood why Fauci who is little more than a psychopath and a liar, but I suspect that people were whistling in his ear that if he did certain things (Warp Speed, lockdown, etc), he would win re-election.

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What U fail to understand with your TRUMP is that he NEVER admits mistake, he fucked up, but its not in his nature, not once in his entire life has he admitted failure, it goes back to his books 'Winning" means never admitting fault;



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Why the "vaccines"

Because it was part of The Plan. Here, from the horse's mouth, published in April 2020, the map.

Safe and effective mrna with 95 percent effectiveness prophesized.

Worth the read. I found this on yesterday's Corbett Report notes.


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Most countrys just jabbed the shit, but in Japan all vials of mRNA were inspected

Vials with cloudy white substance and rat turds, or clear metallic particles were trashed

Rat-Turds contain heavy metal's which causes long term disability and death; Merck Index shows that even small quantitys of ethyl-glycol in children leads to myocarditis;

Japan had little to no injury

Around the world in inspecting mRNA, the most common contaminants are ethylene-glycol which causes heart-attacks and rat-turds


ALL mRNA was made in INDIA labs with legal immunity there was NO QA, so the rat turds are organic from the labs, and the ethylene-glycol is used in the cooling jackets of the stainless steel vats to make the drugs;

Heavy metals are from the low quality chinese stainless steel used in INDIA lab vats


Most country's like USA never inspected the mRNA vials they just jabbed

It was found that some vials were 100% ethylene glycol, which would directly lead to myocarditis

So stainless steel 1,000 liter double jacketed pots with leaking ethylene glycol led to most of the covid poisoning, so what did big-pharma contract do?

Last year the biggest pharma labs in INDIA were burnt down, so now the evidence is gone

ALL mRNA by moderna, pfizer, and j&j was all made in INDIA by UK contracts

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True .. nothing was needed for a pathogenic virus that didn't exist - as per mortality statistics, it never crossed the border!

Remember it was all about getting a shot in every arm, if it was purely about money than a paid for saline shot would have been ideal as everyone would be coming back for more and more without any reactions an endless money market.

Based on this, I'm of the opinion that the majority if not all of the shots were loaded with something toxic, every person is different and whether your body can eliminate these toxins will determine whether you survive the next couple of days, months or even years.

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To fast track the LNP/mRNA platform for all RNA vaccines going forward...

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Definitely under no circumstances Placebos in terms of the real definition of the word. It's a much-mailgned word, as highlighted in "Turtles"?

But in the immortal words of a US politician (You know who I mean!) "At this point, what difference does it make"? Isn't this a distraction when we should be focusing on the harms caused by the mRNA gene therapies in totality?

And I am still of the opinion that, in fact, the "Bad Lots" might, in fact be the "Good Lots". That sounds strange but I say that based on observations of the Global supply chains, that nobody has looked at. As a single strand, mRNA is fragile and quickly breaks down at temperatures above high minus C levels. Now, perhaps in the US and parts of Europe there MAY be a capability of manufacturing, freezing, storing, distributing to the point of use, then correctly unfreezing and quickly using the vials. It's the experience of most that the vials came out of a regular fridge and sat there while multiple folks were injected.

So perhaps most of those injections were already useless? That doesn't mean that the Plasmid/DNA contamination and the breakdown products of the mRNA could not cause longer-term harm, and that certainly isn't "Placebo", but in terms of the ability to cause immediate harm due to cellular spike production at the site of injection and beyond - probably not.

But the other aspect, also never looked at, that does seem starnge to me as someone with knowledge of the Pharmaceutical Industry, is WHY did the Lot sizes vary so much? mGMP requires rigorous manufacturing Bills of Materials and QA all the way through the process and retention of detailed batch records. In this system, Lots and Lot sizes are standardized so that the controls can be maintained. In view of this, the alleged WIDE variation in Lot sizes appears very irregular.

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We simply DO NOT KNOW what is contained in the vials, and we SHOULD know, as Rose has clearly indicated. But the fact is this: many people who got one or two jabs died within hours, days, week. Others, in contrast, are only now coming down with debilitating injuries and others are keeling over dead 600, 700 days post-jab! If anyone looked at this latter group up until the point of serious injury or death, they would likely conclude that that person received a placebo because they survived 600 to 700 days without any adverse effects!

The delayed adverse effects are clearly due to either an idiosyncratic response of the Individual, in much the same way that many people will react differently to food poisoning or bee stings, OR the late-onset injuries and death are due to a different chemical makeup of the injected drug itself - perhaps even both. It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that those who did not drop dead within days, weeks, or a few months of getting the gene-editing drugs, were simply given a placebo.

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Also add to the fact that there were about 12 manufacturers of the shots, so each manufacturer could have done something different. Then add to the fact they left the insert blank so they could change the ingredients at any time. So yes we don't know what was in it as it could vary from person to person.

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Spike protein is probably far more toxic in some people, much like mold. What we really don't know is the toxicity of spike protein vs lipid nanoparticles.

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I was stunned to learn of the unbelievably large variation of lot sizes. Simple logic tells one that a factory set up to produce something in batches would deliver batches of approximately the same size. Nothing else makes sense. Anything otherwise means the word “lot” is meaningless.

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Exactly my thoughts Philipat... Well put.

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Semantics....calling something a "placebo" such as an injection loaded with adjuvent, or the pharma industries trick of using prior approved versions of a vaccine as the control comparison...have played a major role in deceiving the public into thinking the covid injection products are a boon for their health. Other examples of intentionally deceptive semantics...the designation of the shots as "safe and effective". Once people understand the industry's testing justification for that designation, they would realize it is an intentional falsehood. 95% EFFECTIVE - the basis upon which the shots were initially marketed. Another massive semantics deception which requires understanding the difference between absolute and relative risk reduction in order to appreciate the deception. VACCINE - the semantics of calling the covid injections "vaccines" only came about by quietly changing the definition of the word "vaccine" without informing the public...and intentionally allowing the public to carry and associate their historical and experiential understanding of what a vaccine does with the covid shots.

Pharma and most specifically the vaccine industry, does not owe their massive wealth to the actual safety and effectiveness of vaccine products. They owe their wealth to their ability to deceive the health infrastructure and the public through semantics based chicanery, endorsed by and allowed through flimsy industry captured regulators. Oh, there's another piece of deceptive semantics....calling industry enabling agencies "regulatory". The only thing they appear to actually be regulating is public perception.

INSANE indeed. When will this house of cards come crashing down? Not soon enough.

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It is. All cause mortality increased in mid 2021 when mandatory vaccination of young working adults began. 2 years later, all cause mortality in this age group remains 15-20% higher. Pfizer bet on long-term adverse events (autoimmune disease, cancer, cardiac amyloidosis which they are now actively researching for mRNA-based treatments) which would be difficult to pin on their vaccine. The joke is on them as too may people are dying too quickly.

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DAMN STRAIGHT! every word. (fist pumping over here, baby!)

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I share your frustration at the way in which this particular topic and many others regarding the last three years of insanity have been covered. On the definition of placebo I was not aware prior to the Covid 19 inectibles that a placebo was anything other than a saline solution in this context. Talking with family members and friends, all injected, they still believe the same as I used to previously. Two family members (younger people) have been diagnosed with life threatening conditions in the past few months and neither would contemplate that the shots they had received might have contributed to their condition. The problem going forward is that these things will be normalised as we've seen with many things over the past thirty years and many reasons will be given other than the most likely candidates. I'm constantly amazed that many of the things that have emerged over the past three years appear to have not raised a murmer from the public. At times I feel that what is the point of continuing to try and hold people to account for this debacle but unless I keep trying then I'm as guilty as they are of this deceit. Thank you very much for your work and I always look forward to your analysis and insight.

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Ah, so the psychological approach by the DOD of using pharmaceutical companies as cover was effective?

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Pfizer called their shot, from the beginning, a "countermeasure". The DOD has its mitts all over the origin of COVID and the response to it. Eisenhower warned of the military/industrial complex, and COVID showed us the very real threat that the military/industrial complex poses to the future of this country.

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MZ, I think you need to add China to the beginning of your process. DoD is just bureacratic process passthrough and likely had nothing to do with the origins of the planned eugenic-vxx.

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No doubt China is implicated in the potential threat that the DOD wants a countermeasure for.

Over the last 100 years there have been a lot of false flags waved in our faces by our own government agencies. Don't you think it odd that the DOD and China seem to have similar goals and solutions?

Is it true that the Death-Vax was developed in North Carolina before the "virus" was created and identified?

Someone here on a substack said, "They want to kill most of us and torture the survivors." I hope not.

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I dont agree with any assessment "the death vax was developed in NC". This is total nonsense. The idea of their being a plot by the DoD to kill off millions of people is a ludicrous proposition made by a unclear and confused people that should be dismissed out of hand because there is no evidence. However that there are Chinese or Russian spy agents within the ranks of Pharma that could have planted the formula for a death vxx, and which would explain Pharma not being able to reform itself over this--I expect many Pharma top execs around the globe have been blackmailed with death threats from the CCP.

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This is substacker Buzz Hollander, who defends all things pharma, recently reacting to RFK Jr.'s statement of no placebo-controlled vaccine trials:

"This is an absurd claim! For starters, perhaps he has already forgotten the recent Covid-19 vaccine trials, almost all of which featured a saline placebo control. Yes, there is the above example of rotavirus, too. The Salk polio vaccine was famously, and fascinatingly, tested in part against a saline control group. The Shingrix shingles vaccine had a saline placebo arm. So did an influenza vaccine trial in infants. Ditto one of the HPV vaccine trials."

He took the mRNA shots, promoted them to his readers, and I would ask him to respond to your comments about the SAEs of the "placebo", but he just passed away from a turbo cancer. Here's the article that the above excerpt was taken from (he died just after publishing it and the next article is his death notice):


Anyway, here are excerpts and links to the studies he mentions:

The Salk vaccine trial:

"The study was elaborate in many respects, most prominently in the use of placebo controls (children who were inoculated with simple salt solution) assigned at random (that is, by a carefully applied chance process that gave each volunteer an equal probability of getting vaccine or salt solution) and subjected to a double-blind evaluation (that is, an arrangement under which neither the children nor the physicians who evaluated their subsequent state of health knew who had been given vaccine and who got the salt solution)."

Link: http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/epidemiology/hanley/c622/salk_trial.pdf

The shingles vaccine study:

"Vaccine or placebo (0.9% saline solution) was administered (0.5 ml) into the deltoid muscle at months 0 and 2."

Link: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1501184

A flu vaccine trial:

"Trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) was compared with either saline placebo (Nepal and South Africa) or quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (Mali)."

Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29443825/

Finally, here is a study description of an HPV vaccine done on females 12-26 of age:

"Subjects were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to receive 3 doses of 9vHPV vaccine (n=618) or saline placebo (n=306) at day 1, month 2, and month 6. "

Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26411885/

Buzz mentions the rotavirus trial, but the study only says a placebo was used. I couldn't find a description of what was in the placebo. Here is the link:


I'm not defending any of this - I'll never take a vaccine again and regret the ones I did take - but Buzz was very reliable in passing along Pharma talking points. His specialty was to make concessions, acknowledge both sides, but always come down on taking pill or shot.

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I think the saline solution in the HPV Trial turned out to be not quite. It was the smallest cohort and still had other ingredients such as polysorbate 80. And the data was merged into the other cohorts that had adjuvant solution. Just read about this this week in the HPV Trial book.

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The pharmaceutical industry would never conduct a true placebo study. The "placebo" mentioned contain all the ingredients of the "vaccine" minus the specific genetic material that is being tested against a specific virus.

Every vaccine placebo contained aluminum oxide or mercury in them, and that is what has caused the epidemic of ADHD and autoimmune disorders, not to mention a thousand other allergies and maladies.

Introducing some small amount of genetic material into the bloodstream, which the body can easily detox from the body, is useless. The body reacts violently to heavy metals, not virus'.

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There was this small cohort of 60 given something that didn't include the primary adjuvant in the study per the data.

As of late someone said the CDC lists MMR as containing no adjuvants...is that possible? Because my understanding matches yours...that without adjuvant the body would ignore the antigen? Or could it be the Rubella is that immunogenic?

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No. That is an absolute falsehood. Every vaccine contains an adjuvant. Look at the deposition of Dr. (evil) Stanley Plotkin, the "godfather of vaccines" to see him admit that not only are adjuvants used in the placebos, but there is a huge amount of random DNA, including that of an aborted male fetus, that has been used as the base DNA, since the sixties, thanks to tissue replication.

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actually, its my understanding that LIVE virus vaccines do not contain adjuvants because they don't need them. when they started making attenuated (dead) virus vaccines, they found that something extra (and toxic) was needed to produce the desired immune system activation

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With all due respect, I do not think the shots are about good health any longer. If you look long term at the health of vaccinated kids versus unvaccinated kids, the unvaccinated are far healthier. Look at Dr. Paul Thomas book. I believe they know that these shots, with adjuvants or maybe indeed no adjuvants, are about creating a long term chronic health or short term ill health if the recipient of the shot dies fast.

We are at war. The enemy is not interested in making our health better.

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I think if there are no adjuvants, no toxins, then whatever injected will simply pass right through a healthy body.

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In the (or one of the) original gardasil trial paper, a small placebo group received the saline injection. A footnote suggested that it was abandoned because it didn't provoke the immune system.

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I want to list this out so I have it somewhere In the HPV Vaccine Trial book on page 54 It is noted that one small group of "...approximately 600 9- 15 year olds in Protocol 018 received something other than AAHS. But they didn't receive saline either. What did the receive? It looks liek they got an active "carrier solution" fauxcebo, which contained everything int eh vaccine except the VLPs and AAHs. " I think the book wants to not let up on it not being saline..and fair enough, but it does seem like that group faired the best.

Another perhaps more concerning issue is apparently one cohort may have gotten half the dosage which may have hid some safety signals as well.

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TBH, I vaguely recall reading whatever paper it was when it first came out. I was still open to the idea of vaccines then. But when I read the footnote about the saline placebo being discarded (or whatever term they used), I completely lost trust/faith/belief in vax trials. Haven't looked back since. They're all garbage.

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So, Dr. Buzz died of turboCancer? Vaccines are now shown to be neither safe nor effective. I believe nothing they write regarding the methodology used because they fake the results until proven otherwise. ALL of pharmaceutical research is tainted by “vaccine research” and must be considered falsified until further notice. Not adopting this strategy endangers one’s health. Modern medicine has made us sicker not healthier☠️

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And anything made by Pfizer should be avoided like the plague. Say "no the Pfizer", and live a happier/healthier life.

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Naomi Wolf thinks Pfizer is a German and CHINA owned company.

So yeah, absolutely, I would want to take multiple shots from a China owned company that already proven unethical in court by billions of dollars settlement that has blanket immunity with a blank informational insert quickly made without long term uncorrupted trials because of a man made plandemic. Who wouldn't want these shots?

But it is not just say no to Pfizer. It is say no to all shots unless absolutely necessary.

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Given their track record, saying "no" to any Pfizer product is probably a good idea for one's health. I have heard the German/China connections before, and their actions with respect to their RCT seem to suggest that they have other (non-American) interests in mine, much like Joe Biden and Chine/Ukraine. And I agreed with the minimalist approach to vaccination (Tetanus alone for example), but I no longer see broad or widespread vaccination as a benefit, and I will no longer get an annual flu shot. So, some good has come out of all the COVID lies.

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I wouldn't get a tentanus shot again. I heard repeatedly the tetnanus shot affects fertility. Not that I want a baby, but I don't need any toxins in my body.



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I work too much around cars and the soil, but I always thought that the main problem with tent tetanus is the acellular pertussis that is included with it (the AP in DTaP). I will look at your references. Thanks.

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so this dude can be very easily fooled by the cultists. and then took it to his grave. his cancer was the biggest case of coincidence disorder, apparently

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Your comment reminded me of the radium girls, or ghost girls. During the War, young girls were paid well to make clocks that glowed in the dark from radium. At the time radium was thought to be healthy. They even had radium pills to take for your good health. What fun it was to be exposed to radium as it made the girls glow in the dark. Some girls would buy a pretty new dress, wear it to work, splash a little radium on it, then go out on a date at night looking fabulously GLOWING for their new date.

Anyways at work the girls would dip their brush in radium, then dip it in their mouth over and over again to make a fine point on painting their clocks. Over time of being exposed to such a toxic substance, some girls jaws just dropped out of their mouth, some girls got cancer in their leg, some got cancer in their arms.

I believe this was a lesson on how the body works. In the beginning, when the body is exposed to a toxic substance the bodies immune system rallies. The person actually experiences a feeling of good health when exposed to a toxic substance. Thus why the radium pills were on the market to begin with. However over time the immune system starts to tucker out. The immune system can't keep fighting and all kinds of ill health can happen. Notice that the symptoms of ill health for each girl was not exactly the same. Sure there were similarities of ill health, probably when examined lots of girls teeth fell out, lots with cancer, but it wasn't always the same kind of cancer or the cancer was not in the same place in the body.

Also this is a study of out right denial of what was happening. When girls would complain to the powers to be about their ill health, you know their leg or arm was cut off from the cancer, the ones making the money would tell the girls, who had no arm or no leg, your health looks fine to me. Lots of girls died very young from radium poisoning.

The reason your comment reminded me of this is that these girls took the radium they were exposed to to their grave. They say radium has a very long life and that these girls are still glowing in their grave.

I recommend reading The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women


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And yet his readers will not put two and two together.

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The devil is in the details. Previous vaccine placebos may have had saline in them, but that's not the issue here. Did they have anything else?

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Contact lens saline solution has not always been "just saline". (I haven't worn contacts in decades so I don't pay attention to those products now)

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I think RFK jr, as an attorney, asked for specific case study info showing vaccine results from the vaccine manufacturers saying they are safe and effective. I think he is still waiting for that info.

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He will be waiting a long time because such trials don't exist

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Dr. Rose,

I agree 100% with what you have written. As I searched trying to find updated data on the bivalent shot and nursing homes, scrolling through the same 8 posts that just repeated and repeated, I wondered what is wrong with people. Why wouldn't most people want to know all of the truth.

Smh. , Yesterday I gave a link out to someone who chose to take a comment I made a few days before that, and put me in my place, embarass me, or both by telling me that there is plenty of quality data that shows how the shots saved lives.

I do not believe that the shots saved anyone. I have not seen any data that was quality and/or I trusted.

So I answered his words with calm, a little okay maybe a spoonful of my sarcasm.

But it was like, you may or may not appreciate this one.

I told him I saw Walensky at the bank depositing her Pfizer check and she wave hello to me.


But I don't call people names, I don't tell them they are stupid, I have compassion for people that were fear mongered and their common sense was on vacation..

I never give out links, ppl don't ask, or I would. I'm amazed at the sheer amount of people who will not take 10 minutes to check something out. Granted it is a longer process now, I'm not sure how to get around 19 pages of the same 8 posts.

Any suggestions?

I mean I saw it start happening and then one day, I was like wtf.

Who the hell are these people (it's google, I have a note somewhere I made when I saw a tiny report about them merely wanting particular websites to pop first. It was going on before I caught that clip.

Way back machine is where I am headed.

I read that over 400 are still dying of COVID e ery day.

This i question, and I want to know why the nursing homes are not treating using Dr. McColloughs regimens, if they are in fact dying in drives.

I can't find anyplace to start.

I may physically inquire at the homes around here.

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I’m still working in a nursing home. I consider myself vax injured. Still haven’t seen a Covid death but I have seen a large increase in other deaths and a huge decline in overall health. Not sure how long I’ll be working as an lvn since vax mandates will return and I’m no longer a believer...,

Lastly, I no longer see death certificates in patients charts and am wondering where they’re going.

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My fad was in assisted living. He was still active, could do everything on his own, dress, bathroom, bathe, eat. He was just forgetful and was 92. But I’m 100% sure his decline from as stated to unable to do anything within a two week period while I had Convid and was unable to visit him, was Clot-Shot related.

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So sad:( I’m sorry ❤️

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I was a baffled that long ago that people didn't read Hitler's Mein Kampf to know what he was up to. Fast forward to today and how many people read Schwab's The Great Reset book? I would hate to buy the book though and give that lizard thing any profit. I am satisfied reading quotes. People don't read. Are they just not that bright or too busy? I don't know. Doesn't matter I guess.

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DA, go to your local library.

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That would be a "special" library order again. As in they may very well have that book somewhere, but it has to be ordered in, and not just the normal way of ordering. However there are plenty of my Mother is a transvestite, and my father is in jail and I'm gay books right on the shelf.

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Are nursing homes getting a check from the government when an inmate dies and

do nursing homes take a cut of the estate when an inmate dies and

do nursing homes often get a donation from the estate of a patient who dies?

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Pfizer's RCT did NOT show a reduction in hospitalizations or death, only a 95% reduction in "severe symptomatic disease" and this "benefit" was brief (a couple of months for the first two shots, and less with each booster). FDA then modeled making fanciful "predictions" to come up with how many people were saved. FDA never consider any adverse events or deaths in their modeling, so the FDA's conclusions are simply "made up".

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Interestingly the PEI has a history of promoting human depopulation. Richard Nixon's environmental policy was largely built around Erlich's book, "The Population Bomb". Nixon brilliantly enlisted the support of the Southern Racist wing of the Democratic Party, claiming that tax-funded abortions would diminish the Black birth rate, while appealing to leftists with opinions about reducing human environmental impact, on the advantages of depopulation in general. The US Supreme Court grossly overstepped its bounds, legislating from the bench in the Roe v Wade case, knowing that Dick's trickery would guarantee no meaningful action by Congress to assert its sole power to write legislation. In the process of making depopulation a policy, Nixon brilliantly hobbled the Left by launching a Drug War that insinuated that antiwar protesters were mentally unstable, but good jobs were available to Leftists who renounced violence, at his new EPA. Whether he was a crook or not remains a matter of definition, but he certainly did much harm by dusting off structural racism and giving it a new name, "population policy".

Given that history of the PEI, as primarily a think tank on population policy, what it's doing in the vaccines business at all demands an answer. Finding it in the disinformation business of promoting confusion about vaccine adverse events is also very troubling. Are there bad batches of vaccine being distributed, because the Erlich Institute wants to experiment with more human deaths?

Free people are being transformed into livestock, it would appear, and that's a dangerous trend as we surrender our liberty for the assurance of regular meals served in a trough in the barn.

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That is another Paul Ehrlich. Look it up!

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not for this. Indeed there are many dark histories behind many institutions in Germany. and indeed I can't avoid to see the meaning and possible or obvious continuation of enemies acting against humanity.

here is an article on some of it: https://helendunkel.substack.com/p/christian-drosten-and-bernhard-nocht actually BioNTech bought up the former "BehringWerke" near Marburg/GE and since 22 produces the BNT there.

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Thank you Jessica for this important article keeping us focused on truth and the importance of pursuing it, even when that is uncomfortable as it undoubtedly is for the many who have either been injected themselves or have loved ones who are.

If everyone without obvious adverse events now convinces themselves they have dodged a bullet, they will be less motivated to pursue justice.

Truth is still truth, even if painful.

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I too have concerns about the "placebo" narrative. The cynical part of me thinks this is being used to stop full exposure as people will just want to believe they have had the placebo and therefore safe from the long term effects, and thus silenced and not part of the full discovery.

In short self serving people or NPC's can still sit on the couch and keep their fingers crossed that luck was on their side. It is a clever narrative to keep the crowds at bay.

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Does a vax card include batch number? If so......

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It does and there is a site, how bad is my batch that lists death attributable to each lot in so much as it can.

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I spend quite a bit of time on Craig Pardekooper's site.

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Yes, it does if filled out properly by the vaccinator

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That is why we need broad based blood testing in real time to expose the progressing calamity that is coming.







These blood markers would expose everything !!

Simple to do.

Being blocked at the hospital & clinic level of access.


We know why.

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As Dolores Cahill ( I believe) suggested not only should the batches be identifed but EACH VIAL serialized.

Each vial yields MULTIPLE injections. The purpose being to identify variablility of Adverse events within a given lot -- different vial ingredients within same lot and/or contamination or improper handling of individual vials.

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“Words carry meaning, and appropriate word use is very important.” And I wholeheartedly agree. However, I believe this is why for a couple of decades the constant chipping away at various definitions and quick change when the definition is inconvenient (aka what is a vaccine per the CDC?) has been occurring. Without agreed upon definitions communication is blunted, becomes frustrating, and creates confusion instead of clarity which should follow open, honest conversation. Yes, consistently using clear, accurately descriptive words are important. Yet, we must also realize that some engaged in this conversation wish to disguise, distort and evade facts and objective truth, else they would be exposed as knowingly pushing harms. So, having honest conversations with someone who is intent on being dishonest will continuously frustrate and need more than just the most accurate words for the conversation.

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Going out on a limb here--regarding your 'words carry meaning'. Well, grammar is the framework which allows words to express the meaning which they carry. In 1963, The American Council of Teachers of English decided that grammar should no longer be taught---it wasn't necessary for students in learning to write ( found this nugget while doing an ESL certificate). I suspect that is why Grammarly took off, about 5 years ago. Anyway, for 60 years, more or less, American students have not been learning how to use their own language effectively. Corollary--people who write are writing poorly, making meaning hard to follow; and people who read are reading poorly, not understanding what they read, because what they read is written such that meaning does not flow from the words.

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Narcissist is an "N"word?

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Great work Jessica, and yes, placebo in vaccine research terms doesn't mean saline, which reeks of dodgy...

But speaking of saline, this reminds me that in Australia, Pfizer imported a batch of SPECIAL covid vaccines for Australian Pfizer employees only.

A unique batch for their employees only?

Very sus, as there's plenty of the normal Pfizer vaccine here, why a special batch just for them?

The TGA website covers batches brought into Australia... Best demonstrated in this tweet here :


IF the "vaccines" were as safe and effective as we were all told, WHY would Pfizer need to create limited special batches for their employees? Which were NOT EVEN REQUIRED TO BE TESTED by the TGA!?

Hmmm... Why?!!

I don't want to say the word "saline", but I'm tempted to... Love to know who produced their special vaccine.

Lot number: FD0927*


The lot number says to "see remarks"... The remarks are:

"Not tested. OCABR Reviewed. Limited batch quantity allocated for use in Pfizer Australia employee vaccination program"

Curious isn't it? Worth noting and keeping in mind anyway.

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Is there a similar summary (specific batch test results and sources) for US distribution?

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I'd like to know too... was this a worldwide Pfizer practice for their employees?

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I remember seeing in Australia that specific batches got approval that were destined only for Pfizer employees. That seemed very strange to me.

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Hey Jess

Any news on the prion / amyloid subject?

I keep seeing anecdotal evidence, but it's not helping calm me down.

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just that there are more and more reports coming in on the ground and in studies

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bad news it is then

or rather, the news is we need to start treating this in pretty much anyone

see if we can slow it down, and with the help of the whole community perhaps even some day cure it

cure prions?

as crazy an idea as injecting the population with them, so why not?

I believe there are many promising candidates, Walter Chestnut has done a great job of documenting some in his Friday Hope series.


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I believe my dad had this sort of reaction. He went from being a calm sometime a bit grouchy ancient man to going nuts, hiding in a closet, they had to call police to restrain him so they could take him to the hospital. He was 92 and skinny.

It just makes me so angry. I can’t even think about it. I can’t imagine how people must feel if they took their children to get these death injections and something happened to their child.

Frankly I’m surprised people in certain positions have not been murdered.

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Thus the fluoridated water. Fluoride calms people down, makes them less likely to form an army and fight. This war has been very well planned out for a long time.

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Good stuff.

Tongue in cheek. "You mean terms like "Bombshell" and "The walls are closing in" rtc have no place in MSM reporting?

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So the "vaccines" weren't really vaccines and the "placebos" weren't really placebos, either. Quite a world we live in, eh?

This explains the how's and why's of a male in a female swimsuit being designated the "winner" of an NCAA women's swimming competition down in Philadelphia.

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And the male in a female evening gown ( because who else wears evening gowns) becomes Miss Netherlands and is on to Miss Universe

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And Pfizer wasn't really the manufacturer.

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The took the profits, and now their stock price is in free fall (down 35% this year). I wonder if they will seek a bailout. If not, they will probably try to get their RSV shot mandated. Interesting how RSV was not a problem for adults until their COVID vaccine was mandated/used.

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Oh my God I use Monty pythons parodies a lot in this COVID-19 fiasco vaccine conversation that’s that’s so funny I guess great minds think alike😂😂👍

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Another brilliant piece from Jessica. What wasn't discussed in this article, however, was the claim from German scientists, that from the yellow batches, only one (1) was controlled by PEI. If this is true, it means PEI knew which batches was "charged". Which implies this was an eugenics experiment (see Kim Iversen show on this theme). Horrible crimes, if it's the case. Therefore, we need answers! And we need them fast. Jessica's extensive research on VAERS might be helpful in finding the truth about the quality issues with the jabs and whether we should skip quality controls alltogether in all pharma products? Surely, many will stop taking any drugs from these crooked companies anyway. Thanks for all your work Jessica!

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