May 17, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

A year ago, when someone on TV mentioned getting the clot shot to kids, I told my husband- This breaks my heart. Since I didn't know anything at that time, it was pure intuition that this clot shot would end up being catastrophic. Hubby thinks it is all good which also breaks my heart.

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It is so sad when we learn that the ones we love are brainwashed covidiots.

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I find it's like having a cat which, despite having several litter boxes to choose from, still ends up pooping on the floor - just opposite the litter box.

There seem to be lots of opportunities in this world to love creatures and people "despite" certain characteristics...

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It’s hard when you’re treated as the conspiracy theorist for trying to issue a warning. I’d ask him if he thinks the Biden administration is capable of a cover up? Then share VAERS with him

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May 17, 2022·edited May 17, 2022

He has worked for many administrations. Therefore, the government and media and all of the good employees at CDC, FDA, Niaid etc could not would not be capable of this kind cruelty, coverup, manipulation, coverup, deceit, coverup, sell out to beg pharma, coverup, ignorance, coverup, sell out to big pharma etc....

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Think again!

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May 17, 2022·edited May 17, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for this article. People really need to educate themselves on what is taking place here. One of my biggest concerns about this mass vaccination program is the fact that most people are going to pharmacies or drive-through vaccination sites. I live in California, Los Angeles area, and for pity sake, they had a drive through site at Dodger Stadium. They had vaccination tents set up at the Super Bowl game at SoFi Stadium. I can assure you that these were not doctors or nurses administering the shots. What could go wrong? We see here what could go wrong. I have seen three different stories that came out shortly after the insane authorization for 5-11 year olds of pharmacies in Virginia, Maryland and Northern California administering the adult dosage to groups of kids (each pharmacy made the same mistake). I am assuming since they picked the vial with the grey cap, that they did not read the dilution instructions, and thus did not dilute that either. So how many kids got the full adult dosage of this crap?

Keep doing your great work. People need to be informed.

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The devil is always in the details and no one seems to care about the details which, ironically, are affecting everyone.

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These vaccines have been sold as the safest, most effective, and necessary ever. Surely the wrong dose doesn't matter because the vaccines are so awesome.

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May 17, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Even if they dilute the poison correctly they can still inject it into a vein instead of a muscle with sudden disastrous results. Ask Tiffany Dover if you can find her.

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Sue the person administering the vaccine. Sue the store pharmacist. Sue the store manager. Sue Walgreens. Of course they will claim a liability shield, but maybe they will start taking this responsibility seriously, and some smart lawyer may get enough of these cases to get traction. Negligence is not protected by liability shields, is it?

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Sue them ALL! Maybe then the cowards will start to give a crap!

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I think you are technically correct, even though pretty much all thing Covid are without liability, a gross negligence, medical malpractice should still apply.

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May 17, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I would certainly agree that a lot of the people administering the vaccines are not knowledgeable about the vaccines. When I received my first dose she asked me a few questions including if I had ever taken MiraLax. I told her I hadn’t and she said, “I don’t even know why we ask that.” Well, because it’s polyethylene glycol and it’s one of the main places ingredients in the vaccine (so now she knows) 🤦‍♀️.

Also, here’s a great overview (several related posts) on the LNPs if anyone is looking for more in-depth information: https://moderndiscontent.substack.com/p/the-lnp-mystery-part-iii?s=r

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Were you asked if you ever drank anti-freeze which I think also has PEG?

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Nope, propylene glycol which is used in antifreeze (historically ethylene glycol which is toxic) is not quite the same as polyethylene glycol (which is found in nearly every shampoo, soap & lotion).

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It's not in my shampoo or Chandrika soap, and I don't use lotions, wi-fi, or cell phones.

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I was just listening to Naomi Wolf saying that the Moderna jabs had 3.333 times as much mRNA as the Pfizer jabs for adults.

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Adult dosage: 30 ug for Pfizer versus 100 ug for Moderna


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I've read that myocarditis is over three times more likely with Moderna. Here is a current source confirming my recollection:


It wouldn't surprise me if other adverse events tracked similarly. I wonder if this is something Jessica could extract from VAERS...

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More heartache. More evil.

Jessica - I am trying to send you a submission I made to a group reviewing the Pz docs. It is re children - Exclusion doc - Randomization doc - Demographic doc and 2 others, pulled together. I have 90 'missing' 12-15 yr olds. As I am a subscriber, are you able to email me so I can send it to you? You are better able to make sense of these missing children than I am, I'm sure.

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By "missing" are you referring to kids that did not finish the trial?

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That would be interesting but how would I get it?

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May 17, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Hi Jessica! First time posting but as a grandma to be, do you have information on 2021 vaccinated mom wanting to breast feed? I’m wondering how safe it is.

I agree with your followers , in when if I try tell family or friends about the globalists taking away our sovereignty they say “No Way” or “that’s bizarre”! I don’t know a way to break it down for them in smaller doses. Open to suggestions here on what to send/ discuss first to open minds a take over is taking place that affects our sovereignty!

Anyone out there with an old fashioned baby bottle recipe?

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do not breast feed if you're injected. the data looks bad.

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My son doesn’t believe me but will look at scientific data only! Can you please link a study??

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May 17, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose


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Did you notice the intake form even misspells Ryleigh’s name (as Rayleigh)? The video at https://brokentruth.com/do-no-harm-ryleighs-story/#brokentruthtv is heartbreaking, but Ryleigh and her parents are amazing, feisty, and determined.

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Yes they got her Vax Lot number wrong as well and it is not entered in the official VAERS report because of this. THE ENTIRE THING IS A HALF-ASSED TRAGEDY.

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No, it's a FULL-ASSED TRAGEDY! Worse than despicable. The English language does not have adequate words to describe what has happened.

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yet they (her parents) got her jabbed by a pharmacy tech at a chain drug store. but hey, converts to the truth are sometimes the most zealous. all of us parents with vax injured kids thought we were doing the right thing too so I really can't judge (well try not to anyway)

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Like so many parents, they were not educated — or were miseducated — ahead of time. Their friends’ kids got the jab and appeared OK. I used to go to chain drug stores for pharmacist-administered “vaccines.” NEVER AGAIN, but it took me over 60 years to learn the truth about big Pharma’s shots and the financial fraud behind them.

On the other hand, I did try to offer proof to parents and grandparents about the dangers of the Covid shots. They shut me down and jabbed the kids anyway. But at least I know that I did my best to help them.

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This is absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking. How can a civilization allow any of this to happen? (Rhetorical, I know.)

However, there is NO SAFE dosage of this stuff! Period! END OF SENTENCE!

I hope the SENTENCE of those who developed, distributed, mandated, allowed, and administered this Covid 🦠death ☠️juice 💉NEVER ENDS!

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And this fits right in to this subject today Miss Rose. The US Government has lost its collective mind again. As a Military Veteran this disturbs me to no end. 👇👇👇


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That Walgreens is in North Dinwiddle Virginia

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Hi Jessica, in British Columbia the BCCDC COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard uses an "Age Standardized Rate" for its Hospitalization, Critical Care & Death Rates by Vaccination Status reporting. I'd like to understand how this "Age Standardized Rate" affects the reporting but I can't find any definition/formula. Do you know how this is calculated? Here's a link to the reporting (select "Outcomes by Vax 1" tab): https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/bccdc/viz/BCCDCCOVID-19SurveillanceDashboard/Introduction

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I’m sorry, only true believers administer this mutagenic and carcinogenic crap to kids anyway. I’m sure in their brains ‘more jab’ = ‘more protection’. Jabs can do no harm, they can only help. Why would they deprive these children the full benefit that adults get?

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Below is a hopeful update on Ryleigh Jones, the 8-year-old little girl that was coerced by her school to pressure her mother to let her get a shot and whose case is documented in this Substack.

Link: https://www.americaoutloud.com/a-mothers-love-helps-young-daughter-heal-from-severe-injuries-caused-by-covid-shot/

Description (Text below is copy/pasted from the podcast):

“A Mother’s Love Helps Young Daughter Heal From Severe Injuries Caused By COVID Shot” by Dr. Henry Ealy | Jun 14, 2022

Dr. H is joined by special guest Jennifer Jones. Jennifer Jones is the mother of Ryleigh Jones, an 8-year-old little girl that was coerced by her school to pressure her mother to let her get a shot. Mom had great reservations about it. After months of pressure, Jennifer finally relented and what happened next was a nightmare no family should have to go through…but one that does have a happy ending … Learn what Jennifer did to help Ryleigh recover her ability to walk.

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