Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Go Jess! The trolls are way out of their league.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Does clicking the like button offset what the troll is doing? Everyone, click Doc Rose's like buttons!!!

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let us know if we can help in dispatching the troll

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i will

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I'm sure this troll also reports other writers and articles who dare speak truths against false narratives. So far, Substack is holding the line on freedom of speech.

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no I don't think so. SubStack became 'fishy' to me LONG time ago! I'm actually afraid that it can turn into a cousin of google+, i.e. one day, everything you wrote, will disappear..

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The Force is with you Jessica!🙏

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I’d like to know more. My son was in the USAF in Croatia and noted the difficulties that Westerners know nothing about. Thx and much success to you.

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Hail Jessica!!

I’m presenting by recorded video as I’m going to be in the air.

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Hi Mike,

Listened to a bit of a recent interview with Christine Anderson, from Canada.

She is on a speaking tour entitled "Make It Your Business".

So, I made it my business to send both the "journalist" Anita Krishna, and Christine Anderson the video you recorded after your presentation at the Corona 2 Symposium recently held in Germany ended up on the cutting room floor.

Excised by the AfD.



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Hopefully we can watch the presentation at a later date Dr. Yeadon ?!

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Don’t worry about the trolls. The truth is coming out and they are running scared because they know they cannot stop it.

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The truth about weather manipulation is being normalized as cloud seeding. You need clouds in order to seed. Here in the high desert of NM, we have historically not had clouds at certain times of the year. They create clouds with plastic and aluminum nano particles, and barium and strontium and other noxious chemicals. PLEASE, I wish someone of Jessica Rose's standing would at least acknowledge that this is happening. IT IS AS MUCH A CONSPIRACY THEORY AS ALL THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES REGARDING COVID. That is, it is not a conspiracy theory. Look up, those stripes in the sky are neither normal nor cloud seeding.

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Looking at the sky, how does one differentiate between chemtrails and contrails?

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There is a lot of literature regarding this. This seems to be a pretty good article. You can disregard it, of course, especially if you disregarded all the information regarding covid.


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I'm not sure about the source of this article but the pictures of the sky are accurate.

Mainstream sources have continued to call this a conspiracy theory and have begun to normalize it by not saying anything or claiming it's cloud seeding. It's cloud creation. Evidence of the damage being done is in the trees that are dying. They die from the top down, called crown decline. It is because the aluminum in the rain and snow that infiltrates the soil that the trees can no longer absorb water properly.

I live in rural Northern New Mexico. It beggars the imagination to think that for the past 3 years at least 20 to 30 jets are flying over every day streaming trails that last for hours and disperse into thin clouds sometimes resulting in precipitation. But the trees ARE DYING.

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"But the trees ARE DYING."

Sure, but correlation is NOT necessarily causation. Could be a plant disease or an insect infestation. Have you controlled for this? Not trying to be cute, but I'm constantly frustrated by amateur scientists who draw conclusions from too little data.

In the bigger picture, our main problem is not TPTB with their false narratives. Those are fairly easy to spot, especially when we have scientists like Jessica on our side. The main problem is people with no scientific background making unsubstantiated claims, like for example 'viruses don't exist' or '5g is causing cancer.' You see this all over the place and when you challenge it, you get attacked, or worse, accused of being an agent of discord when the actual discord is coming from the unsubstantiated claims.

Make no mistake, by getting all worked up about them you're creating a market for charlatans who'll be only too happy to feed the delusion because it makes them money. In the immortal word of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, you'll pay to know what you really think.

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Well said! I also get perplexed by the 5G fears and “viruses don’t exist” beliefs. And there are many more unfortunately. I’m willing to learn otherwise, but all I hear are “claims” and no substantial proof.

Here’s one of my favorites - we eradicated polio with vaccines. Polio was on its way out when the vaccine was introduced! There are graphs that clearly show this. The same for the other infectious diseases. Tip of the iceberg…

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They pretend this isn't already happening. But if you can use your superior scientific expertise to convince people that what they see is caused by some other force, then you got the narrative down pat. Here.


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That’s a lot of jets! Any idea where they’re coming from?

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Sorry for the length of this, but I hope you persevere. They are military and private military contractors. We have quite a few Air Force Bases in New Mexico. Here's an article that pretends that "cloud seeding" is for your own good. For all I know you are a covid narrative supporter, but if not, the last few sentences, which I will print out in case you don't care to read the whole gas lighting piece of propaganda, spells out their intent.

Brackin adds that while scientists want to achieve a 99.99 percent probability that a technology consistently works, the industry doesn’t need that kind of certainty or consistency to succeed. He likens cloud seeding to a cutting-edge medication that’s still in development: “If you’re dealing with a serious ailment and you were offered a medicine that had a 60 percent chance of working, or even 20 percent, would you take it? You probably would.”

Here's the whole article.


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I keep hearing about 'chemtrails' but I've yet to see any solid evidence, which to me seems easy enough to collect if you're really determined. How? Buy a gallon of distilled water and separate it into two parts. One pint as a control, the rest you can put in a tank in the back yard or on your roof. Wait a period of time (determined by the evaporation rate) then bottle the remaining pint from the tank. Repeat the process over a reasonable time frame - a few months to a year - then take your samples and controls to a lab and have them analyzed. Any heavy metals will turn up in the assay.

I dunno, maybe someone's already done this, but i haven't seen it.

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I don't think you need to go to such trouble. As you can see below, the technology exists as is well documented. Been going on 40 years if I recall. The question then is simple: is it being used to feign another crisis? Really, there's no point discussing the 'science' when it's already pretty well accepted as a 'fait accompli' everywhere.

I downloaded a massive report on Alberta weather modification. The 'ingredients' are on page 8. https://canucklaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/A-2022-01018-Release-Weather-Modification.pdf

Another link here: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/1_weather-response-Christine-Release-Package-A-2022-00465-2022-11-08.pdf

Also, interesting article coming from a 'normal' scientific stance (in other words, not trying to be political or anything, just factual). https://now.northropgrumman.com/making-rain-science-weather-manipulation?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Best doc I've seen on it yet: Unconventional Grey https://rumble.com/v39uii8-un-conventional.html Please share widely.

Maybe you're interested in the Weather Modification Association promoting business on said technology? https://weathermod.org/

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Cloud seeding to make rain has been around a long time. That's not what I'm objecting to. It's the sensationalizing of "chemtrails" I'm talking about - the idea that massive spraying operations are taking place for other more nefarious purposes, and that every vapour trail seen in the sky is "proof" of this. Often the trails are seen in a crisscross pattern as if that were proof in itself and not simply evidence of intersecting flight paths in areas of dense commercial air traffic. It's not just the nature of the claims being made though, it's the people making them. Far too confident in their beliefs, and when you try to debate them they typically resort to ad hominem, like accusing you of being an agent or not reading the 'proof' they offer you, both of which occurred right here on this thread.

When I see the kind of scientific rigor being applied to the claims as I see with vaccine safety for example, maybe then I'll take the claims more seriously. Until then, it's just another conspiracy theory, and as much as I hate the term, I think it's apropos in this instance.

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For the love of god, there are many articles everywhere about it. Heavy metals have turned up in the assays. I'm so tired of people who were clever enough to see through the covid insanity pretending to question hard evidence and spreading their "disbelief" to others. Wake up. But I have a feeling you are placed to discredit any of the geoengineering data.

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"But I have a feeling you are placed to discredit any of the geoengineering data. "

What did I just say?

"You see this all over the place and when you challenge it, you get attacked, or worse, accused of being an agent of discord when the actual discord is coming from the unsubstantiated claims."

You're kind of making my case here.

Here's a suggestion. Do a web search on 'ebear' then tell me how many posts you can find where I express skepticism about 'chemtrails.' Of course this could be my first day on the job as agent ebear, which would account for you finding nothing.

You also make an assumption that I've "seen through the covid insanity." Why is that? Because I'm posting on this forum? That doesn't prove anything. I occasionally post on Unz.com. Does that make me a white nationalist? Point is, you don't learn anything by only engaging people who agree with you. All that does is create an echo chamber where the first person that disagrees (such as myself) gets labelled a 'troll' or an 'agent.' Been there enough times.

Look, there are scientists who study vaccines, scientists who study climate, scientists who study history and politics... do they all agree with each other? There's also scientists who study human behaviour, especially as it relates to 'belief systems.' We're not interested in who's *right* about a particular topic. We want to know why people believe the things they do, and more to the point, why do so few people ask themselves this critical question: Why do I believe the things I believe?

"For the love of god, there are many articles everywhere about it."

Is that a good foundation for believing something? Quantity? There's plenty of articles that claim the 'vaccines' are safe and effective, or that climate change is a result of man-made carbon emissions. Do you believe them?

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In case you don't read far enough on my following post to get to the articles, I post them here as well.

Here's this article that pretends they are not already doing the genocidal spraying. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/01/white-house-cautiously-opens-door-to-study-blocking-suns-rays-to-slow-global-warming-ee-00104513

An old one https://www.globalresearch.ca/prof-michel-chossudovsky-manipulating-weather-part-military-arsenal-should-part-climate-discussion/5793885

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"Will you read my entire post or pick and choose?"

"In case you don't read far enough "

Wow, you're really combative. How do ad hominems like that do anything to support your case? You've already implied that I'm some kind of agent, now you're suggesting that I'm not reading what you posted? Kind of insulting actually.

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Check out Reinette Senum's Foghorn Express on substack.

She is forming a lawsuit over the geoengineering situation. She's done a lot of work on it. And has a number of interviews on her site.

She lives in CA. Was a mayor in Nevada City until she quit over cvid issues.

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I subscribe to her substack. It seemed to me that things might have ground to a halt there. I'll have to check it out again. thx.

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I find Jessica quite acceptable. 😎🙏

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Thank you, Dr Rose. You may be interested in this new study on excess deaths in Australia (470 pages). Here is the Substack link which contains the free PDF download: https://open.substack.com/pub/phillipaltman/p/an-inquiry-into-australias-excess?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Ah, I see your name is already in there as a contributor. Perhaps others in here will be interested. Sincerely, David White

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Go Jessica! Keep being the relentless pitbull! Thank you

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Jess, I love your tenacity, courage and fierce drive for truth, not backing down fir anything or anyone! This is the war. You are a warrior! Don’t back down.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Who is this troll? Identify him and I'll execute him.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Yes, call the Troll out that we may all annihilate it.

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it seems like some of the former Eastern Block countries are ahead of the curve in the truth war. hopefully the arrogance of the majority of my fellow citizens of the United States will subside when they realize that our hegemony on the world stage is ending and we have no one to blame but our own leaders, especially the shadow ones.

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they would have lots of experience in propaganda, so skepticism and seeking trsnsparency would naturally be high.

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Russians are natural skeptics - to a fault even. Trying to organize them is like herding cats, but threaten them collectively and boy, watch out! It's like dropping a seed crystal in a saturated liquid.

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Ivor Cummins interviews professor Gordan Lauc, official advisor to the Croatian Government on Pandemic Management Strategy. About the real science and the absurd politics -> https://odysee.com/@IvorCummins:f/ep123-professor-gordon-lauc-official:5

Interview a year later -> https://odysee.com/@IvorCummins:f/ep152-professor-gordan-lauc-viral:f

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That video trailer is awesome. The producer is to be applauded. Now Jessica if you could have looked up and too the right a bit more with your gaze focused similarly .. :) The lot of you look like superheroes! Great vid.

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