Dumb questions:
1: Could the lot variation be the product of systemic under-recording, where to muffle the signal many batches were capped? I imagine capping all batches would disillusion honest staffers who knew reports went up but didn't see it represented in the data, so perhaps a way of attenuating AE presentation systematically but …
1: Could the lot variation be the product of systemic under-recording, where to muffle the signal many batches were capped? I imagine capping all batches would disillusion honest staffers who knew reports went up but didn't see it represented in the data, so perhaps a way of attenuating AE presentation systematically but still presenting an increase would be to allow true figures for only a subset of the batches?
2: It appears from some of the videos that the toxic batches were sent all over, but the benign ones weren't. Isn't that the sort of impression that might simply just be the result of all batches being sent all over, but only those with a high number of reports having reports associated with most states?
Dumb questions:
1: Could the lot variation be the product of systemic under-recording, where to muffle the signal many batches were capped? I imagine capping all batches would disillusion honest staffers who knew reports went up but didn't see it represented in the data, so perhaps a way of attenuating AE presentation systematically but still presenting an increase would be to allow true figures for only a subset of the batches?
2: It appears from some of the videos that the toxic batches were sent all over, but the benign ones weren't. Isn't that the sort of impression that might simply just be the result of all batches being sent all over, but only those with a high number of reports having reports associated with most states?