Divide and conquer has been the most effective strategy for Millennia.

We need to recognize it and not play into it

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Unfortunately, I have found it essential to divide myself from those who want to divide. I know it sounds illogical. I don't want unity with absolutely everyone.

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Definition of life ,that which resists entropy ,we need division it's vital👍🍻all things are valid including the invalid🥴

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We need to deal with the idea of "war". Or, if I may quote: "I have met the enemy, and it is us. "

That's a rough one. Jean Paul Satre said that "the enemy if The Other". No lie.

So, this idea of separation is within us. Why? What created this? How is it maintained?

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The I ,the ego ,the self it's at death we return to the source and experience oneness with the source, it's the return to unity.its the part within the whole.We need the separation to experience all that is,all experience is to be experienced .What is your purpose? Your purpose is to experience and through experience all things are known.

That which resists entropy= life.

.It may be the wine🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷👍

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Jan 29, 2023Edited
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Bog off troll👍

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Steve Rooke: Right? First time I have seen one of these bots on substack. Hoping it's also the last.

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She has popped up on a few different substack feeds🤔

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First language is not human, tho.

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An Aussie tradie makes much more than that.

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Says Who????

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My mom👍

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Question everything. Do not rely on the "kindness" and "words" of strangers. Do not believe anything in the mainstream media and what big pharma says...

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I would add, do not "be-lie-ve". When one says "I believe"...one is relieving oneself of responsibility to KNOW. It is saying, essentially, I don't know, but this is how I want it to be. "

That's why "belief systems" are held as inviolable. Because they are based on desire, and ingnorance. The are the essence of the three poisons: what we want, what we don't want, and what we choose to ignore, which makes us "ignorant".

The beauty of a "belief system", if you'll think about it, is that it can neither be proved, not disproved.

Now, why would that be so valuable?

Just asking....I've spent years thinking about these things.

Freedom and liberty are practices.

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But the science is sacred and it's not belief as I believe in science👍🍷🧚

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Beautifully written, Jessica. Your sincerity comes through, as it did in your interview with Matt Ehret. Yet I question whether unity is a wise strategy, and that's something I say with love for all players, for whom I have no anger. It's important to know what's really happening and why.

Both you and Sasha have pointed out that the Project Veritas video was scientifically unbelievable--that's not how gain of function is done, throwing some infected monkeys together and seeing what happens. To anyone with a shred of logic, much more knowledge of the process, that would be obvious. When I saw the second video of the confrontation, it was such an obviously staged event in which PV was another player. I could go into detail but you've seen it for yourself, yes?

Watching Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch and Tucker Carlson publicize it as a real leak took away any shred of doubt that they're in on it. The only question left is what "it" is. What's their strategy?

I don't know the clip you're talking about but it's the larger point that continues to bother me. Will there come a point when you either need to go along with something you don't agree with, or admit that those who've promoted your work were on the other side--thereby discrediting yourself with them. That's the trap I see looming in the distance. FWIW.

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you make amazing points. i love that you are questioning unity. my 'version' of unity is more akin to independent but communal productivity... it's more an idea than something i have fully visualized. :)

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Thank you so much, Jessica, for understanding that I'm not wanting to create conflict, even in your own mind, but figure out if there is a conflict in the situation that's beneath the surface. I LOVED the interview of you and Matt, I've been a big fan of him and his wife, and there was so much respect and affection in your talk. I don't know if you've seen the episode he did of "Why is Robert Malone Spreading Anti-China Misinformation?" I went back to the RM post he was critiquing, a guest post by Claire Lopez. I found that Robert hadn't deleted my past comments when he revoked my subscription and what I'd written was, "I'm sorry Dr. Malone but this reads like propaganda..." and detailed why. I don't know what the end game is, but creating hysteria about Chinese bioweapons in the future might be part of it. Here's Matt (which I may have already sent you, sorry): https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/why-is-robert-malone-pushing-anti

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Chinese bio weapons are real reason for concern, and that concern I don’t see as hysteria

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Hi, Bridget, thanks for responding! I ended up listening to Matt's interview twice and he gives a number for how many bioterrorism labs (which I think is the correct term since they can't be targeted to combatants or used for defense) the US has (lots) vs. China (2). Some of these are in the US like Fort Detrick, near my hometown. Fort Detrick sent soldiers to Wuhan just before the outbreak for some competition and they were said to have been sick, infecting hotel staff close by the market. I don't know if that's true but we certainly have the stats on Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance funding bioterrorism in Wuhan. And then there's the U of NC at Chapel Hill that's been implicated. And we know about all the US-funded bioterrorism labs in Ukraine, which may have been developing ethnically-specific viruses against those of Russian descent.

In one of my old YT episodes, I compare 'dual function' labs to breeding sabertooth tigers in case they come back in the wild: Cui Bono Covid? https://youtu.be/jSF7O2FI0S4. The chances of them escaping are much higher. So yes, developing any weapon of terrorism--biological, chemical or nuclear--should be prosecuted as a crime against humanity, no matter what country does it.

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I agree😉

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Think about how we took down the Walls of Jericho, Jessica.

We had a friggin' epic party, that's how, and we sang and stomped and clapped and danced day and night until the walls began to dance with us, And the walls came tumbling down, girl.

They have no choice.

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If I may throw something in with trying to tie in other folks, and perhaps opening a new avenue to research:

In this recent video re: the mRNA vaccines being a DOD "Live Military War Response" https://rumble.com/v26xpbc-dod-vaccine-press-conference-tuesday-january-24-230p-et.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2

There's a statement made at 2:21:30 in which V. Lynn (runs Patriot Party Podcast on Rumble) says that her husband (currently serving in the military) had previously been given Anthrax 3 and 4 vaccines (and getting very sick from them), but subsequently received a mRNA vaccine shot, and his bloodwork shows NO indication of having ever received the vaccine.

She went on to say that a doctor friend is now at the NIH, and is conducting an off-the-books study about the interaction of the Anthrax 3/4 vaccines and the mRNA vaccines.

This is the PDF of the advisory for the video above, and included Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Phillip Altman, and a retired senior US DOD officer.


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Wow. Now I'm nervous for Jessica - what she gonna decide?? I hate drama!!!

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decide? hands down: whatever's true.

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How do you KNOW what's true? I wonder what my own "knowing" of truth comes from....I've been fooled often, and I'm not all that easy to fool. But I've been such a fool, so often!!!

How...do...we...KNOW??? Maybe I need to go back to Foucault again and again, for he wrote an entire book on "how we know".

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listen to your heart. seriously.

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Or instead of Foucault who never had an original thought (go read DeSade's The Bedroom Philosophers, Foucault's entre schtick is copied from the character Dolmance's lectures) consider that the entire question is pointless sophistry, as is 99% of all french philosphy anyway.

You think, therefore you are. But how do you know you think? Because you question. If you didn't know to think, you couldn't question your questioning of your questioning (repeat in eternity).

Some things are eternal truths. Some are conditional. And some are truths to the tune of "It'll do for now", "It serves purpose" and "This seems to fit together with the rest I know".

Better tha nthat is impossible due to the nature of the question itself, since the question "How do you know?" when asked metaphysically is just another version of Zeno's paradox: you'll never get there, because there's always another question answer first.

The Nietszchean perspective is far superior as it dispenses with the sophistry and instead uses Will as the fulcrum of reality. Contrast this with the bleatings of the french perverts and pederasts called philosophers:

"I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me." R.E. Howard.

As I said, the Foucault-style question and questioning is pointless and seeks to make men slaves, their minds addled by the word-magic of self-purported philosophers.

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This is not a text I've studied much, The Will To Knowledge , but only read some of. However, If you, as I, have read many, many Foucault books....you may recall that the insistence always is upon THE PRIMACY OF PRACTICE TO IDEOLOGY. Foucault studied history through practices, not by a chronological timeline. He is primarily a historian, and from this evidence he draws philosophical observations. He does not start ungrounded in reality.

As far as your judgment that "he never had an original thought", well, you may get to debate this with him someday. Pretty damned arrogant to say such a thing about anyone, whatsoever. But, I'm used to this kind of rage. Noam Chomsky didn't fare too well.

So, I study his revelations regarding the practices. "The proof is in the pudding", you know?

As far as Foucault being labeled and pigeonholed, I don't learn anything from doing that to any perspective. I suspect you are aware that he followed homosexual practices, not surprising as he was educated partially in a Jesuit school, and he does make careful small mention of the practices of the elite a couple of times throughout his works, not specifics tho. There's a lot to be gleaned there. Anyone who cannot learn from "their named enemy" is doomed.

Actually, Foucault was very familiar with Nietszch, quoted and referred to him in his works. He is considered an historian, first and foremost.

So, if you want to discuss Madness and Civilization; or The Birth of The Clinic; or Abnormal; or Discipline and Punish;

When you state : "some things are eternal truth; somethings are conditional" you say nothing whatsoever at all. Who says? Prove it!! Talk about ungrounded philosophizing@@@ "eternal".

But when it comes to your buddies Domance, and Will, and Zeno...couldn't be less interested.

Thanks for the critique tho. Do come back at me with specific passages to discuss, if you'd like.

I see that you are not conceited, you are convinced. So be it.

You go your way, baby, I'll go mine.

Yes, I can see the scorn here. Well, what else do you have to match that amazing scholarship, "angry man with a beard"????

For someone who rants about random "french perverts and pederasts", sorry for you , where you live and the shitty culture there. It's Europe, dude, and you all have always hated one another, and proven it with endless warfare.

And you know what mr angry beard? The rest of the planet is sick and tired of your endless fucking wars. So put that in your philosophers cap, and stew.

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Truth is embodied in the person who said "I am the way, the truth, and the life". "By Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." I think all of us can experience elements of the truth. But it is important to remember that truth is true regardless of your belief system and does not require your acquiescence or understanding.

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I choose not to build my reality upon disembodied voices/proclamations coming from nowhere and everywhere at once.

Or, basically..."WHO SAYS?"

in my philosophical discussion, the "god trick" is not allowed.

This is philosophy, not theology.

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Thanks for subbing me Pete! I also don't like drama and it's hard for me to distrust anyone, especially someone whose work I've admired and been an active participant in, like Malone's. The same way that Jessica applies logic to biology, however, is how I approach social problems. And so this started for me by taking the lawsuit Malone filed against the Breggins, which he had posted, and analyzing it for internal consistency. What I found is that everything he was calling libel were the same things he presented as his credentials in the suit--it was the implications and their conclusions that he called libel. But if their facts are facts, and their logic is that these imply something, you can't argue their conclusion is libel. So this is something I came to reluctantly, since I was a fan and active supporter, and posted these two episodes on it:



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You do not swim in the swamp for 30 years without knowing where the bodies are buried. I believe and have always believed that Malone knows A LOT more than he is willing to expose. During his one and only interview with Stew Peters, Malone stated there were things he could not discuss in order to protect his career. Needless to say the no BS Peters lit into Malone for that statement. I happened to watch that interview live and knew then Malone would NEVER be on Peters again or be a fan of Peters.

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I simply cannot and never have understood why anyone would trust Malone for a single word. He helped create this crap, and he hasn't quit, I'm sure.

"Money doesn't talk, it swears."

US Poet Laureate, Robert Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan

Folks need to get over looking for and worshiping some "savior" or "hero"

"Good luck with that" my angels laugh.

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I think in the case of Dr Malone, we should look at the results and outcomes of him speaking out. And I think it is good. More awareness is good. We don’t all have to join his fan club, although I am a fan. He is the first credible voice that opened my eyes in June 2021.

That he can straddle the line between his government contacts and his public voice makes him unique. He can’t completely reject his old contacts if he wants to try to change that system. In a system that’s been the same for years, we have to work together when we can, and accept any incremental change as a big victory.


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Love your moniker, ZC! I have also been a fan and paid sub to Malone for the last year, and I've loved and related to nearly all of what he writes. It was probably my main community hub. When the Breggins opposed him, which I only heard from him, I gave it no credibility. It was only when someone commented about his $25M lawsuit, and he posted the filing, that I became analytical.

If you look at the episode I did on it, you'll see that I never attack Malone. The only question I'm answering is whether his suit against the Breggins is valid or an act of intimidation. I look at his internal consistency with things he's said before. What I found is that all their factual statements that he cites as libel are things he's said himself. Much of it is about their criticism of Desmet's theories--hardly slander. So that made me look at everything else he's now doing and saying with a questioning lens. I don't know what's true but I do know that what he's saying about the Breggin's attack on him isn't true, much less deserving of a $25M lawsuit. Here's the episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/who-is-robert-malone-really.

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I'm sure Dr. Malone is grateful for your exculpatory pop psychologizing of his motives.

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Hello Tereza, you might enjoy the recent Dark Horse podcast where evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying share some of their hypotheses on GoF, serial passaging and directed evolution with helpful definitions. It helped me understand what Sasha Latypova was trying to convey. Although they found the PV video somewhat genuine (which I understand your disagreement) , they go onto describe Walker's incompetence and potential dangers for research. At the end Brett cautions the dissidents without naming names ( I presumed Malone) about falling into the trap and connecting dots that do not exist. They handled that professionally and succinctly. Discussion begins around min marker 53:19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QkyRmuAdGU&t=5987s

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I just posted the Substack version that talks about this. It ends with this conversation and Weinstein: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/is-malone-the-zelensky-of-the-covid. Thanks for adding that info!

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Hi, PP. I did watch this, thank you! And I included a response in my video. When Bret cautions those too eager to respond, I think he's giving cover to Malone because so many people, Jessica included, have called the credibility of the Pfizer actor's statements into question. I also find the "anti-woke dogwhistles" in the reaction ('there are too many white people, I'm not feeling safe!) to be right in Bret's wheelhouse. You know he lost his university job over some 'woke' confrontation and sued for a hefty settlement? I agree with his anti-woke position, but he falls for the bait hook, line & sinker. I'll get it up on Substack with text tomorrow but here's the YT: https://youtu.be/N9KrLggqRi4.

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Thanks for the reference, PP, I'll check that out! I did one of my early YTs on Bret called The Demonization and Demonetization of Disinformation, with this description: Thinking of disinformation as short for dissenting information, I delve into the meaning of the word radical, the origin of demons, the fallacies of rhetoric, the rules for critical thinking, and the question of ultimate reality: https://youtu.be/9UlgpFoaIJc. We actually have the same alma mater, although he's years later.

You bring up the danger, though, that I think I'm trying to warn Jessica about: once you know someone's on the other side, do you question everyone they're associated with? Since Malone and Kirsch launched on Bret's podcast, is he a credible source? I don't know that answer, I'm just saying that it makes him not neutral or objective in going along with them that this is an actual expose and not psy-ops. But I will check it out!

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It certainly becomes challenging to unify when actors may be involved specifically to undermine and protect the interests of power. It is good that people have stepped up to question the veritas sting video . Who may be actors designed to undermine ? Malone is a good candidate , as is Berenson. That Malone was so willing to respond to this video under such circumstances , considering what has already been his experience with media representation seems fool hearty. So fool hearty for such a smart individual that it raises suspicions, yes. With a strong background in working with the DOD even more so.

Recently , information pointing to the role DOD has played in the pandemic might be some kind of motivation toward redirecting attention to industry . But who really knows the real story , and is still living ?

Undermining unification toward a common goal is not too challenging and people should not even think it is possible . The only

Thing that really can be possible is the agency of intent . And when that intent is present, embodied , and acted upon , then it is the success under these conditions

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Good points, Swc! I hadn't thought about the DoD deflecting blame onto Pfizer.

I find that unification towards a common goal is a long slog. Herding cats, as the saying goes. The cheap and easy route to unification is a common enemy or a common superiority to another group. Those are the unifications I resist and it leaves me pretty much alone ;-)

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I posted my video on the discussion, and included your points (without attribution, I'm afraid) about the DoD: https://youtu.be/N9KrLggqRi4. Thanks for your good thoughts!

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I’m not familiar with the specific instance that sparked this meditation, and I’m glad. I don’t care about the drama and am not going to give energy to it, but I LOVE what you alchemized it into, Jessica.

This is a beautiful example of humble self-reflection/recalibration; intellectual curiosity; exploration of epistemology; emphasis on what matters most; examination of the mechanisms of manipulation; and a gracious reminder to rise above the petty differences being seeded to divide us.

When you described the conflict between the continually fluctuating propaganda messaging and your gut intuition/knowledge/experience, I immediately thought of the Dissident Dialogue I’m currently conducting with Meredith Miller (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller — I’m publishing individual questions for paid subs as it unfolds but will make the full version available to the public once it’s completed; I would gladly gift you a subscription if you’d like to read it in the meantime—just sign up and I’ll comp you if so).

In the Q&A I will be publishing next, Meredith talks about the use of hypnotic induction by confusion in the COVID messaging, which helps induce what she calls a “psychoneurospiritual state of captivity.” In Q&A #3 (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-ecd), she describes five traits that differentiate those of us who saw through the propaganda from those who fell for it. You have clearly demonstrated those characteristics here, and that will make you resilient to future efforts to control us.

Thank you for being AWAKE, ALIVE, and ALIGHT, Jessica 🔥

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This is the best comment. EVER.

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“psychoneurospiritual state of captivity"

Is this related to one of the prerequisites for "mass formation"? sounds familiar.

also, given "To feel that something is wrong but to constantly be mocked for feeling this way, even by your own mind, is very unbalancing", it feels like the time is ripe for the next psy-op / hypnosis to start, with almost everyone being in a free-floating state of anxiety yet again.

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Meredith coined the term “psychoneurospiritual state of captivity,” and it’s actually closer to Stockholm Syndrome and trauma bonding. We do address Mattias’s theory in the questions I will be publishing next, but the short answer is it’s different :-)

My view is the free-floating anxiety is a constant and has been for at least a century as advertisers, politicians, and other public-opinion engineers cultivate it for profit, power, and menticide. It has only increased in intensity due to greater access permitted by social media, cell phones, and other technology. I highly recommend Adam Curtis’s “Century of the Self,” which I included in my first essay:

• “A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized)

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"It has only increased in intensity due to greater access permitted by social media,"

It's a bit paradoxical that the very same greater-access-providing social media operate via censorship, bans, boosts, etc. to limit ones view of the world in such a way as to make it easy for the controllers to shape the narrative as they please. The whole thing is a hall of mirrors.

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Wow. Noah's ark as a metaphor for what is happening now.

I can't get that out of my head.

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same here...wanna really trip out on all that.?...try this....there's a lot there, I've been digesting it for years, over and over...but then, I steer with the stars.....enjoy


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Hugs to you, Jessica. Many many hugs.

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i am a landlubber so I will keep on walking, biking, writing and cheering for Novak.

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yay :)

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And you Jessica. And Byram Bridle and Peter McCullough and all associated with the Covid Care Alliances in the States and Canada.

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I would agree that much of the propaganda being dished out is designed to divide and conquer. We get divided into tribes that then attack each other over social issues that have remained unresolved for decades, or over newly manufactured crises, or whatever else happens to be a handy diversion away from what the ruling elites are really up to. Passions run high.

I believe it's a widespread environment of fear (and Mattias Desmet's "free-floating anxiety") that elicits such emotional reactions. What we ALL have in common gets completely lost. In such an environment we have little chance of exercising the only real power we have left in this failed democracy -- our power of superior numbers, out in the streets demanding change.

It's my view that the only two "tribes" that matter in today's world are: 1) the uber-rich elites who, via their big-money influence and intimidation, have captured the government and are dictating virtually all world events, and 2) all of the rest of us, who are slowly slipping under their total authoritarian control. Tribe #1 is the ROOT CAUSE of virtually all of the problems that we argue over endlessly. If the tribe of uber-rich elites continue to rule, we the people lose. Period. It's a class war. Everything else takes second place.

Just as one example, differences between Republican values and Democratic values cannot be resolved, especially at the national level, when our Congress dances only to the tune of the donor class and not to the electorate. Arguments over those values matter, of course, but are virtually a waste of time in today's environment because no significant action is possible. Differences between conservative values and liberal values cannot be resolved for the same reason. So arguments over those values are similarly a waste of time right now. The only conversation that really matters, in my opinion, is how to overthrow the narcissistic sociopaths that currently have us and our children by the throat. The conversation is urgent because time is running out. Total authoritarian control is closing in.

Our job, then, is to take every opportunity, over and over again, to point out that this tribal bickering we so compulsively engage in is a waste of time. To point out over and over again that fighting amongst ourselves is exactly what they want us to do. And to make sure to point out EXACTLY HOW each of our wasteful arguments reflects back on Tribe #1 and the class war; i.e., the enemy that we all have in common.

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Apparently 700,billion is missing from the UK economy☝️🇬🇧🧚

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Right? I doubt the wheat farmer in Ukraine cares one whit for what wheat farmers are doing in Russian, who don't care what ranchers in the US are doing, who don't give a rats ass what rice farmers are doing the the far east.

For the matter republican farmers don't care about democrat corn farmers are doing. It is always the parasitic acquisition minded greedy that still up enmity amongst us. If we ignore the leeches on their soap boxes, if we had ignored them when the started this lunatic plandemic, the world would not be on the brink of societal collapse.

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Yes. Forever and a day it's been the rich and powerful playing "mine is bigger than yours" who send other peoples' sons and daughters off to fight and die in THEIR wars of aggression.

If left to our own devices, in properly sized communities where friendship, trust, and mutual aid can prevail, I believe we ordinary folks just want to live peacefully together, making as much of this life as we can for ourselves and our children.

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And tell me, please, ...how do the "rich and powerful" become "rich and powerful"???

Could it be the worship of money?

How many persons do you know who do not seek to gain "riches and power"????

I don't know many. Maybe a handful. We are considered fools, as the sacredness of "vows of poverty" is incomprehensible in a machine driven world.

It's the money, and everything we want it for, that controls.

We give them power, by loving their "money", and all that comes with it, with which they promise us "power and control" over our lives.

Know anyone as just loves being dirt poor in this nation?

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The difference I see in those at the very top who would send us off to war, and also their minions who would aid them in rigging the system for the benefit of the very few, is the tendency toward psychopathy or sociopathy. By definition, such people have no empathy. They have no guilt or regret over the harms they cause others.

I would agree that a certain amount of greed and self-serving behavior runs through all of us. But in normal times we try to moderate it by the application of empathy, the golden rule, and other aspects of living a moral life within a community of others. In my view we are now living in abnormal times, increasingly so for several decades. People have become stressed, anxious, confused, isolated, lonely, fearful, and generally fed up. Our collective behavior reflects this.

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Descartes is a disaster: he taught people to doubt objective reality and to create matrixes in their precious little minds.

The ultimate lie is evolution. Get red-pilled on that, & a lot of other answers fall into place.

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I agree that Descartes is a bad example, a vivisectionist who believed that animals didn't feel pain as humans do; " I think, therefore I am!" (cogito Ergo Sum) was never particularly sound philosophy; and neither was "man is the measure of all things"(Epictetus?) A much more honest and saner proposition is that " man is the only animal who blushes or has need to" (Mark Twain).

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lol good one...

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i think therefore i am...

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I think, therefore I am unjabbed.

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good t shirt text...

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I think, therefore I am hungry.

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You’re amazing keep on keeping on and thank you for doing what you’re doing and standing up for all of us in these dark times

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Trust your gut and find your tribe! Unite in nonviolent noncompliance. Very much looking forward to viewing the conference, especially Dr Arne Burkhardt's patho slides. Was Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Catherine Austin Fitts, or any of the other doctors4covidethics.org or the UKcolumn.org there also? Thanks again Dr Rose xx oo 🫂

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nope. Sucharit was in Vienna though at the Better Way Conference.

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He is a light.

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We are living in an age of asymmetric bullshit, and our enemies have got so used to lying with it that they just can't stop. They have also got rich and powerful because of it, and their minions and todies are foreever circling the wagons to protect them. I used to rage against it, but I have a large beaten copper Sun on my wall, and it gives great comfort to know, when I glance at it, that the only thing that matters in the world is that the Sun comes up in the morning. The shits that they are watch our every move, but I do not care. The truth will out. It always has. Thank you Jessica for what you do.

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Very well written, I think you touched upon some of the same things that Robert Malone talked about with his speech on 5th gen warfare, we need to be careful as to not be unknowingly manipulated.

And even though the mainstream media in Scandinavia STILL is ignoring the conference, it seems like many people here are hearing about it anyway. It is hard to stop the truth, it will eventually come out!

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Awesome post. Important message 😍

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This is one of those pieces that is exactly the right piece at exactly the right time. I hope it gets wide, wide circulation. Thanks for bringing this all together.

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Grab a glass of 🍷? It’s only 11:30 am EST!

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Opened my special Christmas gifted bottle from France, jahrgang 2006...it was perfect to have with your post, and an old friend. Greetings from a fellow Canadian living in Switzerland. I must say we think the same about cookies....homemade all the way, and no cookie cuter shapes for me! Wobbly, craggy, void of chips, or bursting with them; it's all good! :-)

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But it's night time in Estonia...

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But...it's five o'clock SOMEWHERE!!

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And turn on some Doors music!! Precisely the one that starts:

"Well I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer

The future's uncertain and the end is always near. [No doubt.]

Let it roll, baby, roll....."

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And follow it up with Riders on the Storm.

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