Dr. Jessica Rose, for someone so geeky, you are mighty cheeky! You make me laugh 😹 and cry 😿simultaneously. You combine a genius brain 🧠 with a compassionate heart ❤️ and a wicked 👹 sense of humor (which we sorely need right now).
Thank you for continuing to present scientific truth to power. Wouldn’t it be nice if power UNDERSTOOD scientific truth as well?
Thank you also for the beautiful explanatory slides and the gorgeous immuno-stained photo. Your heart art is so much more glorious than Hunter Biden’s straw art.
Which is worse, dying in 5 years from myocarditis or cancer or Lou Gehrig's disease? A lot of jabbed will find out, and their doctors will not report it to VAERS.
Lou Gehrig’s, aka ALS, is a horrible disease. My first cousin died of it and my sister just died of it in December. Alzheimer’s is also a prion disease. My mother died of it. Reading that the vax spikes might act like prions was one reason I never got jabbed. And never will.
My son and DIL jabbed our 9 and 12 yr old grandkids after knowing the risks and promising not to. “It was just easier.” I almost texted her your slide with a Happy Mothers Day note, but stopped myself.
I hope your grandkids are the lucky ones who avoid the dangerous AE's. "Just easier..." Yeah, for the son and DIL. Again, I hope they don't have to see their children vaccine injured and limited for the rest of their lives, or worse, for their convenience.
I know. I've had a few friends who I've forwarded info on alternative sources for Iver-thingie and even just my carefully-researched, consolidated supplement list.
They get the jab jab jab and then another jab, then Omicron, and I send them that stuff, along with references, or even just a suggestion that they might want to NOT get another booster, and they just shut down. "Sorry, don't go in for this stuff." I said, no sure, good luck, get well soon.
Dr. Rose’s artwork would have made for a lovely Mother’s Day card. Sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself. I can only imagine how helpless and angry you must feel. Everytime I hear a parent say, “it’s easier” (which I’ve heard a lot!), I want to scream. I hope your grandkids will be okay. Love them up extra!
'its easier'... a head-slapper for me, the mom of a severely disabled teen. I'm still bathing an 18 yr old (who functions at the level of a 4 yr old) and filing for his legal guardianship. its WAY easier then if I had a kid who got measles and recovered, to go on to lead a normal, healthy life! (heavy sarcasm!) I left the matrix over 15 yrs ago when both he and his brother were vax injured. I KNOW not to trust the alphabet agencies and my family knows all this but still... they jab and jab and jab, listen to nothing I have to say. I had to give up so now just waiting for the other shoe to drop (more adverse events that will be written off) and not waste my breath. too sad.
You and the many other parents are the first ones I think about when I too hear “it’s easier”. You are a warrior mom for sure! I wish I could give you a hug. And if sarcasm helps, me (and I’m sure many others) are all ears. Back in 1993, I had my first glimpse of the damage caused by Children’s vaccines after hearing a mom (a client) suspect a vaccine had caused damage to her child. I didn’t know anything about Children’s vaccines back then. Drs. wouldn’t listen to her. Her child had severe autism . The stress destroyed her marriage. I’ve been educating myself on vaccines ever since. It’s why I refuse to take any of the shots. And since the flu shot came out, I’ve seen a pattern of ailments with my elder clients, but it doesn’t occur to them to go against their Doctor’s orders. I say “orders” and not “recommendations” anymore. Same goes with Statins. I’ve seen huge decline in my client’s health. Stephanie Seneff’s work has helped educate me on statins and vaccines. Unfortunately, unless and until people experience firsthand a loved one physically and mentally affected, they don’t pay attention or think it can happen to them. This is what I have noticed. They seem to only pay attention to what is repeated over and over again , “safe & effective” or they put their trust in these alphabet organizations. It’s why I value Dr Rose and her work. She actually explains and SHOWS us the lies 🙏
It's a well-run propaganda campaign. This time, any writer, journalist, or reporter who doesn't dutifully parrot & defend the official Narrative will be excommunicated & canceled. Even the supposedly reliably cynical Leftie oppositional rags, like Mother Jones, or formerly freedom-oriented groups like ACLU are all in lock step. So the only opposition are committed already-been-cancelled truth-tellers like Jessica, or soon-to-be-prosecuted "misinformation" purveyors named and shot down by the unconstitutional Ministry of Disinformation. No wonder the less curious, less confident, less aware are afraid even to read a dissenting opinion.
Mother Jones went to the Bill Gates Monsanto side about 2014.. from about 2005ish they had Tom Philpot and fab coverage but by Obama era it was full Monsanto Gates propaganda so gotta know they are pimping masks & jabs.
There has been a steady deliberate process to undermine effective groups and what once were activists are too often greenwashing front groups for toxic corps.
I think many of us are in the same boat, Al. I tried to warn a good friend not to get jabbed, even sending her a few charts and articles. Crickets. She even got the booster and has probably gotten the second booster. She just told me that she "fell" in her home the other day and could not recall words. Seems fine now, but what is going on inside her body, I wonder?!
What’s also disheartening is that no friends have asked me why I refused the jab. Especially since my father was a pathologist who was world famous for his work uncovering the genetics of the Spanish Flu. And my stepmother co-founded a major pharmaceutical company. Both elderly but refused the jab, as did most of us they advised. You’d think my friends would be intellectually curious about these two expert opinions, not NO!
So true Al, Substack community has been a truly comforting and educational experience. IMO, it’s so important to
be able to discuss and share information during a time of extreme separation/division. It’s also a bonus when I read funny comments. Humor has kept me from marinating in feelings of despair.
in the same boat here (as are thousands of us, I'm sure!) Both sister (who's had multiple side effects already), and bff (unvaxed but still believing in the god of CNN) outright REFUSE to look at a single thing I offer up. Refuse, ignore and don't even acknowledge any of it, like they are ignoring the tantrum of toddler. at the end of the day, its both scary and insulting.
my sister's in absolute & total denial about the cause. its 100% complete coincidence. (13 yrs post-menopause and started bleeding 2 weeks after first jab; severe eye pain/strain; sudden issues with anxiety and panic attacks.) she stills wears a mask even though she doesn't have to; she swears it 'helps' because she has had less 'colds'. still watching Catholic Mass online (even though her husband and adult son volunteer, in-person, with their church's men's group.) Probably got a booster (but knows better than to mention it to me, lol)
Wow, the cardiomyocytes picture is awesome, I initially thought "peacock feathers!" I've read various survival rates for 2-6 years for myocarditis victims from viral cause and they are not comforting. The present "recovered" people's rates cannot be better than viral caused and likely worse because per Malone, McCullough and the others, we do not know when if ever the pseudouridine stabilized synthetic sequences of the jabs stop acting. Dr. Cole and all have said the body can't break the synthetics down. I'm recalling the paper where they found spike 60 days after, Burkhardt and Bhakdi finding spike 128 days after the jab. Eventually the body is going to lose to the autoimmune responses, a relapse when an antigen sets off the jab induced hypersensitivity, and or the immune system loses the battle due to ADE or AIDS. So many time bombs ticking.
"Mild and transient" Must be a law firm, it certainly can't be a description of what's happening to injected young athletes. Unless you look at "transient" as in shuffling off this mortal coil. In which case, yes, life is transient. A lot more so when you trust the gov't with your health.
I am tired of these misleading, Lying assholes. I can only pray that parents of young children and young people themselves have realized that this is all b.s. They don't give all the data to show what is going in. They put it in a nice little box so people think these shots are "safe and effective. " Do these parents with young children ask themselves how many cases of myocarditis and pericarditis would have transpired in young people is no jabs had been given to them? It makes 0 sense.
In my experience, I have not heard of a parent who has reversed course on the jabs of their children. Data does not overcome fear that has been pounded into them 24/7 from every direction.
I can say this from my experience. I was told that my kids neededball the shots on the vaccine schedule. They had them all but the HPV shot (they had 1 dose). With Covid I quickly learned something wasn't right. For me I prayed and asked God for discernment to see the truth. They didn't get a single shot, I wouldn't allow them to mask up (I even called the school to tell them I didn't want them to), they were also never tested. They will never have another shot or be tested for another virus. I truly believe with faith in God you can overcome the fear. I wasn't watching MSM every day and I still found myself fearful a couple times. I just continued to pray. What many are missing is God.
And a lot of the jabbed will also get MS, Parkinson's, and the human version of mad cow disease in a few years, and doctors will never admit the jabs caused this disaster.
I was reading a long term study on paediatric myocarditis yesterday. At 20yr post-dx 44% of children had either required a transplant, or died. Our Prime Minister (Jacinda Ardern) has told parents the myocarditis is a ‘mild and transient’ condition in children. I waded through the NZ adverse events data - myocarditis is occurring at spectacular rates, well above expected levels in all ages, but especially the young. Interestingly- rates are similar in male vs female. A handful of children have died of cardiovascular conditions post-vax here. None have died of covid.
Thank you Dr. Rose! I love seeing sweet Checkpoint in your videos. Your informative comparisons to what the CDC or MSM/propaganda puts out has been most helpful. And now your artwork! Beautiful. This will be one I print, frame and hang in my lvg room as a conversation piece. With all the free time on your hands (HA!), may I suggest a covid shot coffee table book with all your art? 😁
I keep wondering about the METHOD of injection, and how it may play a part in the increased cases of myocarditis in young men.
Dr. John Campbell brought to light the fact that it’s quite possible that a percentage of injections could be given inadvertently intravenously. As a medical educator, he was shocked to hear that the injections were being given WITHOUT ASPIRATING FIRST.
Even more shocking was that the WHO instructional literature states that aspiration is not necessary, even for products that are specifically labeled to be injected INTRAMUSCULARLY, such as pfi$er and moderna. Their explanation is that the deltoid muscle doesn’t have any veins to to inject into, FFS.
Young men, reaching puberty, and thereafter, doing any sort of sport or physical labor can easily grow muscles on their muscles, it seems, and as a group, is the strongest of our species.
For those muscles to develop so quickly, wouldn’t they need more blood flow? Wouldn’t veins be more concentrated in their deltoids than in the deltoid of a middle aged man, or a young girl? If the answer to this is yes, then why is aspiration before injection still largely IGNORED?
If people are mandated to take this junk, the very LEAST they could do is ensure that they aren’t introducing it directly into the bloodstream.
Sorry this is so long, but I really hope you find the time to read this, Jessica. Here is one of the three or four videos that Dr Campbell has made on the incorrect methodology of not aspirating before injecting. https://youtu.be/D6hUoosMOuU
Yes Al. Sadly, I agree. it has been a high price to pay, but I have faith it will be worth it for the sake of Self-discovery. I am always in awe when I hear someone your age (which i don’t mean to sound offensive) reflect on their life with clarity and honesty and express sentiments of now being “awake”. Wisdom is a beautiful thing, void of regrets and shaped by self-inflicted wounds. At 71, I hope on your next birthday, you shout your age from a rooftop! Cheers
these phony white-coats really must think that both a) most people are stupid/lazy and are content to get all their info from sound bites and b) that they have enough power ($$$) behind them that they can drowned out REAL scientists, with REAL human empathy (like Jessica!), who have scientific FACT to rely on. its truly '1984' - all comparisons are valid.
Dr. Jessica Rose, for someone so geeky, you are mighty cheeky! You make me laugh 😹 and cry 😿simultaneously. You combine a genius brain 🧠 with a compassionate heart ❤️ and a wicked 👹 sense of humor (which we sorely need right now).
Thank you for continuing to present scientific truth to power. Wouldn’t it be nice if power UNDERSTOOD scientific truth as well?
Thank you also for the beautiful explanatory slides and the gorgeous immuno-stained photo. Your heart art is so much more glorious than Hunter Biden’s straw art.
Which is worse, dying in 5 years from myocarditis or cancer or Lou Gehrig's disease? A lot of jabbed will find out, and their doctors will not report it to VAERS.
Lou Gehrig’s, aka ALS, is a horrible disease. My first cousin died of it and my sister just died of it in December. Alzheimer’s is also a prion disease. My mother died of it. Reading that the vax spikes might act like prions was one reason I never got jabbed. And never will.
Geert VB said he expects that people will start dieing in months not years. He did an interview on The Highwire with Dale Bigtree.
My son and DIL jabbed our 9 and 12 yr old grandkids after knowing the risks and promising not to. “It was just easier.” I almost texted her your slide with a Happy Mothers Day note, but stopped myself.
I hope your grandkids are the lucky ones who avoid the dangerous AE's. "Just easier..." Yeah, for the son and DIL. Again, I hope they don't have to see their children vaccine injured and limited for the rest of their lives, or worse, for their convenience.
Thank you, Alan. I am still in shock over the whole thing...
I know. I've had a few friends who I've forwarded info on alternative sources for Iver-thingie and even just my carefully-researched, consolidated supplement list.
They get the jab jab jab and then another jab, then Omicron, and I send them that stuff, along with references, or even just a suggestion that they might want to NOT get another booster, and they just shut down. "Sorry, don't go in for this stuff." I said, no sure, good luck, get well soon.
At some point, I guess we have to give up on some people. Darwinian as it seems, we can only do so much to stop them digging their own graves.
Dr. Rose’s artwork would have made for a lovely Mother’s Day card. Sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself. I can only imagine how helpless and angry you must feel. Everytime I hear a parent say, “it’s easier” (which I’ve heard a lot!), I want to scream. I hope your grandkids will be okay. Love them up extra!
'its easier'... a head-slapper for me, the mom of a severely disabled teen. I'm still bathing an 18 yr old (who functions at the level of a 4 yr old) and filing for his legal guardianship. its WAY easier then if I had a kid who got measles and recovered, to go on to lead a normal, healthy life! (heavy sarcasm!) I left the matrix over 15 yrs ago when both he and his brother were vax injured. I KNOW not to trust the alphabet agencies and my family knows all this but still... they jab and jab and jab, listen to nothing I have to say. I had to give up so now just waiting for the other shoe to drop (more adverse events that will be written off) and not waste my breath. too sad.
God bless you Warrior Mom.
You and the many other parents are the first ones I think about when I too hear “it’s easier”. You are a warrior mom for sure! I wish I could give you a hug. And if sarcasm helps, me (and I’m sure many others) are all ears. Back in 1993, I had my first glimpse of the damage caused by Children’s vaccines after hearing a mom (a client) suspect a vaccine had caused damage to her child. I didn’t know anything about Children’s vaccines back then. Drs. wouldn’t listen to her. Her child had severe autism . The stress destroyed her marriage. I’ve been educating myself on vaccines ever since. It’s why I refuse to take any of the shots. And since the flu shot came out, I’ve seen a pattern of ailments with my elder clients, but it doesn’t occur to them to go against their Doctor’s orders. I say “orders” and not “recommendations” anymore. Same goes with Statins. I’ve seen huge decline in my client’s health. Stephanie Seneff’s work has helped educate me on statins and vaccines. Unfortunately, unless and until people experience firsthand a loved one physically and mentally affected, they don’t pay attention or think it can happen to them. This is what I have noticed. They seem to only pay attention to what is repeated over and over again , “safe & effective” or they put their trust in these alphabet organizations. It’s why I value Dr Rose and her work. She actually explains and SHOWS us the lies 🙏
It's a well-run propaganda campaign. This time, any writer, journalist, or reporter who doesn't dutifully parrot & defend the official Narrative will be excommunicated & canceled. Even the supposedly reliably cynical Leftie oppositional rags, like Mother Jones, or formerly freedom-oriented groups like ACLU are all in lock step. So the only opposition are committed already-been-cancelled truth-tellers like Jessica, or soon-to-be-prosecuted "misinformation" purveyors named and shot down by the unconstitutional Ministry of Disinformation. No wonder the less curious, less confident, less aware are afraid even to read a dissenting opinion.
Mother Jones went to the Bill Gates Monsanto side about 2014.. from about 2005ish they had Tom Philpot and fab coverage but by Obama era it was full Monsanto Gates propaganda so gotta know they are pimping masks & jabs.
There has been a steady deliberate process to undermine effective groups and what once were activists are too often greenwashing front groups for toxic corps.
NWF - Big Oil
Adorable Panda - WWF + Alcoa, Citi, Bank of America, Kodak, J.P. Morgan, Bank of Tokyo, Philip Morris, Waste Management, DuPont, HSBC and Weyerhaeuser
I think many of us are in the same boat, Al. I tried to warn a good friend not to get jabbed, even sending her a few charts and articles. Crickets. She even got the booster and has probably gotten the second booster. She just told me that she "fell" in her home the other day and could not recall words. Seems fine now, but what is going on inside her body, I wonder?!
What’s also disheartening is that no friends have asked me why I refused the jab. Especially since my father was a pathologist who was world famous for his work uncovering the genetics of the Spanish Flu. And my stepmother co-founded a major pharmaceutical company. Both elderly but refused the jab, as did most of us they advised. You’d think my friends would be intellectually curious about these two expert opinions, not NO!
So true Al, Substack community has been a truly comforting and educational experience. IMO, it’s so important to
be able to discuss and share information during a time of extreme separation/division. It’s also a bonus when I read funny comments. Humor has kept me from marinating in feelings of despair.
in the same boat here (as are thousands of us, I'm sure!) Both sister (who's had multiple side effects already), and bff (unvaxed but still believing in the god of CNN) outright REFUSE to look at a single thing I offer up. Refuse, ignore and don't even acknowledge any of it, like they are ignoring the tantrum of toddler. at the end of the day, its both scary and insulting.
my sister's in absolute & total denial about the cause. its 100% complete coincidence. (13 yrs post-menopause and started bleeding 2 weeks after first jab; severe eye pain/strain; sudden issues with anxiety and panic attacks.) she stills wears a mask even though she doesn't have to; she swears it 'helps' because she has had less 'colds'. still watching Catholic Mass online (even though her husband and adult son volunteer, in-person, with their church's men's group.) Probably got a booster (but knows better than to mention it to me, lol)
Wow, the cardiomyocytes picture is awesome, I initially thought "peacock feathers!" I've read various survival rates for 2-6 years for myocarditis victims from viral cause and they are not comforting. The present "recovered" people's rates cannot be better than viral caused and likely worse because per Malone, McCullough and the others, we do not know when if ever the pseudouridine stabilized synthetic sequences of the jabs stop acting. Dr. Cole and all have said the body can't break the synthetics down. I'm recalling the paper where they found spike 60 days after, Burkhardt and Bhakdi finding spike 128 days after the jab. Eventually the body is going to lose to the autoimmune responses, a relapse when an antigen sets off the jab induced hypersensitivity, and or the immune system loses the battle due to ADE or AIDS. So many time bombs ticking.
Superb! Thank you! the image of the balloon and the tape was excellent.. looking forward to your paper..
Jeez, these poor excuses for human beings...
"Mild and transient" Must be a law firm, it certainly can't be a description of what's happening to injected young athletes. Unless you look at "transient" as in shuffling off this mortal coil. In which case, yes, life is transient. A lot more so when you trust the gov't with your health.
yes they are right next door to 'safe and effective'
with Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe on the other side.
I am tired of these misleading, Lying assholes. I can only pray that parents of young children and young people themselves have realized that this is all b.s. They don't give all the data to show what is going in. They put it in a nice little box so people think these shots are "safe and effective. " Do these parents with young children ask themselves how many cases of myocarditis and pericarditis would have transpired in young people is no jabs had been given to them? It makes 0 sense.
In my experience, I have not heard of a parent who has reversed course on the jabs of their children. Data does not overcome fear that has been pounded into them 24/7 from every direction.
I can say this from my experience. I was told that my kids neededball the shots on the vaccine schedule. They had them all but the HPV shot (they had 1 dose). With Covid I quickly learned something wasn't right. For me I prayed and asked God for discernment to see the truth. They didn't get a single shot, I wouldn't allow them to mask up (I even called the school to tell them I didn't want them to), they were also never tested. They will never have another shot or be tested for another virus. I truly believe with faith in God you can overcome the fear. I wasn't watching MSM every day and I still found myself fearful a couple times. I just continued to pray. What many are missing is God.
I believe Dr. Peter McCullough agrees.
haha i hope so...
He does. The paper he and Dr. Rose wrote on the subject was peer-reviewed and published ~ then pulled without explanation:
Happy Mama’s Day to you and Checkpoint! Thanks for this piece.
We can also celebrate VE--Day and Ricky Nelson's birthday today.
Just happened to be watching Rio Bravo which had Ricky Nelson as Colorado.
Elvis and Bob Dylan were fans of Ricky's records.
Me too and so is my wife.
And a lot of the jabbed will also get MS, Parkinson's, and the human version of mad cow disease in a few years, and doctors will never admit the jabs caused this disaster.
yeah CJD is going up in VAERS
it should go up a lot more in several years. I read somewhere that the jabbed have a 200 fold increase in chances for ALS.
The prion diseases are the most horrific thing yet. 100% fatal
Almost forgot, Happy Mothers Day to Joan of Arc the Unacceptable Guardian of Scientific Truth!!
I was reading a long term study on paediatric myocarditis yesterday. At 20yr post-dx 44% of children had either required a transplant, or died. Our Prime Minister (Jacinda Ardern) has told parents the myocarditis is a ‘mild and transient’ condition in children. I waded through the NZ adverse events data - myocarditis is occurring at spectacular rates, well above expected levels in all ages, but especially the young. Interestingly- rates are similar in male vs female. A handful of children have died of cardiovascular conditions post-vax here. None have died of covid.
Thank you Dr. Rose! I love seeing sweet Checkpoint in your videos. Your informative comparisons to what the CDC or MSM/propaganda puts out has been most helpful. And now your artwork! Beautiful. This will be one I print, frame and hang in my lvg room as a conversation piece. With all the free time on your hands (HA!), may I suggest a covid shot coffee table book with all your art? 😁
I keep wondering about the METHOD of injection, and how it may play a part in the increased cases of myocarditis in young men.
Dr. John Campbell brought to light the fact that it’s quite possible that a percentage of injections could be given inadvertently intravenously. As a medical educator, he was shocked to hear that the injections were being given WITHOUT ASPIRATING FIRST.
Even more shocking was that the WHO instructional literature states that aspiration is not necessary, even for products that are specifically labeled to be injected INTRAMUSCULARLY, such as pfi$er and moderna. Their explanation is that the deltoid muscle doesn’t have any veins to to inject into, FFS.
Young men, reaching puberty, and thereafter, doing any sort of sport or physical labor can easily grow muscles on their muscles, it seems, and as a group, is the strongest of our species.
For those muscles to develop so quickly, wouldn’t they need more blood flow? Wouldn’t veins be more concentrated in their deltoids than in the deltoid of a middle aged man, or a young girl? If the answer to this is yes, then why is aspiration before injection still largely IGNORED?
If people are mandated to take this junk, the very LEAST they could do is ensure that they aren’t introducing it directly into the bloodstream.
Sorry this is so long, but I really hope you find the time to read this, Jessica. Here is one of the three or four videos that Dr Campbell has made on the incorrect methodology of not aspirating before injecting. https://youtu.be/D6hUoosMOuU
Yes Al. Sadly, I agree. it has been a high price to pay, but I have faith it will be worth it for the sake of Self-discovery. I am always in awe when I hear someone your age (which i don’t mean to sound offensive) reflect on their life with clarity and honesty and express sentiments of now being “awake”. Wisdom is a beautiful thing, void of regrets and shaped by self-inflicted wounds. At 71, I hope on your next birthday, you shout your age from a rooftop! Cheers
these phony white-coats really must think that both a) most people are stupid/lazy and are content to get all their info from sound bites and b) that they have enough power ($$$) behind them that they can drowned out REAL scientists, with REAL human empathy (like Jessica!), who have scientific FACT to rely on. its truly '1984' - all comparisons are valid.