I also hope you are both wrong, but I must say that the sources of data - VAERS, insurance based, anecdotal, etc. all seem to be pointing in the same direction. It's as if we are all standing on the beach after the ocean has just suddenly pulled away from the shore looking at all the exposed sea life and wondering what happened to the water..................

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yeah this tidal wave is a big one

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Though we're probably the ones watching (from a safe distance) shouting a warning to the jabbed standing on that beach, with zero comprehension of what might be headed their way.

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You belive you're safe? That's cute

These people we're shouting warnings to...they not only don't want to hear it...they will continue to refuse to hear it, they can't.

This isn't arguing opinions and points of view...religious or political beliefs

They've already taken action on their poor, hasty, decision. To admit we're right, is to admit to themselves that they've already committed suicide, or worse...and in many cases, killed their own children and parents as well

Nope...there's no room for reconciliation on this one. It's head down, full tilt, to the bitter end

Actually, that's not 100% true. I've been all over the comment sections of vaccine related vids since I heard the vaccines were about to become available.

In the beginning, I was usually the lone, crazy, conspiracy guy. Occasionally, I'd get lucky, and there'd be 1 other nut job that didn't come as well armed as I was...but at least I wasn't completely alone

Over just the last month or 2, I've seen a very large percentage that have gotten the shots, openly admitting that they feel as though they've made a mistake, and won't be getting any more

I'm sure it's already too late though. Actually, this just prompted me to remember that I recently (but before the vaccines came out) read about science having already achieved "self disseminating vaccines" 20+ years ago, that spread from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. In fact

"A virus that confers immunity throughout an animal population as it spreads in the wild could theoretically stop a zoonotic spillover event from happening, snuffing out the spark that could ignite the next pandemic. If the wild rats that host the deadly Lassa virus, for example, are vaccinated, the risks of a future outbreak among humans could be reduced. For at least 20 years, scientists have been experimenting with such self-spreading vaccines, work that continues to this day, and which has gained the attention of the US military"

So really...there is no "us and them"

Here's the link


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It will be interesting to see how this data is spun by the mainstream media. I suspect there is going to be a strong push to have this entire batch of excess deaths reclassified as Covid deaths, which would support an even more extreme narrative, which is that Covid is more like smallpox than the flu.

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They will simply ignore it an 90% of the public will never hear about it.

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They will find a way to blame the unvaxxed. Since they not finished with that at all.

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I'm sure the CDC and Pharma would like to revise these deaths to COVID but that desire might be off-set by the Administration. They're already sitting on high numbers while touting the vax. I don't think they'd want even higher numbers.

This can't stay hidden too long - at some point it all starts to unravel. One can hide the deaths of the elderly but hiding the deaths of 40-65 year olds is pretty hard to do - early death has a huge effect on family and friends. It can't be hidden.

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Yes it's like a 4 year old kid hiding a vase he broke by burying it under the lounge carpet, parents come back -where is the vase? Kid says he doesn't know, but you see the big lump under the carpet. That's the beauty of stats, truth outs. If they hide this under covid death data, and they are to a degree, it begs the question - why are the vacs not working, worse than useless. Also these deaths are already coming through in excess all-cause mortality numbers for many nations, including UK and many European nations. So they are already desperate to explain it all away - blaming a post-pandemic stress disorder for all the excess heart attacks to give one example! Not sustainable.

If the truth here outs, it will be much much more than shock and grief. There will be riots, there will be blood, governments can fall. Unlike anything seen in history because this is global. That is why those in control of the narrative are desperate and brutal and increasingly irrational. They will lose everything if this comes crashing down around them. I exaggerate none of this. I may be understating things.

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which is what happens right before a tsunami

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We've been trying to tell everyone for 2 yrs.. 😔

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...and waiting for the massive sneaker wave that's lurking out there.

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Every company and individual who created this genocide, covered it up and led the sheep to slaughter must be brought to justice and face life behind bars. This includes the bought off politicians, CEOs of the pharmaceutical companies, the bought off public health officials and the CEOs and boards of the social media giants who have been complicit in censoring information.

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The Covid kingpins don't deserve life behind bars. Something more biblical is appropriate.

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These monsters should all be hung upside down on meathooks like Mussolini. And this includes our obese Sec. of Defense who is destroying our armed forces with his mandates. And don't forget college presidents who issued jab mandates.

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And Donald J. Trump, who made it all possible and *still* insists it's safe.

"People aren't dying when they take the vaccine."


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I hate to break the news to you but this would also have gone down like this with Biden. They had the vaccines and were just waiting for the virus. Why not take out Trump and install Biden at the same time. But yes, Trump should stop endorsing the vax. Plain stupid.

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"this would also have gone down like this with Biden." I disagree.

1. Had Trump not relaxed safety standards & pushed Warp Speed, the official testing & approval process wouldn't have begun until after Biden was in, pushing testing & rollout back a number of months, maybe a year.

2. Dems are heavily enamored with bureaucracy. Trump was better able to "cut red tape" (ignore safety testing) & sell it to "conservatives" & "libertarians". Resistance would've been higher. This paved the way for "Liberty" groups like Pacific Legal Foundation to never lift a finger to fight mandates, though they coyly claim to sort of oppose them if taken too far. PLF literally claims the shots are the greatest scientific breakthrough of all time.

3. ~85m voted for Trump. Millions donated, volunteered, rallied. We trusted him. Probably >100m ignored "kooky anti-vax" warnings & got "STUNG" based on misplaced trust. That paved the way for mandates. For clear psychological-sociological factors, injected folks are less likely to fight mandates. Leaving Objectors in a diminishing vulnerable minority kills empathy. Making it seem as if forced vax is risk free & beneficial kills sympathy.

What we know for sure, since it happened, is Trump proudly ditched safety procedures, pushed Warp Speed, falsely claimed it was safe & effective, and still boasts & lies about it despite evidence.

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The entire premise of your argument is null if there wasn't a corrupt and clearly agenda driven medical technocracy in place. It's absurd and irresponsible to even consider thinking this is a political issue. Was Trump in power when the FDA said the below? Trump was and is as much a patsy as is Let's Go Brandon for a globalist agenda?

Dr. Eric Rubin, a Harvard professor and editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, said the following (the relevant passage starts at roughly 6:51:41 in the below video):

The data show that this vaccine works and it’s pretty safe … And yet, we’re worried about a side effect that we can’t measure yet, but it’s probably real. And we see a benefit that isn’t that same as it is in older patients […]

It’s a very, sort of, personal choice. If I had a child who was a transplant recipient, I would really want to be able to use a vaccine. And there are certain kids who probably should be vaccinated. The question of how broadly to use I think is a substantial one. And I know it’s not question, and I know we’re kind of punting that to ACIP.

But I do think that it’s a relatively close call. As Dr. [Ofer] Levy just said, and Dr. [Hayley] Gans said, it really is going to be a question of what the prevailing conditions are. But we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines like coronavirus vaccine. And I do think we should vote to approve it.

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All those words failed to cover up one thing:

Trump knows it's deadly NOW and he's lying about it NOW.

In my humble opinion, anyone who gives this to a child is Pfucked in the head and guilty of child abuse.

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Also local government and law enforcement who enforced the tyranny.

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But... We were just following ORDERS!

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From your keyboard to God's ear.

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And Donald J. Trump? "People aren't dying when they take the vaccine."


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Amen!!! Time to Slay the evil. Their dominion has ENDED!

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history has shown that the professionals in the FBI, CIA, NSA total missed connecting the dots surrounding 9/11 plans by terrorist , yet no one was held accountable . Government totally botched that with less instrumentation than we have in this case so I do not expect any government or business to be held accountable for this one either. If I were president for a day , I would fire the top 40% of NIH, FDA, and CDC .. all have failed us, but then I would target legacy media, Twitter, FB, Instagram, google etc for censorship of what turns out to to be the truth , drop all restrictions on law suite protections and allow them to be sued in case where they have censored truth.

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Plus remove the heads of the agencies and the Pentagon.

By heads, I also mean the top 40%.

The lot of them seem to be treasonous, traitorous, anti American snakes.

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Jan 3, 2022
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Seems most fitting for the perpetrators to be boosted.

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Into a volcano. From a cannon.

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Using Old Sparky preferably.

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Jan 3, 2022
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I liked your first idea better Peter. I don't want to pay for their upkeep. Their cruelty is breath taking - It feels like we are on the outside looking in.

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Jan 4, 2022
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Interesting that no one will ever be held accountable for releasing this bio weapon upon humanity while so many 1/6ers are being held in conditions that would put the Bastille to shame. They haven’t been tried for any crimes, but are being beaten, starved, held in solitary for 23 hrs a day for at least 10 months. This is the real difference between the current crop of radical leftists, democrats turned radical like Pelosi and Schumer vs the Conservative Republicans.

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Thank you Jessica! I just called my private insurance company here in Israel. I asked them if I get my kid vaccinated, will they cover a potential vaccine injury? They said no, that's up to the government. Right.

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yup. that's the answer i suspect that everyone will get.

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How long before insurance companies start charging a premium (higher rates) on new life insurance contracts for vaccinated applicants? They lose when you die early, and as the best number crunchers in the world, they will know if this excess 40% mortality is happening mostly among the jabbed.

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I've been wondering if they have the data to differentiate the vaccinated from the unvaccinated in this excess death count. There will be a lot of pressure to suppress, lose, or manipulate such data.

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Everyones rates will increase

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It would be comedic if it weren't so terrible...the few, the proud, the insurance adjusters that saved the (remaining) world...

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I'll bet they won't. The Politburo would be very disappointed with them, and insurance cos are tight with The Commissars.

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Should we ask for the policy language specifying that vaccine injury is not covered?

I figure the vast majority of vaccine-injured folks are covered, since hardly anyone reports vaccine injuries.

Makes me wonder... If policies do explicitly exclude vaccine injury, and some doctors know that, are those doctors doing their patients a favor by not reporting vaccine injuries? That's the best face I can put on non-reporting, but I figure most doctors & hospitals just won't admit their vaccine hustle injured or killed anyone.

And why should they? After all, "Vaccination *is* the leading cause of coincidence!" (wink-wink)

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How will a stroke in a 45 yr be seen as a vax AE ? They'll need to be a lot of pathology to characterize and differentiate it from typical cardiac/vascualar problems.

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How's that going to happen when the Vax Industrial Complex is hiding evidence, frauding and lying about everything? However, I think a regression analysis would be sufficient.

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Random link request to you Jessica, do you remember which study says its 15 months (or more) of spike protein in the body....or bloodstream, post jab?...thank you so!

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Life insurance, health insurance, long term, or all kinds?

Hard to believe a health insurance company would refuse to cover injury. Depending on the answer, I know two insurance attorneys who may be interested.

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Interesting - the govt would rather they not be a Covid jab AE, and the insurance co would rather that they are.

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I would play their double bluff, only, I am sure you would not get your kid vaccinated. (Wise choice :-))

But if you did, and your child was injured, it clearly would not be vaccine related, so they would have to pay up :-)

I can see a monumental fight between insurance companies and government in the making... Let me grab some popcorn...

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For health insurance yes, but for life insurance death is the only payout trigger and their goal is to have longest use of your premium payments as long as possible. That's priced into the cost they charge based on many existing health criteria and associated life expectancy. Covid jabbed clients dying early are not profitable. That has to be priced in, or they have to raise everyones life insurance cost if they don't want to admit it's the vaxxed dying early.

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I was thinking the same thing

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Life insurance companies often have disability riders, short term and long term. Those disabled by the experimental injection may have a tough time getting their claims covered. Like driving drunk. You are to blame for making the choice.

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Good point.. It can't possibly be the jab. If they admitted that, their house of cards would fall apart.

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great point!

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geeeeen yus

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I went and watched the video and the most shocking thing was that he couldn’t see it at all. He was baffled and also was saying they were going to have mandatory vaccinations because vaccinated people don’t want to work in an open plan office with unvaccinated! I was floored when I heard these two things come out of the same person’s mouth.

I did a livestream on this tonight and said EVEN if we said ok let’s include people who had the virus or people who didn’t seek treatment or skipped a surgery, we don’t get to 40% without considering the vaccine. It’s a fucking ALARMING statistic!!!!

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The psychosis is deep. Very deep...

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Agree. Meanwhile myself and several other professionals I know are pulling out the stops to avoid being cooped up with shedding and immuno-compromised VACCINATED colleagues. The are a risk medically and mentally IMHO.

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I've been skeptical of the spike protein shedding concerns. However, I have noticed that I generally feel unwell temporarily after I spend time in enclosed places with groups of others. I'm sure that the vast majority of people in these places in Southern California are fully vaccinated and often boosted. There is a sizable subset who are not vaccinated at all, but if they are not symptomatic, they could not be a source of the spike protein. I have not seen anybody in an indoor space other than a doctors office who has overt upper respiratory symptoms in a very long time, so I am pretty sure that none of the people around me in these circumstances are contagious with the virus. So, Occam's razor would suggest it is the shedding of the spike proteins from the vaccinated that is causing my symptoms. One could legitimately argue that what I am experiencing is psychosomatic. But, I would think for that to be true, I would have had to be going in with a concern about shedding of the spike proteins, which was not the case before I began to repeatedly experience what I am describing. I believe this is sometimes referred to as the nocebo affect. Similar to the placebo effect, there is generally a prior belief system in place to partially explain the mechanism.

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It happens to me when I'm around recently vaxxed or boosted people - a sharp pain on the side of my head, after being in a crowded, enclosed space with them. They are unwell.

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Agree, and many anecdotal stories similar to yours from people who know nothing of shedding, including unvaxxed spouses violently reactive to vaxxed spouse. I use "shedding" generically as Dr. Judy Mickovitz (sp?) explained it's not the same exact mechanism that constitutes shedding in traditional non-mRNA vaccines.

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I had my teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist who had been vaccinated just a day or so before my appointment. She did all the usual things, including x-rays - I was in very close contact with her for at least 45 minutes. The next morning I had large blood clots coming out of my nose. Only lasted that day and has not come back - 6 months now. Never before and never again - my first thought was that it was shedding. What did seem to persist was a higher (for me) heart rate - for about a month and a bit of a heart flutter. All gone now. Lesson learned though.

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Yes! Lots of anecdotal evidence confirms your experience.

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The vaxxed are sick and contagious

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Yes he wants to mandate vaccines. Never in my life have I come across such extreme cognitive dissonance.

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This is literally the most insane thing ive ever read. the amount of cognitive dissonance in the CEO of the insurance company is also likely a 12 sigma event.. I cannot believe it.

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and he talked about increasing the premiums on the unvaxxed....... the non smokers paying for the smokers again..... Literally WTF is going on, most of my "friends" think the vaxes are completely safe and think i am loony

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Interesting. They need to stay profitable, so if they play the red herring of raising life insurance premiums on the unvaxxed to stay politically correct while it's really the vaxxed that are dying early and hurting profitability, that risks a massive class action someday in future. Insurance companies rely on accurate data, even if they keep it private, and one day that data will be their undoing. They cannot survive mispricing a 40% excess mortality. Should get interesting.

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Isn't it convenient that we are all legally required to purchase life insurance even if there is technically no penalty for not doing so? Obamacare would've been a very effective tool of control if Congress had not zeroed out the mandate penalty.

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I meant health insurance.

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Insurance companies do two things really well.

1. Take your money.

2. Try like hell not to pay.

Just wait till the SHTF here.

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I asked our medical health insurance underwriters whether we'd be covered for an injectable adverse event. They replied 'no' as it [the vaccine] was an 'inelligable treatment' ...

Needless to say, I'm still not having it.

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Here's the part-redacted copy I got in reply:

"The Covid 19 Vaccine is not something that is eligible with xxxxxx Private Medical Insurance, so any complication would not be eligible as the complications would be as a result of ineligible treatment."

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Combined with the fact that the US "vaccine injury fund" has reportedly not paid a single covid Vax damage claim (including Maddie, the girl destroyed in the actual Pfizer EUA trial, and you have hundreds of thousands of American families simmering with resentment and devastated with medical bills for disabilities and deaths that "just prove it's working". This will get ugly.

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What better way to collapse an economy than to kill off its workforce.

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And its military. That alone should be high treason.

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Agreed, and high treason in the military is typically, and rightly, liable to the death penalty, at the very least depending on the geopolitical situation.

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Foreign agent, enemy agent, and acting as such is also legally defined.

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The CCP could kill all the immune deficient jabbed easily. Dont think they won't. The CCP is just as or more evil than the Nazis

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Here in Chile the government mainly uses Sinovac but also Pfizer, Sputnik V and Astra Zeneca. I follow many mainstream and independent media sources and NO ONE is disclosing the injuries and deaths from these shots. We know there’s massive injuries and deaths occurring by what people are reporting on social media like Telegram and Instagram. People dying on the streets, Mothers interviewed about the injuries and deaths of their children after the shots, etc. Plus we’re about to shoot up children as young as 3!! The government’s health service has reported something like 80% are injected with at least 2 shots. I don’t believe their numbers because this is a corrupt government under Sebastian Piñera. Sadly, the majority of people are locked into a mass psychosis but I’m seeing a big change occurring now, thankfully. The health ministry just said over 1.6 millions have not gotten their next shot and they’re due for their 4th booster by January 1st so they just threw them off the green pass system which is called the pase morbilidad. Maybe things are getting better. I just hope they can stop this criminal government from injecting more people but mainly the children because once we really start seeing the injuries and deaths of our children, that may just do it.

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I’ve been wondering why there are so many unfilled jobs since the rollout of the “vaccines”. Was it that people just did not want to work or was it that there weren’t the people available to work? It looks like between disability and death (plus early retirements) that there are simply fewer people now. SCI, the largest publicly traded funeral home, reported 2x revenue in Q3 2021 vs Q3 2020 is a potential clue.

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Same. Doesn't add up. I stopped for coffee at a McDonald's and when the double line got to the single window (no operators for the first) there was a 14 yr old boy running the whole thing with no one else in sight. I asked him how he handles it and he said "it's my first week on the job but for $20/hr I don't mind it". Busy pizza joints are closed daily at 6 and every Tuesday. Cars swing by hoping to give them money for pizza and drive away. What kind of owner can't get the place staffed? It makes no sense unless a third of the work force got beamed up or has some line to PUA bailouts I'm not aware of.

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I've been wondering the same thing. In my town, restaurants have closed because there is no one to work.

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I have been jobless for about 5 weeks due to a healthcare-related vaccine mandate that went into effect in Los Angeles at the end of November. I am also not welcome at gyms and restaurants, and have put my gym membership on $10/month "freeze" status (if the mandates continue for more than another 6 months I will cancel my membership). Many of the jobs I might otherwise apply for are unavailable to me as they require clot-shots. Additionally, many jobs also require employees to wear masks while working, and I am unwilling to do so. Requiring employees to regularly inject themselves with poisons and impair their breathing while "on duty" is not a great way to attract applicants.

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Agree. This is criminal.

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I forwarded this along with Dr. Malone’s substack to my Indiana state senator who also happens to be the leader of the IN Senate. I texted him these this morning along with a Happy New Year message. I’m hope the OneAmerica link will spark his interest to read. Also, with his ties to leadership he may have been in that meeting when that data was presented. Thank you for your work.

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Igor has done a fact check and yes it is true from many angles including the CEO's speech. Unbelievable but he insists that his employees get vaxxed while reporting such bad results. Unbelievable.

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I am stunned by the reaction of the employer to the psychotic employees! They are out of their minds! Afraid of the unvaccinated! What does that tell you about the vaccine? I’ll tell you! They don’t work!


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I wish we had someone like you in Australia Jessica. Thank you for your informative information.

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And I wish I was in Australia. :)

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No you don't, not in any of the states; many quarantine facilities being built to house amongst others, the unv@xt, comme moi.

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I’m in Adelaide and unvaccinated only had 2 weeks lockdown in two years free to shop so life hadn’t been that bad but am very worried about 5-11 year olds vax. Don’t believe everything you hear sometimes things are exaggerated.

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We should all support Dr N Petrovsky and team for their traditional vaccine developed at Flinders which unfortunately the Prime Minister won't accept due to contracts signed with the big 4.

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Are you saying there's nothing going on in Australia that we should be concerned about and the alternative media has been spouting fake news on this subject?

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No it depends on which state you live in. There are problems in most of Australia but we are not getting locked up in concentration camps. Some states in Australia are worse than others like e.g. Florida in the USA are probably doing better than other states in the US. The problem with Australian’s is we are too compliant.

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I am not sure about it Jessica. NSW, where I am is bit confused but best performer because of the new premier. New broom better sweeps or how is it in english? Election in few months and hopefully change for better. Thanx for your great contribution and Better New Year. George

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Hopefully soon. You will love surfing 🏄‍♀️ here. 👍

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No, you don't! ;-)

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Craig kelly is about the closest. He is giving it a go, but the gullibility of Aussies is insane. Glad i left the place, but sad I currently cat go back and visit :(

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I’m in Adelaide we have only had 2 weeks lockdown the whole Plandemic and yes Aussies are very gullible unfortunately. Sorry you can’t come home yet but hopefully things will get better this year. I’m still pure blood and will fight to keep that way.

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Im in Radelaide too. Definitely not so Rad anymore😭

The disconnect here is bizarre and it's had a ridiculously light pandemania experience. But boy do South Aussies love their vaccines!

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Yep I having been telling my husband we must be exceptionally smart because not many of us pure bloods around.

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There's more than we think, we are just really good at blending😉

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i have a friend in SA who cannot get surgery as he's not jabbed. its insane. I thought you'd be aussie with a name like Kanga :)

hopefully not the "reverse kanga"

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😂 no reverse kanga here 😂 sorry to here about your friend but getting to a doctor at the moment is ridiculous if your unvaccinated. Just hoping to not get sick. 😬

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yeah tell me about it. its insane in Germany as well. join my substack if you want ;)

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FYI I’m definitely voting Craig Kelly 👍

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By ship you probably can.

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takes too long

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Unless you get a covid case on the ship then it depends where you are and how much isolation they put you through on arrival.

NZ & Australia don't seem to want their ex-pats/diaspora back.

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This was predicted by Judy Mikovits, Stephanie Seneff, Michael Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi, Luc Montagnier, Sherry Tenpenny, and many more many months before the mRNA shots came out. They knew how toxic spike proteins are and what horrible damage the shots would do.

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“quatastrophe” 🤣🤣🤣

Humor aside, this is a deadly serious topic and one I’ve been anticipating once the 2021 calendar year closed and we started seeing tabulated data for all-cause mortality.

I have a few questions:

1) You say, “And this is only for the United States,” but in the paragraph before you list those numbers, you wrote, “So if we combine these reports from the Domestic and Foreign data sets.” I’m assuming the calculations you listed after that paragraph are both domestic and foreign, so does that make the note about it being US-only data moot?

2) When you say “Domestic and Foreign data sets,” I assume you mean for VAERS only, right? Have you looked at other surveillance systems such as EudraVigilance and Yellow Card? If not, it would be really informative if you could perform calculations factoring in the other known surveillance systems, assuming none overlap with VAERS.

3) What do you recommend as the best source for all-cause mortality data so I can easily compare 2020 and 2021?

Thank you for doing this vital and illuminating work, Jessica. We are phenomenally blessed to have a person of your brilliance, integrity, and passion joining with us to halt democide and defeat tyranny.

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Thank you Jessica. I read both posts and fear you are not wrong. We have seen a huge jump all over the world in all cause mortality. Prior to the vaccines those numbers were static. The increases are just too great to think it is a mental or fear disorder caused by the pandemic. Our governments around the world continue to try and force more of these experimental medicines on the citizenry. They must be held accountable for what now appears to be incompetence on a scale not seen before.

From a clinical research standpoint, of which I am expert, these are truly experimental medications. That is an important distinction because our governments are breaking laws that date back to Nazi atrocities. I have been in clinical research for 40 years, so I am not the CNN expert that had never heard of clinical trials and became an expert overnight. In my industry we laugh at those people and their ignorance of the research process.


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It seems someone decided 80 years since would be enough time to roll out a replay, on a global scale. Saw a clip of an assortment of college students at various well-known US universities being interviewed and none, not one, of them knew anything about WWII, Auschwitz, Nuremburg. It's no wonder we are drowning in ignorance.

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Common Core worked out great in the end. Dumbing down accomplished..and the usefull idiots love it!

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Stunning ... my kids know all about every war and history in general. I do know many parents who never wanted to be parents and their kids were a burden. I suspect those same kids are the ones being interviewed.

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