Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

When I see posts like this, it encourages me that all is not lost in the world, yet. There is intelligent life still left on this planet even if the political climate in the US seems to be indicating otherwise. Please keep up passing on your knowledge to anyone wise enough to listen.

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All is certainly not lost. We are the majority and majority rules.

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It's not just that, is it? It's the quality of people such as yourself. People who are sincere, ethical and willing to make some sacrifices to fight the good fight. Your descriptions were just so vivid and also sweet. Your attitude and gratitude is inspirational.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

Love your commitment; your willingness; your intellect; your enthusiasm; your humanity! And your inspiration!

In awe of you and better for it!

You're a gem!

And, proof that 'evil' will get its butt kicked thanks to the 'many' like you!

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

Love that you share glimpses about what goes on behind the scenes. You're right, building relationships is very important. It can't be all "shop talk". Great to see so many fellow Canadians there - Drs Bridle, Trozzi and Makis.

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Very good presentation. One trivial thought: when discussing the DNA contamination, while you mention very high contamination levels, perhaps there are some other ways to give people a feel for how bad the DNA contamination is. I don't know the right metric but perhaps something like DNA represents 50% of the genetic material injected, or 100's (1000's?) of times the safe limit or ... something people can get a handle with that aren't involved. as an example - imagine going to the Doctor and when she gives you a shot she says we don't know what 50%(+?) of the shot is. That kind of factoid can bring the story home to civilians. Having some easily understandable way for laypeople to get a relatable feel for how bad mRNA technology truly is may be useful.

The Great mRNA War is coming. How many of the participants said they believed the mRNA platform is unacceptable? Clearly you have some very real concerns. Do you believe the mRNA platform is savable?

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Such a simple idea. I bet it would open a lot of minds.

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May I be so bold to translate Dr. Rose's detailed technical explanation of the dangers for self replicating RNA injections into layman's language?

The self replicating RNA injections are experimental and have not been proven to be safe and effective and the Japanese population are their free lab rats. The fact that there is foreign DNA contamination in the injections should be sufficient evidence that the injections should be banned NOW! Since the start of Covid, the Japanese population has declined by .5% annually. There are 124 million citizens. Will we see the loss of 1.24 million or more under this experimental RNA program this year? or More?

The Japanese life style before 2020 was a fine example of longevity. Moving in the wrong direction and who is responsible?

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

Wow, what an experience! Beautiful photos Jessica! The airlines saga takes the cake, UFB. Thank you for your warrior spirit & all that you do!

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

What a wonderful write up! I love that you include all the human moments,, the connections, meals, etc. Thank you and all your colleagues for the tremendously hard work that you do for all of us who aren't able or knowledgeable enough to do so. I'm so grateful. I've been horrified at the news of Japan's new jab. Really frightening.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

Been following you for some time now. So thankful for beings such as yourself who take care of us all with such compassion and commitment. So glad you stuck with the BS and made the trip.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

Woke up today with dreary skies in Alberta. Reading your account and looking at the photos of your trip lifted my spirits. I have to comment that the artist captured you perfectly in the caricature drawing with a little tilt of the head and mischievious look in your eyes.

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Everyone is born right handed. Only the greatest overcome that obstacle in life and I truly believe you are one of the greats. Being left handed myself makes me totally unbiased in this observation. Seriously you are truly one of the bright lights on substack and I do promote your articles with everyone I speak with. We will never comply or submit to this WEF evil.

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Beautiful! A nice change from all the dreary news!

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You looked so very tired and yet still delivered a knockout presentation. Thank you, as always, for sharing your brilliance with us!

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"You're a gem!" Hmmm. I see I have competition. Being tired is a given after flying in every direction at the same time as she did, and still being optimally a dynamic proves who and what she is. Brilliance? Yes but much more so than the word can describe.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

You have brought inspiration and empowerment to so many people. Thank you for the lovely travelogue.

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose

It was great to see Christine there. I wonder if she realises that even people as far away as Australia like me keep a keen eye on politics everywhere including the EU where she seems to be one of quite literally only a handful of people with any commonsense and isn't afraid to call out the elites. As an aside, I am the first to freely admit I have a Japanese Food Phobia. There probably isn't a technical term for that, but there ought to be. So whenever I hear of anyone headed to Japan, they earn my greatest respect. I am also a (classic or heritage as they like to call it) motorsport fan and in a recent autobiography I bought, a certain driver freely admitted that they too had the dreaded JFP. This made me feel a lot better as we are the same age and I was always a fan though they are long since retired. Anyway, in their autobiography they went into some unexpected depth over the crippling JFP illness. Their solution? Rice, rice, rice, rice, rice and more rice!!!

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she is a lovely person.

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Thank you for sharing this Wonderful Experience.. There are no words to express how much I appreciate you and that entire team... you completely Unacceptable Joan of Arc! You!

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Oct 1Liked by Jessica Rose


Thank you for allowing us to share in your life.

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Thank you. I felt like I was there even though that will never happen which is why I appreciate it even more. It's great to gain understanding through words and photos to draw comfort that good things abound in spite of the evil swirling around us. Thank you. ❤️ 💙 💜

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